Are You Conscious?

Are you conscious regarding your soul’s full strength and capacities?

Can our Individualism which separates us from our fellow pilgrims be standing in our way as we attempt to move into Higher Consciousness? Oneness and connectedness are underlining principles of the Higher Realms. Our beyond human 3D existence, Higher Realm Souls, are in conflict with people identifying as “Rugged Individualists.” Our belief that we have “constitutional rights” to be guided by our individual beliefs, at the expense of the the Universal Spirit, run contrary to what I believe is Enlightenment. When we are taught (or adopt the attitude) that we have to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps” (whatever that means) people assume that we are in life to get ahead without other people’s support for our own greedy expectations. Sure we have the “self-made men” (sexist concept) in our glorified history but should these selfish figures be our role-models?

Other figures like: Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, and Nelson Mandala may be a few of the more commonly known and revered examples of leaderships with a closer connection to the Divine Spirit. It is my understanding, without having personal relationships with these people, that their model was selfless and above and beyond the “driven” business and political leaders we celebrate these days. Perhaps our culture and world has less well known, and not attention grabbing, leaders who are working to create consciousness at lesser levels in the modern world. And yes, we do have self-made men giving their wealth away to charitable causes like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many celebrities. But, maybe too few of the greedy 1% wealthy (Self-Made Men) engage in giving as the role models we need as positive examples.

Until we can sincerely respect other souls and be prepared to support the Universal Divine’s theme of oneness and interconnection, we are trapped in our human dramas with its cultural need for separation. To “get ahead” as an individual at the expense of others is the epitome of human selfishness and the necessary lesson for higher consciousness we struggle with too commonly in our world.

This may sound like “sour grapes” thinking to wealth seeking individuals, however, the expression “wealth does not buy you happiness” has truth to it. I grew up in a wealthy Southern California community. Before I left town at the age of 19, my emotional perception was that the newly made wealth seekers were not happy. In fact, they were anxious and self-medicated (alcohol and drugs) to maintain their unhappiness and to deal with their paranoia/fear regarding losing their material possessions. At the time, and still true for me today, I did not fit in with these cultural beliefs and this shallow attempt to appear successful in life… Wealthy people can be happy and conscious but their driven need to pursue wealth and power does NOT translate into their happiness, Joy, or higher spiritual consciousness, easily.

Buying your way into heaven is a myth. Jumping to the head of the line does not get you into heaven easier or sooner. Cutting corners by buying people off does not earn you respect or truly loyal relationships. Cultures and societies which honor and allow corruption as a means of getting ahead are morally bankrupt and weaken their longevity. But, these are all my “Judgements” regarding corruption because I know that there are important lessons, if only what not to do, for the human dramas our Earthly existence thrives upon. In the telling of the story regarding Buddha, he started life as wealthy and privileged but renounced this life style to gain his consciousness through hardships and a devout life. In my understanding of this story, Buddha gave up on on the punishing rigors of devout spiritual life for a more normal meditation practice. He found happiness and life satisfaction in the “simple” life as a man who ferries people across a river. This finally lead him to his Enlightenment. Is this a myth to keep less fortunate people from rebelling against the 1%? Or, do the “trappings” of wealth and privilege distract the consciousness seeker from Divine Consciousness?
A great question… YOU need to seek the answer for yourself. It is your lesson.

For me, a more simple life has been helpful. Dealing with shallowness and envy has been a part of my challenge. Consciously chasing wealth and power has not been my path. And, humility has been a striving in my life… We are not as special as we want to think we are in our human lives. But, we are most uniquely special in our spirits. And, we are all in this together. We are here to support one another’s pilgrimage to Divine Consciousness. When will YOU realize that your greatest wealth is in your connection with the Divine and all other souls? When will you know or remember your true power in spirit? Consciousness includes learning that our flaws and insecurities are the challenges we are here to learn from and accept.

As you can assume from this blog, my personal pursuit is to better understand and control my “Judgements” especially of people I perceive as pursuing the passion of wealth hoarding and the gathering of material possessions. For me, caring about our fellow souls and protecting our miraculous planet hold more importance, and respect, than gathering material trappings of wealth. You may share this lesson or feel that your path is in conflict with mine. Hopefully, we will still find ways to love and support each other’s spiritual development.

