The Joy of “Joy”

I would rather be Joyful, Happy, and Playful than serious. I take my Joy, seriously. I am serious about Happiness and Playfulness. If you have to stop and think about this or are angered by this admission then, YOU, need to take a Very Serious Look At YOUR Joyfulness… If you take your life too (toooooo…..) serious AND You take “Yourself” too seriously, then wake up from your anxiety and your fearful side, find your way into the “Present Moment,” and start dancing in the light of the miracle you are and the world you live within. Perhaps you can benefit from starting out by learning to laugh at yourself. You and your life are filled with drama, but if you look at it from a higher perspective, it is pretty entertaining. Have you ever lost yourself in a movie, TV show, or well written book and feel the angst of the characters to the point of distraction. This is the entertainment you sought out. And, when done well, feels real and perhaps “close to home.”

Laughter is a Great medicine. It cures what ails you. When you laugh at yourself, your foibles, and your own self-created drama, you are much healthier. In my own life, I often say (and know) that “everything I eat looks good on me,” because almost daily, what I eat ends up on my clothes. This is true because I do not have a reliable dinner table to eat at because the dinner table is often covered with harvested rocks waiting to be painted with a heart which will be placed out into the world to bring smiles to the finders as a service my girlfriend offers. My food on my clothes is a small, but entertaining, side effect to attempting to bring smiles to our world. And, standard clean clothes are so boring, anyways… Joy and laughter are an important part of my world AND these would benefit most of the people I come in contact with as I stumble around in my life.

I have made a choice, whether conscious or unconscious, to leave a legacy of laughter and joy. I want to be remembered as a man who was silly, playful, and joy filled with a focused serious side to draw upon when needed. (I am pretty functional in a crisis when the situation seems called for…) But, hearing the funny side of a life experience is something I actively look forward to celebrating and sharing. Yes, this can be distracting when people want to be “taken seriously,” but this “need” to be taken seriously is part of the drama we find in our roles of living as a human…

“Beginner’s Mind” and living in childlike wonderment is a goal to strive for. When applying this behavior, you are more apt to seek and find joy in the Miracles of life. Yes, the unexplainable Miracles which surround us in our miraculous world. If you over look miracles because you have a “jaded” attitude about the amazing things in your life, you are destined to dig an emotional and spiritual hole for yourself which may not lead to life happiness and satisfaction in your relationships. Yes, your partners in your relationships are imperfect BUT they are amazing and perfect in their own special imperfect ways. Sharing smiles, laughter, Joy, and hugs are some of most useful activities you can do in your human, drama filled, lives. And, if you are either too serious (and self-important) or too detached from simple values in life, you may be the butt of jokes from the people you interact with and perhaps to be ridiculed as the entertainment your role seems to have lead you to be. Sorry, to offend you if you are sensitive to these words but from a higher perspective these thoughts may be held true.

And, I Love You! You have chosen to find human form in my human life. I am here to learn from you and our interaction. If possible, I will find laughter and joy, if only at my own self-created drama. Thanks you for pointing this out to me. You may not even realize how valuable you are in my life and my learning. Crying and sadness are not the enemy or even opposite Joy and Happiness. These are other human reactions which we experience and can learn from.

Self disclosure: I am impatient and quick to judgement. I quite often swear “like a drunken sailor” but, no rationalization intended, it entertains me and I am here to learn from this clearly imperfect Divine Soul trapped in a swearing, judgmental human life. If you can still like me with self-disclosure, then let’s have a laugh and as imperfect humans together. If you can not accept my imperfectness, then stumble off in another life direction and we will meet up again on the other side of the vail. We are different pieces of the same whole. And, remember that I Love YOU, no matter what…

Life is a Sh-t Show and…

Pretty dramatic to get your attention. And, Yes, you can put lipstick on a pig… but, it is still a pig… Personally, I do not have anything against pigs and I think that they may have a less desirable view in some people’s minds. In fact, pigs are perfect. A creation of the Divine Spirit who serve a purpose in the greater scheme of things but in my culture, they seem to be dirty bottom feeders. Hey, that could be said for many humans who walk the planet Earth with an inflated belief that somehow they are “better” than a pig… But, that is not what this posting is about.

You can strive to make life seem joy filled and fun. I believe that one of our main purposes in living as humans is to be aware and to look for the Joy in EVERY situation we encounter. There is Joy to be found in even the darkest of challenges and under the largest rocks which may seem to block your path through life. The most painful life experiences can teach the most important lessons and, if we are most fully conscious, we can find ways to share the wisdom we learn from these possibly troubling times, even if what we can share is what NOT to do. Many people walk around with the “life is wonderful” filter on the way they look at life’s travails. Bless them! Some people use the “life is a pain filled shit show” filter as they move through even the most lovely events. Bless Them!

