Everything is Neutral!

We are so conditioned. We can not see the forest from the trees. We actually think that the dramas we have in our lives are important. And, we have our “stories” which are often fear based and made up in our minds. As we gain in consciousness and move toward Enlightenment, we can clear our minds of Judgements. We can “empty the basket.” When we are most conscious, we can be in wonderment without (or at least less) of a “story.” If we can let go of our “attachment” to separation and ego thinking, we can ask “What would Love do now?”

How can we find our way into Gratitude and service through Generosity? Allow Team Love and Team Light to shine most brightly in each moment and in every interaction. Can we be like “Nellie” (the puppy,) who happily wags her tail at every person she meets. She is Pure Love and Sharing her Joy! Can we stop believing in our “story” and remember who we really are, a perfect Soul? Can we ask each person whom we interact with, “What have you come here to teach me?”

Fear and ego separation are the survival tools humans commonly use as we move through the 3 dimensional Earthly world. This is great for creating: drama, “our stories,” and our challenging lessons. Ultimately, we remember where in the Divine we have come from AND how powerful we are as Spirit. We remember that we are ALL One with the Universe (and beyond in the higher realms) and we take responsibility for the difficult lessons we have come to our human incarnation to experience. The energy of Love is at the core of the Divine Spirit. We, as spirit, are recognized for choosing to come to the Earthly plane to live the human dramas as lessons and for teaching other souls who have incarnated. The Divine Love is with us and supports our various projects in moving along the path toward higher consciousness. (This benefits all consciousness…)

If you “Know” and “Remember” these precepts, you are less attached to the dramas we experience and realize that these dramas are all neutral. Neither good or bad! Just maintaining our Equanimity as we proceed through these challenges reflects the highest (sorry, a judgement) level of enlightenment as we recognize the service we are proving in these lessons, for all participants, who, by the way, are simply a different form of ourselves… As our human consciousness develops we can remember more about our spirit’s life in the Higher Realms and can Know how powerful we are as Spirit.

This is a lot to consider. It does not always help to know that our human minds have severe limitations being based in a 3 dimensional world. We have come to our incarnations to have this “veil” thrown over our Spirit’s higher realm abilities. This makes our dramas seem so much more “real” to us and so our lessons become tests to learn from. Yup, shedding these limitations happens after we transition out of our incarnations. (As my transitioned wife told me through a psychic, “I am in a “better place,” which is bigger and better than you could ever imagine!” Beyond human comprehension… and, this was an answer to my daily prayers, since her passing, “I hope you are in a better place.” Though I “Knew” she was in the higher realms.)

Our lives are filled with challenges and events we label as important or difficult or Joyful. In Divine reality of spirit, these are all neutral but it helps to look for the “Joy” in the learning of each of our lessons… This is the Wisdom we can share and carry forward in the raising of our consciousness.

No matter where you are on your human journey, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

You Are Enough!

When the Universe provides a message, YOU should listen! When the message is not subtle there is no guess-work, you should pay attention. When you ask a question and the Divine Spirit answers in an unambiguous way, you know this message applies to you. And, when you receive an obvious answer which may apply to many other people, it would be wise to share this information. So, the Universe has asked me to tell YOU, You Are Enough! No one can do YOU better than you and you are essential!

Many of us, lack self-acceptance or self-confidence. We try to be something “more” or “different” than who we really are. We may think that more people will like us if we look or behave a certain way, even if the “Way” is unnatural or uncomfortable for who we really are… We may push ourselves to be successful in our work even if this is not healthy. The perceived attention seems worthwhile even if it triggers conflict and additional separation from co-workers and our own spiritual beliefs. This is not a plea to be unchanged and avoid growth. You do grow but do not change from external, cultural expectations if this is not who you are… “Know Thyself!” (From the Wisdom of the Ancient Greeks.)

