Holy Relationships

Every Relationship is a Holy Relationship. It is a matter of perspective and of being most “present.” What is a “Holy Relationship…”? I just picked up and started reading the new book written by Sandy Level-Lunden and in her introduction she wrote a definition which triggered me. It triggered me to to consider this concept and to be available to my guidance to write this blog posting. Sandy’s recently released book is entitled, “I Just Want Peace.” I have not read past the introduction, at this point, so I do not offer any recommendation however, I know Sandy and I know that she wants to serve. She has been a student of the “Course in Miracles” dictation and know that its principles have changed her life and offers her a foundation for service as a coach, counselor and trainer. (If you are not familiar with ACIM, A Course in Miracles, then you may find that this is worth pursuing as a different (perhaps) way of looking at our human lives and our human dramas…)

From her written words, “Holy Relationships” and her explanation, I resonate in a way that has “trigger” me to write to YOU about this topic from my perspective… People who move to expand their consciousness and who desire to grow on a “Spiritual” level will find their way to an expanded view of “OUR” life’s purpose. Pretty strong statement! So, I will attempt to share some of my feelings about this topic. First, every relationship we have, with everyone we meet and interact is a “Holy Relationship.” Everyone you cross paths with is “THERE” for a reason and for a “shared learning experience.” Perhaps, you are not fully present or blocked from knowing this by some egoic self-created barrier, but this is non-the-less true. Attempt to not be victim and to get hijacked by some judgement or past trauma or some future anxiety. It is difficult to not be a victim or to not play a victim to an experience (from past or present events.) YOU are more powerful and more perfect than your ego allows you to mentally consider. Thinking can be a big part of this problem. But, “Knowing” that you are connected in every moment to the Divine Spirit and You are Loved, You are Accepted, You are Connected to something greater, and You are Perfect just the way you are. It is the difficult to remember this wisdom which is True Always!

I study the book, “The Way of Mastery” which like ACIM (A Course in Miracles) is a dictation from the Divine Spirit but, for me, easier to follow than ACIM. Support and discussion groups are available for both of these written dictations. Both lead to a similar perspective that we are born into our human lives with an agreed upon purpose and, whether we consciously know it or not, we are here to share our love and wisdom AND we are here, in this current, life to learn from each interaction as we test our “remembered wisdom.” At the foundation is to be fully “Present” and attempt to be non-judgemental with every soul we interact with on our path through life. Easier said than done! And, we must be Present, not stuck in the past life traumas or fearful of the unknown future, as we interact even when we get “triggered.” Especially, when we get “Triggered.” I have often said, I learn more from my mistakes and difficult challenges than when life is easy and smooth. When YOU are tested (or triggered) those are the times when you can find a way to “Take Responsibility” for the situation and bask in thankfulness that you can learn from this experience… Boy, easier said than done BUT that is what we are Here, in this life, to learn… We are here to learn and if we take responsibility for our actions and our emotional responses to life, we can rally to a higher human consciousness (and allowing our human consciousness to get closer to full awareness of our Divine consciousness), and this “wins” (???) the game…

Every soul you meet is PERFECT and connected to you in the Divine. They may trigger you because they are your teacher and being of “service” to you, as you are for them. We are ALL in this together and we are all here to serve by helping to love and support the mutual raising of our human consciousness. It is like playing a game of strategy and to win you must help everyone cross the finish line with a higher level of consciousness. (Though there is no “winning” in the Divine realms.)

BTW, humans fancy “Special Relationships” where we fall in love or in lust with a specific human (or thing) and think that we “NEED” this person or thing to fulfill us. This is awesome and an important part of the “Drama” we call living as a 3 dimensionally limited human… Yes, Love your family and friends but with no strings attached or any underlying human insecurities… These relationships are here for us to learn from even with all the human emotional pain they can cause us…

YOU are Amazing! YOU are Perfect even with what you may Judge as your imperfections! YOU are Loved! You are connected in every moment to the Divine, though your human perspective may be limited in this, or any, moment.


