Keeping the Faith

What is Faith? And, what does it mean to be “Keeping the Faith?”

Definition of faith

1. a: allegiance to duty or a person: loyalty lost faith in the company’s president
b: fidelity to one’s promises: sincerity of intentions acted in good faith

2. a: belief and trust in and loyalty to God : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b: firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return : complete trust

3.: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith

So of these various Merriam-Webster dictionary definitions, the one I am going with is 2.b: Complete trust. In our world, especially in our culture, it seems difficult to trust, let alone, have “complete trust” in anything. Our media and sources of news are expressing “alternative facts.” We can not believe anything on “face value” without “fact checking” and many people are too lazy to check facts or do not know where to go to check the facts about the things we see or hear. Too lazy and unable to get reliable information is rampant in our culture and so we are easy “targets” to be taken advantaged by those who shout the loudest and are willing to repeat untruths so often that people start believing these lies. Wow, this is a sad commentary on our culture and the world which we live within. With instant, world wide communication from the internet and we can not believe what we read, see, or hear on our home computers…

But, this is NOT the FAITH to which I speak. I will not address religious Faith because through history this has killed too many innocent people. I do not even want to talk about loyalty to God, because who is to say that the definition of God is what is true and worth loyalty and Faith. Yes, I must be a heretic to write this way…

The Faith which I am talking about is the deepest Faith that we can have. It is the “Knowing” and the “Remembering” of the Faith that dwells deep within your soul. It is the perfection that you were born with before your brain, ego, and learned experience took over and created separation from other souls and the beauty of unconditional, nonjudgmental love which is at your core. As an innocent baby born into the world you knew the “source” of the Divine but found the lessons of this earthly existence too engaging and distracting to maintain your pure spirit. Then, you spend your lifetime trying to “remember” who you are, where you came from, and what is your purpose. When your meditation and spiritual experience leads you back to your source wisdom, you will return to the “Faith” which you seek. It may take many lifetimes, but you will find that you are not separated from the other pilgrims you bump into. You are the same. You are perfect and you are a hologram of the perfect God who is Love! When you rediscover your purpose, you find that it is not so complicated. It is to reach out your hand to assist fellow pilgrims on their path to consciousness so you ALL return to “source” and acceptance, and wisdom, and to unconditional love.

Appreciate each moment, as best you can. Love each person who crosses your path because they are there for a reason and each interaction has a purpose. The most challenging interactions are the most important for the lessons you are here to learn. So, look into each person’s eyes and find the divine perfection of the perfect soul who stands in front of you. So much easier said than done in this life…

Blessings to you as you trudge each step along your journey through life. Deep within, know that you are perfect and a master. You just have to learn to live your perfection, again easier said than done.

Find the support you may require AND offer love and support to the people you meet along the way.

Masters of the Journey is a community of “seekers” and may assist you with support and resources. Keep the Faith! You are perfect and a child of Love! Know that you will find complete trust within your soul. Blessings to you along your path!

Practical Connections

If you have followed the recent blogs, the theme of the importance of quality connections has been a topic of several recent blogs. The question came up regarding how can you begin to use this information in a practical way. How can you incorporate the building of connections into your daily life? A simple but powerful practice is listed below.

The first and most obvious part of this practice is to set your intention to create connections. Be aware of the possibilities which commonly arise in your day to day life. We are never alone. We are all in this cosmic universe together. Our souls are all connected. Every soul is perfect and unique, like snowflakes. We are all here for different reasons and to learn our special lessons. We are here to support each soul which dances into your life (our current incarnation.) Yes, even the manifestations which trigger your judgement, fear, anger, or frustration. Perhaps, especially these more challenging encounters. These are here for a reason! Your interactions and your lessons come from your attempts to deal with each of these encounters, no matter how subtle, brief, or distracted by your other points of focus. But, if you have the intention to create and honor your connections, even if incidental, these will have value, at some level, for your life experience.

The second part of the practice can be as simple as making eye contact. This sounds simple but a conscious, soul enhancing contact includes more… Perhaps you can engage those eyes for a moment and find yourself led to a deeper understanding, and acceptance, of the soul behind the eyes. Maybe there are those moments when you connect with this soul behind the eyes and look to find the perfection of the spirit. Easier said than done, you may avoid, or limit, your ego’s judgement and know that you share a “oneness” with this spirit. You may even find that “They” are you in different form. Appreciate that this soul has found your gaze for a reason and is here to support you on some level to learn your lessons. Know, also, also you are here for this person and their soul development. Maybe you are the shining role model of unconditional love and acceptance. (Your ego will never know or understand the deepest levels of this exchange.)

In the moment of gazing into those eyes, your conscious self can find many things. Are those eyes and full of joyful energy? Are those eyes sad and flickering with the pain from current travails? Are those eyes dark and seemingly dead like black holes with little or no energy escaping? Are those eyes “impish” or playful? Are they inquisitive and asking questions in the pursuit of wisdom? Are those eyes judgmental like a young soul who is still locked in fear and ego? Much can be experienced from connecting with the feelings of a story behind those eyes.

Now, hold that connection through your eyes and when you see the perfect spirit in front of you, welcome them into your consciousness as if your were greeting the most innocent beautiful child into your family. If your heart melts with joy and love, then you have reached a special level where the both of you can feed off the healing energy of acceptance and love.

Finally, acknowledge this being of light with a sincere and joy filled smile. It is a blessing to warm their consciousness with this simple gesture. Your sincerity can shine through and help to build connections with all of the souls in the divine. Your acknowledgement serves to demonstrate the positive role that this encounter has had upon your life.

Do not take this too lightly, for eye connections and the warmth of your smile sets positive energy into motion and can start ripples and waves of joy across, and then beyond, our universe.

When you can be conscious, celebrate and so cherish every connection, every soul with the blessing of your radiant smile.

The concept of Namaste is a manifestation which can come from this practice… (Not just a wish or a thought but an action…)

When it is time for you to seek conscious support from a community of fellow “seekers” please consider our non-religious spiritual community, the Masters of the Journey.

Free Will?

Free Choice … Free Will…???

I was on the phone with Rodger, my Colorado Guru friend, this morning and we were discussing an upcoming Masters of the Journey program which is focused on “Enhancing Life by Knowing Death.” Another friend who has wisdom and who has experience is presenting his story of his NDE (Near Death Experience) of 4 years ago, will be the center of focus at this meeting. His name is Don. In preparation for this meeting, Don shared with me that he was very conscious of being in both realms (life & death) as he lay unconscious in the hospital as medical folks fought to keep him alive. His description of the “other” realm (in my words of interpretation) was that it was supremely peaceful, warmed with unconditional love and acceptance, free of the pains and limitations of the “body,” and surrounded by the wisdom of the divine. Rodger’s question to me was, “did he have Free Will to Choose whether to return to his “Meatsuit” (body) or was he forced to return?” Free Will/Free Choice… why would he return???

When you stop and think about it, why would anyone want to return? Why would they choose to come back into a damaged body, rehab, and continue with the struggles of living in human form? Great question!

From my experience, I say, we do have “Free Choice” on whether to return to our “lives.” We do have a choice to stay in heaven with the freedom and love, and the acceptance AND we choose to return. But why?

We still have more lessons… We have more to learn…
But, perhaps most importantly, we have sharing of our “story.” We have the service of assisting other souls! We have a reason for touching other people’s lives both for “Their” learning and for “our” continued learning. We are all in this together and sharing our wisdom gained from life experience IS OUR Purpose in this life!

We do not have to have a NDE to share the wisdom of living in our human forms. We are ALL Masters! There are so many ways to serve and service to other pilgrims is our reason for living!

We have “Free Will” and we “know” that we are here to serve. Our “Free Choice” comes with the “Knowing” that we are here to assist other souls to “Remember” their Divinity AND why they are here! It is not so difficult to choose to return to our lives and our mortal bodies because the Divinity awaits us and our purpose is to reach around and touch other lives in the most positive ways.

Consider living without our fear and anxiety regarding dying AND make the most out of your opportunity to Love, Find & Share Joy, and look for the “Perfection” in every soul you encounter. (The challenge comes from the characters who are placed in our lives to “Stir things up” and teach us the challenging lessons…)

Blessings to you on Your Path! Namaste and I hope that I can experience the Divine Perfection YOU Are!

Masters of the Journey is a community of support and resources for all contributors – all Masters (Like YOU!)
Find us at or on Facebook at

Guidance From Within

Have you ever felt “Guided” to do something or to make a decision at one of the cross-roads of life? Has that “Voice” in your head or heart shared a feeling or thought with your conscious mind? Have you ever “Remembered” something that you had not ever known at a conscious level? If you have read my past blogs, I have made reference to times in my life where I was blessed with a “Knowing” or Feeling or Thought which offered a chance to move in a direction, in my life, which I “needed” to take because the lesson or opportunity was so important for me to experience. This has happened over and over for me AND it has always worked out for me & my learning. (Even though some of these learning experiences have been laced with pain or difficult challenges.)

Not long ago I visited a professional psychic/medium who gave me great insight into things that I already “Knew” deep inside. It was reassuring and from a perspective that I needed at the time. This professional psychic was a person who was highly respected and referred to me by someone I know and trust. It was a spectacular experience. As a part of this session, she introduced me to one of my “spirit guides” who I did not already “know” at a conscious level. I liked meeting this new “Guide.” My new Guide offered me support and insight which was very useful and needed at that time. One of the best things for me about “Guides” is that they seem to be more directly plugged in the “Divine Spirit.” They seem to have authority and are hanging around to serve me, to guide me. I have learned to trust and love this “external” Guidance and recommend that other people learn to pay attention so they might benefit from listening or feeling or remembering these messages.

Where I am going with this blog, it is not as simple as to just look for and learn from external Guidance, it is actually about the true source of this guidance. This past week, I was at my study group for the book, The Way of Mastery, at the local Bellingham Unity Center. This book has a lot of words and some very interesting concepts. I believe that the source of this book is a channelled monolog from the Ascended Master, Jesus. (I am not Christian or a church goer so this was difficult for me to come to grips with…) A passage was read that changed the way I look at “Guidance.” The prelude to this passage discussed taking responsibility for your/my life. The good and the challenging events and experiences are MY creation and are available to me for MY lessons in this life. I know this. I even try to accept responsibility and live my life without blaming other people or situations… (You know….) Well, the dictation that was read to this group, and turned a light on in me, was a passage saying that what we assume as external guidance is not external. It springs from a deeper part of you. And, if you follow your guidance or learn from the insight provided to you, you can benefit from taking responsibility and honoring the wisdom of the Master that lives within your soul and spirit. Your soul and spirit are connected to the Divine Spirit with all the wisdom which the “Divine” shares with all souls.

My lesson, and this sharing, suggests that we do not find “external” guides or sources but we can benefit from looking within to a “Remembering” of our own Mastery and connection to Divine Wisdom. It is easier for us to blame or even trust an external guidance that triggers us to move down a certain path to achieve a certain life lesson. It is easier for many of us to look externally because we do not think that we (YOU) are worthy of knowing this wisdom, internally. But perhaps, if what I have recently learned is true, we must honor that the answers are within and we are more powerful and connected than we may have consciously realized. Now, get your ego out of the way because it it is NOT the “separate YOU” that is powerful but the connected to the “Source YOU.”

You are a Master! You are in the process of “Remembering” your Divinity and the “Oneness” which connects you all souls as part of the “Divine.” Bless you and your perfection! Your purpose in this life is to serve other people you bump into with a message of consciousness, by role modeling your Divine Light. Know or Remember that the Guidance you experience is coming from that deepest wellspring of the wisdom you have as connected being. Learn to listen to your intuition by clearing away the conscious distraction of the ego mind through meditation. Clean this mirror for the most accurate reflection of the message you are to receive, and here in this life, to share.

If you can benefit from support or resources consider your local Unity Center or the community we are building known as The Masters of the Journey: A Transformational Community. Namaste

Feedback: John, it can be both. Your Higher Self does have access to all knowledge and nudges you along through your intuition. You also have Helpers who help you and guide you.

Some people become too reliant on their Helpers to the point of using them as a crutch, being unable to make a decision on their own and limiting their own growth in the process. That is my opinion.
We each carry great wisdom and our goal is to use it to benefit others as well as ourselves.