On a recent walk in nature with my partner, we were enjoying being outdoors in nature. As we strolled along the path, we were looking for the “perfect” rock which might serve as a canvas for artwork and, once painted, this rock was destined to be of service through aesthetic appreciation. Painting rocks is a new hobby for my partner. On our conscious minds were the travails which our culture is currently attempting to resolve. Then, out of the blue, the Universe sends a direct and unsubtle message. We stumbled upon a painted rock which clearly and unmistakenly says in hand scripted words, “You Are Enough!” When a bolt of lightening from the Universal Consciousness reminds you that you are perfect just the way you are, you listen. Then, you want to share the message.

Now, many people walk around thinking that they are not “Good Enough” or rich enough or smart enough or whatever enough… This holds us back. This is an important lesson for us to learn in our human lives. When more fully enlightened, we realize that we are who we are to have the “lessons” in our specific human drama. These tests raise our consciousness and move us on to other challenges. Along the way we can be of service to other humans and share wisdom which we discover even in difficult situations which we may view as “failures.” It is what we are here to learn…

So, whether your mind allows you to believe it or not, I tell you, and the Universe backs me up on this, You are a perfect soul having a human experience. Your human experience may seem to you to be “human” however, you are here for a reason in this specific “drama” for specific lessons which are here to serve you and the people who cross your path. There are reasons these lessons are necessary for you and the fellow pilgrims you touch. You may not fully understand and your full understanding is not more important than your life’s attempts to push forward into higher consciousness.

No matter where you find yourself walking, look around, look down, and when the message presents itself, stop and honor the gift and your answered request. When possible, share your found wisdom and so spread the gift from the Divine Spirit!

No matter where you are on your human journey, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Secrets to Happiness

Perhaps you have found that money, possessions, trips, your addictions, your career, even your relationships have NOT offered you the Happiness you expect and deserve. From research studies, a Yale psychology professor, course creator Laurie Santos, has developed and presented this class in person and now online (for free) to people wishing to explore the best possible activities to create a greater Happiness in their lives. (See link below for more information.)

One of the main findings comes from the Joy of Gratitude when engaged in “Giving.” Yes, your activity of serving another person in sincerity and with no strings attached, makes YOU feel good. More than buying yourself some new toy or vacation which tend to be temporary goals and distractions. The act of connection and giving your time and energy to another person is both satisfying and enhances your happiness. Of course there are many other factors in creating a life with more abundant happiness but this is a great place to start.

CNN’s story regarding this free online course from Yale University for their students, and YOU, regarding the secrets to Happiness. FREE course link and CNN story at: Yale’s Happiness Course If you take this course, you will wade through the theory of what has failed to make you Happy before you get to the application of the processes you can engage to make you more happy. Laurie states that awareness is NOT half the battle or the solution. Engaging in the positive alternative behaviors is what has the long term positive effects.

Perhaps you can begin by sharing your story and your wisdom. This is a gift which will reward you in many ways and has the possibility of expanding the perspective for your communication partner. It costs no money, but does require your desire to serve and your time. When sharing, make the story relevant to your witness and not as much about your ego’s need for attention… Perhaps, consider avoiding an over abundance of YOUR victimhood and instead focus on the Joy or Wisdom you have learned from your life’s experience. Be the Master of your Journey and share you wisdoms, or insights, freely. You will be happier for this service you provide…

On a deeper spiritual satisfaction level, you are a Master. Your Spirit is an important piece of the Universe and Divine Consciousness. Your choice to incarnate and enhance your consciousness through the lessons and drama you experience on the Earthly plain is of service to Divine Consciousness. Sharing your story and your wisdom is an act of service AND that is what you are here, incarnated, to do. When you can, look for the Joy found in the most challenging lessons and find your way to share with other pilgrims. By the Way, YOU get respect from other souls in the higher realms just for your choice to incarnate into all the Earthly drama… This makes YOU a Star!