There are peaceful souls who constantly look for Peace in our world. Bless them! There are anxious, angry, depressed people who manage to only consider the limitations in their lives. Bless Them! Every way you view the people and situations you encounter, attempt to remember that we are ALL Perfect and children of the Divine Spirit. We came to our lives with the agreement that we would mix it up in the Adventure Travel experience call human life in a limited 3 dimensional world. Why? Because this is where our experiences lie. We come to test our Divine Wisdom and to assist the people we come into contact with to move through their lessons and challenges. Even if we disagree with another person (or worse…,) they are here to challenge us and we are here to serve them and their learning. (Wow, I am using the word “challenges” a lot…)

Life is NOT easy or always fun. If you seek constant Joy then this may be an unattainable expectation if you hold this belief. (Unless, you are fully ascended master walking the Earth in mortal form. If so, then this posting will make “perfect” sense to you and you will accept it fully.) Think about your life. It has been a series of challenges. Some people would think you are a hero or saint for just surviving the life you have lived. And, some of us do not survive our life’s experiences for one reason or another and everyone who has known these shorter lived folks has lessons to learn about being fragile in human form. Even the most joyful days like getting married or giving birth or even graduating from school has difficult lessons to experience over the horizon. As an example, there are only two ways to get out of a marriage and we do not often fully consider these on our wedding days. Yes, you guessed it. Getting out of a marriage takes the form of either death or divorce and most people find these transitions to be challenging as learning experiences. If you have ever had children, or know people who have had children, or were a child at some point of your life, you recognize that only in the movies or on TV do you ever escape with the experience of families in the “living happily ever after” fictional account of human lives. There is always “DRAMA!” No exceptions… Even if you pretend to not care or to not notice.

I am not trying to discourage you from living your life and seeking fun and Joy. Go for it! And, consider that we have come here into our current lives for the “test” of being human. (Perhaps, I should say that we are living in human form to “test” out the wisdom we have acquired.) Honestly, Life is a Shit Show and we would do best to Bless it. Life is filled with “Miracles” and amazing adventures. Life in the Heavenly higher Dimensions is wonderful but “boring” without the tests and the limitations we experience in human form.

You are Amazing! Thank you for being you and for choosing to come into human life to be challenged. (There again, using the word “challenged” yet again…) Please remember to be aware and conscious so you can share your learned wisdom with other pilgrims. Your guides, your ancestors, and all Divine Beings are rooting for you and supporting you as you follow your life’s path. And, no matter how “bad” a life experience appears to be judged, there is much to learn and to take away from this experience.

P.S. Life is a Shit Show is a very dramatic, attention getting series of words. Many people live lives that are much more secure and settled than the people who are suffering in this world. It is perspective and opinion which would define the real depth of what a “shit show” would look like. Your perspective and your opinion is the only one which matters. You are the one living in your life. And, many of us do not acknowledge the truly good or the absolutely difficult occurrences in our lives. Denial is useful. Over statement of our happinesses and successes is not uncommon. As you strive for the highest levels of consciousness, you can find balance and equanimity in either extreme and then live the life which offers you the very best path. You have a choice on how YOU respond to every interaction and experience. No matter what seems to happen in this life YOU are perfect and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. And, you have a choice so if you are not satisfied then change things up.

Do you like seeing horror movies? Many people find these escapes from their realities as entertaining. Many people like riding on roller coasters which are exciting and seemingly dangerous. Like skiing off the top of an icy mountain, these “thrill rides” are enjoyable partially because you have to be focused on the present moment to survive. In our daily lives, our minds can wonder off into the complexities while dealing with past and future concerns. Our human brains do not often enjoy staying in the “present.” In “real life,” you may consider the human challenges as a “shit show” or you may find the challenges exciting and the “test” of your wisdom that they are, from a conscious perspective. Please, strive for increasing consciousness in yourself and those you interact with.

You have read this far. Thank you for hanging in there. Though life can be difficult and a real challenge, take some time and energy to consider that life is a Miracle. Living is amazing! And, when your consciousness allows, know that you are Perfect. The Divine Spirit is manifested in every cell of your incredible body. No matter where you choose to tread, look for the Joy and all the Miracles which surround you. And, thank you for being you.
You are Loved!


Peace for Everyone! Is this possible? Sure it is, AND… Our language fails us again. We can get painted into a corner by using words which mean so many things to so many people. I have used the statement, “for every truth, the opposite is equally true,” to describe that whatever you believe to be true from a different perspective almost anything can be “felt,” if not “proven,” to be “true.” Yes, even the seemingly opposite of your “truth.” Words like Love, Death, Heaven, Hell, Integrity, Truthfulness, Honesty, and now, Peace can mean different things to different people. We may want to feel that important words which convey important things are absolute and not caught in a game of semantics but they are. And, getting back to the point of this posting, Peace for Everyone is possible. In fact, if we shed the wrappings of fear, anxiety, dogmatism, and mistrust, we can all feel the deepest sense of Divine Peace.