Hello John,

There are some very wise words within your blog. You probably already knew that, so I’ll address the couple of things I would address in the middle of a Toastmasters evaluation sandwich. A very minor one is your use of the word “thought” when I think what you’re describing is intuition. My issue with this is that I’ve found that an intuition may seem like a thought, but they come from very different sources. In describing that, I usually refer to a thought as something created by our conscious mind, rather than a more divine source. Maybe that’s just my terminology.

The other topic I’d mention in the sandwich is that the spiritual world is vast and varied, with all sorts of beings. We can get great wisdom and insight from what I’d refer to as “our higher self,” that inner spiritual part of us that is already calm, content, and wise. There are also a variety of advanced beings, like angels and spirit guides, that can provide valuable information and insight. Often, it’s difficult to know exactly where our intuition or spiritual message came from, but I don’t believe they all come from within us, which is what your blog seems to imply. I definitely think a lot can come from within us.

Curt Remington, author of: Simple Meditation: A Spiritual Connection for Transforming Your Life.

I Have No Fear

“I have no fear because everything is as the Force (Divine) wills it.” Thanks Rodger for this quote from the new Star Wars film, “Rogue One,” which will be released in December, 2016. I love it when fantasy fiction triggers deep insight… Or, at least thoughts…

The “Course in Miracles” and many other Metaphysical, New Age oracles seem to repeat that there is only “Fear” and “Love” and only “Love” wins. Some say that Fear is just a form of Love. Love is the force that drives the Divine Spirit and is at the core of all creation and consciousness. Our “human forms” with our mind’s ego do not move beyond this incarnation and so the survival of body, mind, and ego create fear as a way of creating separation and as a “survival response.” Deeper Acceptance of the Divine and its core force of Love can allow for the release of the “Meatsuit,” the mind, and certainly, the ego, as we transition into the next learning incarnation.

There is the belief that the soul/spirit never dies but moves on. If it never dies then we do not need to fear death or change. (Which is easier said than done….) We can accept the loss of the “illusion” of this life and its reality. (Again, easier said than done…) We can even find ourselves in the soul and spirit of every person we encounter and so to hate (or fear) them is to hate ourselves! (Judgement is so difficult to release…)

Fear is a great motivator. Fear energizes us to push through uncomfortable experiences. Fear can also paralyze us and keep us from moving through life. A lot has been said regarding “Over-coming Fear!” Perhaps accepting our “humanism” with weaknesses, flaws, and anxiety is an important lesson. Can we truly accept our lessons and know that whatever happens it is “Perfect” and just the way the Divine “wills it?” I am told that when Gandhi’s assassin approached him and pulled the trigger for the lethal shot, Gandhi blessed him and accepted his demise. Was this acceptance or Divine wisdom or stupid defenselessness? For me, hearing this story brings a deeper level of appreciation when it comes to being devoted to Love, non-violence, and trusting the Divine. I am not sure how I would react if I found myself in a similar situation. So, I must still be on my path to acceptance and lesson learning…

Blessings to you and Know your Fear in ways where it does NOT control you. (Again, easier said than done…)

Live in Love and Joy. Find Acceptance in your soul.

Consider the support community of Masters of the Journey so you can share your wisdom as the Master you are.

Words to Live By

Brother Bob Trask of Bellingham’s Unity Center spoke last Sunday. Several thoughts bear repeating.

Trust that who you are is uniquely needed, special, AND you have a unique purpose!” Yes, YOU have a purpose and a reason for being! Every soul is a piece of the Divine Source and whether you know this or not the seemingly larger Divine Spirit is not whole without YOU! “You are Loved. You are Blessed. You are Safe. You are free.”

EVERY soul that you bump into is there for a purpose and there is a mutual “lesson” that you derive from each encounter. It has been said that we are all connected as souls and the hate or fear you may feel or express for another soul is to hate or fear yourself. So it is better to accept the souls you encounter because you may not know the lessons they are here to learn and the role that you may have in creating higher consciousness.

Namaste is a concept I am only beginning to fully grasp. But everyone you encounter is part of the perfection of the divine. Even if you do not seem to resonate with a person, their spirit has value and the lessons you share are not always easy, but important.

