How Many…?

A question you can not possibly answer, How Many “People” has YOUR life “touched” and influenced? Each one of us has interacted with people, and the “Universe,” and these interactions have set “things” moving in a different, or “altered,” direction. Yes, YOU have created changes in the Universe whether consciously or unconsciously. And, these alterations have been so complex that you can not possibly know the long term effects of these “chain reactions” your living has created…

Why is this important? Because, quite simply, you may find it useful to be more conscious regarding the effect your actions may take… You are more powerful and more important than you might know… And, this may lead to being more vigilant regarding your actions and behaviors as each action has a reaction which flies off into the multiple layers of our Universe. This is way too complex for most humans to even begin to most fully understand but in simple of terms, you are responsible for some pretty important “reactions” (the stuff) which happens. You can not drop a pebble into the pond without an effect or reaction on the other side of the world (or more broadly, the Universe.)

So, you have “touched” the lives of so many people. Sometimes intentionally and often, unintentionally. Sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. There are times when you held an expectation that you were a positive influence and occasionally this was successful. More often, you do not even see or know your long term effect in your interactions influencing movement in “altered” directions. You do not know the altered behaviors further down the path that your interaction may have had upon others. You will not be “awarded” positive feedback nor held responsible for “stuff” that happens down the road which resulted from your behaviors or interactions BUT you many want to be most vigilant regarding what your interactions/behaviors can trigger…

Sometimes a simple gesture can have profound, and unexpected, results. You may never know how some simple kindness or generosity positively affected a stranger. Conversely, A judgmental look or comment may trigger a deep seated pain, fear or anger within some unfortunate soul you bump into. Perhaps your positive act of service triggers other people to feel more positive about humanity and, in my mind, this can not be bad… Perhaps a simple act of holding a door or giving a small compliment can help to turn a day around for someone caught in their personal negative spiral. “Be the Force for Good in the World” is an expression that I hold dear. You never know how many people will be steered in a positive direction which our humanity needs now more than ever. Words are Great! Positive Actions are even Better!

When I was 19 years old I spoke with a slightly younger friend regarding his choice of direction for his future. His college education track was being considered and a question of whether to move into being an attorney or pursuing an education to become a physician. Both seemed like good careers. My opinion at the time was to suggest, and make a case for, moving into the healing professions. Later, I learned that he had chosen medicine and pursued become a doctor. No telling how many people’s lives were changed by his decision to go into medicine. And, I will not take responsibility or blame for his work in health care, but I was very passionate and convincing when he asked my opinion. Was this experience worth one hour of my time way back then??? I believe in my heart that this may have been one of the best things I have ever done in my life as a person to person interaction.

So, how many interactions have you participated within which may have lead you or your interaction partner in a different life direction? How many of these experiences may have touch off a chain reaction which rippled across our Universe? And, how many times are you now going to consider your interactions and the long term effects which may be triggered? You may never fully know the impact of your interaction but allow your heart to dance with the offering of the support, wisdom, or encouragement which may flow through you…

You are a Miracle and YOU can create Miracles which have widespread results!
Thank You in advance for being the “Light!”

That Time of the Year

It is Mid-December, 2021, as I write. Yes, It is That Time of the Year! In fact, every year about this time is a time of reflection, Gratitude, Giving, and Time with your Community. In the Northern Hemisphere and the PNW, it has short, cool/cold, and damp days. The Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years approach. I am working on my Year-End-Review to reflect upon my past year and for consideration of what might be possible for my future. For me, continuing to get outside and into nature, as weather and my temperament allow, is important for my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. (The shorter, cooler, damper days become considerations for this time spent outside re-connecting with my natural world… Extra layers can be required.)

In reflection of not only my past year but what I can give thanks for in my life is a careful consideration for me. On this list, in no particular order, are: my friends, my family, my health, my freedom, my security (and lack there of), my world, and my Universe, which includes, especially, my connection with the Divine Spirit and all its guidance and protections. Yes, I am blessed! I can easily find the Joy of living with all the dramas of my current life. This reminds me, I spend time and energy each day Laughing, even if what I am laughing at are my own flaws and the awkward relationships I bump into. (Yes, after fear, anger, and my frustrations, I find the humor to laugh at myself and my situations. I do this because I am a imperfect Human with 3 dimensional limitations and taking myself too seriously can get in my way of enjoying the life I am living.)