Divine Peace is within each of us. We do not have to look externally for this. In fact, if we do attempt to find Peace externally, we may find confusion which may be, by some people’s definition, the opposite of peace. My definition of “Peace,” which will NOT do it justice, is the experience of our perfect souls/spirits fully connected to the Divine Consciousness. It is the part of us which is a hologram of the Divine. It is our internal God force. It is our true essence. And, it is beyond full human understanding because it’s full comprehension is far beyond our 3 dimensional human thinking. Divine Love and Consciousness can not be fully, adequately, defined in words or completely felt by human senses (except perhaps in brief flashes of awakening and enlightenment.) As an example, I once experienced Divine Unconditional Love for an instant. I will never forget how great this felt for that instant. This experience is burned deeply into my consciousness and yet, I can not recall the full depth of this Unconditional Divine Love. My mind is not capable of “knowing” the full scope of what this is due to the limitations of being a 3 dimensional human. And, I know that when I am not in my human incarnation, I will be free to live in this unconditional Love.

However, most people define Peace differently. A lack of conflict between people or nations or religions (or beliefs or politics or philosophies) is how most people might seem to view human peacefulness. Perhaps, it is defined as a moment in time without distraction or troubling thought. Perhaps, it is a measurable physical lack of movement or disruption. Perhaps, it is a deeper level of Meditation which seems to step away from normal life activities (and this might be the closest sense of the Divine.) I agree that many of these human definitions of peace fit within my language better than the concept of Divine Peace. We can be limited by language. For example, how does language describe the fragrance of a flower or baking bread. A great deal is lost when using language to define emotions or feelings. In English, we compare and contrast to attempt to box in an idea or a feeling in to a manageable concept. We can use sentences telling our communication partner what a thing is Not. Peace is often described as Not War or conflict. But, deep Peace is something more…

Everyone can find Divine Peace within. It is a “stretch” and many of us are not geared to look inside for the Peace which is possible. “Peace on Earth” is possible by my definition but may not be a 24/7 sustainable concept because human life and distractions can get in the way. It is something to strive for. For me, the concept of “Enlightenment” may be a step toward living in a more abundant state of Peace. And, if we as humanity were more fully engaged in the search for consciousness and Enlightenment, we would have, by my definition, be a much more Peaceful World.

In my opinion, we can move toward deeper personal peace by: being fully “present,” quieting our minds, breathing slowly and consciously, and pursuing a meditative awareness which allows a release of fear and embraces a Divine state of consciousness. All easier said than done. Intention and practice can assist you in bringing this into your life. I focus on the concept of Divine Love. I slowly breathe this Love in and then send this Love from my heart out to the Universe as a positive focusing tool which can lead me to a greater sense of Peace. This has taken me time and effort to be able to achieve especially in the quieting of my active mind. There might be reasons to struggle with finding deep Divine Peace and this is a personal struggle which is a part of why we came into our incarnations. A “test” in developing the Divine Wisdom we have come into our incarnations to experience, to “Remember,” and to expand.

For me, there is also the knowing/feeling that we are all perfect as souls of the Divine. As we take on our lives and the “roles” in the drama of life we play, our minds and ego may lose touch with deeper perfection of who we really are. When we re-discover or “remember” who we are and where we have come from, we are closer to knowing and remembering the Divine Peace which we have within. Consider how you might turn this light back on as a human test (challenge) while living in your human body in your human drama filled life. This is what we came here to experience so try not to consider this state of drama to be “bad” or evil. It is just what is and a part of our learning. YOU are a Blessing and celebrated for coming into the “testing ground” for higher consciousness on the field of human drama!

In my belief and understanding, peace is possible for everyone. Striving to find and know Peace is an act which moves us toward Enlightenment and spiritual wisdom. This “heaven on Earth” can be approached and achieved by most of us but the desire and the intent is often obscure or lacking. Waking up to this possibility is a message which can be shared and supported when we find people pursuing this focused direction. Where possible, hang out with individuals who are on this path not as a political, religious, or purely mental exercise but as an honest individual pilgrimage toward higher consciousness.

No matter what your beliefs are regarding these words and concepts, YOU are Perfect! You are a Miracle! You are an important piece of the Divine Consciousness. Thank you for being YOU!


How do YOU choose to Live? I have been told, and believe, that in our human incarnations we have “free will.” We can make choices. In every situation we find our way into, we have choices on what to do and how to react to what is perceived regarding this situation. We can choose to be responsible for our behaviors and our circumstances. Or, we can choose to act as if we are victims. We control and choose how we react, at some level, and how we choose to respond. And, no matter what, we can choose to learn from every interaction we participate within. When we find ourselves in a difficult, even a dangerous, challenge can we learn from it and take responsibility for what occurs? It is sometimes not easy to take responsibility when our lives are confronted by less than ideal situations. (But, what good does it do to find blame?)

