Loneliness is NOT an Illusion

We are the MOST “connected” society AND we are the MOST Lonely society! Yes, we celebrate the “illusion” that we do not feel our loneliness because we have apparatus which pretends to keep us “in touch” with “friends.” Many of us are addicted, YES addicted, to our smart phones and tablets with the expectation that our FB posts, or our Tweets, or texting, or our Instagram offerings are showing the WORLD, our world, that we are fully participating and really proud and joyful about our lives even if it looks like our breakfast or our cute pet postings. Yet, loneliness exists. You can see loneliness in the desperate behaviors which surround us.

Example. I came at 8:15 AM to stand in line at REI (Recreational Equipment Inc) for the semi annual “Garage sale.” The store opened at 9:00 AM and I was 40 or 50 in line with 45 minutes to opening. These are hardcore outdoor enthusiasts trying to get a good deal so they can go backpacking, camping, hiking, cycling, kayaking, or whatever. ALL 40 or 50 of these line standers was ON THEIR SMART PHONES! So, I asked the people with me in the lengthening line, “was it mandatory to be on my smart phone as I a waited the store opening?” Pretty much YES. So I pulled out my smart phone so I would not look stupid or upset the others in line, I say sarcastically. I did manage to engage the people around me in conversation and we were clearly old friends by the time we pushed into the store. Because we chatted, I could talk with them to find out if they had found the specific gear that they had arrived so early to acquire. THIS IS NOT UNIQUE. Look around at the line in the expresso place or bus stop or market, or bank or ….

Many of us have lost touch with our ability to have deeper conversations and emotional interactions with real, live, responding, human friends or family. Yes, I have seen, and so have you, people sitting in the same room, even across the table from each other, and TEXTING the person in the room. What is that about? That is about addiction to technology and false idols of communication. The illusion that some how we are not suffering from addiction and loneliness. Two dimensional text messages are NOT a substitute for a hug or looking into the eyes of someone who needs support or encouragement. It does not include gestures, body language, or tone of voice. Texting is NOT the way wisdom and experience can be shared in any meaningful way. Yes, superficial sharing is SAFE and easy and quick but it is NOT a deeply felt human interaction. The kind of interaction that truly supports us.

There have been studies of children raised in Eastern European orphanages where babies and young children were left for hours without human contact and touching. Many of these children grew up with severe mental, emotional, and even physical disabilities. My point is that people need human interaction and nurturing AND technology has NOT found the way to reach out and really touch you like face to face interactions are supposed to offer. AND, if you do not see this effect upon our human culture just look around. People can not speak with clarity or depth about important relationship issues. We seem to require very graphic, adrenaline producing movies, TV, or gaming to get into our very limited attention spans. Teachers are fighting for their classrooms attention and must adjust to the lowest common denominator of the lowest attention span in the room.

People FEEL LONELY. We are NOT connected. We do not honor the wisdom and experience which is shut away in our retirement “homes,” senior housing, and “full care nursing facilities kept separate from our Youth Oriented culture. WE are lonely both Older folks and younger people. There is even discussion regarding a new psychological/emotional symptom in our psychological codes referred to as “Loneliness Syndrome.”

Fear is driving the technology addiction. We do not want to feel left out of this mass behavior. We do not want to be odd or “unpopular.” We do not want to stand up and actually speak because that attracts a spot light of attention and that can feel threatening. “someone may make “fun” of me.” It is easier to be “anonymous” in a snarky text or FB comment. Advertising insists that for our “young” lives to be successful, we must add the latest technology or “app.” We have not evolved so far in the past 35 years of the “Information Age” that the tribal behavior of sharing stories, and maybe wisdom, around the campfire, as we have done for thousands of years, is now SO obsolete and primitive that it does not work any more. Technology has changed the way we live but the need of looking into someone’s eyes as they share their story has not!