So, consider gathering your thoughts and feelings to reflect on these past days, and commit to your new year and new directions. Who knows where you will actually end up? The return of the light, after the Winter Solstice, and the dawning of a new calendar year offer you a time of rebirth or renewal. “A New Start,” a “Fresh Start,” and possible new directions to get excited about and to move toward. When and where possible, share your story and your love with your community, no matter where you find it.

Do Not Forget to find Gratitude for what you have! Give thanks AND Share Your Wisdom and Love most Freely. Yes, give it away, unconditionally. The world needs more Wisdom sharing and Love! The Universe appreciates every gift you offer, unconditionally for our greater good!

With the shorter, darker and cooler days of this season, put some energy into these personal reflections. You may be surprise, as you consider your past year, how much has happened and how many lessons you have learned. Cherish these remembrances but do not get too stuck in the “what if’s.” Gather friends and family and share your stories and your love. You can never go wrong when you consider, and then act, upon your desire to serve our Universe. When you give your time and resources, give freely with no strings attached (no expectations of return…) Sorry to repeat myself but in the “Season of Giving,” checking your motivations is often important. Your heart may warm in the thoughts and actions of service…

Come to think of it, if you have read this far, consider that this series of words and thoughts which are strung together in this posting have value for consideration early in every day you are blessed to experience…

Know that YOU are Loved! In fact, You are Cherished by the Divine! You are a Miracle! Thank you for Being You!

Your Purpose is to Love

Startling new insight came to me today! (Thank you, Amari Magdalena, for offering this information for me to ponder.)

Yes, You found your way into this incarnation to share Love in your unique way as a test of the wisdom you have gathered…
How you choose to love is your unique lesson

What you do in this life and how it will demonstrate your love through your service is what your life’s path is all about.
Do you warmly hold and caress the individuals you connect with or do you prickle and irritate people so they can learn from this abrasiveness in your relationships?
Either way, you Love and You can serve.

Are you open and giving?
Are you closed and self-centered in appearance?

Are you conservative and straight-laced?
Are you wild and possibly a raging substance abuser who demonstrates the “Dark side” lifestyle for others to bump up against?
Either way, there are experiences and learning to be had… (An Example: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers,” by Annie Kagan, look it up (Amazon link) and know that this is one of my favorite stories.)

Since we are all connected as spirits, we love in our unique ways and this will provide experience for the souls we bump into in this life. Each soul has their unique path and is challenged by our specific learning requirements. And, when we interact, we provide a part of the lesson/experience. So, what lessons have you come here (to this incarnation) to have or to teach?

Divine Love is the glue that holds the Universe, and beyond, together. This concept and practice is more than the human mind can fully comprehend. (You can try, in fact, you should try to more fully understand the limitless power of the Divine and unconditional Divine Love.) The 3 dimensional world and the thinking ego’s limitations allows our incarnations to be on the “Adventure Travel” we have come into this life to have. Struggling with our limitations and attempting to get more fully conscious regarding our soul’s life and “remembering” where we have come from is the ultimate goal. Sharing your idiomatic Love with every soul and with the Universal Divine Spirit is happening even if you lack full awareness. You and your love are unique and essential to the Divine Spirit. Being most fully conscious is optional and yet the goal of our human experience.

And, if you can find your way into the “present,” feeling the wonderment of the miracles you are surrounded by, and no matter what’s happening you feel the “Joy” of the Divine burning brightly in each person and object you encounter, then you are getting closer to the “enlightenment” seekers have come seeking! (Wow, what a long sentence…)

No matter where you are in your developing consciousness, YOU are a Miracle! Your soul is a bright beacon to light the way along the path to remembering and full consciousness. Your presence is an act of service. Your service to our world is an act of Love.

Be Love – Feel Joy – Light the World!

Loving Intimacy

In the “Higher Realms,” beyond the Veil, there are NO lies! There is no time or space. There is no separation. The 3 dimensional limitations of our Earthly incarnation born from ego and fear do not exist. There is no place to hide from who you are! AND, You are perfect!