You are a Soul having a “Human experience” and so realize that YOU are so much greater than your human existence can demonstrate. You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Since this blog post is coming out near the end of 2020, it is important to note that now, yes right now, the act of giving is not only creating happiness for you but it is serving our world which is depleted by our pandemic and economic challenges. Your efforts of giving through service do not have to be financially taxing. You can give of your time and from your heart. Even the gift of listening, witnessing another person’s story is an act of giving. Please consider finding your way of being of service and reaching out to show your care and concern for the people you bump into. This is needed now more than ever… And, “Happy Holidays” to you no matter when you are reading this blog. YOU are Loved and Cherished!!!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Creating Miracles

It may be easier than you THINK! You are already a Master creator even if you do not always “know” or “understand” this with your 3 dimensional, ego driven mind. Your human limitations do not make this an untruth, regarding your Miracle maker status. OK, what am I speaking about? It is my “Knowing” (and belief) that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our souls/spirits are much greater than our limited human bodies and mental consciousness. We come into our human lives to have human “dramas” and our human lives are filled with lessons. We are testing out what our souls are learning in the higher realms of spiritual consciousness. With that said, we are “living” in our human dramas in a “created” environment which would look like a movie set to our souls as seen from the view point of the higher realms. We are limited by our human belief in linear time and three dimensional space which exist so our human minds can “understand” the Earthly human world we are living within (in our human incarnations.)

Wow, that is a lot to try to take in… OR, perhaps this is a concept that you already “Know” or have “Remembered.” Our human minds have difficulty finding words to describe the higher realms which are far beyond our human thinking… And, this is where our creation of miracles comes in. Our Universe is a miracle born out of Divine Spirit. But, our human lives are filled with 3 dimensional forms and concepts which come from “Our” consciousness. We are the master creators who construct our lives, our world, and unconsciously (to our human minds,) our lessons. Our souls in the higher realms have agreed to the lessons before we incarnate but our birthing into human form has created a veil of amnesia so we can bump into our lessons and test ourselves and our “learnings.”

You are a Miracle! You are Loved and Supported by the Divine Spirit! You are having a human experience which, at a much higher level, you have agreed to have. AND, you have created the life and the world which you have chosen to engage… Your lessons and your life are PERFECT! You may want to judge these as difficult but you were supposed to live your human life and figure your way through this experience. Yes, even if it is brutal and seemingly, unfair. No one ever said life was supposed to be easy or even “nice.” Our human minds want our lives to be easy, or positive, or filled with joy and happiness. You have a choice. You can find “Joy” even within the most challenging experiences. Humans do this all the time. For me, my arm breaking, my wife dying, and my struggles with aging can ALL be known and remembered with the Joy of the spectacular lessons survived.

If you are like me, you learn from the difficult life tests more than the easy experiences which went as “expected.” My stories and my shared learnings are so much more of service when these are attached to the difficult life experiences which I have survived, and learned from. AND, asking for your lessons and then listening (or feeling) for the response from your higher self can open doors when you may only be viewing the pain from a human experience. The death of a loved one fits this well. When my wife transitioned, I knew she was “in a better place” however, I was left in my human life with a vacuum of grief to deal with. Now, I can assist other men who have become widowers to better know or understand the lessons in these difficult human experiences. Everyone of us is unique. Our experiences are unique. However, the support from another person who has learning to share after surviving a similar life experience can help each and everyone involved in this supportive sharing…

Miracles can be born from your conscious expression and then your positive intention. Often it helps to let go of expectations or the “strings attached” to an outcome. If your requests are to be of positive service and for the raising of consciousness of all mankind (and then Universal consciousness,) you will be loved and supported in this requested miracle. Being joyful and unattached to human expectations helps, but can be challenging to find.

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you. AND, thank you for the service YOU provide. Even the simple act of listening to another soul’s story telling can be of service, both to them and to you. You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Looking at Clouds

Have you ever looked at clouds? Of course you have. This morning, shortly after the rising of the sun, I looked to the East and found a mostly blue sky with wispy clouds gently drifting… It made me pause and find gratitude for the gift of the gorgeous miracle of this new day. No one could paint these delicate clouds and do them justice. My eyes behold the subtle beauty playing out high in the atmosphere.

How is this possible? These clouds are so light and delicate. The smile these clouds bring to my face elicits Joy. A great way to start my new day. What other gifts of nature’s beauty will I cross paths with today… Everyday…???

As I stop to think about it, though the act of thinking pulls me out of the “present” as an observer, I want to share this moment with you. So, if you are reading this post I hope a delightful memory dances across your consciousness reminding you of a visual treat laid before you which brings you Joy! Or, better still, go out and find today’s miracle which presents itself for your appreciation and to remind you that each moment in nature is a gift. Embrace it. Meditate upon it. Love it. And then, Share it!