YOU are so much more than your human existence. The perfection of your soul underlies the dramas and judgements we tend to engage… At the end of this incarnation, we will both be basking in the love and light of the Higher Realms…

I ask you to consider rebuking “Fear” as your motivation and consider Love and Acceptance as your foundational core for finding your motivation in your current incarnation. Yup, try it on! Along the way, release your self-victim status and honor the true power of your perfect soul and spirit! And, Wake Up to your true self and full consciousness beyond our human dramas and self-limitations.

You are a Miracle! You are Loved for who you are. No one can do YOU better than you and you serve a purpose as you travel the path toward higher consciousness…

Knowing Your Wealth and Power

To Know your Wealth and Power I would like you to play a Cosmic Game with me. It will only take a few minutes and your imagination. Imagine that You are one of the wealthiest, most powerful, people in the world today. Perhaps, Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, or Bill Gates, ex-CEO of Microsoft, or Mark Zuckerberg, or whatever billionaire comes to your mind. Due to your extreme wealth, you are free to do almost anything or you have access to anything. As a person of extreme wealth you might be interested in briefly living the life of a more modestly endowed person. Maybe even a less fortunate member of the world’s socio-economic stratus. For a relatively short amount of time, you could “incarnate” as a less wealthy person. This would mean that you would give up your freedom and the wealth which gives you access to virtually anything possible. Like in the story of Siddhartha Gautama of ancient India, you decide to know more about the struggles of the “real world.”

You choose to live without your wealth and power to learn the lesson from the challenges of a normal mortal existence knowing that you will return to your higher state of conscious living after you have attempted or accomplished your learning from this incarnation. It is an interesting game you are playing as you live the life of a poor, “less fortunate” person. You are kind of competitive and want to do the very best job of living in this life so you can really get the most benefit. (Remember, as a person of wealth you will be able to return to your gifted life after you have attempted the struggle of life as a “limited,” less fortunate person.) You work to master the role you play within this world of limitations. You are very good at being your actor in this play. So good, you could win an Academy Award, or a Tony, and an Emmy for your portrayal of this character. No one could do you better than you can do you in this role.

You take on the strengths and the weakness or flaws of this character to fully experience the challenges of this character in the master play. You can find yourself getting “sucked in” to the drama of this average person’s existence to draw further into the depth of their role in a “life like” way. At the end of this portrayal, you get to transition back from your character’s role into your highest self with all the freedom and power your wealth and spirit allow. You get to return to your “Heavenly” existence or even higher up into your Divine Consciousness. You reflect back on all the other souls you “touched” or who supported and “touched” you. You can review where your lessons led you and even explore the outcomes you might have had if you had chosen a different path in this character’s life.

The game you have just considered is the game you are currently playing. The wealth and power are what you have when you are fully in the Divine Spirit and when you are not limited by the 3 dimensional limitations we face in the incarnated bodies/lives we have chosen to live. You are learning from these lessons and playing the game as well as you can. Remember that every experience you have and every person you meet are there for you or you are there to support another person’s learning. You are Perfect the way you are and free to make choices. At the end of this incarnation you will return to the Freedom, the Wisdom, the Unconditional Love, and the Universal Connection with all other souls in this Universe and beyond.

Thank you for playing this game and doing your role so perfectly. We all need you and the character which you are currently playing. Just do not forget where you have come from and where you will return.
With Love…

Comment from my mentor, Paula:


The idea that we are born in a world of struggles, challenges and suffering, a world that is “less” than the place we came from, is an illusion. This world is behaving in line with its natural laws. It still holds all the magnificence of where we came from. It is our skewed perception that causes us to believe we must compete, that we are poor and less fortunate than in our divine state. Nothing is being done to us. We decide how we want to experience life. We decide how limited we feel and whether we want to suffer from it. We choose our priorities, interests and where we want to focus our energy. Some say, we have already decided on the life experiences we will have, before we were born. All we have to do is show up. It is possible to experience Heaven on Earth. It is not measured by material wealth but by spiritual wealth. Until we realize it, we are bound to return to learn the lesson.

Of course, that’s only my opinion.


AND, Paula is correct! Our perceptions are our own creations. This “Game” is for people to appreciate how temporary our acting roles in this incarnation seem and to be more aware that when we get “sucked in” to the drama, this is also our choice at some level. Peace be with you! Your radiance is nearly blinding to my mortal eyes. Thank you!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Work: Being True to Spirit at Work

Much of our time is spent working. We spend more of our time with our fellow employees, employers, and clients than we do with our family, children and friends unless we work at home. As we focus on our work we often lose track of what we are here to learn. We can get caught up in the superficial thoughts and requirements of commerce rather than basking in the divine spirit. The egos which surround the work environment can draw us away from the consideration of the perfection we can find within the heart and soul of those we interact with while at work.

Are money and other forms of financial success at the core of why we came into this life? Is the separation from other people due to business competitiveness the satisfying answer to our spiritual needs? Can we bring to the workplace the love, gratitude, acceptance, and deeper feelings of “oneness” which we strive to learn in the lessons of this lifetime? These are difficult questions to answer when we may have two differing tracks in our lives, work life versus spiritual practices. But, can we find a balance?

Work requires our time and attention for long periods during many of our days. But setting the tone as we begin the day may be a big part of the solution. A day begun with quiet reflection and meditation which includes a review of activities of the coming day seen in the most peaceful and mutually successful way can set the the best spiritual environment to find success. It sets a positive loving tone for the day and can benefit the energy that vibrates out in all directions. The opposite of holding on to anger, fear, anxiety, and frustration sets the vibration of your energy off in the another direction, which may not prove beneficial to positive outcomes.

Sharing your most positive feelings can help to reduce the negativity that pervades the business climate in most work places. Caring about fellow workers and clients demonstrates the most basic, positive spiritual practice because this demonstrates that we are all in this together and even the act of work does not have to create separation. Connection, acceptance, and gratitude for others in the work place is the blessing that provides for higher consciousness. Even the difference of opinions or beliefs can become an opportunity for learning and provide movement along your spiritual path.

Ask yourself if acquiring possessions and creating a large bank account will really be satisfying and fulfilling. In many wealthy communities, the residents are torn emotionally by their “need” for more and the “need” to protect their property. This often gets in the way of relationships, life satisfaction, spiritual growth, and good health (mental and physical.) Your heart will tell you, if you listen, what makes you happiest and healthiest.

Blessings as you follow your path and use work to connect rather than to separate yourself. Find the ways to serve and assist all of the fellow travelers that you meet along the way.

Consider our supportive non-religious spiritual community, Masters of the Journey or visit our Facebook page at

Achieving Your Financial Goals: A Secret to Success

Part I:
Do you have a goal to your financial success? Do you have a plan for reaching this goal? If you are like most people, you desire financial security and higher levels of financial success. The dream of financial freedom and a demonstration of business acumen are quite common as a precursor to reaching your ultimate vision, but how do you actually reach your objective? It all starts with a well conceived goal.

Have you ever worked on a major project like building a house, writing a book, creating a successful business venture, taking a extended trip, developing a larger community project or fund raiser, or created a large event (like a wedding, rock concert, class re-union, etc.)? Any of these projects can not reach success without a solid plan.

A “Dream” of wealth or financial success is different than a well thought through plan. Planning starts with goal setting. It requires that you spend the time necessary to gather information, outline the necessary steps to achieve the project, develop a workable timeline, acquire the resources, and take the steps to move down the path to your goal.

These are simple concepts. Why do so many people have dreams that are never fulfilled? What steps must you take to achieve your dreams? You can not plan without a viable goal. You can not succeed on a large, important goal without sustained action. You can not achieve success without commitment and focus. If you are not “driven,” can you accomplish your larger goals? Can learned attitudes or beliefs sabotage your success?

Part II:
Most people do not do the “work.” The work is goal setting, planning, gathering the necessary resources, and the focused follow through for their success. People want the benefits of financial success without committing to the real required work. Sometimes the required work includes the “work” on oneself to understand and then overcome ones own resistance to financial success. It is hard to attract money and financial success if you actually fear or loath wealth. Many people stand in their own way to achieving success. These people say that they want to succeed but do not believe that they will succeed. Many people who have not done the “work” will reach financial goals and then sabotage their long-term objectives because they are not really ready for success.

A necessary secret to success:

If you are serious about achieving your financial goals, you must get serious about dealing with your deep resistance to success.

You may require support and coaching. In some cases you may have to go further and get good therapy to get to the source of your negative attitudes or beliefs. If you have not reached your highest levels of productivity and success, then you may have to get “outside” perspective to overcome your barriers. If you think that you do not require extra support or coaching, and you want to make the same mistakes over and over, then do not make any changes. It will be more comfortable to do it the “old” way, but do not expect better results. If you really want to gain the success that you desire then it is time to “knuckle-down” and get to work. Be excited about the possibilities and as open as you can be to the new insights that will help to drive your success.

One resource for you to create some awareness about your possible sources of resistance and some new behaviors that you can adopt that will lead to financial success can be found in a book titled “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth” by T. Harv Eker. I learned a lot by reading this book. Eker claims that there are 17 behaviors that are common for financially successful people that can be missing in less successful people and by modeling these behaviors you can move more easily toward your financial goals. You may want to take action and review this type of information.

Along the way, remember to make time to take good care of yourself. Financial success means nothing if you have compromised your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling “Guide to Stress Reduction.” Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training.

Please visit the Stress Education Center’s website at for articles, free blog, and learn about the new retreats & telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.

7 Steps to Prosperity and Wealth

3 P’s (Productivity, Performance, and Prosperity) Process: Life Prosperity Program

What is prosperity and wealth to you? If you are willing to work and you can find the correct vehicle to create financial success, then here are the seven steps to attain your goal.

I qualified the offer because this is not a get rich quick scheme or a win the “Lottery” fantasy come-true article. It requires that you have a desire to work for the success that you deserve. Sometimes a key to success is to find the business or service that you are most passionate about and a way of presenting this to potential consumers. There are other articles and coaching that can lead you to the discovery of the best financial endeavor for you…

The 7 Steps are:
1. Set Your Goal
2. Overcome your barriers to success… Take Responsibility!
3. Create your plan… Map your path
4. Visualize your Success (and Create Affirmations that lead to your Goal)
5. Work Your Plan… Dedicate some time and energy to Achieving your dream
6. Let Go of Expectations that will Prevent your Success
7. Show Gratitude for your life and Success and find a Positive way to give “Back”

Are you ready to get to work? This will be your basic outline of the steps you need to move to success.

1. Set Your Goal
Think Big! What do want to achieve? How do want to be living? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How much money do you want? How soon do you want it? Can your business endeavor allow you to reach these goals? For example, if you are working part time at WalMart can you expect to acquire $3 Million Dollars by Christmas? Probably not! You will need to find and develop another financial vehicle to get you to your dream, and to do this by the upcoming Christmas Season may be a challenging time frame.

Without a solid, articulated and specific goal, you can not get in the game. Many people require assistance with this first step. There are small business support organizations and business mentors from an organization known as SCORE (look for to find a local office in the United States.) Do not let them steal your dreams, but get advice regarding how your business might start or how to enhance your venture’s operations. They can even help you develop funding after you create a solid business plan. (Do not be afraid to ask for help or, at least, feedback from people who know business These people will be your Role Models or Mentors, or Coaches or possibly your partners…)

Do not skip through the first step! You will need to establish a Goal to set your sights on. The more specific you can make this, the better, and faster, you will get your best results.

2. Overcome your barriers to success… Take Responsibility!
If you have never been financially successful before…. WHY? You would really benefit from knowing why. What are your limitations? What have you learned from the past? How can you accept responsibility for any obstacles that you have encountered in past endeavors? You may even have to ask the hard questions about why you needed to “attract” the past lack of success. If you look to blame external sources, you may be missing an opportunity to learn how to control these situations in future situations. Taking Responsibility is difficult for the people who need this the most. It is too easy to quit when you can find a reason or excuse that is beyond your control… I repeat, this is easier said than done, so be prepared to reach out for assistance overcoming limitations and barriers.

For many people, their fear of success or distrust of money (or wealth) can be major barriers to achieving success. Do not become a victim to past programming or childhood experiences. You are ready for success and you deserve the benefits of financial security and wealth. Do not give in to negativity or bad habits. It is time to behave like a winner! This is a challenging, but important, step that often requires personalized attention.

3. Create your plan… Map your path
You need a “road map” that will take you to your goal. You need to break down the small steps that will lead you down the pathway to your success. Some people forget these details. They might act too quickly and fail without a good, thoughtful plan. Some people over plan and do not act. You need to find the balance. Create a workable time frame. Get the resources you will require to execute your plan.

Reward yourself for each small achievement. Celebrate the steps that you take on the path to your success. If you are moving toward your first $1 Million dollars, you should celebrate your first $100, then your first $500, and your first $1000, etc. I did not say go out spend all your profits, but you need to acknowledge the victories along the way. Let these help to build your momentum.

Also, remember that along your path, you may find alternatives or additional sources of revenue that will get you to your goals more quickly. Be open to these and be flexible.

4. Visualize your Success (and Create Affirmations that lead to your Goal)
After you have created your plan, then you must visualize this plan succeeding, not in the future, but as if it were happening NOW!. It is best to visualize, or see, success coming to you. Also, FEEL the success. Feel all of the excitement and joy. Bask in these great feelings as you desire the success, again, as if it were already occurring. HEAR the sounds of success. What would this victory sound like to you?

There are skills that you can learn and use for creating positive affirmations. You repeat these several times throughout your day. The affirmations are the positive advertising that you need to develop the unconscious habit patterns that will lead to your success. Powerful affirmations that are in the present, positive, and emotional will work the best for achieving your goals. Build a “Vision Board” with pictures of your desired lifestyle and post this where you will view it daily.

5. Work Your Plan… Dedicate some time and energy to Achieving your dream
You have to get out there and work your plan. Talk to everyone. Network. Market. Sell! Produce your product or service… Demonstrate your passion, skill, and enthusiasm. Do not miss an opportunity to share your dream and visualize your success. When you are exercising, visualize your plan and its success. Before bed and right after waking, say your affirmations. Make your calls. Send your letters or e-mails. Learn about the things that you can do to better market yourself and your product. Learn about additional successful strategies that you see your successful role-models using.

Habits can be difficult to change. We do not like change, most of the time, but we have to gradually allow ourselves to push through to new habits of success. It can take time, so DO NOT GIVE UP! Getting discouraged and quitting is all too common for many of us. People like to work very hard and then succeed though hard work does not guarantee success. However, you may be surprised how easily your success will manifest when using these 7 steps.

6. Let Go of Expectations that will Prevent your Success
The harder you TRY, the more challenging success can get. Have you ever NEEDED a job or NEEDED a relationship? Did it seem like the more you needed or wanted your desired outcome the more obstacles seemed to appear? The more you push, the less success you get. You must learn to have powerful visualizations but less “Attachment” to the outcome. Be pleasantly surprised and try to drop your expectations. Expectations screw things up! Learning to “Let GO” physically, then emotionally, and then spiritually, will serve you well, but again, is easier said than done. Our Ego gets in the way and does not allow the success to flow freely to us. Our Ego wants to push and to “Own” the success. When our dream arrives or our goal is achieved, it will be more a “gift” from the universe… A gift you must celebrate… A gift that you deserve!

7. Show Gratitude for your life and Success and find a Positive way to give “Back”
Be grateful for all the blessings you have, no matter how small. Appreciate the assistance and guidance that you get along the way. Celebrate and share your prosperity by assisting others. This does not mean giving all your money, or all your time, or all your resources away, but be willing to support and honor, with respect, any and all travelers you meet along the way. We are all in this together, on some level, and we must be willing to “give back” in some way…

Mentoring others can be a great networking opportunity and a way of giving support.

These 7 steps work best when you get them tailored to your specific requirements. You may need to find mentors or coaches to assist you developing and executing your plan. You may require an accountability partner (or coach) to help keep you focused. You may want to develop a supportive Master Mind group that will assist you in moving toward your success. Very few of us can make it through all of these steps alone, so consider the assistance that you require to clarify these steps and then to help you to maintain your focus as you move down your path toward your goal.

Celebrate your Productivity, your Performance, and your Prosperity.

L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling “Guide to Stress Reduction.” Since 1977, he has offered Success & Executive Coaching and Training. His new “Life Prosperity” retreat process guides his clients to personalized success strategies that lead to increased productivity and prosperity.

Please visit the Stress Education Center’s website at Stress, Stress Management, Coaching, and Training for articles, free newsletter signup, and learn about the new telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.