Let’s try some silliness and humor.
A dead guy is in line to see St Peter at the “Pearly Gates.” He has his cellphone with him. He walks up to the Gate Keeper and says “Can I take this with me? I am waiting for a Text. BTW (By the way) Pete, what is the WiFi password for heaven?” Or, “Is there a GPS for the “Higher Realms”???”

Though we find ourselves worshipping our: individualism, independence, separation, this can lead to emotional isolation and emotional/spiritual loneliness. Our souls are connected and yet we do not have time to remember this because our technology keeps interrupting our meditation. Yes, we are all connected but the internet still has a ways to evolve before it grasps the deepest levels of sharing, listening, and witnessing the wisdom we can find in each other.

Take a risk! Look a friend or a stranger in the eye and with sincerity ask them who they are. Thank them for being the soul which you have bumped into in the warm dryer called life! We are all in this together, whether you know this or not.

If you want to have this conversation with people who have committed to supporting other people AND their stories, consider our Masters of the Journey Community. You are a blessing and the experiences you have had in this life should be shared (for you and for the witnesses.)

Living in Your Drama

Has life treated you unfairly? Are you willing to share how other people have taken advantage of you? Are you distracted by these past injustices? Do you want to break out of this victim status, or does it work too well for you?

If you want to take back control of your life, YOU have have to change! You have to learn to let go of the old “victim habit” AND find a way to take responsibility. Perhaps you need to hear this message… YOU have made yourself a victim! It is your thinking which creates separation and thinks that some completely unrelated person is doing (or has done) something to you. No one can do something to you without you playing your part in this relationship! This event has happened, and will probably happen again, to you as a special learning that you are needing to learn. Yes, this is your lesson in this life AND it is your partner (the perpetrator) role and lesson.

You want to beat this? Forgive and take responsibility. Learn and let go. This is so easy for me to say AND so hard (difficult) for you to hear, let alone do, because you are so emotionally attached to the “drama.” Whether you know, or believe, it, we are ALL connected and we interact to share the lessons of life. We all have our roles to play and we are here to assist each other with these learnings. Your mind, your emotions, and your ego are taught by our culture to blame other people and to separate ourselves. It is not easy to step outside your pain and to see it from the “other side.” Why did this person do this to you? They have to learn their lesson of creating their Karmic debt so they can pay back this debt at some other time or in some other life.

We do not live in a “Random Universe.” There is a reason for every interaction and your lesson is to fill the “void” with forgiveness and then Love. Your purpose is to serve by role modeling grace, acceptance, forgiveness, and Love. I DO NOT SAY THAT THIS IS EASY OR FUN! This is a challenge and that is why we showed up in this life. AND, if we do not want to return, over and over, to repeat this lesson, we need to break out of the old pattern of response and appreciate all interactions in the most loving way. You can take control! You can be the vehicle for peace and acceptance. You are LOVE! Know the Divine Perfection within you AND let it shine. You are PERFECT!

Meditation in this incarnation helps a great deal! Finding the light of the Divine Spirit within you gives new meaning to your life. Your challenges are not easy or fun, you are here to learn. (This takes work.) You are a blessing! Whether you know it or not, you are a MASTER! You have much to teach and to share! The “Divine Spirit” can not exist without YOU! Yes, you are a small but critical piece of the whole of the Divine Spirit!

It is much easier to learn this with positive support. Please consider the connection with a positive community of acceptance and you may benefit from looking at Masters of the Journey. No matter what… YOU are a blessing and the Universe needs you to learn and progress through your lessons. We will support you BUT YOU need to make the choice to take responsibility and to choose Love over fear!

Dying to Know

Have you ever considered what it was like to be dead? We will all end our living by dying and then the mystery of what comes next becomes an activity that we will participate in. Some people consider that at death, we stop completely and there is nothing to look forward to. Some people believe that we travel to the “Pearly Gates,” get a few moments to reflect on our lives, and then head off to the “After Life” in Heaven or…. Some believe in “Re-incarnation” where we agree to return to Earth (or somewhere) in a new body for another “learning” in being human. Whatever your belief, the thought about what happens at the time of death has probably come up for you.