Be well and travel safely the road to your full consciousness. I bless you, Namaste, and salute you and the struggles we share as we seek to remember the perfection and unconditional love of the Divine Source we share.

Masters of the Journey

Basking in the Light

Have you ever enjoyed the experience of sitting in the warmth and healing light of the our sun? Have you ever experienced beyond the warming of sunlight and feeling the healing and nurturing of your precious  moments of presence while basking in this unconditional energy?

Many of us have found pleasure and enjoyment in sitting in a peaceful environment while soaking up the benefits of these serene moments in our lives. At some point, after your “tank” was filled with this glorious healing energy, have you found yourself wishing to get up and move? To step away from the “recharging station” of mellow and to push back into your life. (I have, with some impatience, which a characteristic I very often have.)

It is September and in the Northern Hemisphere (actually Northwest Washington state.) The days are growing shorter with some Fall coolness is in the air. The sun is gradually finding its way lower in the sky and for some people there is preparation for the darker months of the year. This is not a message about geography or weather patterns. It is a message about the metaphor of Basking in the Light for a “limited” amount of time.

In meditation today, an image of beauty of our lives beyond our human existence popped into consciousness. When unencumbered by our current “meat suit” (our body of this incarnated life,) we find ourselves basking in the light of unconditional love, pure wisdom & consciousness, and surrounded by the timelessness of pure connection with the “Divine Source.” We celebrate the freedom, beauty, and perfection of life without the “lessons” of living incarnated within the challenges of the body. Yet, we will become impatient and turn away from the love, the freedom, and the light to find physical form again… And, WHY?

The lessons I have learned in this life have come readily from the mistakes and the pains of my travails more than from the ease of my successes. I have been strengthened and grown more through my hard times. Perhaps our souls and our divine spirits return to Earthly forms to face the challenges of living in the flesh and, perhaps more importantly, have the opportunity to share experiences, even learned wisdoms, with the  other travelers we meet in our lives. This act of mastery, and service, is our way of growing and helping other souls to grow so we can all benefit in the Divine, together. (Remember, we are all in this together and it does not serve you to allow your fellow pilgrims to wallow in their life lessons, alone.)

So, the image that was shared with me in meditation was of the joy I feel basking in the sunlight until I am recharged and then MY impatience to get back to pursuit of my life’s purpose… which is to serve. My meditation showed me basking in the unconditional love and connection. Taking it all in until I needed to get back into my next incarnation to continue, in an excited way, to pursue my lessons. Deep within me, I strive to eventually be conscious enough to not simply bask in the light, BUT to BE the light!

Does this resonate with the part of you which seeks to “Remember” your connection with the “Source” (the Divine?)

Blessings to you along your path. We have touched paths and connected for a reason. Please go out and find your ways to serve with the wisdom and the mastery you have achieved. You ARE a master, whether you know it or not!

If you seek a supportive community which supports your spiritual growth and development, and offers you the opportunity to “serve” consider, Masters of the Journey or its Facebook page at Please take good care of yourself!

How Did You Get HERE?

Whether you know it or not, you are: Loved, Blessed, Guided/Protected, Safe, & Free! Think back on the path you have followed which has led you to be here now! There is a reason, known or unknown, that you have found your way here. At the many forks in the road of your life, YOU chose the direction that led you here. Why? It may not be a conscious knowing but each challenge you have chosen has offered you the chance to learn the spectacular lesson you desired. And, here you are!

Know the blessing and the guidance which has brought you here. Share the wisdom from the experience gained along the way. Celebrate each encounter bestowed upon you with the next soul you are blessed to meet and use this coincidence of connection to find YOUR reflection in your fellow traveller. Where ever possible, assist your fellow pilgrim to remember THEIR perfection and divinity.

As you remember, find your connection in the oneness shared with those fellow travelers you are supposed to encounter. We are all connected. We are one! Let separation and judgement melt away. Find acceptance and respect for every being (pilgrim) you meet. (We are all in this together and if your ego is challenged by the interaction with another, bless the lesson that this creates for you, even the struggle. Especially the struggle…)

When your experience of this life appears grim, Light your candle and disappear the darkness. You can and will create the miracle which serves the divine. Share your wisdom and your love!

Exercise: Remember the past 10 or 12 years to find the “Forks in the Road” that lead you to this moment in the present. Did you make choices? Were you “Guided?” Are you able to take full responsibility for the actions taken along this path? AND, what have you learned? (Where possible, please share your insights and wisdoms. Thank you.)

If appropriate, consider the support you can find in a non-religious community such as the Masters of the Journey which you can find, and participate in at:

Bless you on your path. Honor and celebrate each step along the way in the present moment… As best you can…


Channelled from guidance, August 14th, 2016. Editing 8/15/16.

Waking Up

It is time to wake up! Have you heard this before? Was it your alarm clock or your mother or your job calling out to you? Or, was it coming from somewhere deep within you? Perhaps you have had the feeling that there was more to life. Perhaps you had the feeling that there is a different level of happiness or satisfaction you could achieve. Perhaps, it is time to engage in waking up! It is easier to NOT Change. It is easier to not seek. It is easier to find the feeling of “lack” because it is so familiar but this is NOT the way to move forward in your life or in your desire to become more whole and more conscious! Some of us are blocked by FEAR. Fear of the unknown, or of change, or of the risk with looking different from other people who live around you. Just look at these at these less conscious potential role models… Are they happy with their lives? Are they going to reach the end of their lives WITHOUT Regret?

This process is not one of enormous effort, only one of focused attention to “remember” what you already know… For many people it starts by quieting the chatter of your mind (and its expectations), following the breath, and moving into the state of being “Present.” Most of us can get fearful, anxious, tense, and stressed by “living” in the future. Or, we may find ourselves with: guilt, regrets, resentments, grievances, or sadness because we are living in the Past. It can help to find forgiveness and acceptance, which would be based on the premise that WE are all in this together. We are all “one.” The most challenging encounters with other humans are lessons that we find along our travels through life and these are meant to teach us what we need most to learn… I have heard it said that we “hate” most in another that which, at some level, we hate within ourselves. Personally, when I look at angry, impatient, opinionated people and find annoyance, I know these are the qualities within me that cause me the most difficulty.

It is time to WAKE UP! It is time to release judgement and the constrictions of the mind and the egoic ways of thinking which tend to separate us. There are many times when it is better to connect with other people through love and acceptance rather than the times when we look for, and fear, the identified differences. We have more in common than our mind leads us to believe. There are times, special times, when we drop the illusions of separation and feel the connection with humanity and with all life on our planet. It starts by being present, breathing, and quieting the divisive voices of the mind. (It does not serve you well to compare and contrast qualities you perceive in another person, for the sake of feeling superior or giving you a reason to look to knock this person off the conceived pedestal we might have elevated that other person to.)

Why would YOU want to wake up? What is in it for you, you might ask? When you are not “awake,”  it is easier to be caught in the dilemma of life dissatisfaction. It it easier to want what you do not have rather than to fully appreciate the blessings in your life. It is difficult to find lasting happiness with your life when you are wearing other people’s expectations. The solution may be found in going within, within your heart, soul, and spirit, to find the things that give YOU the deepest levels of satisfaction. Chances are that what you find are much more simple and basic life sustaining things. Your connections with your tribe. The sharing of life’s moments and the experiences acquired. Learning your lessons as you move forward along your path. Knowing Love. Finding Gratitude for all the encounters in life which are true blessings.

In the process of “waking,” you may be wise to connect with your intuitive wisdom. The “gut feelings” which are heart based and more a feeling than a thought, allow you to “Know” things that are more than fact based logic. The food of life is not always understandable. When we are guided by our intuition, we can step into experiences and connections which may allow for the deepest insights. There are no words which clearly define a taste or a flavor or a color or an emotion but there are a wide range of feelings which are outside our mental, rational thoughts. The “waking” involves trusting the messages from your heart and taking responsibility for the outcomes of your intuitive decisions. It is clear that you can better appreciate the laws of the natural world and connect with the Earth when you step away from the mental “rational” (?) thoughts of man against nature, with the outcome being the abuse of the resources our Earth provides. Our long term survival rests in backing away from the “conquer nature” mentality and the embracing of the love of our beautiful yet fragile existence.

Whether you know it or not your are here for a reason. And, since you have read this far, you need to be reminded, or may be told for the first time, that YOU are a Master! You have the Divine Spirit within your heart and soul! If you did not know this already, it is time to awaken to the truth regarding the important role that you play in this pilgrimage of souls toward full consciousness. You have a purpose! Find a way to serve. Find a way to reach around and assist your fellow pilgrims. Find the way to be a force for good in the world.

Waking up and remembering is the challenge that we all face, and the best part of following our path in this life. Are you a Glass half full or Glass half empty person? Choose Optimism and the synergy of connection with all life through love.

Namaste and Blessings!

You are a Master!

Masters of the Journey: A Transformational Community

We are all Masters on this journey we call life. A safe and supportive transformational community can provide benefit to all of us. As we mature, we all develop expertise in navigating our own challenges. Nobody knows more about your life than you do. If you believe that life is filled with lessons and our primary purpose in life is to grow and develop, then you are invited to share your learning, experiences, and acquired wisdom with one another. To truly master something you need to teach it. Assisting fellow travelers on their journey can prove so rewarding. Through sharing, we can realize that none of us are alone and that we are all interconnected. We can benefit from knowing the bonds of unconditional love, caring, and support for others who are learning their spirit’s lessons in this life.

From the moment we are born until the moment we die, we are exploring the lessons and experiences of this life. There are some who adhere to the philosophy that we are choosing to live in these bodies with the lives that we have. Our spirit has exercised this choice because of the specific lessons that we want to learn. This philosophy also suggests that we choose the people that surround us in our life as a way to resolve some issues. Whether a person has their eyes wide open to the concept or whether they are “sleep-walking” through life, we can encourage one another to be conscious and aware of each step along the way.

Taking part in the Masters of the Journey: Transformational Community is to take conscious, and 100%, responsibility for the learnings and lessons that you are experiencing. It is for people who choose to gain in consciousness by supporting and reaching out to help others whose lives we touch. We can all grow together in a community which promotes unconditional, loving support as we share with others. When we gather either in person, at workshops or community events or in online forums, we can celebrate the lessons and experiences that we have learned from. We can do this through writing of articles, blogs, or books. We can do this by joining together on conference calls or in webinars to share and interact with others in our individual towns or around the world. There will be times when we will gather at intensive retreat programs where we can interact in a safe environment which enhances the growing and learning process as we move through our individual journeys.

Many people stay stuck in believing that they are continually students and not the true Masters that they are. Many of us discover our individual insecurities about being willing to step forward and share our deep feelings, experiences, and secrets. We benefit by realizing that we all have so much to offer to others. Sometimes our role will be as listeners and witnesses which has great value both to the person who is speaking and sharing their experience, their knowledge, and possibly their wisdom and to ourselves as we learn from a personal story with valuable insights which can contribute to our higher consciousness. The bond between the speaker and the listener can demonstrate the support and the unconditional love that both can be nurtured by.

I have been told that we are ALL God, having “perfection” within the soul and spirit in our heart which connects with the “Source” of all wisdom, energy, and unconditional love. Finding this and feeling this is “the State of Grace.

Are you willing to share from the knowledge you have gained? Are you open to listening to other travelers on the journey? Are you interested in creating a community which strives for higher consciousness and awareness? Are you willing to bask in the connection and the unconditional love and support from a community of fellow travelers? Can you feel the value of being a Master who is willing to share from the experiences that you have had? Would you like to connect with this transformational community?

Please take good care of yourself. Consider that every interaction you have will be able to assist another person who is on their journey of awakening. Some will take this responsibility very seriously and we also honor those who choose other paths.

Please leave your comments. If appropriate, please share this Page with fellow Masters and seekers. Remember that we can all benefit by helping others in our community.

Some questions you may ask yourself:

Who was the most influential person in my life and why?

What were the three most difficult lessons I have learned from so far?

Have I ever felt a deep sense of bond and connection with another person? Who would that be? What did it feel like? What did I learn?

Have I ever helped another person? How did it feel to help them? What did I learn by helping them?

Have I ever really listened to another person? Has anybody ever really listened to me? How did that feel? Was the connection that I had with that person valuable?

Have I ever experienced unconditional love and support? Did I bask in the beauty of this experience?

Look for our new interactive website (coming soon) at