Life is a beautiful Mystery and here for us to find ways to discover ourselves.
As Joni Mitchell wrote in her song “Both Sides Now”:
“I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It’s cloud’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know clouds at all”

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

The Mountain Between Us

Have you noticed that there are major barriers between members in our human community? In this day and age, the gaps seem wider than ever. Why are we so polarized and separated from each other? Why is it so difficult to know and to Remember that we are ALL in this together and parts of the same Divine Spirit…?

Nancy Dubois shared this information with us… Nancy responded to a post I wrote and sent to her for her editing…
“Thank you John for your love and support. Here is some editing that might be helpful.

Our Masters of The Journey member, Nancy DuBois, has reported that she has had a powerful vision download from guidance. It is with fullness of joy and highest intention of goodwill to all, that she wishes to communicate this important message to each Beloved Being out there! We have created mountains between us composed of judgements, perceptions, false beliefs, lies, ego interpretations, social pressures, ancestral conditioning, and the list goes on! But now Beloveds we have the power within to say to this MOUNTAIN,”BE REMOVED” AND IT WILL OBEY YOU!!!! Joyfully we have the power also to remove the same MOUNTAIN within us!! The message is that the Universe, all the Benevolent Beings, Source, and Guidance, are all primed with great expectation and love and are ready to assist Humanity in one of Her greatest moments, BECOMING ONE, within themselves, with each other and with SOURCE!! IMAGINE!!! You had the power to create it You have the power to remove it!

Nancy’s download experience caused spinning of her internal vortex and an after effect of dizziness which she is happy to report is well on the way to perfect recovery. Nancy went through this experience without fear, calm, and peaceful knowing as it was happening that there was a beautiful message to come of it! She is open to whatever or however Spirit guides her!

John, I saw that people need to see themselves as having the power within to manifest the removal of their mountains with the help of Spirit, being careful not to have them follow someone else. Also they needed to know that as easily as the mountain was created it can be removed just as easily. After all those things we put there are just illusions, they aren’t real. We are all searching for the real us, underneath the mountain!


Guidance wants us to free ourselves of the obstacles and separation that keep us apart. I for one, agree with Nancy and her Guidance and I signed up to assist in helping to reconnect humanity to its “oneness.”

What would you do to get the word out?
First, you want to remove your mountain and find the experience of your soul’s purpose and its oneness with the Divine Spirit.
Perhaps a posted Video interview or blog posting are possible to get this info out. Sharing by word of mouth of your “feeling”/”Knowing” of your Oneness…
But, how can we trigger a deeper spiritual experience (like an STE – Spiritual Transformative Experience) to create foundational changes which allow for expanded consciousness and a “knowing” of connectedness? This remains to be seen, and then acted upon. (Please look for the video interview with Nancy and her direct reflection of the Guidance serving all of us… Masters of the Journey YouTube channel. At: https://youtu.be/HiLhSPRPCks)

As our consciousness expands we are moving from 3 dimensional consciousness into 5th dimensional consciousness. How will this be different? 3rd dimensional thinking limits us to what our mind/ego can understand with the limitations of linear time and 3 dimensions in space. The newer consciousness is based upon what we “feel” in a heart based “Knowing.” There are no words or thoughts which can adequately describe the freedom of “5 D” “being” as found in the “higher realms” of Divine Consciousness. It offers a new way of being. Our new goal is to assist/help other people to transition into higher dimensional consciousness. This is aligning with major changes coming in the last months of 2020 as reported my Nancy and other psychic prognosticators, and then into the future. We are going through major planetary changes to prepare us, or to force us, into new ways of thinking, behaving, and feeling/knowing.

