Basking in Love & Joy

What if you could attract Unconditional Love and Joy into your Life!? How would it feel to be basking in the Love and Joy of the Divine Spirit, burning within you more brightly every moment? Guidance and my friends Curt and Mary have led me to read “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires” from Esther and Jerry Hicks and their Guides, “The Teachings of Abraham.” The thought that is germinating within my consciousness relates to Abraham’s guiding principle of the Law of Attraction which says that if your consciousness dwells on a thought, with strong emotion, this vision can manifest more easily for you. (Clue: think about what you desire NOT what you would avoid!)

In Masters of the Journey we share stories from epiphanies, experiences and challenges which we have learned from. As we listen to the “Story Teller,” we can resonate with the lesson and the emotions which go along with this learning. As a small, or large, group we can combine our attentions to attract the best part of these insights and more powerfully attract these messages from the Divine Spirit. We can celebrate the learning and new awareness as we share these consciousness expanding experiences.

An example might include, the Joy and excitement of watching a child being born into this world. What a blessing! We might share the epiphany from a deeply moving meditation where “Oneness” and connection to all living things is experienced! Or, we might find the sharing of a story where a Near Death Experience celebrates where Unconditional Love from the Divine is deeply felt and experienced. Know the Joy! These examples bring a special feeling to you even as you read them…??? Of course, in a group sharing, the moment in time combines many souls resonating in this enlightenment and can make the sharing a more powerful experience which can embed itself deeply into your consciousness. This is the value and benefit of sharing “positive” stories in a group. Humans have done this for thousands of years around the Tribe’s campfire or the dinner table.

We can be more conscious and look to celebrate the epiphanies which we have or which are shared by our group’s members. Not with envy, but with sincere celebration, as we resonate in the deep feelings attached to these learnings. We are all Masters and can teach from our life’s experiences. We can Bask in Joy and Love with the story tellers as we witness their wonderment. It feels good to be connected with a support group who offer positive messages and share moments of consciousness. The stories of awakenings serve as a model, or create a new doorway, for the “witness” to uncover new ways to achieve their lessons on a path toward “Enlightenment.”

What is “Enlightenment?” This may seem to take different forms or have foundations in different life experiences. For me, Enlightenment is a “Knowing” that we are all connected to the Divine Spirit and each other. We “remember” the joy of unconditional love and support, and the pure acceptance that goes along with it. We feel the freedom from the limitations of the ego and the physical body with its entrapment in a 3 dimensional, “Time” limited, existence. We know our connection with a Universal Wisdom. We remember that we are much greater than the physical incarnation we have chosen to learn our current lessons. (Though we should not deny the great importance and opportunity to live in the life we have chosen… Even with its challenges. It is amazing, a miracle!) But, once you have a conscious epiphany regarding what Enlightenment is, “on the other side of the Veil,” you will never be able to go back and to live as a naive, unaware person. This “instant” will change you 24/7 for your ongoing existence.

YOU are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a MASTER! Live in Joy and Love. Find your bliss!

If you would like to share your story and be supported, consider a community like, Masters of the Journey. Where ever possible bask in the telling of stories of “awakening.” Resonate with the most positive feelings and remembrances of enlightenment!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

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