You are a manifestation of the Divine Spirit. You are connected to all other things, and souls, in the Universe. With the DNA of the Divine Spirit imprinted in your soul, you are a perfect hologram and copy of the Supreme Being, which IS YOU! So, imagine being loved, honored, accepted, and fully embraced by all that is good and great in the Universe, and beyond. Every facet of you, including your imperfections and drama, is loved. No secrets only complete Loving Intimacy with all other things. Fully connected and joyfully loved for the role you are playing! In fact, YOU are Unconditionally Loved by the Divine in ways which can not be defined by words or fully known by your Earthly mind.

Every piece of knowledge, wisdom, and feeling is known, telepathically and loved, in the higher realms. No other soul can do YOU better than than you are doing YOU. You are essential. Without you the Divine Spirit and all consciousness can not exist. You are an important part of the team and yet not separate from any other part. Your soul also shares loving acceptance with all the other souls. When you raise your consciousness, all souls have their consciousness raised.

There is no way to not be fully connected though your mind and ego may have a fantasy that you are isolated and separated as you Judge other souls in this incarnation. You are unique in spirit but closely interconnected. You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! Whether you consciously know this, or not, You are a Master!

You are never alone. And, You are the most Beautiful Soul in this Universe!

BTW. If you would like to view our recent Blog Posting regarding Unconditional Love follow link to:

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

In Consideration of the Color Gray

I have never considered the color Gray/Grey. Why? Because it is Gray. Have you ever considered the color Gray? AND, there is a reason for me to write this blog and for YOU to consider such things in the world. (More about this later.) So, I went to the “Oracle of Wisdom and Knowledge,” Wikipedia and typed in “Grey” (English version of Gray.) This informed me that Gray is a mixture of White and Black, a “neural color and a “color ‘without color.'” What triggered this you may ask? I went for a walk in nature today and accidentally picked an outfit which I do not normally wear. My brown or beige shorts were in the wash and so I found myself dressed in gray shorts and a gray shirt. Weird! This is not normally me… (When Beige is more normal and interesting and natural than gray, for me, this is beginning to be “disturbing” as a consideration.)

Wikipedia went on to say, “Color Meaning: Meaning of The Color Grey
The color gray is an emotionless, moody color that is typically associated with meanings of dull, dirty, and dingy, as well as formal, conservative, and sophisticated. The color gray is a timeless and practical color that is often associated with loss or depression.” What??? Consider what is gray in nature… Rocks, gravel paths through the park, streets, battleships, torpedos, bombs, foreboding clouds, business suits, sharks, some people’s houses, cement, elephants, some bird feathers, and, of course, the color of your skin when you are deceased. (Though, gray on gray with a white stripe for accent can be a stylish mixture for a house, like my neighbors. Boring, but stylish and marketable.)

Gray is NOT used to standout or to be bold. It is often used to hide behind in a defensive way. Business men will wear gray business suits to fit in but, like male birds, splash a “loud,” colorful tie to brighten up their look and to be noticed. Predators like sharks like to be gray because they can sneak up on their prey in a more stealthy way. Gray is stealthy…

Nature does not have many plants or animals which love the color gray unless the animal is defensive and trying to blend in, unnoticed (or a predator.) Nature uses brighter colors to attract attention like flowers or male birds competing for a partner to breed with. As stated, even beige or brown are more warm, attractive, and natural than gray, in my opinion, (and I think beige is a boring,) is a lack of confidence, color. MY opinion and I wear beige ’cause it hides the dirt I smear on myself better than white…

I love rocks and mountains which wear forests up to timberline and snow or glaciers pressed against a bright blue sky. I love the shadows of clouds dancing across the fields and hills cast by the light of the sun. I appreciate a nice gravel trail through the woods with people strolling, bikes ridden, and strollers pushed through a more natural setting. BUT, I will not consider painting my house gray or enjoying wearing gray outfits on a regular basis. This is NOT who I am.

It came to mind as I considered sharing this opinion that many years ago, in my early 20’s, I read Herman Hesse’s, “Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game.” My interpretation at the time of this Glass Bead Game was that all knowledge and wisdom of human consciousness could find its place on the surface of an immense globe. A “player” of the Glass Bead Game took one fact or thing and then attempted to learn “everything” about this thing. Its interrelationships with all other things in the Universe. By being an expert, all knowing, of one fact or thing, the player would descend to the very center of the globe/Universe and then understand ALL relationships in the Universe from this core. This wisdom would “Win” the game and so become “Magister Ludi (Master of the Game.)” To me the consideration of the color gray gets complicated but may seem easier as a target of consideration to descend to the “Core of the Universe” easier than more colorful objects or ideas. For this, I believe that we should consider things which surround us which we may have overlooked before. If nothing else this expands my, perhaps your, consciousness and causes you to be “present” and “aware” in ways not realized/considered before.

If you have read this far, thank you and you can never go back! You will now have to consider Gray/Grey in a more in-depth way. A boring color which triggers thoughts and feelings and your amazing unique opinion.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

YOU are an Important Piece of the Puzzle

Have ever put a large JigSaw puzzle together? It requires your time, effort, focused concentration, and patience. Have you ever come to the completion of this puzzle and find that a piece is missing? You can see the tiny piece leaves an enormous hole in your project. It is a glaring, attention grabbing hole! This makes you and your project feel incomplete and unsatisfying. It is unfinished and it is obvious.

How does this apply to you and your developing spiritual consciousness? You are a small, unique piece of a much greater puzzle. It is the puzzle called the Divine Spirit. If YOU were really missing, this puzzle would be incomplete. There would be a glaring hole in the fabric of all of consciousness. Scientists have claimed that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes form. The same can be said for matter, which does change form on a regular basis but does not completely disappear. Your physical body is made of matter which constantly changes form and eventually after you die, returns to some other physical form.

Your soul or spirit is energy. Many spiritually conscious people would say that this soul/spirit energy is pure and made of Love. It does not ever disappear but it can change form. You and your consciousness are unique. Your fingerprint is like a snowflake and unique to you. You are made and changed by the experiences and challenges you have faced. You are tested by difficult experiences as you move along your unique path toward higher consciousness. AND, if your spirit was NOT around anymore, the whole of consciousness would suffer and disappear. Whether your ego-mind allows you to Know it or not, you fill a spot in the enormously large Universe. If you were not here, ever again, the hole in the fabric of the Divine would cause the whole balloon to deflate and disappear.

The Universe would collapse without your spirit! Your awareness and consciousness ask you to eventually Know and Remember your Enlightenment and the important role your unique spirit plays in the whole drama called life in the Divine Spirit. Of course, this also creates enormous responsibility for your unique spirit to keep growing and expanding in consciousness because without your progress the whole of Divine Consciousness lacks expansion. You are important! Too bad if you do not like this responsibility for your soul will figure this out in due time… (Though time does not really exist…)

You are Amazing and Unique! You are an important piece of the puzzle which is called the Divine Spirit! Shine brightly and send love and consciousness out to all the other souls you meet! (Another viewpoint: You are a “Hologram” of the Divine Spirit. Every important piece of the spirit energy of this Universe is imprinted into your spirits DNA. You carry the GodForce within your soul… So, consider acting like the GodForce you are…)

You are Amazing and a Miracle! Though unique, you are a perfect piece of the Divine Spirit! You are Loved, Blessed and Cherished! Consider your perfection and connection to the Divine as you look into the eyes, and the souls, of all the beings you come into contact with on your path…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Re- Enchantment of the Cosmos: Returning to Our Ancient Roots

To our ancestors the Universe was filled with Enchantment and magic! For the past several hundred years “Rational Thought” has buried our connection to the wonderment of the miracles we now take for granted. Human consciousness, in the Modern world, has begun to come full circle getting back to our “roots” of consciousness. Re- Enchantment to the magic and mysteries of the Divine Spirit’s manifestations in our Universe grows stronger! The unexplained or the Rationally unexplainable miracles of life and consciousness are regaining our attention. Science and mathematics have explained visible natural processes until these reach an unexplainable point.

As an example worth researching are the interviews with people who have returned from Near Death Experiences (NDE.) As more people are interviewed, there are common threads between the accounts of this diverse group of people. Though it is difficult to “Re-integrate” after returning from a NDE, universally, certain parts of the experience are commonly a part of the account. Among these are: a “Knowing” that there is a Divine Source which connects everything in our Universe (and beyond,) a sense of “Unconditional Love and Acceptance,” a feeling of “Oneness” knowing that we are all in this together and a part of something greater than ourselves (and so breaking the barriers of individual egos and separation,) and a lack of fear of Death due to the knowing that we as spirit continue (just like physicists tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed it just changes form.) Many people have a sense, or a strong knowing, that they have lived “past lives” (or that time does not exist and we are living many current lives in differing realities???…)

For example, what is consciousness? How do we feel? How do we “Know” what we Know? How did Life start and then develop into consciousness? Even the simplest structures hold unanswered questions like what hold atoms together and how can these atoms be physical material and also show that they have properties of non-material waves of energy? Physics has taken our awareness back to the “Source” and to the unexplainable realms of the Divine Spirit.

Our ancestors walked around our world in a state of enchantment and feelings of connections with all other objects in our Universe. They worshipped the spirit energy of the planets, the stars, the air, the water, the fire, and, of course, the Earth. Every rock and tree had a soul. Walking gently on the Earth was their way of worshipping the miracles which surrounded them. Reverence for all things was built into their culture and in their consciousness. We, in the “modern” world, are reawakening to the miracles and find renewed enchantment with the Cosmos in which we temporarily exist. We are an essential part of the living Universe. Modern cultures are even beginning to remember the ancient wisdom and ceremonies to remind us of the magic of the Universe we are a piece of. We are NOT separate though we are incorrectly taught to be individuals and separated from each other.

When YOU walk in nature, perhaps on a beach by the water, do you feel peacefulness and connection with the sand between your toes or the breezes which gently blow against your skin? Do you breathe in the air and find a peace not as common in your experience of congested cities? Does your mind wander to the miracle of the life forms you encounter and the unexplainable diversity of these life forms? Do you celebrate and honor these few moments as you drift through this natural environment? These might come from your primordial wisdom. Many of us yearn for those moments of contemplation in more primitive places because we desire to return to our roots. AND, to learn or relearn to love the natural environment. It is worth being “present” and remembering that we are sharing atoms with many of the lifeforms and even the inanimate objects we discover… Celebrate our Universe and share your story!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Gift to the World Is YOU!

Do you like receiving a gift? Do you get pleasure and satisfaction from giving a great gift? If you are like most people, you get a great sense of satisfaction by giving a thoughtful gift. Hopefully, the gift has no “strings attached” to the process of giving. (You know what I mean when you give a gift and EXPECT something in return for your efforts…) Your present may be heartfelt and wrapped in the elegance of your warm wishes and tender love. It may be given in a more functional, less extravagant wrapping. It may have been thought out and well planned or a spontaneous act of sharing. You know when your act of giving is especially well received and when it does not meet the highest response.

A genuine act of kindness is often the most thoughtful gift which you can offer. “The thought counts” and the endearing follow through can be most meaningful. AND, many of us do not appreciate the present we can offer when we are sharing our love and our time and our compassion. You know that moment in time when the person in front of you offered you their “presence” and their listening skills as you share the most emotional memories. What a great gift when you are fully heard and this connection reminds you that you are not on your own. There is someone who listened and who cares…

Whenever, you increase your consciousness, you improve yourself. By enhancing your awareness and listening skills, you become more precious in your interactions. And, if you ever touch the Divine Spirit so that you fully celebrate the “perfection” of the person in front of you, you become the beacon of light which heals and warms the souls of every spirit you touch. There is no greater gift you can give. Honor yourself, for you are perfect even in your seeming imperfections. There is no one exactly like you. You are unique and at the same time Divinely connected to all other souls. Your lessons in this life are for you to move forward on your path BUT your movement on your path supports and assists everyone. Remember how Divine you really are and the source of unconditional love you can offer.

Be the best you can be. Not competitive but in your open ability to share love. If possible, drop your judgement and perhaps ask a “challenging” person you encounter, “What has happened to you in your life to lead you to be the person in front of me?” ALSO, remember that just as YOU are a Gift for the people you bump into, THEY are a Gift for you as well. You have a lesson to learn from every encounter and it is a blessing to learn from this challenge. You might want to consider honoring the beauty and perfection in front of you when next you lock eyes on the person standing in front of you!

YOU are a gift to the Universe! Sharing your Love and your wisdom gained through your life experience is an amazing service to the Universe. Grow in consciousness and share your Light!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Service to the World, Are You Doing Your Part?