As an example, some people believe that the social isolation due to the pandemic creates an environment for people to quiet the distractions our society has provided so we can meditate and go “within” to reconnect with guidance and higher consciousness. If nothing else, this alone is a very useful outcome from these horrendous times. We might find ourselves walking, respectfully, in the moment, in nature and reconnect with the natural world as a walking meditation and consciousness builder. A chance to consider our connection with the Earth, the present moment, and all living things in our Universe. We are small but amazingly important pieces of the broad Universe. So, consider the Joy you might find when you “unplug from media” and quietly go within your soul for unconditional love and the oneness which you can be led to. This is what 5th dimensional consciousness can allow us to more fully know, or Remember. YOU are a Blessing!

Also, for consideration: Am I my brother’s keeper? Yup, we are all connected and so we are all developing into higher consciousness (at a conscious level) together. Not in separation as an individual in competition to get ahead. We all advance together as humans in the drama we call life on Earth. We are all multidimensional beings and there is no advantage to self-limiting by existing in 3 dimensional beliefs and behavior. (YES! Even the people who “trigger” you, are still part of your challenge and lesson as we all slowly increase toward the higher consciousness that is possible. Maybe those who trigger you are your guides to learn the tough lesson of equanimity, acceptance, unconditional love, gratitude, Joy, and the “Oneness” we are striving to achieve…???)

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Purpose of Masters of the Journey

Purpose & Attraction of Masters of the Journey
(And, there is a story sharing on video for you at the bottom of this post…)

I surveyed some members and gave some thought to better understand why our members come and then return to our community meetings. There are personal reasons and there are more general reasons. The following are a few of these thoughts. Please add your thoughts to our comments or email them directly to me. (Thanks in advance…)

So, why do people choose to participate in Masters of the Journey:

* “Hot Chicks” (Thank you, Paula, for this contribution… Are you Laughing?)
* Building Community with other “seekers”
* Connections…
* Story and Wisdom Sharing
* Triads: Listening, sharing learnings from major life experiences
* Creating Possibilities in Awareness and consciousness
* Support for Spiritual Development without religion/philosophy
* Engaging in: Fun, Laughter, Joy
* Role Models for consciousness building… What is possible and potential directions to find experiences to raise consciousness.
* Chance to Demonstrate Spiritual Mastery (not to show off but brighten other’s path.)
* Live it… “Be it!” More than thinking it…

Sharing Your Wisdom (Stories)… If you like to be heard… Or, Witness and enjoy Your learning from other Wisdom Seekers. And, by sharing your story/experience you get to learn or relearn your lesson from the new perspective of the conversation in the “present” moment. (A fresh review of a treasured learning.)

You are a Master.. You have something to share… You are providing service when you share your insights of your spiritual awakening (this offers perspective on what is possible)…

Also, these topics have come to mind:

* Opening Doors to Let the Light of Consciousness Shine In…

* To help you to remember where you have come from, beyond this incarnation, and to where you will return (though you NEVER really left…)

* To get you consciously thinking about who you really are and what your life purpose is in this lifetime.

* To learn to look into the eyes, then the souls, of every human being you bump into and then to “know” their perfection (and your spiritual connection with everyone of these people. Yes, even if they “trigger” you! Especially, if they “trigger” you!)

* To come to realize we are all in this together and we are here to learn, to grow, and to assist fellow pilgrims to follow their path of spiritual re-awakening… As our Nancy might say, “to remove the mountains as barriers to fully knowing each other.”

AND, of course there is:
“Hot Chicks”… Anythings Goes Atmosphere… Lack of Social Distancing (on video conferencing)
Good Birthday Cakes… Just checking to see if you were really reading this blog this far… Are YOU laughing???

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Example of a story to expand consciousness.
Discussion on video of an experience with a psychic in Tucson, AZ regarding my wife 14 months after she transitioned. Psychic conversation begins about 4:45 minutes into this 10 minute video. There is no death only transition into a higher form in the Divine Spirit. A story from January, 2016 on the fourth anniversary of my wife’s transition sharing a message from my wife… Find at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge3BGGiIwJA

What Might It Be To Be God?