There have been many books written by people who have experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), or who have worked with people who have moved through the ultimate transition, or who have researched the subject by reading (or conducting) interviews with people who have had NDE’s. In the 1970’s, Raymond Moody was one of the first people to come out with a book on research conducted with interviewing people who had NDE’s. I like Ken Ring who authored a series of books on this topic after even more interviews than Moody. Survivors like Eben Alexander wrote a wonderful book, Proof of Heaven, which is a well written account (by this Neurosurgeon scientist) of his own NDE where he was “clinically dead” for 7 days. There are many books, stories, movies, and other accounts through the history of man, even back to the ancient Greeks. But what can be learned from this research???

Many, maybe most, of the survivors of NDE’s come back to life with similar stories but, more notably, these people return with a different perspective on LIVING. Many report that the “after-life” or “heaven” is not a scary place. In fact, many resisted returning to their bodies and their lives because it felt so peaceful and accepting. Survivors report the feeling of unconditional love and support, full acceptance, freedom from the limitations of the body and space and time. Many report access to divine consciousness and wisdom not known in their human form. Most importantly, many return with the fear and anxiety commonly found in living, reduced because they do not fear dying. They report a different appreciation of “living in the light” and in a state of “Grace” over the way they may have chosen to live before. These stories are compelling. Whether you believe these reports or not, you can benefit from attempting to gain the “Feeling of this Grace” as you experience these stories.

Whether you get these stories first hand by speaking with someone who has had a NDE or read the accounts in the many books on this topic, it is important to try to remember your own Divine Spiritual experience and possibly bring the knowing of the State of Grace back with you to offer you perspective as you live out your remaining days.

My parents were role models with two very different approaches. My mother lived without fear of death and dying. She had adventures in life because she was not afraid to live… most fully. My father got fearful the older he got. He disliked change or traveling or eating new foods because he feared the adventures in life. I chose to be more like my mother and love the adventures, and accept the challenges that these might bring. You have a choice in how you want to live your life. You will have to come to grips with the experience of your last transition and, for many people, some consideration regarding dying adds interesting dimensions to how you live…

Our community of consciousness seekers, Masters of the Journey, offers connection to a community where topics like these are shared and resources offered to you. You may want to consider coming in person or engaging in one of our video conferences on a topic you may know about, and can offer your wisdom, or one where you can come and experience the wisdom and experiences from other people like you. This is NOT a religion but it is a way to connect to a supportive community.

Count Your Blessings!

Have you ever heard that expression, “Count Your Blessings?” Why would someone say this to you? What is the purpose for looking for the “Positives” in the life you are here to live? For many people, it is easier to look for the problems and the negative interactions and perhaps even play a “Victim” to these challenges. But does looking for and living within the “negative” give you the joy that can be found in this world?

What do YOU give thanks for in the world? Even the most brutal lessons can be honored as important opportunities to learn from, even if the learning is what NOT to do. Personally, I have learned more from my mistakes and my painful relationships than I have learned from when my life was most easy and successful. The 8 years I lived with my wife’s terminal cancer I would not wish upon anyone and yet these were some of the most important years for learning in my life. The lessons of empathy and compassion were so valuable. The fear and the sharing within our many crisis’ was such a powerful tool for learning about the human dilemma. The closeness that we grew into, with the love at a level tested by trauma, was an amazing and important experience for me. AND, from all of this learning, I find that I have wisdom and gifts to share.

So, look for the difficult experiences as well as the joys when you look for the many blessings that YOU have been granted. Do not keep these a secret. Share them! Challenge others to appreciate being more fully “Present.” Bask in the drama that is your lessons of this life. Do not hesitate to reach out for other people. Allow them to support you AND reach out to share your love and support with them. Find compassion and caring. Find the perfection of the divine spirit within every soul you encounter, even the ones who trigger your fear, anger/frustration, and your defenses. Each encounter is there for a reason. Each encounter is there for your learning.

