If you read this blog in the week it is published then you, in the Northern Hemisphere, know that it is Springtime! The Spring Equinox is afoot. It is time for rebirth, renewal, and growth. Your growth is not just your bank account or your belly. It is a time for consciousness and the joy of new insights.
As the sun begins to shine longer (in the Northern Hemisphere) and flowers and trees begin to blossom, bask in the fresh growth of a world desperate to start over again! Flow with change! Breathe in the warmth and energy.
Commit yourself to learning and “Doing good in the World.” Our world need more Mitzvahs (good deeds.) Our world and our communities need a strong injection of Love and support. Growing our consciousness and connecting with your Divine Spirit would bless this world, which grows smaller every moment. Reach out and support all people in their pursuit to grow and to expand in spirit!
If nothing else, go out and celebrate the beauty of our natural world. Honor the Spring and what this stands for. Blessings!