
How do you maintain your relationships? How do you maintain your community? No two relationships or communities are the same and yet the “work” of maintaining these social connections has commonalities. If you “care” about these relationships, and often you “should” care, what does the care and feeding look like? The people who you have cross paths with in your life long enough to hear their story can tell a lot about you. The relationships and communities you build, and maintain, speak volumes about you…

For example, if you have called a “friend” do you wait until they return your call (or text or email, etc) before you reach out again? Do they “owe” you something because you contacted them? Or, when next you think of them, do you try again? Not keeping “score” on them owing you a return call… (I mention this because I know a lonelier person who always waited for a return call, feeling hurt or disrespected if a person did not get back to her. But, life can get in the way and not allow immediate responses.)

Relationships and communities are necessary, for most of us, and require some time and attention. They require some level of flexibility because they are rarely perfect or a perfect match to all the unique characteristics you may be carrying around with you, as you. And, sometimes a relationship can include people who may appear as “opposite” to your beliefs simply because these create a wonderful and challenging balance to who you are and what you believe. Do Opposites Attract each other? This perspective may be the essential part of the lesson you have come here, to this life, to learn from. So, no matter what, when you “feel” as if you should reach out, reach out! Chances are your guidance has sent you the message…

A long maintained relationship is not as much a burden as it is a touchstone letting you know from where you have come from and where you are at this moment in time. (Though time is not real, perspective on your life’s experience is…)

People, most people, require community. We require space to reach out and care about others, AND, to let others care about you! It is a cross purpose requirement. It benefits both sides. Sometimes it looks like it is not equal but it is… perhaps not fully known as it may be seen as unequal when it is… (Some people need to “give” more others and some people need to receive more than others.) Consider also, that it is a great gift to receive from another person, especially, when you have difficulty receiving…

And, whenever possible, do a “mitzvah,” a good deed, for another soul. Be available. Be of service with NO strings attached. This is your purpose in this life and the community of our world, our Universe, is better for this act of service. A good deed is not always expensive or time consuming. Sometimes it is simply listening and showing that you really care. Thank you! Share love with reckless abandon, without any unnecessary life-threatening recklessness… Sharing your love freely becomes a bright light to dissipate the darkness…!!! When you do good in the world do not do it because you “have to,” do it because it feels good to know you are living your “true self!” And, do not do good with an expectation of a return. When done purely out of sincere Love, with no strings attached, you are offering our Universe the perfection of connection and relationship.

Now, I invite you to consider the various types of relationships you have. Some are more common but some of us do not share the ones labeled as common, like family. Not all of us have family or significant others as partners. Some of us have many friends and some of us seem to not connect well with others as friends. We have teachers, mentors, ministers, counselors, professional care givers. We have more people in our lives offering remote sources of information or support. Most of us have neighbors, but not everyone connects with their immediate neighborhood community. Even casual relationships with our local businesses or fellow regular exercisers. NOW, ask yourself why did the Universe, the Divine, create the situation where these specific folks are in your life??? What are they to teach you? What are you to teach them? (Yes, even if it is what not to do…)

There are no accidents. And, consider the people you have known for a “long” time. What does this say about you, or them? And, what about the short-term explosions of relationships that did not last or stand the test of a longer time…??? And consider that, “No man is an island, entire of it self, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…” wrote John Donne in 1624. What does this mean for you?

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

You Are Unique! You are the Divine!

There is no one else like you! Like a fingerprint or a snowflake, there is no exact copy of the soul that you are. Your role in the great plan of the Universal Divine is specific to you, for you, and imperative to the foundation of the unknowable consciousness called the “Source.” Because you are a foundational piece of all consciousness, you are more important to the “whole” than you are able to fully comprehend.

Your life is important and essential. Your lessons from life’s challenges are necessary for All of Consciousness. You may be aware of your unique set of weaknesses or flaws and from these seeming imperfections, you get to test out from past experience and gained wisdoms to the next steps to take as you grow in awareness and consciousness. If you share your gained wisdom, you serve as a beacon to light the way for the other souls you bump into along your pilgrimage.

If you reflect back on your current life, you can find the successes and the travails of your path. Perhaps, you share your story of your life, and the feedback that you get is that no one else could have done what you did. Perhaps, no one else could have survived the life you have been through. It may be difficult to image how YOU survived, and perhaps, then thrived from the troubling lessons you have engaged. Yes, you are stronger than you might give yourself credit for being. Sure you were “lucky.” But, you were “guided” and “protected” so you could transmute these situations and then be available to share the outcomes and the wisdoms you have discovered from these tests.

If you are like me, you probably learned more from your mistakes or, seeming “failures,” than from the expected successes… I tend to learn more from what I have done wrong than what I have done correctly. For me, the lessons from the difficult life experiences have been most important and most worthy of sharing, if for no other reason, of what NOT to do ever again. These are the treasures of my life. “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” is attributed to the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche and delivers wisdom worth sharing. (It also reflects upon our life experience as an affirmation of resilience.)

From readings and discussion of passages from “A Course of Miracles” and “The Way of Mastery,” I reflect upon the importance and value each of us has as a necessary & essential part of the Divine Spirit. Though we self-limit ourselves, we are are more powerful than our egos allow ourselves to believe. We can protect ourselves from taking full responsibility for our current lives by “playing it small.” When actually, we are all connected and essential. We are all a part of the larger “One.” As we move toward greater awareness and consciousness we are playing our role toward developing all of Divine Consciousness! No standing in the shadows of greatness, YOU are the greatness. You are amazing and so important!

To illustrate your value, consider your life as if it were one single muscle cell in the heart. Obviously, the heart is essential. The miracle of the beating heart sending blood with oxygen and nutrients to every other cell of the body makes the heart and every muscle cell of the heart, important. If the muscle was damaged, the effect upon the body can be lethal as when a heart attack occurs. AND, this heart muscle can not exist without all the other cells of the body doing their miraculous work. The brain, the blood cells, the lungs, the digestive organs, the glands, the muscles and bones, the liver and kidneys, etc, are all doing their most essential part to keep you, the heart muscle moving along. Your unique, but essential, piece of the Divine Spirit is similar. The Divine Spirit can not exist without your soul doing its essential part.

Sure, you can argue with me. You can be in denial. It is easier for you to play it small and not be responsible. But, it does not change the ultimate truth that you are unique, essential, and so important for your role in the Divine Spirit!

Dance like no one is watching! Live like this will be your very last day… No regrets, you are perfect and so accept those flaws and imperfections which make you unique…

Follow your “Heart.” What your soul “knows” or “remembers” regarding your role in the Divine Spirit is more important than what you “think” based on cultural expectations. Be who you were meant to be, a Master in service of all the souls you bump into. Be the beacon of light to lead and support your fellow pilgrims on the path toward higher consciousness. You will remember, at some point, how important you are to the Divine Spirit, and how unconditionally loved you truly are.

Video Message from this blog available at: with guided meditation starting 2:58 into this video.

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Mountain Between Us

Have you noticed that there are major barriers between members in our human community? In this day and age, the gaps seem wider than ever. Why are we so polarized and separated from each other? Why is it so difficult to know and to Remember that we are ALL in this together and parts of the same Divine Spirit…?

Nancy Dubois shared this information with us… Nancy responded to a post I wrote and sent to her for her editing…
“Thank you John for your love and support. Here is some editing that might be helpful.

Our Masters of The Journey member, Nancy DuBois, has reported that she has had a powerful vision download from guidance. It is with fullness of joy and highest intention of goodwill to all, that she wishes to communicate this important message to each Beloved Being out there! We have created mountains between us composed of judgements, perceptions, false beliefs, lies, ego interpretations, social pressures, ancestral conditioning, and the list goes on! But now Beloveds we have the power within to say to this MOUNTAIN,”BE REMOVED” AND IT WILL OBEY YOU!!!! Joyfully we have the power also to remove the same MOUNTAIN within us!! The message is that the Universe, all the Benevolent Beings, Source, and Guidance, are all primed with great expectation and love and are ready to assist Humanity in one of Her greatest moments, BECOMING ONE, within themselves, with each other and with SOURCE!! IMAGINE!!! You had the power to create it You have the power to remove it!

Nancy’s download experience caused spinning of her internal vortex and an after effect of dizziness which she is happy to report is well on the way to perfect recovery. Nancy went through this experience without fear, calm, and peaceful knowing as it was happening that there was a beautiful message to come of it! She is open to whatever or however Spirit guides her!

John, I saw that people need to see themselves as having the power within to manifest the removal of their mountains with the help of Spirit, being careful not to have them follow someone else. Also they needed to know that as easily as the mountain was created it can be removed just as easily. After all those things we put there are just illusions, they aren’t real. We are all searching for the real us, underneath the mountain!


Guidance wants us to free ourselves of the obstacles and separation that keep us apart. I for one, agree with Nancy and her Guidance and I signed up to assist in helping to reconnect humanity to its “oneness.”

What would you do to get the word out?
First, you want to remove your mountain and find the experience of your soul’s purpose and its oneness with the Divine Spirit.
Perhaps a posted Video interview or blog posting are possible to get this info out. Sharing by word of mouth of your “feeling”/”Knowing” of your Oneness…
But, how can we trigger a deeper spiritual experience (like an STE – Spiritual Transformative Experience) to create foundational changes which allow for expanded consciousness and a “knowing” of connectedness? This remains to be seen, and then acted upon. (Please look for the video interview with Nancy and her direct reflection of the Guidance serving all of us… Masters of the Journey YouTube channel. At:

As our consciousness expands we are moving from 3 dimensional consciousness into 5th dimensional consciousness. How will this be different? 3rd dimensional thinking limits us to what our mind/ego can understand with the limitations of linear time and 3 dimensions in space. The newer consciousness is based upon what we “feel” in a heart based “Knowing.” There are no words or thoughts which can adequately describe the freedom of “5 D” “being” as found in the “higher realms” of Divine Consciousness. It offers a new way of being. Our new goal is to assist/help other people to transition into higher dimensional consciousness. This is aligning with major changes coming in the last months of 2020 as reported my Nancy and other psychic prognosticators, and then into the future. We are going through major planetary changes to prepare us, or to force us, into new ways of thinking, behaving, and feeling/knowing.

As an example, some people believe that the social isolation due to the pandemic creates an environment for people to quiet the distractions our society has provided so we can meditate and go “within” to reconnect with guidance and higher consciousness. If nothing else, this alone is a very useful outcome from these horrendous times. We might find ourselves walking, respectfully, in the moment, in nature and reconnect with the natural world as a walking meditation and consciousness builder. A chance to consider our connection with the Earth, the present moment, and all living things in our Universe. We are small but amazingly important pieces of the broad Universe. So, consider the Joy you might find when you “unplug from media” and quietly go within your soul for unconditional love and the oneness which you can be led to. This is what 5th dimensional consciousness can allow us to more fully know, or Remember. YOU are a Blessing!

Also, for consideration: Am I my brother’s keeper? Yup, we are all connected and so we are all developing into higher consciousness (at a conscious level) together. Not in separation as an individual in competition to get ahead. We all advance together as humans in the drama we call life on Earth. We are all multidimensional beings and there is no advantage to self-limiting by existing in 3 dimensional beliefs and behavior. (YES! Even the people who “trigger” you, are still part of your challenge and lesson as we all slowly increase toward the higher consciousness that is possible. Maybe those who trigger you are your guides to learn the tough lesson of equanimity, acceptance, unconditional love, gratitude, Joy, and the “Oneness” we are striving to achieve…???)

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Whose Lesson are YOU Learning From?

Recently, I chose to join a team supporting a friend who is battling with cancer. Have you ever participated in a community of support persons for a family member or friend dealing with a difficult disease? Chances are you have or have become familiar with such a support community. My question to you asks, was there an important lesson for you in your desire to serve as a supporter? In every interaction we share, there is much to learn especially if you are conscious and viewing these interactions with awareness.

So, I discovered, upon my reflecting upon my recent involvement, that my desire to support my friend is more complicated than I care or that I want to send some positive energy. My lesson is a multi-dimensional learning. It does feel good to participate in sending Love or possibly healing energy to my friend but I have had to stop and ask myself why. Why am I involved? Why is my friend sick? What is her lesson in this disease process? What is my lesson in participating in her disease challenge? What lessons, experiences, or information will present themselves so I can increase in value toward the people I bump into in my future? So, how does this expand me with a story to share? I “know” that every person touched by this health event has some purpose and some important lesson to take away.

Caring about my friend is the simple reason and a small part of the answer. My history includes a battle that my wife and I “fought” with cancer over 8 1/2 years and there are many important lessons learned from this past experience that now resurface and contribute to my purpose in involvement in this present supportive community. The “first” time through (with my wife’s illness,) fear and anxiety of the situation and the unknown were on the front burner for me. Now, I can serve as a more experienced supporter or even an elder in the current “fight.” This is NOT about my friends health challenge, it is a test for me born out my past traumatic experience and for the lessons learned. At a level of spiritually, one of my purposes is to see a bigger picture and ask questions which are bigger than simply dealing with symptoms, healing my friend, and the current disease.

Whose lesson is it, really? How is my friend’s condition serving as an important learning process for every one of us who have chosen to be involved? And, with this perspective in mind, how is my friend, consciously or unconsciously, in a broad way of huge service to this extended community of supporters and caregivers. I ask this because I wonder if we all are more consciously aware of the broader lessons, we can ALL find more Joy in the amazing gift of learning we are all participating within!!!???…

Can this drama in life be viewed with less anger, anxiety, depression, fear, and concern for the unknown future if we bear this positive learning in our awareness? Can this positive awareness then bear a positive impact upon the results of this health challenge? This may be too complicated to fully determine in these few thoughts and words. You are participating with your concern and YOU are Loved for your positive intentions and attention.

Finally, no matter the outcome, can we find Joy in the challenge we see unfolding? Are we free to celebrate the Divine Wisdom which is being gifted to us as we plod along in our human drama?

By the way, in my opinion, one of the greatest gifts you can “Give” to another person is the “Gift” of allowing them to give to you… (Not manipulating another person but requesting a sincere assistance.) This can warm the heart of both sides of this request and can create a bond for two pilgrims walking the path through life’s dramas. Create a healing story by giving and by receiving a gift…
Thank you to all the souls who have allowed me to be of service.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

As the Days Blend Together

These are unusual times. During this pandemic, we are more than “normally” (and what is the new normal) confined to our homes and our thoughts. If you have managed to create a new lifestyle around the social distancing and home confinement, you may have even reduced your TV and Social media time for anxiety control. You may have found the Days of each week Blending Together. You may not even remember what day it is or what the date is for today. Perhaps this is even important. Perhaps being present and reflective is a survival technique which may lead to a new state of “Pandemic Enlightenment”…

Increased awareness and spiritual insights are often born out of difficult challenges. SO, get busy…!!! Discover YOUR lesson and its Wisdom… AND, once you discover your new insight find the best ways to share your new wisdom. This whole lifestyle adjustment is more than:
hand washing to an extreme,
wearing a mask which prevents smiling at people,
reducing your showers or clothes changing because you are not going out,
side-stepping people you pass in public,
food shopping for safety at 7:00 AM,
knowing how to stand 6+ feet apart as you wait for your “take out,”
searching aimlessly for hand sanitizer and clorox wipes (& TP) at Costco,
AND, joining an endless amount of Zoom conference calls to speak with other humans.

These adjustments have caused most of us to behave differently and to think about what we took lightly in the past… Craving a hug or hand shake. Carelessly, hanging out in a social situation with less than 6+ feet between us. Going shopping in a Mall with crowds of anxious, frantic people and loud children. Boy, we miss those days of naive simple consumerism.

But, have you been forced out into nature? Have you had to fill your time in Meditations? Did you find yourself reading a “good” book instead of “binge-watching” bad television/movies? Did you have to call family and friends to check-in? Did you have time to cook your own dinner and breakfast and lunch and snacks, two or three times per day? Sure, social media has filled in your day but didn’t you “CRAVE” hanging out with “real people?” There is an important lesson in this… Besides the necessary hand washing, you have found a new need for connection! Besides complaining and whining, you have actually learned who do you know in your life who can actually listen and respond with empathy.

Besides shopping and “eating out,” there are other ways to connect with friends and family that cost less and may have more value. Caring for other people is the least expensive way of sharing Love! Appreciation and Gratitude also may bubble up in these times of lifestyle change. Perhaps, most important is being more fully “present” in each moment in Nature or with the people we care about. We are all in this together… AND, YOU are a Blessing! Continue to learn and to grow in these times of life challenges… If nothing else, twenty years (or maybe 20 days) from now you will have great survival stories of the 2020 Pandemic and Hand Washing Craze…

Added on these thoughts… (The not so fun parts of our current, 2020, lives.)
(NOW, we have been faced with a new “drama” with demonstrations highlighting the cultural racism which has been “accepted” in our culture too long. White privilege was brought to this hemisphere by the earliest explorers and first settlers. They, and their religious beliefs, thought that they were superior to the indigenous peoples they thought “They Discovered.” Eventually, because they had the guns, they believed that they were the true saviors of this hemisphere however they needed slaves to work their stolen land. It is like this privilege has now been built into white folks’ cultural DNA. Relinquishing power and, perceived control, does not come easily to those folks in “power.” Black Lives Matter! All Lives Matter! However, releasing our old, established habits and patterns is NEVER an easy, though necessary, choice these weird days. Positive change challenges us. It forces us to reassess our established patterns and habits. Perhaps, the first step in a positive direction is to understand and admit “white privilege” exists and also admit that this needs to change for a better world. (Change is NOT easy. Changing our cultural DNA is needed but a difficult, uphill fight…)

AND. We are ALL in this together and one and the same…)

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Imaginal Cells

Imagine that there is a Perfect Being deep within YOU! Imagine that you, as this “Perfect Being,” have access to all Divine Wisdom and are free from the limitations of of Time and space, and Judgement, and Separation! A caterpillar spins a cocoon and sheds its old self as a crawling creature to become a butterfly. This metamorphosis is a known and partially understood biological transformation. What I learned recently, is there are cells within this creature which lead to this transformation. These have been identified as, “Imaginal Cells.” My question, for you, is do YOU have a form of Imaginal Cells within you which can lead you into the transformation considered “Enlightenment.”

Within you is a Perfect Being of Love and Light. This is your perfect Soul or Spirit! This is the part of you which can “awaken,” shine brightly, and so let you live in a state of consciousness and bliss on our Earthly plane. Does the caterpillar need to give permission for its Imaginal Cells to turn itself into a Butterfly? Does this caterpillar need to sit in a cave and meditate for twenty years to develop into a Butterfly? Or, is this mechanism deep within and simply allowed to evolve to make this transformation? The caterpillar does have to spin its cocoon and go inside for this change to occur. It does require some effort and a deeper knowing that this will lead to the rebirth we can see as it turns into a butterfly.

In our current world of Spring, 2020, we are being asked to cocoon in our homes while a virus lurks unbridled in our communities. Are WE going to emerge from this isolation and reflective meditative period of time with a new consciousness? Will our resolve create a higher vibration which will allow other souls to resonate at a higher, more conscious, vibration? Will our spiritual evolution create a world more beautiful than a butterfly? Time will tell… BUT, does Time really exist or is this just a egoic, mental concept? Are you willing to allow the perfect Soul within you burst forth, out into our Earthly drama to brighten all human consciousness and take us one step further along?

The Spiritual Imaginal Cells within you are real like Black Holes in the Universe are real. Poorly, or not completely, understood, your perfect Divine Spirit dwells within your DNA and your metamorphosis into the Enlightened Being your are will find the light of day. This day is coming. It is up to you to make room for the new awareness which leads to the Bliss of Higher Consciousness. So, let me remind you to remember how Amazing YOU are! You are a Blessing! You are so much greater than your ego allows you to remember. You are Perfect! You are a Miracle! AND, You can shine as a Beacon of Hope and Love to light the way for all the souls you bump into in this pilgrimage through this Earthly life. Shine Brightly!

I say this again, You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

See an article by Barbara Marx Hubbard, Remember Who You Really Are, and one by Dr. Bruce Lipton, What are Imaginal Cells, for a bit more information in your beginning research into Imaginal Cells. Enjoy.
(I have added a short 4 minute YouTube video on Imaginal Cells, in case you need some extra media input.)

Let’s join together to picture a more Loving, Accepting World as a vision of what could be! Let us vibrate at a higher frequency to be the beacon of Light our world requires. Perhaps, you can see us joining hands and dancing in the bright sunlight of a joy filled Earth… You never know what 100 enlightened monkeys can create to change consciousness in our world….

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Are You One of the Volunteers?

Have you ever felt like you do not belong here or that you do not fit in? Are you a little bit (or a lot) different than the “standard” people you work with or went to school with or, even, who are in your family? Maybe you are different. Maybe you are not from around here… Perhaps you are one of the “Volunteers” who have come to this time and place with a “higher calling.” There are some “conscious” people who believe that this time in human history, souls from other parts of the Universe have come to Earth to assist in raising “vibrations” and consciousness so humanity can keep from destroying itself and damaging the Earth.

Some of these “volunteers” are “waking up.” They are “remembering” their soul’s perfection and the greater power and consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of our normal and limiting 3 dimensional human existence. This remembering includes remembering or “knowing” the oneness with all souls in the Universe. And, the feeling of the true “unconditional Love of the Divine Spirit.” Or, the freedom from human’s time and space limitations. The full acceptance that the Divine Spirit has for all of its creations. And, additionally, the access to all Divine Wisdom. For ages we have been told that this is “Enlightenment” or a part of the ascension after completing our lives here on Earth. Perhaps this is more available to us if we just “wake up.”

There is an 8 minute parable regarding this concept of volunteers coming to Earth to assist with consciousness raising. If this YouTube video is available, you can check this out and share with other conscious friends. This experience is based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at: “The Volunteers” (Skip the pop up Ad, it is not part of the story.)

Did you watch the video? Do you resonate with this perspective? If so, who do you know who you are going to share this with and so assist them in their waking up? And, what are you going to do the assist in raising consciousness and spiritual vibrations on Earth? The more people who can become conscious and the more the vibration can be raised, the faster these positive transitions can occur for humanity. Please consider how you can get the word out or, at the very least, be the role model of the fully enlightened soul you are. Act like you are more than the limited 3 dimensional character you are playing in the drama called life on Earth.

Every day, perhaps every moment, look for the Joy in the lesson you are learning from the challenge you are currently living. Yes, Joy in the most difficult, or even painful, lesson. You are a Master of your Journey. AND, You are Loved for being who you are!

There is no definitive way of proving, or disproving, the theory regarding the “Volunteers” that I know of… Regardless as to whether this is an optimistic fantasy or possible, it is always a good idea to increase our awareness and to “wake up.” Enhancing our empathy and consciousness is more and more necessary in our overcrowded world. Raising our conscious vibrations, learning equanimity, being “present,” and reducing our desire for crippling judgements makes good sense in our modern world. Never give up on what is essential… growing in consciousness and finding ways to be of service. Share Love. Share your wisdom. Find Joy even in difficult challenges. Remember where you came from and where you will return.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Who Are YOU!

It is time for a reminder. You may have limitations which do not allow you to realize who you are and how important you are. Your Ego may want you to “play it small” so you are not a target or threatened. Like the deer in the headlights, you may freeze when the spotlight of life shines on you… BUT, it does NOT change the deeper truth, you are a Miracle. You, whether you know it or not, are a Master. No one could do “YOU” better than You do you. AND, You are essential. Sure, you may be playing out a life which may appear to be a lesser character in the Play of Life, but every character is essential and the play could NOT be performed without you in the role you are playing.

Fear and your insecurity may get in the way of you seeing how truly Awesome you are. Many of us consciously or unconsciously choose fear or anxiety as a major way to relate to this world. Our survival may depend on how quick we respond to a fearful stimuli. We learn by behaving appropriately in the survival of scary things but it is NOT who we are. We survive and stay alive because we have many things to learn and to do in this life. What are we scared of, dying? Well, we are all going to die some day anyway. Living in Fear of Death is a waste of time, energy, and our consciousness. In case you need some clarity, Death is NOT the enemy! Death is the final transition we experience AND we get to move into the higher realms where Unconditional Love, Freedom, Acceptance, Oneness, and access to all Divine Wisdom is available.

You came to the Earth plane to be challenged. You may have forgotten how great you are as a spirit. You live in the limitations of our 3 dimensional world for the “Drama” and the “Challenges” which are found as we interact with people and experiences on the Earthly plane. Some of us have chosen to come in for long lives. Some of us have chosen to come for a brief or shorter lifespan, probably for the lessons of our family or friends or caregivers. No matter which, you are essential to the events you have been born into…

With greater awareness and developed consciousness, you may remember connection to the Divine Spirit. You may remember that every soul you bump into is “perfect” in her or his own way, and they are here for some lesson you may be involved within. Perhaps, you will even “remember” that YOU are a Master and you have much to offer. You can be a beacon of Love and Light to serve and to guide others on their path to Reawakening! You and your path through this life are “Perfect!” And, as long as you are here, Be the Best you can be. Keeping learning and growing in consciousness. Wherever possible, find a way to Love and to Serve your fellow pilgrims. (Even the ones who seem to push your buttons as a lesson…)

If you resist this message, ask yourself why you do not want to remember and to celebrate the magnificent soul you are here to be. Not an Ego trip, but a remembering of how the Divine Spirit created you as essential to the drama here on our Earth. Find Joy, even in the difficult challenges you are here to learn from. (Easier said than done, but still available for you…) Take a deep slow breath and know all the other miracles of life which surround you for these can teach you so much!

Where possible consider the Divine Perfection of your soul! You are an Earth Angel in an Earthly incarnation having a “human” experience. Love and appreciate the Miracle of the Divine which lives brightly within you and is so much greater than your mind can understand.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Dancing in the Light

Yes. It is that time again in the Northern Hemisphere to begin to search for those ways to get yourself “Dancing in the Light” once again. Well, everyone on this planet, Earth, can search for ways to be “Dancing in the Light.” It is not just about the starting of the Spring season, this is about being challenged to look for Joy and Gratitude in each and every moment. Sure, this can be challenging when you are not feeling well or your life lessons seem overwhelming, but, if you are “Present” (in this moment) and can set aside your fear or anxiety or your “drama,” you can take a breath and find the Joy and Wisdom from the miracle of life you are!

I have said this before and will continue to remind you, YOU are a Miracle! You are so much greater than the human life drama you find yourself acting out on this Earthly plane. But, I acknowledge that YOU are Perfect in playing the role you have been birthed to play. No one can do you better than you are doing you. You are unique and special, AND, needed in the role you are playing. Now, remember that you want to do your very best at being who you are. You must continue growing in awareness and consciousness to be the very best “YOU.” We are counting on you to be the most conscious person you can be. You have refined your character so many times in this life. With every new relationship, or job, or role you take on in your family or your community, you have adapted and grown your character. You are in the spotlight and everyone must play off of the character you have chosen to play.

Now, as for you “Dancing in the Light,” that spotlight never fades. Your drama may intensify and sometimes you are the hero or the villain but you are always at the very center of the stage. So, why not be the beacon of Love and Light that you are. Let your Spirit burn with the fires of Joy and Loving Kindness. Shine brightly to be a beacon of Light to those characters who seem to hide in the shadows or are concealed in the dark corners of your stage. Sometimes, we are the flame of brightness and love so we attract the seemingly damaged souls, like moths fly to the light. We attract those people who seem to be needy or “injured.” You can not assist everyone, especially those who wish to carry their injuries for others to learn from, they teach us what not to do or what not to be… You can not control or take credit or blame for another person’s life’s path. But, you can be of service by being sincere and shining brightly as an act of service and support.

YOU have a Choice!

Be the most Perfect YOU that you can be. Look to grow in consciousness and to support any of the pilgrims who cross your path in this life. When given the opportunity, look them in the eyes and honor the deep perfection of their soul. Honor the role they are playing even if you find it challenging. AND, learn your lesson from every interaction in the Dance of Life.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Every Step You Take

Every day most of us, who are lucky enough to be able to walk around, take thousands of steps as we plod our way through this world. It is important to be more conscious of each moment and each step. My offering to you is to be more present and mindful of each step. This is not possible for most of us BUT just raising your consciousness to considering 1-2% of your steps would be a “Step in the Right Direction.” (Sorry, for this Pun.) However, focusing on a few of the many steps you take each day can pull you in to your body and the present moment in a positive way.

As a stress management trainer and coach, I have shared a technique from Za-Zen which creates more Mindful living. It is simple and effective. If you want to attempt this technique to trigger a more mindful and relaxed life then follow this instruction a couple of times per day over a few of your busy days. First, consider your “intent” to be more mindful. Stop and take three slow deep breaths. Focus on the cool air as you inhale, then pause for a moment, and exhale fully and completely. Perhaps you can notice the warm air that you exhale. After those three breaths continue breathing slowly. Then begin walking, a bit more slowly than you normally walk. This control of your pace can assist you to get present. Now, as you walk more slowly and carefully, or “Mindfully,” feel your foot as it touches down. Does your toe hit first? Or, does your heel touch first? Roll your foot down into a complete step and repeat this for 20-30 steps. To consider 20-30 slowed steps requires a little time but can change your conscious consideration of the pace you “normally” live at.

As you practice this technique, notice how this allows you to feel. More in control of your body and your life? More present in this moment? More aware of your tight shoulders or jaw or forehead? Consider just “letting go” of judgement and allow yourself to “feel” who you are at this moment in time… This simple, but powerful, awareness technique can have profound benefit for you. Challenge yourself to give this a try and then consider how this can impact the rest of your day, your attitude toward your life, and the life that you have allowed to slip below your consciousness. You may even be amused as you watch other people as they scurry, busily through their lives. Wow, you are leaping into a consciousness that can assist you with your empathy and your “being in the moment” in a new way.

This only takes a few moments from your “busy” day. However, it will expand your control over your life and even your thoughts. Focus on a slow and more conscious breath as you stroll through your day and even find the joy of living in your present body. You are a Blessing!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at