Blessings to you! Love and appreciate each moment and share your love and wisdom whenever you can.

If you are looking for support and resources to focus upon your spiritual growth and development, consider the Masters of the Journey community. YOU are a Blessing! You have a Purpose! The Universe would have a huge hole in it if you did not exist… With Love – Namaste!

Guidance From Within

Have you ever felt “Guided” to do something or to make a decision at one of the cross-roads of life? Has that “Voice” in your head or heart shared a feeling or thought with your conscious mind? Have you ever “Remembered” something that you had not ever known at a conscious level? If you have read my past blogs, I have made reference to times in my life where I was blessed with a “Knowing” or Feeling or Thought which offered a chance to move in a direction, in my life, which I “needed” to take because the lesson or opportunity was so important for me to experience. This has happened over and over for me AND it has always worked out for me & my learning. (Even though some of these learning experiences have been laced with pain or difficult challenges.)

Not long ago I visited a professional psychic/medium who gave me great insight into things that I already “Knew” deep inside. It was reassuring and from a perspective that I needed at the time. This professional psychic was a person who was highly respected and referred to me by someone I know and trust. It was a spectacular experience. As a part of this session, she introduced me to one of my “spirit guides” who I did not already “know” at a conscious level. I liked meeting this new “Guide.” My new Guide offered me support and insight which was very useful and needed at that time. One of the best things for me about “Guides” is that they seem to be more directly plugged in the “Divine Spirit.” They seem to have authority and are hanging around to serve me, to guide me. I have learned to trust and love this “external” Guidance and recommend that other people learn to pay attention so they might benefit from listening or feeling or remembering these messages.

Where I am going with this blog, it is not as simple as to just look for and learn from external Guidance, it is actually about the true source of this guidance. This past week, I was at my study group for the book, The Way of Mastery, at the local Bellingham Unity Center. This book has a lot of words and some very interesting concepts. I believe that the source of this book is a channelled monolog from the Ascended Master, Jesus. (I am not Christian or a church goer so this was difficult for me to come to grips with…) A passage was read that changed the way I look at “Guidance.” The prelude to this passage discussed taking responsibility for your/my life. The good and the challenging events and experiences are MY creation and are available to me for MY lessons in this life. I know this. I even try to accept responsibility and live my life without blaming other people or situations… (You know….) Well, the dictation that was read to this group, and turned a light on in me, was a passage saying that what we assume as external guidance is not external. It springs from a deeper part of you. And, if you follow your guidance or learn from the insight provided to you, you can benefit from taking responsibility and honoring the wisdom of the Master that lives within your soul and spirit. Your soul and spirit are connected to the Divine Spirit with all the wisdom which the “Divine” shares with all souls.

My lesson, and this sharing, suggests that we do not find “external” guides or sources but we can benefit from looking within to a “Remembering” of our own Mastery and connection to Divine Wisdom. It is easier for us to blame or even trust an external guidance that triggers us to move down a certain path to achieve a certain life lesson. It is easier for many of us to look externally because we do not think that we (YOU) are worthy of knowing this wisdom, internally. But perhaps, if what I have recently learned is true, we must honor that the answers are within and we are more powerful and connected than we may have consciously realized. Now, get your ego out of the way because it it is NOT the “separate YOU” that is powerful but the connected to the “Source YOU.”

You are a Master! You are in the process of “Remembering” your Divinity and the “Oneness” which connects you all souls as part of the “Divine.” Bless you and your perfection! Your purpose in this life is to serve other people you bump into with a message of consciousness, by role modeling your Divine Light. Know or Remember that the Guidance you experience is coming from that deepest wellspring of the wisdom you have as connected being. Learn to listen to your intuition by clearing away the conscious distraction of the ego mind through meditation. Clean this mirror for the most accurate reflection of the message you are to receive, and here in this life, to share.

If you can benefit from support or resources consider your local Unity Center or the community we are building known as The Masters of the Journey: A Transformational Community. Namaste

Feedback: John, it can be both. Your Higher Self does have access to all knowledge and nudges you along through your intuition. You also have Helpers who help you and guide you.

Some people become too reliant on their Helpers to the point of using them as a crutch, being unable to make a decision on their own and limiting their own growth in the process. That is my opinion.
We each carry great wisdom and our goal is to use it to benefit others as well as ourselves.

Hello John,

There are some very wise words within your blog. You probably already knew that, so I’ll address the couple of things I would address in the middle of a Toastmasters evaluation sandwich. A very minor one is your use of the word “thought” when I think what you’re describing is intuition. My issue with this is that I’ve found that an intuition may seem like a thought, but they come from very different sources. In describing that, I usually refer to a thought as something created by our conscious mind, rather than a more divine source. Maybe that’s just my terminology.

The other topic I’d mention in the sandwich is that the spiritual world is vast and varied, with all sorts of beings. We can get great wisdom and insight from what I’d refer to as “our higher self,” that inner spiritual part of us that is already calm, content, and wise. There are also a variety of advanced beings, like angels and spirit guides, that can provide valuable information and insight. Often, it’s difficult to know exactly where our intuition or spiritual message came from, but I don’t believe they all come from within us, which is what your blog seems to imply. I definitely think a lot can come from within us.

Curt Remington, author of: Simple Meditation: A Spiritual Connection for Transforming Your Life.


What happens when you “Know” something but there are no words or rational proof for what you know? In our language we struggle to convey the description of emotions and feelings. We struggle to find words for smells or tastes. Even defining colors can be difficult. Even worse is to take a strong position regarding something that you “know” to be true but can not prove to someone else. People have different opinions about things and so build different factual foundations to assure themselves that they are “right.” This is why “Nationalism” and “religious beliefs” can start wars.

When I was a young college student studying psychology a philosopher challenged me with the statement, “For every Truth, the Opposite (opinion) is equally True.” There are facts, even research, which back up almost any point of view. We are still arguing about whether Global Warming really exists or, even, whether Darwin’s theory on Evolution is more true than the view of Creationism.

We learn from personal experience. Things we read in books or see on TV or spoken of in class or church, are often NOT true until we actually know this through experiencing it. I have learned from personal experience that losing my parents to death by stroke was not nearly as difficult for me as losing my wife (and my chosen partner for 28 years) to Ovarian Cancer. Before my wife passed, I thought I could more easily handle her terminal diagnosis and death because I had gone through the loss of both my Mother and Father. Boy was I wrong! However, the greatest learning I have experienced in my life has come from the coping with my wife’s illness and her death. A Blessing, which I would NOT wish on anyone else! A Blessing which I would not change, even with my pain. Which brings me to the real topic of this Blog Rant.

One year after my wife passed away, I was “Guided” to meet with a psychic/intuitive person on my travels to find a new life on my visit to Tucson, AZ. She “channeled” my wife in a way that I was convinced was true and accurate. (A great story by itself. Gripping.) The psychic told me these words which were coming from my wife, “I am in a better place. It is bigger and better than you could ever imagine.” A jolt of “Knowing” went through me. Not from these simple words but from the intuitive or emotional reaction that went with them. The “Knowing,” which I know I can not find great words to accurately convey my deepest feelings, was that she dwells now in what some people call “Heaven” with the Divine Spirit. She is not constricted by time or space. She is “One” with all souls. She is basking in the warmth and light of “unconditional love.” She is tapped into all wisdom. This moment and these few words changed my life by being able to feel this “knowing.” It felt like it was not a coincidence that I met this psychic in Tucson or received this message. I had been “guided” by my wife to have this encounter and to learn this lesson.

Knowing for me can be a very strong and life changing experience. It is my purpose to share this story and this learning. Maybe it is better said to share this “Remembering” because it felt familiar, as if I was experiencing information that I already knew, at some deeper level. It felt like I was tapping the collective unconscious and this particular experience is not unique to me.