What would it be like to be God? Consider this not as blasphemy or as an Ego trip but through the Heart of the Divine Spirit. And, putting aside that your humanness, your brain, and your three dimensional limitations which do not easily allow such an expansive view of our Universe, you, your spirit, are at the core of Divine Wisdom. You are the perfect manifestation of the Divine, incarnated into a human life. You can back away from this responsibility but it does not change the fact that you and God are one. (You are an unexplainable Miracle.) Now, what do you do with this concept?… Beyond your struggle to know or to remember, and your denial, and to finally surrender to this “knowing,” is a theme for your enlightenment…

Imagine for a fraction of a human second what it would be like to be at the source of all dimensions of all of the Universe. In the “Higher Dimensions” a fraction of a second goes on forever AND a human life is but a blink… and Time and space, as humans understand, does not exist in the Higher Dimensions. The Human mind has limitations which boxes it in due to the belief that linear time, sequential time, exists and that all reality is found within 3 dimensions. In the Higher Dimensional Realms, “time” does not exist so you can be anywhere, in any dimension, perhaps even in multiple lifetimes in every moment. This is difficult to get your mind to understand because this is far beyond most human understanding. Likewise, it is not easily possible to “realize” that you are not confined by space in three dimensions. You can be anywhere, everywhere, simultaneously.

So, to imagine that your human mind and your human ego is put aside and you are the “Creator” of the Universe becomes a tremendous challenge for a frail human being. If you have had an “Awakening” like a Near Death Experience or a spiritual Epiphany, you might be more conscious of what is possible without human limitations. (Look up STE, a Spiritually Transformative Experience.) This is not the ego driven thoughts of unlimited power like in the movies. It is a more complete “Knowing” of omnipotence. So why is any of this important to you? You have a critical role in the Divine Spirit. You are a unique piece of the foundation of the Universe and all of the Divine. You are a multidimensional being living in a human incarnation but NOT limited to the human boundaries you have agreed to participate within in this drama of your human existence.

Putting your limitations of mind and ego aside, YOU are a piece of God. YOU are God! You are a living manifestation of Holy Spirit and have access to all of Divine Wisdom. AND, you are shaking your head in disbelief because it is too much to comprehend and there is too much responsibility that is enfolded in this consciousness. You might assume that if you were God, you would have to behave “God-like.” You could not have flaws in your humanness. AND, you fail to see the perfection of your imperfections along with the human lessons and challenges you are here to experience… You are “here” to be a crippled human, blind to who you really are. And, if you were to transcend your human limitations to realize your Divinity, you may have to live each moment within God-like expectations. Forget this expectation. You are NOT here to live 24/7 as God, though you may want to move closer to that possibility. Your purpose is to serve other souls in their quest to “remember” who they are, where they come from, and where they will return at the end of their human incarnation.

YOU can NOT get this wrong! You are Perfect! You are a Miracle! Your struggle in being human is your lesson and it is “our” lesson to get you as far along as possible in consciousness within the human existence you have chosen. So, at some point, imagine yourself in the higher dimensions. Free from time and space. As a multidimensional spirit you are surrounded by light and consciousness. You are enveloped in unconditional Divine Love. You are fully accepted for the perfect being you are. You are connected to all other spirits because you are “one” with them as part of the Universal Divine Spirit. You have the freedom to be anywhere and in any dimension and in any Earthly life at any moment. You can manifest your reality AND this is always perfect (if only as a lesson or challenge for you to experience.) In a meditation, you may have a brief remembering of this reality and this opens the door for your consciousness to walk through to have a greater realization that you are most perfect and at the core of all Divine Wisdom. For an instant, your human mind may know a small piece of what it is like to be God.

No matter what you believe about what you just read, Guidance has drawn you into consideration of these words and these concepts. You can not un-see these words or undo these thoughts. You will have your own path to enlightenment and you will find your own unique way to share these rememberings. The challenge will be to live your life with this wisdom and in some micro-seconds of your human life, know that you are the Divine. You are Loved! You are connected and so “one” with all the Universe. Though your mind and your ego wants you to think you are separated from all consciousness, you are but a flash of insight from the core wisdom. Now, you can not ever go back. What will you do differently after you are exposed to this concept?

