Your Gift to the World Is YOU!

Do you like receiving a gift? Do you get pleasure and satisfaction from giving a great gift? If you are like most people, you get a great sense of satisfaction by giving a thoughtful gift. Hopefully, the gift has no “strings attached” to the process of giving. (You know what I mean when you give a gift and EXPECT something in return for your efforts…) Your present may be heartfelt and wrapped in the elegance of your warm wishes and tender love. It may be given in a more functional, less extravagant wrapping. It may have been thought out and well planned or a spontaneous act of sharing. You know when your act of giving is especially well received and when it does not meet the highest response.

A genuine act of kindness is often the most thoughtful gift which you can offer. “The thought counts” and the endearing follow through can be most meaningful. AND, many of us do not appreciate the present we can offer when we are sharing our love and our time and our compassion. You know that moment in time when the person in front of you offered you their “presence” and their listening skills as you share the most emotional memories. What a great gift when you are fully heard and this connection reminds you that you are not on your own. There is someone who listened and who cares…

Whenever, you increase your consciousness, you improve yourself. By enhancing your awareness and listening skills, you become more precious in your interactions. And, if you ever touch the Divine Spirit so that you fully celebrate the “perfection” of the person in front of you, you become the beacon of light which heals and warms the souls of every spirit you touch. There is no greater gift you can give. Honor yourself, for you are perfect even in your seeming imperfections. There is no one exactly like you. You are unique and at the same time Divinely connected to all other souls. Your lessons in this life are for you to move forward on your path BUT your movement on your path supports and assists everyone. Remember how Divine you really are and the source of unconditional love you can offer.

Be the best you can be. Not competitive but in your open ability to share love. If possible, drop your judgement and perhaps ask a “challenging” person you encounter, “What has happened to you in your life to lead you to be the person in front of me?” ALSO, remember that just as YOU are a Gift for the people you bump into, THEY are a Gift for you as well. You have a lesson to learn from every encounter and it is a blessing to learn from this challenge. You might want to consider honoring the beauty and perfection in front of you when next you lock eyes on the person standing in front of you!

YOU are a gift to the Universe! Sharing your Love and your wisdom gained through your life experience is an amazing service to the Universe. Grow in consciousness and share your Light!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Do Your Gift

Do the Gift You were Given to do! We were all born with lessons to learn and talents or innate skills to assist us in providing the service we came here to share. If you can get your ego out of the way and remember the deeper connections we have with all other souls, then you will be better able to share your specific gifts.

Find, and then, know your passion. If you limit your time, energy and attention to only what you think you “should” be doing in your life, you may find that you have missed out on doing what you truly need to be engaged within. It is NOT a waste to be doing your “shoulds,” it just takes away from the important desires of your life. Life is not as much fun if you only do the “shoulds.”

But, what is YOUR Gift? And, how can you Offer Your Special Piece? What are you most strongly attracted to do? Maybe, what do you envy when you see another person’s representation of their life? I do not like the word, envy, but it can lead you to a discussion as to what might be missing from the path you are taking in life. You do have the choice to know your passion, follow your passion, and to be happily engaged in our life. Your parent’s expectations or lifestyle DOES NOT have to be the blueprint for YOUR life!

Especially, ask your self what you would be doing if there was no limitation or excuse for changing direction in your life. If you won the lottery, and money was no object, what would you be doing differently? After you travel, buy a bigger house, financially protect your children, fix your bad knee (or whatever health challenge,) and get your dream car, what would be the most satisfying activity for the rest of your life? I will bet, in most cases, you would be engaged in some act of service. What would that be? How would it feel to be able to do this? AND, why are you NOT doing this now? This act of service may find a form that is not expensive other than your time and energy. Why is NOT a part of your life NOW? The “things” you gather will not be what you celebrate at the end of this life. You will look to the people and experiences with the people you have bumped into which will be the rewarding memories and the “value” of your life’s path.

Write your book even if you never sell a single copy. (It is your thoughts and experiences and these are unique to you. Share them…)

YOU are a blessing. You have much to offer. Even if you can only afford to sit with someone else and share your story. Or, serve by being a “witness” to someone else telling their story. It is a wonderful gift to listen as a person tells the most important experiences from their lives. And maybe, yes maybe, the connection you make may lead to the learning which you are here to do.

Note: I often ask too much from my expectations in life. Expectations, quite regularly, screw things up, but that is another blog. Your PURPOSE may be simpler than you realize. It may be more important than you give it credit for. Your purpose, no matter who you are, is to serve humanity and all of consciousness by reaching around and taking the hands of your fellow pilgrims. We are all in this together and offering support, perhaps direction, can be the life changing outcome of assisting a fellow traveler. Simple is often better. A loving role model is better than a driven lecture. Remember, your actions speak louder than your words AND we need more nonjudgmental people to model.

Your gift may lie in your intuition. And, to be a clear channel you need to polish the mirror. You can do this by taking better care of yourself and in so doing, take better care of your Gift. (Example: meditate and get out into a natural setting to be present in the world.) Reflect back what your fellow partner requires and NOT what YOUR lesson is about. You may find that by using your gift of intuition you can learn a great deal as you say the words (communicate) to your partner. I have found these experiences to be magical and I know the value for the learning of each of us… You and your Gift are a blessing!

If you want to share your Gift or your story, consider the Masters of the Journey Community. Remember to remember, you are a blessing!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Greatest Gift You Can Give

Are you into gift giving? Are you ready to discover the secret of an amazing gift idea? Even if you are excellent at picking out the “right” gift or you are an exceptional crafts-person who creates the most awesome artistic once-in-lifetime creations, you can learn how to make other people the happiest by learning the lesson of this blog. Now are you ready to listen???

Put your wallet away. Clean your crafts’ soot off your hands. Look lovingly and with grateful humility into your most cherished friend/relative’s eyes and say “Thank You” (from your heart) when they OFFER YOU their gift. The gift you receive could be expensive. It could inexpensive but all that they could afford. It could be the gift of a service rendered. It could be a gift of expressed love or care. YOU give the gift of receiving this special gift and allow them to feel the pleasure of YOUR appreciation. Yes, it is difficult for many of us to receive a gift! It can be difficult to be “Present” and accept the gesture without piling on your material expression of…. “giftiness” (made up word.)

Allow your gift presenter her special moment of loving appreciation and know the love in their thoughtfulness.

Especially, if you are sick or dying, allow your friends and loved ones to give generously of their love for you. Do not play the victim, just accept their assistance and make them a part of your challenging experience. They will remember these moments when they were able, and allowed, to perform a “mitzvah” (Jewish for: a good deed.)

If you have been the “Giver” and not allowed others the gift of giving to you, these receivers may feel guilty and in your debt. You feel good but they have not had the chance to even the score and, believe me, if they are good people, they do not want a one way gifting relationship. They want a chance to be there for you!

So remember the blessing of being open to receiving a heartfelt gesture. Embrace it with sincerity. Bask in the bright light they radiate in your appreciation of their efforts. AND, do not take any moment of kindness and generosity for granted.

Share love. Smile and acknowledge, without judgement, those who cross your path… We are all pilgrims on a journey toward consciousness and toward remembering the divine spirit which dwells in each of us.

Blessings to you!

Connecting with a community of people seeking to remember their divine… Masters of the Journey