Doing “Good” in the World

Think back and remember the times when you were the happiest and most satisfied? Chances are, you were doing something you enjoyed, that had value. Chances are, you were with other people. Chances are, you were not anxious, angry, depressed, in a desperate situation, and not engaged in someone else’s expectation of what you should be doing. Sure, you may have been in appreciation and meditation with Gaia (Mother Earth) but in that sense you were not completely alone for you were surrounded by the magnificent gifts of the natural world. Most of the time when you are feeling most satisfied, you are engaged in being of service to the world, even if this service is the presence of full appreciation of the Divine Spirit’s work.

We know when we are “doing good in the world.” No know has to tell us, though it feels pretty great when some else notices. The purpose of this blog is to challenge you to think back over the past year and remember, and then celebrate, the times and the actions YOU did that were of benefit to the world. Chances are that you would not be reading this far into this blog unless you are the person who can reflect on the times when you went the “extra mile” to be nice, or friendly, or supportive, or understanding. My challenge to you is that you are conscious of the value you offer to the world (or even broader, the universe.) Make a conscious attempt to do more “good” in the world.

Notice and acknowledge good work or a good deed. Give more time to the humans around you, for they are fellow pilgrims on our journey through this life. Even the people who cause you consternation are probably there, in your life at that moment, to help teach you an important lesson…???… I believe that within our soul/spirit we are are ALL loving beings acting out our lives to serve the greater good and to teach (and learn) the lessons that move us forward. We can embrace these interactions with grace or with disdain, but we must learn from each and every one of them.

Please consider being a force for good in the world. Take responsibility for your actions and do more good than harm, where possible. Please consider each interaction as sacred. Please look for the good, the purpose, and the perfection in each situation. Along the way, remember you/we made the “Choice” to be here, at this moment and in this situation. There is no blaming that really works well on our path to enlightenment…

Blessings to you, my fellow traveller. May you find the perfection of the loving insight that you seek. And, may we join hands and support each other as we walk the path in this life.

You may find that you would like to participate in a community of supportive fellow seekers. If so, consider the non-religious, Masters of the Journey. Make a conscious attempt to assist in the development of conscious living for the people you come in contact with as you move along your life path.

Finally, find the joy and happiness you deserve AND go out and share it!

Masters of the Journey can be found at or on Facebook at Travel well and Blessings along your way.

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