Thank you for spending time with my ranting stream of consciousness. The point is that we all have “knowings” that can not find an easy form to share but are as true as any rational, researched, fact that exists. We are all Masters and have wisdom from life’s experiences within us. We simply need to remember this wisdom and find ways to share it! This is your purpose! This is what YOU are supposed to do in this life.

Blessings to you on your journey. Where possible reach out and take the hand to assist fellow pilgrims along your way. Go out and do GOOD in the world!

The Masters of the Journey is community forming to offer resources and support to everyone who is on their path, whether they know it or not, that they are Masters. Find your way to connect with other pilgrims and share the wisdoms you have been gifted to receive.

Blaming and Dodging Responsibility

Tough topic for many (most) people… Is it easier to blame others than to take responsibility for the challenges that life throws at you? Sure it is! We have been taught to defend our “position” (at any cost.) You are taught to “judge” other people and look for their weaknesses or imperfections so we can pretend to “elevate” ourselves. Winning and competing is valued by our culture. Yet, the way to a better, happier, healthier world is not found in tearing other people down or fixing our “wrong-headedness” in the concrete of our emotional foundations.

Many times, it is better to look at a difficult situation and to learn how and why We Put Ourselves in this situation. It is not a conscious choice BUT there is a lesson we are to learn from, and so, move on our path to consciousness. As an example, 19 years into my marriage with my life partner, my wife, we were confronted with a terminal diagnosis with her ovarian cancer. Initially, I was confused with why (?) and how I was going to support her and to deal with this. I do NOT wish this situation on anyone, however, I would not trade this difficult life experience. There is so much learning that comes from this situation. This brutal experience made us closer than we had ever been before. Since her death in 2012, I have continued to learn and to grow. It is a major reason I am in the position of writing this blog in an act of sharing from the lessons I am continuing to learn.

Why we were “supposed” to endure this challenge is not fully explainable. However, I realize that this experience has huge value in learning my purpose in this life and helps me to be of service, with much greater compassion and resolve. Blaming the doctor who missed the diagnosis was easy and familiar but did not serve me. I am learning that taking responsibility for my role and my learning makes me understand how best to take a seemingly negative life challenge and make this a teaching moment, not just for me, as I continue my path through this life. I never thought that after losing my marriage that I was alone, but I have learned so much more about my relationships with friends and with starting my life over (in many respects) later in this life…

My life AND YOUR life have been filled with challenges and successes which we were meant to have as developmental tools. We can blame other people and situations for the pain we have felt or we can find a way to thank these difficulties for teaching us what WE have needed to learn. We can take responsibility and NOT live as victims. We can take our learned lessons and find ways to be of service by sharing our stories and the wisdom which we have been forced to learn! We can begin to remember that the divine purpose of these trials have been presented to us not just for our learning but as a way to raise the consciousness of everyone we come into contact with.

Consider how YOU can learn from the situations where YOU feel like blaming. Consider how you are responsible for  these painful situations through the choices you have chosen to make. AND, take responsibility for the wisdom you have found! Reach around and use this wisdom to assist other pilgrims you meet in this life. Fulfill your purpose to serve the divine.

Though this is difficult to read, and to understand, know that you are perfect. You are a master sent to grace this plane of consciousness with your learned wisdom. The world IS a better place because of the role you are here to play. Serve by being a light, a role model of the collected experiences and learnings you have gleaned from this human experience. Thank you for being you! Thank you for surviving and learning from the painful challenges! Blessings on your continued path.

Consider sharing your stories and your wisdom with the community of Masters of the Journey. Or, get involved in this communities events, many listed at www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney

Growing the Garden: a Reason to Live

Do you have a good reason to live? Is there something motivating you that may help you to live longer should you find yourself with a terminal illness? I have seen mothers with young children use their love of their children to fight off near-death experiences. When asked why they chose to come back from their near-death incident, they have answered they could not leave yet, knowing that their young children would be left to grow without them. This experience has surfaced when severe accidents and terminal illness were involved. Some people are ready to pass into the next consciousness and “let go” more easily. Some people fear death or for other reasons stubbornly hold on to living. I had a male client in his late thirties who had anger as a motivation to keep living years beyond his prognosis. His wife and younger children suffered the torment of living with this angry, frustrated husband/father. When he finally did let go, there was some relief felt by caregivers and family. In this particular case, his death-defying behaviors were actually viewed as a torture for his family. Sad, but true.

Then there are people like my late wife, Barbara. She lived beyond her prognosis. She appreciated and celebrated every day that she lived with her cancer. One of her positive motivators was her passion for growing plants in her garden. Like the Winchester Mystery House, she continued to add more garden and more plants every chance she got. She rejoiced with every blossom that developed. She celebrated every vegetable that matured. She had weeding projects and building projects that never seemed to end. When she cut her blossoming flowers and brought them inside to decorate our home, I felt her joy and saw her beaming smile. She took all of our visitors on a tour of her gardens to celebrate her creations and the sensation of life that these plants symbolized. Their appreciation bolstered her energy. This energy kept her stronger for her treatments and helped her to maintain an exercise regimen. She kept her focus on living and did not discuss her condition. She did not want to be known as a cancer patient or someone struggling with a terminal illness. She did not want sympathy but wanted to bask in joy, health, happiness and the Light. She planned future dates of positive events with family and friends. She looked to the blessings in the future and not to the gathering clouds.

If this is relevant to you or to someone you know, I encourage you to help them bask in the Light of life’s celebrations. Enjoy the happiness and joys in each new day. Focus on what is working and keep moving forward.

Thank you for your attention and your time. With my love and my challenge, please keep moving closer to the light of unconditional love and higher consciousness… Find joy!

Love or Fear

There are many spiritual and metaphysical sources that believe there are only two extremes in understanding the connection to the divine spirit. There is the energy of “Love” which is at the core of consciousness and all of the universe or there is the ego created thoughts which work to separate people from the source of pure consciousness. In many sources this concept is spelled out by countless words. The Course in Miracles and the Way of Mastery which are two sources based on dictations from Jesus repeatedly remind us that our souls/spirits are perfect and connected to the Divine Spirit. These sources say that we are “perfect” manifestations of the supreme consciousness. (These books are not “religious” dogma or revisions of the “Bible.”) These references say that the Ego is a creation of the mind which is designed to protect itself and to separate us from the Divine. It is our job to “remember” our connection to the “source” as our lessons in the present incarnation (manifestation in human form.) Many other authors, psychics, mystics, spiritual guides/teachers, gurus, prophets, religions, philosophies, and even physicists (based on quantum physics) have similar beliefs.

Love, as the core energy which created the Universe and all consciousness, seems to explain many things for me, spiritually and even mentally at some times. Fear is also understandable as the mind, ego, and “meatsuit” (body) does not continue at the end of this incarnation (or life.) Fear creates the barriers which limit “connection” and the experience of full wisdom. Fear and the ego seem to create the need for “Judgement” and comparisons that leads to the limitations of “time” and lead us away from the full expansiveness of pure consciousness. Your soul/spirit is on a quest to have “Human” experience to learn and to communicate (in its limited way) the lessons that lead to higher consciousness and spiritual development.

Anyone who has had a near death experience (NDE) or knows someone who has had a NDE or who has been “gifted” with “guidance” or a true mystical experience loses the fear of death/dying because the life beyond the limitations of the flesh (meatsuit) are the heaven that we have heard about and are what we are seeking. No limitations, pure unconditional love, connection with universal wisdom and the “Source,” and freedom to be create reality, what is not to like…??? This also frees up a lot of energy to be “present” and bask in the beauty of life most glorious.

Why do we choose to live with fear and separation? And, why do we spend so many lifetimes seeking to return to the pure consciousness of the divine source? No easy answer comes to my mind. We do benefit from mixing it up with other souls who are struggling along their path to enlightenment and higher consciousness, but it ultimately is not about “learning” but about “remembering” what, at a deeper level, we already know!

I do know that we are ALL in this together and we benefit from taking the hands of other pilgrims. We benefit from loving and supporting the development of consciousness and NOT the continuance of separation and judgement of the other souls we pretend (in this life) to be detached from. In history, the purpose for the greatest spiritual leaders was to model consciousness, acceptance, and unconditional love. These highly evolved entities know that we are all in this together and that we must love and support the souls we bump into along the way. There are no accidents. These are all precise encounters that require us to learn the lessons of the current life. Some of our toughest struggles come when we are confronted by people who do not share our view. They may even be opposed to what we believe. These encounters are there for a reason. These experiences are designed to teach us about the limitations of judgement. These encounters are also lessons for us to learn about taking responsibility and limiting the tendency to blame (other people and other situations.)

So Blessings to you my fellow travelers. I bow to the Divine Spirit and perfection which is you! Namaste! We are all Masters of the Journey whose purpose is to “Remember” our perfection, to “Love” unconditionally, and to support all fellow pilgrims we meet on the path…

Where possible, know your ego and the fears it creates. You have a choice to live in Love or in Fear. Avoid separation and judgement. Learn acceptance and practice, and live, the energy of Love! Bask in the light of pure connection. Practice meditation to have better access to the divine wisdom. Be present! Find Joy and live your Bliss! Accept responsibility for the flaws and lessons that you encounter. AND, go out and do GOOD in the world. Blessings.

Visit our website for Masters of the Journey at www.mastersofthejourney.com

Doing “Good” in the World

Think back and remember the times when you were the happiest and most satisfied? Chances are, you were doing something you enjoyed, that had value. Chances are, you were with other people. Chances are, you were not anxious, angry, depressed, in a desperate situation, and not engaged in someone else’s expectation of what you should be doing. Sure, you may have been in appreciation and meditation with Gaia (Mother Earth) but in that sense you were not completely alone for you were surrounded by the magnificent gifts of the natural world. Most of the time when you are feeling most satisfied, you are engaged in being of service to the world, even if this service is the presence of full appreciation of the Divine Spirit’s work.

We know when we are “doing good in the world.” No know has to tell us, though it feels pretty great when some else notices. The purpose of this blog is to challenge you to think back over the past year and remember, and then celebrate, the times and the actions YOU did that were of benefit to the world. Chances are that you would not be reading this far into this blog unless you are the person who can reflect on the times when you went the “extra mile” to be nice, or friendly, or supportive, or understanding. My challenge to you is that you are conscious of the value you offer to the world (or even broader, the universe.) Make a conscious attempt to do more “good” in the world.

Notice and acknowledge good work or a good deed. Give more time to the humans around you, for they are fellow pilgrims on our journey through this life. Even the people who cause you consternation are probably there, in your life at that moment, to help teach you an important lesson…???… I believe that within our soul/spirit we are are ALL loving beings acting out our lives to serve the greater good and to teach (and learn) the lessons that move us forward. We can embrace these interactions with grace or with disdain, but we must learn from each and every one of them.

Please consider being a force for good in the world. Take responsibility for your actions and do more good than harm, where possible. Please consider each interaction as sacred. Please look for the good, the purpose, and the perfection in each situation. Along the way, remember you/we made the “Choice” to be here, at this moment and in this situation. There is no blaming that really works well on our path to enlightenment…

Blessings to you, my fellow traveller. May you find the perfection of the loving insight that you seek. And, may we join hands and support each other as we walk the path in this life.

You may find that you would like to participate in a community of supportive fellow seekers. If so, consider the non-religious, Masters of the Journey. Make a conscious attempt to assist in the development of conscious living for the people you come in contact with as you move along your life path.

Finally, find the joy and happiness you deserve AND go out and share it!

Masters of the Journey can be found at www.mastersofthejourney.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney. Travel well and Blessings along your way.