You have a choice to live in Love and Light and to find Joy and Miracles in your life. From a different perspective, you have the choice to look for the negative or the pain or the victimhood in almost any interaction. Which do you most commonly choose? And, Why? Life is not always a magical, lovely experience. There are insights to find when the road seems dark. In fact, in my life, I can say that I have learned more from my mistakes and difficult experiences than I have learned from times which seemed easy and when things have gone as well as expected. My life has been blessed with experiences you can define as easy/good and many which are difficult and pain filled. We have all had these as bumps in our road through life. How YOU choose to perceive and to learn from the “hard times” is up to you. But, try this on… Life is a miracle filled with amazing gifts and joys! You do have to look for these, especially when the emotional road seems darkened by difficult relations.

Let me ask you a question. If you knew you had only a few months to live, what would you choose to do with your remaining time in this life? Stop for a minute and really allow this concept to find its way into your waking consciousness. And, answering this question, why are you NOT doing these end of life optional activities with your life NOW!??? Consider the excuses you are using and ask yourself if you can LIVE with these reasons for not living the life you might want. Sure, you can not always drop out of current life to run willy nilly into another life. However, you can consider your options and find motivation to move in a different direction. Would you have regrets if at the end of your life you did not get to do certain things? Why are you choosing to not do these experiences? Life is for living. Choose to live in the Light and to find Joy!

The amazing power we have as humans is to make choices. We often live lives of quiet desperation where we do not challenge ourselves and sit back while life seems to happen to us. This is a choice! You have awareness and this power to choose to do your life differently. Most of us, need to do some research, make a new life plan, and take steps to follow through even when we may lack some of the new skills required and good support. We have all done this in some fashion. When I left home, for good, at the age of 19, I had no idea where this would lead. I worked three jobs and saved money. I turned 20 in Europe. When I returned from this travel, I moved 400 miles from where I grew up. No regrets. And, no excuses or what ifs… This is what I wanted and needed to do at that time in my life. Without a lot of family or work responsibility this was fairly easy compared with some people’s situations. And, it takes a driven commitment to jump into a new life. My move was driven by frustration and anger with my environment and the politics of that time. It takes some consideration but you can choose to do your life differently. Sometimes the smallest awareness can lead to a tiny change which can lead to a much larger lifestyle shift. Just know that you can make new choices. This alone gives you power. AND, where ever you are in your life, YOU made the choices, at some level, to be in your current situation. And, it has been useful for your learning, even if, you learned what not to do… (Human life is NEVER going to be perfect or always easy. It is tough and that is why we are here, in this life, to be challenged to find wisdom and joy even when our lives are difficult.)

You made the choice to read this posting all the way to this point. You found these words and you made the effort to read them. These choices alone prove that you are open and willing to consider what is possible in life! Consider how incredible it is to be open to searching for alternative choices. Yes, you even have to be brave to allow these words to find their way into your consciousness. AND, you have allowed yourself to be open enough to consider these ideas. Imagine how brave all pioneers are when they set out on their life changing adventures, traveling into unknown territory. For what ever their motivation for change is, they have pushed through doubt and made their choices. Adventures always make for possible learnings and great stories, so remember to share your adventure travels through life. Yes, even if what you have to share is what NOT to do. Yes, you have the choice to share your stories…

And Yes, YOU are a miracle. No matter how you choose to react to these words, you are amazing and a Blessing!

Thanks JJ Joshua. For JJ’s Thoughtful Thursday video reminder regarding your choice for how you live follow this link for inspiration:

Clearing Drama!

As human beings, we travel through our lives interacting with other incarnated souls. As we bump into other humans, we find ourselves engaged in human situations and often there is “drama” involved. Why do we create Drama? Why do we not lead with equanimity and acceptance? Well, that is why we came into our human lives for the adventures of living in the limitations of our human, 3 dimensional consciousness. We tend to not see the the “big picture” of Divine Consciousness. Some advanced and conscious souls might say that this is the “fun” of being human. Which brings me to the point of this blog posting… When we are most fully conscious and closer to the Divine Enlightenment, we are more fully “Present.” “Present” in terms of being fully in the moment and NOT living in the “Past” or anxious of the unknown “Future.”

Easier said than done… When we carry around our “Past” with its errors and trauma, our human defense mechanisms create drama when we compare the present situations to ones experienced from our past, when we were less prepared. With our “history,” we view events through the filters of possible past imperfections and get caught up in the possible fear of imperfections in the present. (Notice the “Judgement” of judging our imperfections.) We often forget that no matter what occurs, life is a miracle and perfect, even within its imperfections. We set ourselves up to walk through the emotional minefield of fear and self-doubt. We may forget to live in Joy and with the excitement of the “Beginner’s Mind” of Wonderment.

Or, we get caught in the “what ifs” anxiety regarding what might happen in the future which is not fully a known quantity, because it has not happened yet. Fear of the unknown is huge for humans caught in their 3 dimensional mindsets. In a most fully conscious place of awareness, whatever happens in the “future” moments, beyond the present moments, which have NOT happened, is not the best way to enjoy the amazing interactions of the “Present.” The neurobiology suggests that our upper left hemisphere of the brain is processing life experience, making judgements, and living in a survival mode where fear and anxiety lead the way in conscious thoughts or emotions. For more information regarding this consider reading Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. book: “Whole Brain Living, the Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Out Lives.” Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained and published Neuroanatomist whose best selling book “My Stroke of Insight” and her Ted Talk demonstrate her first hand experience with human brain functioning. Amazing description of the science of human conscious thought in these two resources.

So, if we drop the historical traumas from the Past and eliminate living in the unknown anxiety of the Future, we can control the human drama we are often caught up within. Again, easier said than done but this awareness is a great place to start. In Spiritual Enlightenment, we may tend to look for living in the Present moment. We may live that moment in a state of Wonderment. Not judging but Accepting. Not riding a human emotional roller coaster but feeling equanimity as much as possible. Sure we will have the “Oh Wow!” experiences which express the Joy of new miracle witnessed. These steps are a huge part of living in Mindfulness. The way to be happier in “Clearing Drama” is to be aware of living in the Present in a state of Mindfulness. We do not need to erase past drama. We may benefit from not being caught in its web of past experience or fear/anxiety of the unknown future. Once again, easier said than done. This awareness is more than half the battle.

Perhaps you have witnessed a most fully conscious being who appears calm and neutral, not out of a lack of caring, but out of an appreciation that living fully in the present moment is perfect and a miracle to most fully enJoy!

We, as humans, define ourselves by feeling separate and unique with our own human history. We tell our stories to ourselves and anyone who we can get to listen. We look for acknowledgement in our uniqueness and our survival of our lives. Sometimes we play the “victim card” to get attention. Perhaps, as we become more conscious, we can become aware that we are all connected. We are all perfect. We are all amazing Miracles. And, that every soul we bump into on our road through life is there for some, perhaps obscure, reason for our spiritual learning (and to experience and appreciate within the present moment.)

“Clearing Drama” is not erasing past experiences and learnings. It involves treating EVERY moment as the Miracle it is and searching for the lesson which can be learned in an attempt to move our consciousness further along the path. Oh, by the way, every interaction is also a perfect opportunity to be of service to share your wisdom with the people/souls you bump into along your way. We are all here to serve in this way, whether we are conscious of this or not… If nothing else, please take responsibility for the emotional drama you spew around the world as you travel through your life. This will make it more rewarding and fun especially if you do NOT take yourself or life too seriously. We are all but actors in the the play called “Life.”

You are a Miracle! Consider living in the present moment with a sense of wonderment rather than in the fear of judgment… (Or, at least move in this possible direction…)

Resting on Your Laurels

You have accomplished Big Things! Even if this means that You have survived your life until now. If you are reading this blog posting, obviously you are still alive and have accomplished learning to read and to somehow find these posted thoughts and words. If you really thought about this, you would realize that you living your life to this point in human time and the skill to find and read these words is a Miracle! But, Do Not Rest on your laurels.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, online defines “Resting on Your Laurels” as: to be satisfied with past success and do nothing to achieve further success.

Some people I have come across in my pilgrimage through life, tell me, boast to me, about their accomplishments, even ones which are decades old. This is great. I learn two things. First, that my communication partner has had success (or failure) in the past and I can celebrate that they were proud regarding this accomplishment. If they are passionate about this accomplishment and if I resonate with this experience, then we can have an expanded conversation about this occurrence. Second, if this comes up in conversation more than a few times, I can surmise that they are still processing this event or they are “stuck.” And, depending on how this plays out, I may Judge that they are “Resting on their Laurels.” Some people are humble and grudgingly admit to these past successes or events and then move on because they realize that living in past accomplishments is rarely worth the time and effort in the present moment and possibly not worth basking in for the future. Many famous or important people receive awards like the Nobel Prize years after their accomplishment in recognition of something done in the past. A very great honor and there is a monetary award that goes along with this award however, they are often further along their path and working on other projects by the time the award is presented. They are “doers” and are not waiting around for this award’s recognition. For these creators/inventors, the “prize” was in the “doing” not the recognition.

Some people have had trauma in their lives and have not resolved this experience from their past. Perhaps, it may take more than one lifetime to sort this out fully. I can not prove this multi-life resolution process but I consider this a possibility. My point is not that trauma can and needs to be resolved, but, some people create a revolving life around this experience and can repeatedly share this past event with witnesses. Then, it becomes a challenging lesson for each person who is involved in the interaction. There is a point where a shared rumination can change into a less empathetic response as the witness moves from being most fully supportive to a level of annoyance with the ongoing, unresolved drama. (I will fully support, in an ongoing way, anyone who is processing a major life event AND there are limits when the cycle repeats and no apparent progress is seemingly made. This then becomes my lesson.)

Likewise, repeated boasting of past experience, travel, even successes can reach a point of diminishing returns. There is another response possible, like humility. For every human success which has come my way, I realize that this or something greater has been accomplished by other people. We may have something in common by succeeding on a similar project but there is only so much congratulatory “back slapping” before the shoulders can get sore. Let’s move on… Which brings us to the point, we are never too old to attempt new experiences or to try new things. Even if there is not enough time or energy to “master” some human skill or experience, we can still look forward to appreciation a new challenge AND to celebrate in the each moment as a unique miracle. The living is in attempting a new passion or a discovery into what is possible. An example, look up “Grandma Moses” who took up painting at the age 78 and created a new career for herself. She became “famous” for her painting in her 80’s. (BTW, she lived from 1860-1961.) Restatement: Living in the Past and Resting on One’s Laurels is an interesting way to live but may keep us swirling round and round in some eddy of your river of life… At some point, swim free of this eddy and continue moving down your life’s path less encumbered by past successes or traumas.

And remember, the Universe almost never says, “What have YOU done for ME lately!” However, the Divine Spirit loves it when you attempt new things to expand consciousness…

I know that You will continue exploring and learning new things. Your travels through life will take you into situations where you have an opportunity to meet new people, attempt new things, and join in adventures which you may have never considered before. You are NOT Resting on Your Laurels. You are Growing, changing, and Living! Along the way, remember to share your stories and your wisdom. Your attempt at sharing a wisdom learned is a gift to your witness and adds perspective for your learning process. DO NOT miss an opportunity to share your life’s wisdom AND it will help if you couch the learning in terms which apply to your witness’s life. (Restatement: make your story relevant to the witness.)

Thank you for your time and consideration. You are an Amazing Soul! YOU are a Miracle! Find Joy in every moment because each moment is a Blessing and Unique… Just like You…


Interacting with fellow pilgrims you meet on the road through this life is important for you and an act of service to the souls you connect with on your path. If you are most conscious, every soul you pass is there for a reason. Their soul is perfect even if you allow your mind/ego to have “buttons pushed” by something about this person. Perhaps the greater reaction you have, whether in Joy or in seeming annoyance, the greater the awareness you can follow into a lesson which is there for you to learn from or for you to be involved within to be of service.

Do NOT miss the opportunity to reach out and to connect.

Any interaction is an opportunity to test your new consciousness and to gain further perspective on what is possible. Any, and every, interaction may create the spreading waves of love in spirit which can wash across our Universe, and beyond. Your most positive energy, that of unconditional love, when shared in interaction, can assist in creating greater consciousness and greater Divine change.

Most every human requires connection to other people or organizations or the greater natural world. This “need” is for support and to expand perspective. We can “feed” off the energy of passion we find in connecting with another soul. We also benefit from being the witness to another person’s story as a service to them and as a consciousness raising tool in our act of witnessing. Learning to listen and to ask open ended questions is a most useful skill and demonstrates that we have expanded beyond the need for controlling conversation and a need to be the center of attention. And, this is a skill many of us could better demonstrate. Remember the times and interactions you have had where you feel like you were really “heard.” A conversation where you are NOT interrupted by someone else’s drama or need to control the conversation can seem like the support we craved in sharing our story. “No man is an island…” and the human incarnations are set up to help us “test” our new skills and to share our newly conscious wisdoms. Obviously, we can not do this without connecting with other pilgrims.

Many of us lack great social skills or the ability to offer clear communication. This then becomes a lesson in patience, acceptance, and empathy. Wow, there is so much to learn from practicing communication in the limited 3 dimensional human world. (Words, especially in English, are limited when sharing the feelings we experience which are so key to our spiritual development.) Working to perfect these skills is a major part of our spiritual development. Those often awkward interactions can be beneficial, so pay attention when you feel like walking away too easily, there may be an important lesson you can experience. And, there are times when walking away sooner rather than later is also a great and necessary skill. Setting limits and not getting caught in the circling eddy of non-productive rehashing of a “story” can be required to keep moving forward. If you have heard the same story over and over again from certain people, they are not completed with their drama or have found a useful technique to continue receiving attention but this may not be your ongoing lesson except for limit setting and to realize that not everyone can be talked out of their specific drama.

Guidance has reminded me that interacting with other souls is why we are in our human incarnations with the human limitations as our test. So, do not miss any opportunity to attempt connecting and be most conscious of what YOU can learn from your interactions. Less Judgement, more Empathy and Unconditional Loving Acceptance can be the goal to move toward… Boy, I have So Much to learn and my habit of impatience is my constant companion. Well, no one told me that this pilgrimage toward Enlightenment was going to be direct or easy…

Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master of the life you are living. Sharing your wisdom from learned experience is a major reason you have come into this life. Interacting with other pilgrims is why you are here. And, you are so important as a witness to another soul’s sharing of their story. Both sides can learn from these shared experiences.

With all this said, remember, YOU are Perfect in who you are and the role that you fill. Yes, even with your seeming imperfections. In fact, YOU are a Blessing and a Miracle! Thank you for being YOU!

Whether you know this, or not, YOU are Loved and an important piece of the Divine Spirit!

Walking Meditation

On my walk today guidance seemed to suggest that I create a blog posting regarding the Art of the Walking Meditation. As I considered this suggestion, I was flooded with guidance’s suggestion on what to include in this posting. Since I have learned to “Just Say Yes” to my guidance, I am complying. And, walking is a great way to meditate, to become more “present,” to take positive time for yourself, and to exercise. Consider these reminders of wisdom you are already familiar with. (This wisdom is built into your DNA and your Soul.)

Eyes open meditation can fall into the philosophy of Zen meditation which tends to encourage being a part of the world rather than closing your eyes to purely focus within. ZaZen walking meditation has been described to me as eyes open, slow moving, conscious of the world, as a meditation. Breathe slowly. Walk slower than your normal pace. Feel your heel land in front of you and then roll forward on to your toes. And, repeat. If you can do so safely, “soft focus” your eyes. Enjoy each slow breath and each relaxed step. Focus upon the footsteps and your breath. In the beginning, just try 50 steps in this conscious way. Doing this in the safety of nature with less traffic and distractions from manmade chaos can help with this meditation. However, even trying this as you walk back from your lunch to work or school or home activities can make your day move more comfortably with less internal distractions. You may want to remember to turn off your phone calls, texting and social media signals.

Walking consciously out in a natural setting is meditative. In the trees, by water, on trails vs pavement, in the sunshine or in a gentle rain are all positive additions. Avoiding traffic, human dramas, loud construction projects, airplanes, warfare, and screaming politicians or rock music may also seem obvious and will enhance a more meditative state of mind. (Though bears, some dogs, venomous snakes, large crashing waves, cougars and falling trees might also pose a distraction to avoid in nature. Just saying the obvious.) You get the point. Mellow in nature is better. Walking a bit more slowly, breathing, and gently gazing at the miracles which our world can provide can make this a great “forest bathing” experience. Allowing for time and possibly fewer pressing appointments on either side of this nature walk would be a helpful consideration if possible. AND, remember to breathe… Slowly and fully.

Additions might include, feeling the warmth of the sun, listening to the stream/river/waves, feeling the gentle breezes, and even smelling the fragrance of the salt air or grasses or flowers or the trees. I like to imagine that I can breathe in the warm sunlight or soak up the warm breezes to better help heal and to recharge me as I slowly drift down (or up) the path. There are times and places when walking with someone else for safety or guidance can be good. And, there are times when walking alone without extra conversation can be most relaxing. The bottom line is to be as “present” in the moment as you gently move through this nature loving walk. You may want to pick up an interesting rock to hold and possibly to help “ground” you as you connect most peacefully with nature. (Sometimes I even hug a tree to ground myself out. Are you laughing? Well consider trying this weird 1960’s consciousness. YOU may like it.)

Sure, most of you have done this and know how to walk in meditation in nature BUT do you schedule the time in your busy, drama filled lives to participate in these meditative walks??? Well, Just Do It!

Be open to surprises and the gifts the Divine Spirit will provide for you. If you walk with the “Beginner’s Mind” the beauty will unfold just for your heart to dance in the light of spectacular marvels and amazing revelations. If you ask respectfully for these, they will show up. Maybe in the clouds. Maybe the leaves dancing in the breezes. Perhaps the songs of the birds or the chatter of the squirrels. Perhaps the appearance of the butterfly or the hummingbird will symbolize guidance reaching out to embrace you. Be open and the delights of natures will present themselves for you and fan the flames of the brightening light of your consciousness. As you are a small part of this large Universe, you might even consider the amazing things which have occurred to create this beautiful blue planet and all the life forms which share it with you.

And. Walking in wonder with Beginners Mind, even in the city, can show you amazing miracles to appreciate and to show gratitude for. Every miracle you acknowledge is another important, and beautiful, lesson for you.

There is Joy to found in every moment and in every step you take. Please consider the search for the Joy and the miracles which surround us.

You are Amazing!

Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning
Viktor Frankl

Life’s suffering has meaning. The challenges we face are lessons to learn from and for then wisdom to blossom. How can we look at our hardships and suffering to find the benefit, if only that we have survived…?
Our potentials can change but each new experience or focus can lead us to learn and to grow. If we share our learnings, these challenging experiences have greater value and “meaning” as wisdom for others to learn from and to possibly change their lives, or their potentials.

Our suffering is reduced and more gracefully survivable if we see the value and larger purpose/lesson in our experience of the suffering. With found meaning/purpose, we have more reason to live and then to teach from our learned lessons.

Viktor Frankl was a German, Jewish psychiatrist who was sent to Auschwitz in 1944. His survival and his observations were the basis for his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” and his creation of Logotherapy which is his version of psychotherapy. A basic premise of his therapy says that finding a reason/meaning in your suffering adds positive value and some resolution to your mental/emotional challenge. He believed that human nature is motivated by the search for a life’s purpose. Frankl’s story was difficult for me to read because of the losses he suffered as his life was stripped away in the German concentration camps of World War II. As a testament to his survival, he found “meaning” in this horrible life experience. His insights have served many people.

Common human responses to life’s stressors can lead to anxiety and depression. Frankl’s work helped to search for the reason that people have emotional stresses as necessary and important lessons. Observing these “reasons” can lead to wisdom to share and a change of perception regarding these stressors. This can lead to resolution of the emotional impact these challenges can have.

Taking full responsibility for one’s life is important. Circumstances can occur which you can not fully control, however, you do control the way you respond and you can understand more fully your role in creating this experience. An example, I was riding my bicycle down a hill and as I turned right at the bottom, a pick up truck cut his corner and hit me. I broke my arm and had other injuries. Sure, the young driver cut the corner but I was flying down the hill… I learned a great deal. For me, the experience with breaking my arm, being in the ER, and staying over night in the hospital were all important lessons of value for me to have. Sure, I would NOT wish this on anyone else, but the value held great learning for me. For me, being a “victim” of circumstance was not the direction for me to go. (And, showing the photo of my surgically repaired arm has been very interesting…)

Unlike Viktor Frankl, my experience does not match surviving in a World War II German concentration camp for more than one year. My suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually can NOT compare with Viktor Frankl’s. However, making the most of life’s tough experiences AND then the willingness to be positive as I share the wisdom learned, does have some similarity. If fully shared the story of your life and what you have learned by surviving this far, your witness would most likely wonder how you made it through the drama and adventures… We have ALL been lucky to survive our life experiences and lived to tell about these how we managed to get through our lives.

AND, in my opinion a main purpose in living is to share our stories in support for other pilgrims we meet along our way. The service of supporting and offering guidance learned from experience to fellow travelers is what we are here, in this life, to do.

YOU are a Miracle! Whether you know it consciously or not, You are a perfect soul and more powerful than you allow yourself to know or believe. Thank you for being you. I bow in Love and Delight to YOU the perfect spirit before me. Namaste!!!

Open Heartedness

What is like to live in Joy with an Open Heart?
Wide Open and fully available to feel Joy and to celebrate the miracles which surround us.
Yes wide open, as the Divine Spirit asks us to move toward in our awkward human drama filled lives. This can be so very important on our path toward higher consciousness and most full enlightenment.

Steps to use to allow for a most fully open heart per the wisdom of JJ Joshua (Link to her video on this subject is listed below).
It helps to be “present”:
1. Set the Intention to find the Open Heartedness you may be seeking.
2. Gratitude (for the Blessings you are basking in and the Miracles surrounding you. Yes, on a daily basis review the “gifts,” the Blessings, and the Many Miracles which surface for you in your amazing life.
3. Looking for Open Heartedness during your day… Likened to a Google search- You get what you search for…
It can help to look for and to learn to trust your “intuition” and gentle messages from the Guidance which supports and protects you.
4. Forgiveness… The World is not out to “get” you. Challenge you, YES!

and a bonus suggestion.
5. Look for ways to assist others to open their hearts THRU (Loving) Kindness. Be the role model or beacon for love, light and unconditional guidance.

Engage in “Miracle Readiness!” Open and available to experience the miracles of life and higher consciousness.

So, look for it, “Open Heartedness.” Show your Gratitude.
Do not be a victim and forgive the world (for de challenging lessons bestowed upon us for our testing of our “remembered wisdom” and to learn even more from our life’s challenges.)

And again… Be a beacon of light and Kindness which will lead others to this state of Open Heartedness.

Thanks JJ Joshua Website:
link for video on Open Heartedness: