Are YOU Out of Step with the World?

Born out of frustration, I find that I am out of step with the world. Are You? Yup, what I see on the media both TV and Social Media creates a visceral response. My confusion and that weird uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach makes me feel like I am NOT in step with what is going on in my world. I do not “get” politics, conspiracy theories, celebrities who are whining, and the All Powerful Drive for Financial Success, at the expense of selflessness and higher consciousness. Yes, MY judgmental thinking is at again like a dog with a bone… I see and feel like my culture, my country, and my strongest beliefs in a “caring” society are just descending into the pit of selfish individualism where the belief seems to be, “what I want, I SHOULD get” and lying and bullying are accepted, condoned and even encouraged.

What is my Spiritual lesson? If I was fully spiritually conscious, I would have Equanimity in the face of what I perceive as injustice. I would accept that this is simply another brutal drama which I must be a part of and to watch play out. Perhaps, I would be more “fully present” and find acceptance for Fascism and power hungry politicians holding on to power at the expense of selflessness and cultural support for all citizens. Perhaps, I could find humor in the perverted sources of disinformation or different truths which are shared by highly influential media outlets where there can be no truth or fact checking for certain politicians or some celebrities, all of whom have personal gains to be made by creating or passing along false information to the cult followers who can not fact check for themselves… Convenient fact distortions (“alternative truths.”)

So, my conclusion is that it is not YOU or the Media or the Politicians or the Cult Leaders who are Out of Step with reality, it is me… Yes, I do not get the fun and profits which come from distorted facts and greedy lifestyles. My goal is to find Joy in the concentration camp like Viktor Frankl did in World War II. But, it is fun to yell at the TV. It is energetic to scream into the storm. This elevates me and my perspective to demonstrate righteous indignation in the face of self perceived injustice. This could be viewed as a “SitCom” if it did not seem to be so dangerous to our world. But, I could laugh at our disintegrating society as lots of others in the world are doing. A “good laugh” at our culture wallowing in our own political garbage. If it does not kill us it will make us stronger. And, if it does kill us, we get to move on to the next incarnated drama…

Tilting at Windmills are me and the man from La Mancha… But, “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,” I have not knowingly lied to you, Even through my wildest days. I held the Promise…

This message is brought to you out of frustration with the direction our culture is traveling. Selfishness and bullying can NEVER be justified at the expense of consciousness and supporting the fragile people in our society. But, I am not a billionaire with money and power grabbing as a life goal. I do not make any excuses for my attitude but I do hope to find equanimity and less judgement, some day… And, I am sorry for stoking the fires of frustration as I vent my emotions.

Please bear in mind, that living consciously is a role model for changing our culture. For me, it is frustratingly slow. I speak my mind and feel like I spitting into the wind but I am acting in some fashion and not totally sitting on the sidelines. You must find your way to react to bullying in our culture. You can fight it or just join in the act of bullying anyone you think you can intimidate. You have your own path toward consciousness and must find your own way. Since you are Perfect in Spirit and a Miracle, you will travel the path most appropriate for you. God’s speed!

In fact, YOU are not out of step with our culture. Your steps are leading you into the challenges you are here to learn from… You are a Blessing!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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