How much service to the world is enough? Being of service takes many roles and can be offered in many ways, but are you doing your part? Most of us are engaged in “survival” and we might not have the time or the resources to consider living our lives in service. Most of us do not even really understand how much service we provide because we are not conscious of the regular interactions which benefit the people we bump into. An unconscious gesture like the smile or the thank you or the acknowledgement of appreciation can offer a lot. And, there are some of us who seem to wake every morning excited and considering what acts of conscious service we can provide.

Most of us feel really good when we are doing something we know to be “good” for another person. As we share this loving energy, we get more in return by our act of “giving.” The act of giving, without any strings attached, is a true gift. When providing a service like non-judgmentally listening to someone’s “story,” we, as the “witness,” provide a huge service. Yes, something as simple as listening in a loving way can benefit everyone involved AND even the “Universe.” Demonstrating: patience, acceptance, gratitude, support, love, and connection, are all acts of service which can improve the general levels of consciousness and specifically the individual souls who bask in these higher energies. Thank You for your service, in advance…

By being most conscious regarding your interactions with any of the fellow pilgrims you bump into, you offer an opportunity for positive growth. You do not have to agree with the behaviors which get acted out but you can still look to the beauty and perfection of the person standing in front of you. They are a Miracle! They have arrived to assist you in your lesson, sometimes providing challenges for you to learn your lessons. Even when the situation may feel negative and overwhelming, you are able to “practice” your growing strategies for moving into higher consciousness. What a blessing!

Be aware! Take off your blinders! All of your interactions have a value and purpose, even if you are not clearly aware to what the purpose may be. Look to live in Love! Feel the perfection of each situation. Take responsibility for your reactions and behaviors. And, when all else fails in a difficult interaction, you can with empathy ask, “What has happened to this person to make them act the way that they behave?” You may not know the answer, but you are feeling, with empathy, the life experience and lessons this person is working through. (Or, they are pushing your buttons, because that is the lesson you require…)

If you can think of nothing else, do not miss the opportunity to look into someones eyes and appreciate the beautiful soul in front of you. Giving thanks offers a connecting experience and demonstration of your acknowledgement. Again, thank you in advance for your acts of service and higher consciousness.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Secret to Enlightenment: Be Present!

Yup, YOU being Present is the secret. It has been said before and came up again today. Be fully present and you will connect better and serve better! Your presence has great value to our Universe. Why and how do you do this? So much of the time, we dwell in the emotions from the past or apprehension (fear) of the future. When you are genuine and fully present, you will participate in our world (universe) with less judgement AND the people you interact with will feel that they are more fully “heard.” This is therapeutic (for all people.) Yes, just really listening, without judgement, is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healing. You honor and show your respect for the person whom you are engaged in conversation with when you listen totally while remaining “present.”

Think of the times when you were involved in a satisfying conversation. Your partner(s) can be found listening and asking great questions. They are probably not interrupting to tell their story about themselves and so discounting your sense of value. Sure you need to know your limits and not go on too long so they can share their story but you can feel satisfied with being heard… If you are insecure and demonstrate this by telling your story too long or cutting your partner off then your lack of respect will often be reciprocated. We are all important, and perfect, and masters whom deserve to be loved and respected for who we are. (EVEN when we are struggling with the imperfections and challenges which we are born to learn from.)

Now the difficult part. How do you BE PRESENT? You might start by taking a deep slow breath, pausing a moment after you inhale, and then slowly release your breath with thoughts and nervous energy flowing out with your exhale. Learn to clear your mind so you can be “open” to the story you will be told. Release your need to argue with or even judge the speaker. This experience and this receiving of information is happening for a reason. Though it may be unclear or even different than what you might think you know, you are having this interaction with this soul to help YOU with YOUR lesson. AND, you will be of service to your partner by allowing them the respect of your full attention and listening. Yes, you might be triggered or bored but there is some purpose for this shared experience.

Your spiritual consciousness leading to your enlightenment includes being present and listening without judgement. Again, this is easier said than done AND this is what we are “shooting” (or striving) for in this incarnation. The act of listening and being fully present is the gift you have to offer this world/universe. Appreciate and love each creation, for the divine spirit dwells within every molecule you bump into. When you can fully love, allow, and serve, you will remember, and then live, in your pure divine spirit. At the deepest level, this is where we are headed as individual souls within the “oneness” of the universal divine. We are each unique AND a part of the larger, perfect universe.

If you are READY to be present and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at