WE are All in this Together! I have said this before. You have heard this before. And, the perspective to share today is a reflection on whether it will benefit You, and Our World, if we consider communicating and Live in the “We” vs the “I” (or mine/me.) Our ego/mind tends to see our world and the objects in our world as whether these are personal possessions. Not simply objects but emotional responses to experiences and interactions. Are these purely your thoughts or feelings, or are these more universal and shared as “our” experiences and emotions? Is it, me against them with defensive walls going up to protect me and my possessions from “them?”

And, what will happen if we shift our words/thoughts from I-Me-Mine to We-Us-Ours? Divine consciousness is NOT personal property AND can Not be achieved Universally without taking the hands of fellow pilgrims to assist ALL of us in raising human consciousness. No, I am not demanding that you go door-to-door on a “mission” to proselytize higher consciousness. However, some general support to your fellow travelers as we all stumble along the path toward a Divine Consciousness seems like a beneficial perspective to keep in mind (and, to turn into an action.) Perhaps, making a warm eye contact and acknowledging another person existence as another “Child of God” is a great place to start, even if their appearance triggers you.

When some interaction in your life sets off an emotional reaction, does this happen to you or can it be a benefit for us all as a “Universal” learning challenge? Do you respond with a “poor me” or do you consider the lesson which can be learned and that will assist all whom you come into contact with? While we are at this, is your house and yard yours or are you just a steward for a small bit of property on the crust of the third planet from our sun, in our galaxy, in our Universe, and a tiny smidgen of the vast Divine? Perhaps we claim ownership in a bit of property we do not truly own… Yes, this is a stretch in your “learned” perspective.

Maybe, instead of “circling the wagons” of your consciousness regarding “what is yours,” you might consider that you are caring for, as what is ours in both physical property and emotional reactions. It is OK to have stuff, even large, expensive stuff, but it may have less value to the Divine to isolate and protect your stuff at the expense of feeling empathy for the all humanity. Our Earth, now more than ever before, needs to be our shared responsibility and loved by all of us. WE are all responsible for the condition of OUR world and all of OUR human consciousness. Keep your broad shoulders strong as WE take on this shared responsibility… Do not play it small and be isolated… WE are ALL in this together.

Raising consciousness is a challenge we all must face. Supporting the fellow travelers we bump into along the path is a great step in improving all consciousness. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this interaction and how may I be of the greatest good…?”

You are essential! You are an important piece of all of the Divine Consciousness.

Anxiety in Life’s Drama

The Anxiety Holocaust of Your Life is way too dramatic as a description of your human life. And, many of us live with the emotional consideration that our lives are filled with life threatening drama… There is plenty of drama in everyone’s life though some people will interrupt you to explain why THEIR Life is particularly filled with their drama and so offer their unconscious drama competition. (You KNOW who you are. Always trying to interrupt and “one up” your conversation partner so you can get more attention and hold the podium for focus upon yourself…) Before I interrupted myself with my rant regarding “attention seekers,” I was saying that everyone of us has drama in our lives. Due to differing levels of sensitivity, some of us dwell in this consideration, more than others of us, on the levels of drama which surround our lives. Some of us are “tough” and take our drama in a low-key way. Others of us run in circles with our hair on fire to better spread the craziness which we have created in our human existences.

There are times in our lives when there is more craziness and drama. There are times when we take conscious responsibility for this higher level of drama and there are times when we do not take conscious responsibility for the upsets in our lives. May I suggest, that at some deep level, in spiritual belief, we have agreed to take on the drama and craziness for the benefit of challenging ourselves or to be of service to other human souls we bump into in our lives. Sure, you may want to disagree with this suggestion. This is YOUR drama to play out…

There are times when we are caught up in our crazy lives and can forget that life is a Miracle and that we have come here to test our wisdom and challenge ourselves with the drama called our lives. We can forget that we are ALL in this together and that we are here to support and to serve one another. We are HERE for the adventure travel of our souls with the 3 dimensional limitation of human life on Earth. In the grandstands of the Divine Spirit, many other souls are cheering us on as we run around in the three ringed circus called humanity. Yup, they are watching the spectacle as the amazing learning experience and soul testing that living as a human is meant, and agreed upon, to be.

So, if you can resonate with these ideas and this perspective, perhaps you can break free from the unconsciousness and find celebration in the anxiety and drama we are immeshed within. This acceptance, or at least the openness for this consideration, can modify the levels of anxiety we experience in our human drama. We can use this “higher” perspective to consider the value and even the benefits from all the weirdness we must endure throughout our bizarre human lives. “Everything happens for a reason” is an expression that from a higher perspective puts anxiety filled moments into a slightly more manageable belief. Our lives are “interesting” and have value because we get to jump into the fire of our human lives and walk on the burning coals. Maybe we get burned or maybe we walk through fire relatively unscathed… No matter what, your life is “Perfect” and a Miraculous experience to celebrate, perhaps even enjoy…

You are Loved! The souls in the audience of the higher Divine Bless You and Celebrate your life!

And, so what if we have “life threatening drama” in our lives. That is what brings us back for more human adventures… And, death is NOT the enemy, just a transition into another, “Higher” state of consciousness.

Who Builds the Walls

Revisted Blog Posting:

Walls are built to protect you from scary or dangerous things. Your protection seems like a really good idea because you might get hurt or killed by forces beyond your control and that would seriously jeopardize your life. But can protection from challenging things be a “good” thing, all the time? And, who builds the walls which protect you? What are these walls actually protecting?

This blog is inspired by guidance and a recent reading of chapter 12 of Michael Singer’s book, “Untethered Soul.” The chapter title is “Taking Down the Walls.” If you have not read Michael Singer’s first book, I recommend it for many reasons. Thanks again to my mentor and Michael Singer student, Paula Forget.

The point of putting up walls for protection can isolate you from “outside” influence and potential pain from the changes that interaction with the Divine Universe can provide. It is safer to be insulated in a world where you are comfortable because you think you know it from its familiarity. Because it has been this way for a while, perhaps a long time, it feels safer and must be protected at all cost. The “hoards” are coming at you from all directions and it feels “good (???),” to build that wall so you are locked in the prison of your own building. Wow, did I say “prison of your own building?” Our fragile self-image or our “dated” opinions have powerful history which can make these seem friendly and familiar but actually can hold us back and imprison us in self-limiting beliefs and attitudes.

Michael Singer’s definition of “Enlightenment” includes the recognition of these self-limiting, historically safe, beliefs and then the willingness to “let go” and to move through the painful challenges of non-judgement guiding you into equanimity with the dramas that may surround you. The “Enlightened” soul observes and does not get “triggered” by the experiences and insights which present themselves. The walls you build to protect your ego or self-image are actually YOUR barrier to awareness and your own accepting the state of “Enlightenment.”

This said, there are risks to breaking the barriers to your own “Enlightenment.” The risks include facing the challenges of changing your self-image, placing the Universal Divine ahead of your self protected ego, and expanding into the unconditional connectedness we have with all the energy of the Universe, and beyond. there is No need to guard “Self” and no need for walls as barriers. You can release your self-imprisoned definition of “self” which “protects” you from true “Joy” and your Divine purpose. Walls are used to protect YOUR Fears and are not really the long term solution. They protect you from the inevitable path you must follow, at some point in your developing consciousness, into the “Light” of Unconditional Love, Connection, and Universal Wisdom. These lead you to true Freedom and Joy!

And, what is the “worst” that can happen? You will transition from this incarnation sooner than your ego wants. The ego’s self-preservation builds judgements and walls which dissolve when you die. And, we all die. No way out. Death is NOT the enemy except for the ego… Your Joy is based on the willingness to not take your life too seriously so you have the freedom to really live, untethered…

Your path will lead you to this realization at some auspicious point in your developing consciousness. Ponder these words and thoughts. Do your own research. Find your own awareness of your self-constructed walls and the process you will use to “let go!” No matter where your search leads you, YOU are not alone! You are greater and more powerful than your ego allows you to realize. You are a Miracle. You are a Blessing! And, whether you know this or not, YOU are a Master!


We humans love a “good” struggle. Yes, even when these are painful. Even when we know we do not need to struggle. Example… we go out for a sport. We “play” a team sport. We connect with our teammates and we go into a competitive “game” and as a team we attempt to “win…” We may feel good if we “win.” We may feel sad or disappointed if we (as a team) lose the game. But, either way, we will usually come back for more…

We can “struggle” with living our lives AND we come back for more. Why? Because, we love the experience and the testing which come from our struggle. As humans, our lives are full of drama and struggles. We learn from these moments. We test our wisdom and learned skills in this test of living. Our minds and our egos want to win in our three dimensional world. At some point, when the “light goes on,” we will (or have already) awaken from our human struggle and realize that the “Truth” has always been within us and we do not “Need” to struggle. We can simply allow ourselves to “Know” the “Truth” which is true always.

Life is a Struggle when we are less than fully conscious and then see life as a struggle. We are also free to perceive life as a beautiful, perfect miracle. We have choice! We can view our human situation as a result of our actions (and, perhaps, our soul’s choice to fall into a certain human drama for some “higher purpose.”) You are free to disagree and to live your human life within a different frame of reference. How YOU choose is up to you and for the “lesson” or “challenge” you have come into this life to participate within.

Struggling is NOT a negative. It is not something to avoid. It is not the end game you will be defined by. Perhaps, you even enjoy the experience as a perfect opportunity to learn from and to develop your wisdom. No matter how you choose to perceive these words, YOU are Perfect! YOU are a Miracle. You have come to serve the souls you bump into in this human life. AND, we are All in this Together!

At some point, you may learn to “Let Go.” Accept and embrace the Divine Truth… You are a perfect manifestation of the Divine and you are perfect in the role you have come into this life to play out…


Living as a human in our human world is a Miracle! You may not be fully conscious regarding the reason you are in your human life but there is a very complex reason and your human life is Perfect! We live our human lives with primitive 3 dimensional, ego-driven thinking. This fills our human lives with drama as we stumble about in our chosen incarnations. We get caught in being human and so we can miss the bigger perspective of 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness. This is the way it is supposed to be. If we were living as a human as a soul in the higher dimensions then we would not have to take our human limitations so seriously. (We would miss out on all the human drama and the lessons which go along with being human.) We would have acceptance and equanimity regarding the challenges we face on the human plane…

We are Perfect! We are so much more than our human minds can conceive of and understand. Life is a Miracle! Life is Amazing! In our human lives we are bumping up against challenges to learn from and to test our “learned” consciousness. When we actually stumble into higher consciousness, we have a higher perspective on what living as a human is all about. We are here to test our wisdom and to be of service to the other souls we bump into. These other souls are actually “us” in seemingly other forms (lives.) Yes, no matter who we interact with on the human plane in our human lives, we are dancing with ourselves in larger scheme of higher consciousness. So, we can be aware of this and ignore it or deny it or jump right in and attempt to be of service…

In the consciousness of the higher dimensions, we “know” that there is no such thing as death. Our spirits transition into other forms, perhaps into other human lives… There is no such thing as Time. Time is a construct of our human, “limited” consciousness, in an attempt to create something which does not exist, a linear representation for our 3 dimensional minds to attempt to grasp a human understanding of life on the Earth plane. In the higher dimensions we “know” that we are playing out multiple lives simultaneously. We are learning and testing our wisdom and expanding our consciousness in every moment, even if our human consciousness is in denial regarding these multiple, simultaneous realities. (Hey, even I am getting confused as I share these metaphysical concepts…)

Life, “What a concept,” and very complex. Life is perfect! We are not alone, ever… We are a part of the much larger Universal Divinity and Consciousness. Our limited human understanding is a testing ground for us. There are no accidents. Each moment offers a new challenge to expand our consciousness within. We are constantly expanding even if we re-experience our lessons in similar experiences and get to test our expanding conscious wisdom, even if this is an unconscious process (to our human minds). Gratitude and appreciation are higher levels of consciousness which we are moving toward as our human dramas play out. And, it makes this somewhat easier when we “know” that Death is NOT the enemy. If you want to explore this concept, consider reading or listen to or discussing experiences which Near Death Survivors have to present. This is a gift to raise our human consciousness.

A goal would be to never take our lives for granted but also do not take ourselves too seriously. In Spirit YOU are perfect! In Spirit, you are powerful! You are an important part of the larger Divine Spirit. And, YOU are here to serve! Yes, even if your service is to muddy the water and seemingly obstruct other human lives. Sometimes, “old Souls” come into human form for brief periods of human time to offer lessons to incarnated souls. These may include “short” lives which end in tragedy for the learning experience of other developing forms of human consciousness (other people.) As a human, we must learn and appreciate even the difficult challenges we encounter. After your human life survives a difficult challenge, you can be a role model of a “victim” or some other more conscious human form… No matter what, YOU are amazing! Thank you for being you! Thank you for choosing to incarnate and to serve on the human plane. (There are many Souls/Spirits who know we are Heroes for choosing to “show up” and play our roles as an incarnated human.)

You are Loved! You are a Blessing!

PS… Each Human baby who is born, is a Miracle! They are Amazing and Perfect! They are here to serve and to teach the humans they interact with. Even if they are incarnated for only a brief amount of human time, they have lived their purpose and they are manifested angels. They have chosen to incarnate and to mix it up with human drama and are appreciated for the efforts they have made. Honor and Love all Life Forms. Honor and Love every miraculous manifestation you encounter of the human plane. (If you were to stop and to consider every object is a miracle and a Divine manifestation…)

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: If you have not read many of these blog articles before, these are often coming up from intuition (“Guidance”) and seem to find form as a request from higher sources. Some body is supposed to be exposed to this string of words and thoughts to trigger some form of learning. Maybe that some body is YOU! No matter what, please continue growing in consciousness and sharing your story as a service to the people you bump into along your path… Thank you for being YOU!

Clear Vision

First, let me ask, is it important to have clear vision? This can be a “loaded question.” In the physical human plane, vision is one of the primary senses used to navigate and observe the 3 dimensional world. Is this critical? Well, many people live quite well without the vision coming through their eyes and registering in their brains. This kind of vision makes life somewhat easier for most people but then you can ask, is this physical vision needed?
When we interpret the light which registers through the eyes we have the perspective of our years of learning and observations. We also have mental/emotional factors which play into our interpretation. Example, if you were burned in childhood fire may be interpreted in ways where people not traumatized by fire would view this differently. An emotional overlay can change how we react to what we “see.”

In types of meditation including Zen meditation, we can be asked to “soft-focus” our eyes on a mandala, or fixed point, as a focusing for meditation and a quieting of the visual sensations which can lead the eyes to be distracted from the meditation. Darkness or soft lighting can also gently filter out these distraction so we can see “inside” more clearly. We are not shut off from the world, just focusing “softly” to feel what can be found in a quieter state of mind.

Our minds can “muddy the water” of any observation whether this comes from external view of the outside or an internal sensing of the an internal thought, or feeling, or insight. It can be helpful to be consciously aware of when our minds might muddy the observation. The past history or anxiety/fear may get in the way of being most fully “present” and available to witness the internal and external world which we travel through on our path through life. So, clarity of vision can be complex and important. If we “miss” the full experience, perhaps we will be tested by a “re-experiencing” of the same, or similar, event again in our life. Complex issues can also be difficult for our 3 dimensional minds to most fully understand. Examples, human emotions can be very complex with a wide range of possible interpretations. AND, the human mind has difficulty when traveling into the “higher realms” where dimensions beyond our limited human understanding can be felt but not fully “known” on a mental level. An example of this, from personal experience, is to find words for Divine Unconditional Love and Acceptance which is NOT a common human experience (due to the limitations of the human mind.) (Divine Unconditional Love IS unconditional, which is not how human love on the Earthly plane is, for most of us.)

So, I ask again, after these words have “muddied” the water, is clear vision even possible for human consciousness? And, is it worth striving to achieve? Well, that is a very personal question. Many of us have lives filled with human drama as part of our human challenge. We can be distracted and this can make our lives less clear, less focused, and more of an emotional roller coaster. This confusion can be an important human challenge for us and the people around us. I do like those few moments when my mind is on the side-lines and my heart can feel most clearly what is possible… So, for me, clear vision is not always a visual thing with light coming in through my eyes. That is why, people without normal human eye-sight may also be able to see more clearly.

Enlightening…??? Well, please consider where you may venture into the realms of “clear vision.” (You can always benefit from switching on more light (and not from the “physical” light spectrum) as you pursue higher consciousness…)

You are Loved!

Living Like There is NO Tomorrow

In Spiritual Evolution there comes an awareness that there is no time. The human mind has limitations in understanding the full appreciation of the Divine because we are geared to the 3 dimensional “human” world. Our human minds need an orderly progression so we create “linear time” which seems to move sequentially. If you have an appreciation that time does not exist, except in our linear minds, then you can begin to comprehend that there is no past or no future only the “present” time. Our human history and, if fact, our “past lives” are all happening at the same moment. Being most fully “present” is an indication of being most fully conscious, and so, leads us to evolved spiritual consciousness.

What this complicated and difficult concept seems to indicate is that there is NO tomorrow. Living with past fears or anxieties from a life lived in human drama or having an anxiety about the “future” unknowns may be an interesting “lesson” but a waste of energy and resources. This changes everything! And, living in the “present” moment is much easier said than done… No one said that being an “Enlightened Being” in a human incarnation is an easy task. Few of us can even consider, let alone live, in this spiritual consciousness.

Tomorrows do become the present as our linear life progress continues. Yes, the first of the month seems to come every 28-31 days as does our rent/mortgage payment, our aging, our anniversaries, and our slow slog toward full awakening and higher consciousness. Just reading this far into this blog posting will force you into the elite company of humans exposed to, if not fully comprehending, higher consciousness. Congratulations, and NOW how do you LIVE with this information or feeling??? If you understand or even believe in this concept of No Time, then you run afoul of the excuses we often make for the direction or path our human lives are taking (or have taken.)

Suggestion: Live in Gratitude of the Miraculous life which manifests through you and all the amazing people and things you encounter in your daily human drama. And, whether you consciously know this, or not, YOU are perfect! You are a Blessing! And, make attempts to not be too constrained by 3 dimensional mindsets which cause major limitations for living most fully, outside of “Time.”

For me, there are brief moments when I feel, or “know,” the “truth” of these ideas. But, this does not make them untrue or debatable when I drift back into my 3 dimensional, and limited, way of thinking and living.

Guidance has lead me to say to YOU… You are fully Loved and Accepted by the Divine Spirit! EnJoy each moment, as best you can, and find “Joy” in every miraculous moment you allow yourself to experience.
(Again, this is easier said than done but this is what full awakening and higher consciousness can lead you to “Know…”

Babies 2022

In April, 2022, as I write, there is an outbreak of babies coming into my life. Grandchildren, other people’s grandchildren, and obviously other people’s children are arriving. The arrival of children is to be celebrated as is the continuance of future generations. So many souls are choosing to arrive into human incarnations for the support and the development of Divine consciousness. We are coming out of worldwide pandemic, as I optimistically write, and the renewal of life has not waited for all the reports to come in. The world’s political and economic situation appears unsettled, but when in human history has this not been the case. Are these new incarnated souls here to save our world or to watch its continued degradation? Time will tell…

For me, my human incarnation appears to be closer to the ending rather than its beginning so my perspective may be jaded by this perspective. The optimism of new life in the Springtime is a wonder to behold, and to celebrate. Looking into the eyes, and the souls, of these new humans reminds me of the Miracle each person (and thing) is and the bright light of Divine Love which is at the core. Each baby is “Perfect” even within the imperfect package that wraps around this perfect being. I bless each soul and encourage these new lives to remember from where they have come and for where they will return. With Divine blessings, each soul will find the best way to remain most fully connected with the higher realms. Or, to remember and to find these Divine connections should these slip from ego consciousness.

And, I ask from a human space of anxiety, why would you choose to be born into this day and age of human drama. Did you read the “adventure travel brochures”…”See it Before It’s Gone!”? Why do parents make conscious decisions to bring children into the uncertain human times…? But, this has been a question which could have been asked throughout our human history… It is the “PERFECT” time to be born and follow the soul’s path and pilgrimage through human life. There is so much to be learned in our struggle to remember our Divinity, especially with the distractions which test/challenge us these days.

So, as Spring develops in the Northern Hemisphere, new life finds form with all of hope which Divine Spirit provides. Life seems more abundant! No matter how crazy and drama filled our world gets, it is time to pause, be most fully present, and to celebrate the birth of new, perfect souls.

Each day, when you awaken, you are blessed with a new beginning. Find appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity to live in a world which teems with life, love, and possibilities. Every moment is a blessing and offers your next chance to remember your Divinity and renew your connections with the Highest of Consciousness. YOU are a Miracle!

And, for the babies pouring into my life, thank you and continue being my guides to perfect innocence and the vibrant life you hold. Your connection with the Divine Spirit is strong and more direct without the building human egoic nonsense which happens as human beings develop, with all the three dimensional limitations that make human life the interesting dilemma it is… Your human adventure is filled with learnings, testings, and learnings. That is why you are here! Please know, and Remember that YOU are Loved!


Each day, you wake up to the new day and you have a choice! You choose on what and where you will invest your time, energy, and your focus. You can go with the familiar, often repeated, anxieties and fears, because you have done these so many times they seem “comfortable.” Or, You can invest in being in the “present moment” and to connect with your “Guidance” to lead you to perhaps unfamiliar places where progress toward enhancing your human consciousness may dwell. Not an easy choice to choose the Present and the unknown… Yes, you can go small or you can shoot for the much larger, expansive, direction for your day.

Some people awake early in the day to check in on the “News” being spewed by the media. This may include topics like the “weather,” world conflicts, the financial markets, perhaps the sports scores, or even, more close to home, the family’s drama. Wow, in the “Big Picture” of spiritual consciousness, these “distractions” seem important at the time but hold little lasting value. Will fluctuations in the stock market really offer you important and lasting happiness or Joy? You may answer “Yes” or you may consider your spiritual growth at a different level of longer term importance.

Your investments of your focus, your time, and your energy can be a challenge. No matter what you choose to focus upon, you would do best to accept these choices and learn what you can from the direction you choose. Stepping unconsciously down your path is a way to operate but not necessarily the most significant for your long term levels of Joy. Sure, you tell yourself that these mundane activities and dramas are “important” but being caught up in this trap is one of the most crucial lessons in your human life to learn from. Are you connected to the highest levels of the Divine or are you choosing to wallow in the human dramas which play out as a testing challenge for your improving higher consciousness? (The answer to this question is simply, Yes.) Perhaps, early in your day, you can take a few deep slow breaths and choose to focus upon Gratitude, Service, Acceptance, and the offering of Unconditional Love to the people you bump into. (You are challenged to considered what it is to Live Namaste.)

You are given “free will” to follow the investments on your path through life. You can not make a mistake! All investments of your time and energy provide you with the opportunity to learn or to test your learning in this life…

And, if you are open to Guidance, you will find the best path for your day and your life to follow. You are Loved! You are an important piece of the Divine Spirit! You are a Miracle!