BTW, my scribing these words from my Divine Guidance is done in an act of service to developing consciousness, to express a point of view you may have some difficulty finding. There are moments in my waking humanness when I “know” these concepts as reality and I struggle to find my way to live with Divine Consciousness in more of moments I am allowed in this lifetime… We will go hand in hand down this path to greater awareness and expanded enlightenment…

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

This posting is not created to denigrate your religious belief in God or your religion. In fact, in many cases, religious philosophy can have laws and rules which limit the way you understand or perceive of the Divine Spirit and this posting offers an expansive and inclusive view of what is possible… You have free choice to mentally understand your life philosophy in this human incarnation. Your choice of human thoughts and then your behaviors are a part of the lessons and the challenges we all are here to learn from. So, be responsible for your own thoughts and feelings and behaviors. Learn from your reactive responses and strive to move forward on your pilgrimage through this life. As stated above, these lessons are “perfect” and of service. Thank you for your service.

When Someone Dies Do You Bless Them

When someone close to you transitions out of their current Earth born lives do you bless them? Can you find Joy in their release from their Earthly Lives? This can be a very different way to celebrate in the “passing” of someone who you have cared about. So let me ask you again, can you find happiness for the soul who has headed into the Divine? We, who are “left” behind, have our grief and our loss to deal with. We have our mortality and our fears to consider. We have to find a way to the fill the void of our significant relationship’s absence. The unknown of life beyond our human existence can be a scary consideration unless you have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) or some form of an “Awakening” which allows you to know the undefinable freedom and unconditional love available in the Divine.

There have been moments since my wife transitioned (died, past away… from Ovarian Cancer) when I have even felt some envy because she is free and “in a better place” and I am still “stuck” in my earthly life. Stuck is not the correct word but I have had feelings of the possible relief one may feel when the limitations of the body and three dimensional living are “left behind.” When I was 19 years old, young, naive, and innocent, I was guided to have an experience of life beyond our normal human lives. Let’s call it Death. It was beautiful. I felt Unconditional Love, Acceptance, Freedom (no limitations of “time” and 3 dimensional space,) Access to Universal Wisdom, and Connection/Oneness. For me, at the time, I did not want to return to my body. I wanted to stay and to be enveloped in the Divine Spirit’s love and consciousness BUT (I was told) “it was NOT your Time” to know death for “there is still much for you to do.” So I grudgingly returned to my body and my life. That experience from long ago has not diminished in my awareness for the beauty and freedom so briefly “known.” Or, was it a knowledge or wisdom simply “remembered?…”

A part of me celebrates for the person’s soul/spirit when they “transition.” I know the pain and the vacuum created by the “loss” of a loved one or dear friend. But, these human sadnesses are born out of my selfish need for that lost source of love, friendship, or support. I must fill that void and move on with my loving memories of the departed relationship. (Easier said than done…) Normally, I do not chase envy or my own selfishness, so my seemingly inappropriate celebration for the transitioned spirit may seem less than the “normal” response. I do not want to take away from someone else emotional pain or to diminish their human need to feel their own sadness. We all must learn from our losses and the challenges these present mentally and emotionally. My hope is that we can move beyond our fear of death so we may live more consciously in the joy of life.

Sadness and grief are important learning experiences which humans are born to have. We can become more empathetic. Our consciousness grows from our humanness. We learn more about human Love when a source of human love is taken from us. And, the death of a “loved one” is one of the most important experiences we can have. Our sadness and grief are ours to create and to learn from. Appreciate all life and recognize the fragile miracle of life on our planet.

Everyone of us is unique and necessary. The birth of a new soul into our human life is a joy. The struggles in our lives is where we learn and test our divine learnings. Our final transitions from our human lives are a piece of the cycle of life and can be celebrated for the amazing experience which leads to higher consciousness and to our connection, without human limitations, to the Divine.

Different cultures are also unique and have different/unique traditions to honoring the final transition we all face. In my opinion, when we transition we all find our way to the Divine Spirit. And, if you have anxiety about this unknown which prevents you from most fully living, consider doing your research. Speak to a NDE survivor. Read or watch YouTube presentations from a variety of NDE survivors. If you find some resonance with these shared experiences it may lead you to remembering what this experience of transitioning from a human life is or what it can be…

(Note: I was questioned about the “why” and the “fairness” when a younger person or a child dies. I am not certain of all the specific reasons or value for this specific difficult situation, however, some wise, older souls may choose to “reincarnate” for a shorter lifetimes for the intense lessons of the people whom they come into contact with in their Earth born lives. They provide a “service” to those people who are left behind to deal with this challenging loss… Consider this and perhaps this may open doors for your consideration. I hope this does not create new painful emotional responses for you in your loss…)

Finally, when you are not too emotionally triggered by a loss of a loved one, consider the perspective that they are free and in the protection of the Divine Spirit. Perhaps, you can even celebrate and not be consumed by the fear or anxiety of the mortality we all face.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

As the Days Blend Together

These are unusual times. During this pandemic, we are more than “normally” (and what is the new normal) confined to our homes and our thoughts. If you have managed to create a new lifestyle around the social distancing and home confinement, you may have even reduced your TV and Social media time for anxiety control. You may have found the Days of each week Blending Together. You may not even remember what day it is or what the date is for today. Perhaps this is even important. Perhaps being present and reflective is a survival technique which may lead to a new state of “Pandemic Enlightenment”…

Increased awareness and spiritual insights are often born out of difficult challenges. SO, get busy…!!! Discover YOUR lesson and its Wisdom… AND, once you discover your new insight find the best ways to share your new wisdom. This whole lifestyle adjustment is more than:
hand washing to an extreme,
wearing a mask which prevents smiling at people,
reducing your showers or clothes changing because you are not going out,
side-stepping people you pass in public,
food shopping for safety at 7:00 AM,
knowing how to stand 6+ feet apart as you wait for your “take out,”
searching aimlessly for hand sanitizer and clorox wipes (& TP) at Costco,
AND, joining an endless amount of Zoom conference calls to speak with other humans.

These adjustments have caused most of us to behave differently and to think about what we took lightly in the past… Craving a hug or hand shake. Carelessly, hanging out in a social situation with less than 6+ feet between us. Going shopping in a Mall with crowds of anxious, frantic people and loud children. Boy, we miss those days of naive simple consumerism.

But, have you been forced out into nature? Have you had to fill your time in Meditations? Did you find yourself reading a “good” book instead of “binge-watching” bad television/movies? Did you have to call family and friends to check-in? Did you have time to cook your own dinner and breakfast and lunch and snacks, two or three times per day? Sure, social media has filled in your day but didn’t you “CRAVE” hanging out with “real people?” There is an important lesson in this… Besides the necessary hand washing, you have found a new need for connection! Besides complaining and whining, you have actually learned who do you know in your life who can actually listen and respond with empathy.

Besides shopping and “eating out,” there are other ways to connect with friends and family that cost less and may have more value. Caring for other people is the least expensive way of sharing Love! Appreciation and Gratitude also may bubble up in these times of lifestyle change. Perhaps, most important is being more fully “present” in each moment in Nature or with the people we care about. We are all in this together… AND, YOU are a Blessing! Continue to learn and to grow in these times of life challenges… If nothing else, twenty years (or maybe 20 days) from now you will have great survival stories of the 2020 Pandemic and Hand Washing Craze…

Added on these thoughts… (The not so fun parts of our current, 2020, lives.)
(NOW, we have been faced with a new “drama” with demonstrations highlighting the cultural racism which has been “accepted” in our culture too long. White privilege was brought to this hemisphere by the earliest explorers and first settlers. They, and their religious beliefs, thought that they were superior to the indigenous peoples they thought “They Discovered.” Eventually, because they had the guns, they believed that they were the true saviors of this hemisphere however they needed slaves to work their stolen land. It is like this privilege has now been built into white folks’ cultural DNA. Relinquishing power and, perceived control, does not come easily to those folks in “power.” Black Lives Matter! All Lives Matter! However, releasing our old, established habits and patterns is NEVER an easy, though necessary, choice these weird days. Positive change challenges us. It forces us to reassess our established patterns and habits. Perhaps, the first step in a positive direction is to understand and admit “white privilege” exists and also admit that this needs to change for a better world. (Change is NOT easy. Changing our cultural DNA is needed but a difficult, uphill fight…)

AND. We are ALL in this together and one and the same…)

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog