In many spiritual practices, one of the main principles is the belief that we all have the perfection of the Divine Spirit within us. As if we were a hologram of the Divine, we are all a perfect and necessary piece of the much larger spirit of pure consciousness and we are living our lives in the constraints of our current “meat suit” (body) in the effort to “remember” our role in the “greater consciousness.” We all have a purpose which is, in our own unique way, to serve the Divine and assist fellow travelers by helping enhance their process toward enlightenment. We are here to help each other.
So why do we hold grievances toward other people? Why are we often impatient or quick to anger or to judge? Perhaps our “egos” which seek to separate us from other people and judges their actions without the unconditional love and acceptance which our divine spirit celebrates. We are raised by our worldly fear-filled existence to be separate and comparing each individual we meet as we search for their weaknesses, protecting ourselves from attack. When we become more enlightened, we feel the connection and the “oneness” with fellow pilgrims in a way which allows us to accept even the people we disagree with because of their actions or beliefs. Acceptance is often difficult until you realize that these other people are learning their lessons on their path AND that they are actually YOU in a different life (because we are “One” and all in this together.)
Yeah, I do not want to accept, much less love, those people in human form whom I disagree with, sometimes strongly. My lesson is to know that if I hold the grievance toward another, I am only hurting myself (because they are me) and this becomes MY lesson. (A spiritually bruising lesson to not react but to only accept.)
I believe that you are a Master of your Journey! I believe that you are perfect and have the Divine Spirit burning brightly within you. You are here to learn your lessons and use your “Meat suit” to communicate your wisdom with other travelers. You will “remember” your divinity in your time and way. AND, I celebrate this divine perfection which you reflect… Namaste
There are many paths to enlightenment and you will find your way. If you want resources or better still, you want to share with and support other seekers, consider participating in the Masters of the Journey community, or Unity Spiritual Center, or Center for Positive Living, or Course in Miracles study groups, or A Way of Mastery study groups, or…
Blessings to you on your path. We are all in this together… whether we recognize this or not…