Listening to That Small Voice in Your Soul

Yes, it is time to remind myself and “you” to pay attention to that ever present, though quiet, small voice. Not the judgmental narrative of the mind BUT the sweet, wisdom which comes from the source which we are all connected to, the Divine Spirit. Yup, I am reading Michael Singer’s book, “The Untethered Soul,” and a little book my new friend, Royce Williams, sent to me authored by his mom, Lee Williams, in 1994 entitled, “Heaven and Earth.” Both include, in their own way, the reminder (or new consciousness info for some) that we may not be bound to always listening to the 3 dimensional, fear based thinking, that is generated in the mind/ego.

What if we all practiced Mindfulness and we could:
Offer Unconditional Love and Acceptance
Be most aware of our real role in the Perfect Universe
Share our Wisdom Freely
Live in Joy
Avoid getting caught in the traps of fear and drama
Embrace Interconnection and Compassion
Remember the Impermanence of our 3 Dimensional World
Live in the Beginners Mind of Wonderment and Gratitude???

I have said this before and repeat again, YOU ARE MUCH GREATER THAN YOU MIGHT KNOW or at least give yourself credit for being! You are a Perfect hologram of the Divine Wisdom and can find peace and consciousness by going within. All you gotta do is quiet the yelling from your mind/ego (based in fear and insecurity) and ask the questions of your soul to find the answers which allow you to move forward toward higher consciousness and perhaps, Enlightenment (whatever that may be…) Michael Singer’s first 40 pages in his book offers a brilliant explanation, with out quoting research studies, regarding the way the mind and the spirit within you operates. He creates awareness that will change the way you “think” and better assist you in the process of finding the deeper truth of who you are.

Why is this important, you ask? ‘Cause I say so! AND, the fear and pain that comes from the survival instincts of your mind/ego can keep you from finding JOY and peace. Knowing and listening to your quiet small voice reduces your belief in separation and the concept you are distinct from all other things in our Universe. The Small voice helps you to reconnect with sources of wisdom which can assist you in the challenges you confront as you move along the path in this life.

It will not solve all your problems but the small voice can create the insight into how all of these learnings and interactions will benefit you, and so, benefit the Universal Spirit. We are not alone. We are all in this together. You can “circle the wagons” and continue to support the “rationale” of separation but, sooner or later, you will develop enough of your spiritual connection with the “Divine” so you will start to “Remember” who you really are and where you come from. And as Lee Williams says, embrace the “light and the dark” in awareness of the perfection and balance these seemingly opposites create.

If you desire a copy of Lee Williams’ book, “Heaven and Earth,” Please contact her son, Royce Williams at: – – This book will cost $11.00 and includes shipping in the U.S.A. (Contact Royce for payment and to get your mailing address.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Seeing Ourselves as Separate and Finding Our Way Back to Oneness

Our language and our culture teaches us that we are separate and unique. Our language compares and judges as we fight to describe events and things. We are caught in the limitations as a survival mechanism which triggers an “every man for himself” mentality. And, when we become more fully conscious, we “remember” that we are all part of larger, perfect divine consciousness.

Perhaps our minds are too limited by the three dimensional experience we seem to know. We are separated in our skin enclosed bodies. When our parents give us language to describe the world, we are taught comparisons because words are too limiting to describe the “wholeness” and the inter-connections we have. Just to test this out, how can you accurately define: the sweet taste of a ripe pineapple, or define the color green, or really define the feeling of love. These may be too difficult due to the limitations words and our language places on these descriptions.

BUT, it gets even worse when we look to explain or define: unconditional love, “oneness,” or the expansive freedom of the Divine Spirit filling the Universe. If, and when, you have a “STE” (Spiritually Transformative Experience) your consciousness will shift and expand. You will never be the same. You can not fit the Genie back in the bottle and your transformation may take time for this “reintegration” back into your current incarnation to fully begin to grasp YOUR GREATNESS! Your limitations begin to fade as you re-awaken to the knowing that your soul and spirit are larger than your 3 dimensional mind may be able to understand.

Perhaps the most important concept to “Remember” will be the concept that you are NOT separate. You are an important part of the whole Divine Spirit. You are connected to all other souls and things existing in our Universe. When “Enlightenment” occurs you will know that every person you encounter is another part of YOU and that, whether you like it or not, we are all in this Divine lesson together. We are here to learn and to grow and the find Joy. We are here to serve and support the other souls we bump in to on our path toward higher consciousness.

Seeing separation is part of the challenge. “Knowing” our connections is what Enlightenment includes. We are all on the path to develop by Remembering our Divinity the highest levels of consciousness which are possible to us in this lifetime… Though challenging to fully understand, we are not separate. Personally, I struggle to “Remember” my Oneness 24-7. For me, there are only fragments of remembered insight, but these are a starting place because now that I know oneness, I can NOT go back to live less consciously in a life separation.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are NOT alone or separate. You can come home to a community of fellow seekers of enlightenment.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Am God!

I am God! “NO, You are Not!” And, So are YOU! Your Judgement and Your Opinion say so much about YOU! Do you believe in the reality of Duality where there is life based on judging Good or Bad. Or, do you believe that the reality and truth has NO judgement and knows we are all equal and perfect in our Divinity.

You must choose what you believe or, more importantly, what you “Know.” Do you believe that we are all children of God and we have the Divine Spirit burning within our souls. ACIM (A Course in Miracles) which is one of the dictations from Jesus asks us to remember that our bodies and our lives are learning experiences and in truth there is no separation between who you really are, as a soul/spirit, and all other souls. We are one. We all share in the Light of Love and when not in our incarnations we are not constrained by our minds or our egos or by time or by our 3 dimensional (belief) “illusion.” We are bathed in Wisdom and Consciousness when we are between incarnations (or when we know that we can be in many “lives” simultaneously.) In that state of Divine Spirit, we do not find guilt or sin in the next soul because they are us.

We are all the same. If this soul behaves differently than you might behave, you must know that they have their own lessons and experiences to learn from. Ideally, we will love and support them in their journey so they will awaken and becoming more conscious in this incarnation. If you feel triggered or challenged by another person’s behavior perhaps you can ask the most useful question, “What happened to YOU?” (what led them to behave the way they behave.) They have free choice AND they must take responsibility for their actions, their beliefs, and the behaviors which they demonstrate. They are not “Bad” or “Wrong” because we are all perfect, but we each have different lessons and paths. (AND, what is your lesson in interacting with this person/soul who has “triggered” you.)

Nobody is special! No one is better. We are all equal. We are all “One.” When we transition at the end of our current incarnation, we will join in spirit with a loving God and feel the connection with ALL spirits.

To Remove the veil that hides the light in me as I must remove the veil that hides the light in you. If you find guilt and judgement of separation, then you get to search a bit more so you can “Remember” your Divine Source. These errors are to be corrected. Nothing more, nothing less. We are One!

You may agree or you may disagree. You have your choice. You may want to argue to justify your belief and your choice but as you consider your arguments be open to really knowing God and why God has created you, our Universe, and all the higher realms. You came here to learn your lessons and one of your lessons is to be exposed to the concepts listed above. Be open. Expand your wisdom and your consciousness. Remember, no matter what, YOU are Perfect! You are a Blessing! We are ALL in this together, know this now or remember this later…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Loneliness is NOT an Illusion

We are the MOST “connected” society AND we are the MOST Lonely society! Yes, we celebrate the “illusion” that we do not feel our loneliness because we have apparatus which pretends to keep us “in touch” with “friends.” Many of us are addicted, YES addicted, to our smart phones and tablets with the expectation that our FB posts, or our Tweets, or texting, or our Instagram offerings are showing the WORLD, our world, that we are fully participating and really proud and joyful about our lives even if it looks like our breakfast or our cute pet postings. Yet, loneliness exists. You can see loneliness in the desperate behaviors which surround us.

Example. I came at 8:15 AM to stand in line at REI (Recreational Equipment Inc) for the semi annual “Garage sale.” The store opened at 9:00 AM and I was 40 or 50 in line with 45 minutes to opening. These are hardcore outdoor enthusiasts trying to get a good deal so they can go backpacking, camping, hiking, cycling, kayaking, or whatever. ALL 40 or 50 of these line standers was ON THEIR SMART PHONES! So, I asked the people with me in the lengthening line, “was it mandatory to be on my smart phone as I a waited the store opening?” Pretty much YES. So I pulled out my smart phone so I would not look stupid or upset the others in line, I say sarcastically. I did manage to engage the people around me in conversation and we were clearly old friends by the time we pushed into the store. Because we chatted, I could talk with them to find out if they had found the specific gear that they had arrived so early to acquire. THIS IS NOT UNIQUE. Look around at the line in the expresso place or bus stop or market, or bank or ….

Many of us have lost touch with our ability to have deeper conversations and emotional interactions with real, live, responding, human friends or family. Yes, I have seen, and so have you, people sitting in the same room, even across the table from each other, and TEXTING the person in the room. What is that about? That is about addiction to technology and false idols of communication. The illusion that some how we are not suffering from addiction and loneliness. Two dimensional text messages are NOT a substitute for a hug or looking into the eyes of someone who needs support or encouragement. It does not include gestures, body language, or tone of voice. Texting is NOT the way wisdom and experience can be shared in any meaningful way. Yes, superficial sharing is SAFE and easy and quick but it is NOT a deeply felt human interaction. The kind of interaction that truly supports us.

There have been studies of children raised in Eastern European orphanages where babies and young children were left for hours without human contact and touching. Many of these children grew up with severe mental, emotional, and even physical disabilities. My point is that people need human interaction and nurturing AND technology has NOT found the way to reach out and really touch you like face to face interactions are supposed to offer. AND, if you do not see this effect upon our human culture just look around. People can not speak with clarity or depth about important relationship issues. We seem to require very graphic, adrenaline producing movies, TV, or gaming to get into our very limited attention spans. Teachers are fighting for their classrooms attention and must adjust to the lowest common denominator of the lowest attention span in the room.

People FEEL LONELY. We are NOT connected. We do not honor the wisdom and experience which is shut away in our retirement “homes,” senior housing, and “full care nursing facilities kept separate from our Youth Oriented culture. WE are lonely both Older folks and younger people. There is even discussion regarding a new psychological/emotional symptom in our psychological codes referred to as “Loneliness Syndrome.”

Fear is driving the technology addiction. We do not want to feel left out of this mass behavior. We do not want to be odd or “unpopular.” We do not want to stand up and actually speak because that attracts a spot light of attention and that can feel threatening. “someone may make “fun” of me.” It is easier to be “anonymous” in a snarky text or FB comment. Advertising insists that for our “young” lives to be successful, we must add the latest technology or “app.” We have not evolved so far in the past 35 years of the “Information Age” that the tribal behavior of sharing stories, and maybe wisdom, around the campfire, as we have done for thousands of years, is now SO obsolete and primitive that it does not work any more. Technology has changed the way we live but the need of looking into someone’s eyes as they share their story has not!

Let’s try some silliness and humor.
A dead guy is in line to see St Peter at the “Pearly Gates.” He has his cellphone with him. He walks up to the Gate Keeper and says “Can I take this with me? I am waiting for a Text. BTW (By the way) Pete, what is the WiFi password for heaven?” Or, “Is there a GPS for the “Higher Realms”???”

Though we find ourselves worshipping our: individualism, independence, separation, this can lead to emotional isolation and emotional/spiritual loneliness. Our souls are connected and yet we do not have time to remember this because our technology keeps interrupting our meditation. Yes, we are all connected but the internet still has a ways to evolve before it grasps the deepest levels of sharing, listening, and witnessing the wisdom we can find in each other.

Take a risk! Look a friend or a stranger in the eye and with sincerity ask them who they are. Thank them for being the soul which you have bumped into in the warm dryer called life! We are all in this together, whether you know this or not.

If you want to have this conversation with people who have committed to supporting other people AND their stories, consider our Masters of the Journey Community. You are a blessing and the experiences you have had in this life should be shared (for you and for the witnesses.)

Oneness vs Self

Dilemma: Oneness and 100% connection versus the preservation and requirements of Self-care…

Is there a conflict or not? Does the concept of “Oneness” mean Selfless and complete lack of Separation from all other Divine Souls or can the human incarnation engage in the activity of Self-care?

Some say that there is Not a conflict. A priority of self-care as a priority is a demonstration of Self-love and the Self-awareness adding to the consciousness of the greater Divinity. The act of inward reflection in meditation adds to personal awareness and growth. It is an act of Self-care. It also takes the edge off mental/emotional swings of the Mind and Ego.

Self-care with exercise can allow you to find your way into the “Present” moment and can help to release guilt and the held upset from past remembrances and anxiety for the changes and unknowns of the future.

Personal reflection and insights as you view your life’s lessons and interactions is the purpose of your incarnation. We learn from “Bumping” up against our “Triggers” and testing out our new skill sets and new learnings to see how these fit our “lessons” as we plod along our paths toward greater consciousness. It forces us to accept and to love unconditionally all the people and situations our egos may find annoying, difficult or distracting.

These are our challenges and our laboratory for testing our newly developing consciousness and wisdoms. If we are “triggered,” then we have a lesson to learn more fully.

You are a Divine Soul and perfect. You are here to serve and to assist other pilgrims. Whether you know it or not, You are a Master. If you seek a non-religious community for support and to enhance your conscious development, consider Masters of the Journey and tell Your story!

How Did You Get HERE?

Whether you know it or not, you are: Loved, Blessed, Guided/Protected, Safe, & Free! Think back on the path you have followed which has led you to be here now! There is a reason, known or unknown, that you have found your way here. At the many forks in the road of your life, YOU chose the direction that led you here. Why? It may not be a conscious knowing but each challenge you have chosen has offered you the chance to learn the spectacular lesson you desired. And, here you are!

Know the blessing and the guidance which has brought you here. Share the wisdom from the experience gained along the way. Celebrate each encounter bestowed upon you with the next soul you are blessed to meet and use this coincidence of connection to find YOUR reflection in your fellow traveller. Where ever possible, assist your fellow pilgrim to remember THEIR perfection and divinity.

As you remember, find your connection in the oneness shared with those fellow travelers you are supposed to encounter. We are all connected. We are one! Let separation and judgement melt away. Find acceptance and respect for every being (pilgrim) you meet. (We are all in this together and if your ego is challenged by the interaction with another, bless the lesson that this creates for you, even the struggle. Especially the struggle…)

When your experience of this life appears grim, Light your candle and disappear the darkness. You can and will create the miracle which serves the divine. Share your wisdom and your love!

Exercise: Remember the past 10 or 12 years to find the “Forks in the Road” that lead you to this moment in the present. Did you make choices? Were you “Guided?” Are you able to take full responsibility for the actions taken along this path? AND, what have you learned? (Where possible, please share your insights and wisdoms. Thank you.)

If appropriate, consider the support you can find in a non-religious community such as the Masters of the Journey which you can find, and participate in at:

Bless you on your path. Honor and celebrate each step along the way in the present moment… As best you can…


Channelled from guidance, August 14th, 2016. Editing 8/15/16.