Babies 2022

In April, 2022, as I write, there is an outbreak of babies coming into my life. Grandchildren, other people’s grandchildren, and obviously other people’s children are arriving. The arrival of children is to be celebrated as is the continuance of future generations. So many souls are choosing to arrive into human incarnations for the support and the development of Divine consciousness. We are coming out of worldwide pandemic, as I optimistically write, and the renewal of life has not waited for all the reports to come in. The world’s political and economic situation appears unsettled, but when in human history has this not been the case. Are these new incarnated souls here to save our world or to watch its continued degradation? Time will tell…

For me, my human incarnation appears to be closer to the ending rather than its beginning so my perspective may be jaded by this perspective. The optimism of new life in the Springtime is a wonder to behold, and to celebrate. Looking into the eyes, and the souls, of these new humans reminds me of the Miracle each person (and thing) is and the bright light of Divine Love which is at the core. Each baby is “Perfect” even within the imperfect package that wraps around this perfect being. I bless each soul and encourage these new lives to remember from where they have come and for where they will return. With Divine blessings, each soul will find the best way to remain most fully connected with the higher realms. Or, to remember and to find these Divine connections should these slip from ego consciousness.

And, I ask from a human space of anxiety, why would you choose to be born into this day and age of human drama. Did you read the “adventure travel brochures”…”See it Before It’s Gone!”? Why do parents make conscious decisions to bring children into the uncertain human times…? But, this has been a question which could have been asked throughout our human history… It is the “PERFECT” time to be born and follow the soul’s path and pilgrimage through human life. There is so much to be learned in our struggle to remember our Divinity, especially with the distractions which test/challenge us these days.

So, as Spring develops in the Northern Hemisphere, new life finds form with all of hope which Divine Spirit provides. Life seems more abundant! No matter how crazy and drama filled our world gets, it is time to pause, be most fully present, and to celebrate the birth of new, perfect souls.

Each day, when you awaken, you are blessed with a new beginning. Find appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity to live in a world which teems with life, love, and possibilities. Every moment is a blessing and offers your next chance to remember your Divinity and renew your connections with the Highest of Consciousness. YOU are a Miracle!

And, for the babies pouring into my life, thank you and continue being my guides to perfect innocence and the vibrant life you hold. Your connection with the Divine Spirit is strong and more direct without the building human egoic nonsense which happens as human beings develop, with all the three dimensional limitations that make human life the interesting dilemma it is… Your human adventure is filled with learnings, testings, and learnings. That is why you are here! Please know, and Remember that YOU are Loved!

Trilliums of Spring

It is nearing the end of March in 2022 as I write in Bellingham, WA. Yesterday, I went out for one of my regular hikes in the hills above Lake Padden. It was cool and gray but not cold. There was plenty of fresh mud on the trail from recent rain. And, then, unexpected and surprising to me, was my first flowering Trillium. This seemed early to me and two days before there were none to be spotted. Very few things engage me like Spring’s Trillium season. I counted 28 Trillium plants as I hiked through my natural world. Two years ago in the peak of Trillium season we followed several regular trails and counted 800+ Trillium in 5+ miles. Yes, we take counting these flowers very seriously because there is nothing more important than spending time in nature and finding the treasures and miracles which are available to experience.

The human dramas and activities which our culture asks us to participate within can not hold a candle to the amazing natural world. I am confronted by media frenzy which tends to create anxiety or anger for me. Some silly events are debated which make no real difference in MY life but seem to be terribly important to the announcers. I would rather go hiking and feel my heart sing when I find the sweet, short-lived Trilliums in the hills. When I search for these beauties, I am “present” and not remembering past dramas or considering future unknowns. (I am not saying to stick your head in the sand and not learn what is happening in our world. Just do not think that the drama, amplified by fear to keep your attention, is as important as the screamers portray…)

This may seem ridiculous to you, my sharing of flower counting. Or, you may honor this hobby. You may even be inspired and head for the hills to find and to celebrate the next miracle of nature which crosses your path. There are stories you can hear. There are writings or videos you can experience BUT living these natural perfections is a very special use of your time. Visit them… This is what Spring can be like for you, if you let it. There is always a hope of renewal and rebirth which seems to be demonstrated in Spring’s blossoms. For you and for our future generations, I hope that Trilliums keep showing up for their brief season to be appreciated, celebrated, and Loved.

You Are Loved!

Welcome to Spring 2022

The date on the calendar tells me that we just had our Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring is starting… Well, it does not really feel like Spring to me… Sure the days are getting longer. Day light savings time went into effect. It is not so cool and Wintery these days. But, and there is a Big But, it does not quite feel like Spring to me. The birds are nesting. The trees are blooming as well as my allergies. This year we seem to have a new outbreak of man made conflict and this takes some of the Spring optimism out of the air I breathe. We have been allowed to take our Covid masks off but plenty of fear and anxiety are still available. People still look at each other a bit fearful or at least questioning whether you can trust that you will not contract a disease. Our politicians are still ranting about a long since decided presidential election with threats of impending chaos in the next elections. The economy is booming along but inflation is soaring. And, unlike most years, I am not considering breeding as I have often considered in past years… Yup, having more children in my 72nd year seems less “a thing” this year. Perhaps I am just getting old.

I am excited to begin to return to my face to face social lifestyle but, as I have said, I am in a Covid habit of questioning the safety of hugging all my friends and family. Hey, I still hug but there is a question in the corners of my mind. My hearing is not getting better so social conversations can be a bit more frustrating for me. That is not the fault of 2022 yet it adds to the frustration and isolation of 2022 life. On a positive note, I am spending more time and money on my newish hobby of woodworking. Time considering my projects at 3:00 AM where every thing I try comes out perfect, is wonderful… Until, I actually touch my projects. Woodworking, for me, is creative and full of problem solving and, of course, YouTube video watching. It is time alone but it is a new challenge for me. Though this Spring, I have yet to drop a table seed into the ground, water it, and see a new table sprouting up from the meticulously tilled soil. I do get to walk around and visit my wood table’s relatives and ancestors as I hike through my local forests in meditation and contemplation. I covet those 100 foot downed trees and want to take them back to my garage workshop and mill these into lovely projects but I do not have the strength or room for my wooden friends of the forest. They will have to remain out in the cool, damp Spring a bit longer.

Germinating deep within me are the seeds of gratitude, unconditional love and acceptance, and the excited and questioning Beginners Mind. At this stage of this life, it is easier for me to feel, if not see, the perfection of the souls I pass and the deepest unknown connections to the Divine which we all share. My lessons are still obvious in maintaining Equanimity. As I age I am finding the nature and truth of Impermanence a “knowing” that seems to be getting stronger. My lack of patience can get in my way of being most fully present, but at least I have Awareness and can laugh at my impatience. No matter what happens in this human drama in the Spring of 2022, I will follow the path of service and attempt to offer unconditional Love, as my resources allow. So, let me remind you that YOU are Loved! You are a Blessing! You are are a unique and important Miracle and you fill your role Perfectly in the Divine Universe. Thank you for being YOU! Celebrate the new births of our Spring and dance in Gratitude for all the blessing we have, even the difficult challenges that test and teach us.

Let the Love and Light within your soul and Spirit brighten the path for the pilgrims you encounter on your path. And, remember to share your wisdom and your stories…

Spring: Rebirth and Death in the Light

It is April, 2016 and in the Northwest, Bellingham, Washington, we are feeling the warmth of sunshine and Spring! Life is blooming in every sense of the word. Life is exploding because that is what life is supposed to do at this time of year, in fact, at any time of year. Flowers are springing. Birds are doing what birds do. Joy, light, and even, Love, fill the air. We in the NW are basking in the beauty and the return of the longer, warmer days…

So two nights ago we had a small gathering at my house and a friend speaks up regarding the sudden and painful news about a childhood friend who, for his own unexplained reasons, had taken his own life! This has happened before and will happen again but the angst in the midst of re-birth weighs heavily upon the mind, emotions, and the soul of my friend (and others in this situation.) What can you say? What can you do to console a friend in this unexplainable situation and his grief? There is a lesson here for those who are left to ask, WHY??? There is a life challenge and lesson about death that we who are left behind must endure.

Another friend finds the following article about death, and we read and possibly learn something from the thoughts and experience of another pilgrim. Perhaps you have been in this situation or know someone else who is? Perhaps this blog or the linked article can be of service? Perhaps you can contribute additional thoughts, articles, or videos to our library for referral to others who struggle and ask WHY?.

No matter how you contribute, thank you for your time and consideration. Meditate and send a prayer to my friend Glen or anyone else you know who may need some unconditional love and support. AND, do not miss the opportunity to hug your family and friends and tell them you love them!!!

Blessings, light, and love to you. May you bask in the warmth of sunlight and unconditional love… Appreciate Life and be Present! Find the way YOU can serve and share Love!

Share this article, if appropriate, and respond if you feel that you can add a positive contribution. We are ALL in this together and what has an effect upon one of us, challenges all of us…

Be well. Find your Bliss and celebrate life, even if you feel the struggle…

Its Spring! Time for Rebirth

If you read this blog in the week it is published then you, in the Northern Hemisphere, know that it is Springtime! The Spring Equinox is afoot. It is time for rebirth, renewal, and growth. Your growth is not just your bank account or your belly. It is a time for consciousness and the joy of new insights.

As the sun begins to shine longer (in the Northern Hemisphere) and flowers and trees begin to blossom, bask in the fresh growth of a world desperate to start over again! Flow with change! Breathe in the warmth and energy.

Commit yourself to learning and “Doing good in the World.” Our world need more Mitzvahs (good deeds.) Our world and our communities need a strong injection of Love and support. Growing our consciousness and connecting with your Divine Spirit would bless this world, which grows smaller every moment. Reach out and support all people in their pursuit to grow and to expand in spirit!

If nothing else, go out and celebrate the beauty of our natural world. Honor the Spring and what this stands for. Blessings!

Basking in the Afternoon Sunlight

In celebration of an experience from April, 2012 – Posted by L. John Mason –

I live in the Northwest on an Island North of Seattle, WA. The region is famous for gray cool days that often have some sort of precipitation. In my nine year history, I have discovered that the sunny, warm times (and warm is relative) are August and September, also considered Summer. In Seattle and Portland, from October to July when the sunshine breaks through the clouds, people will stop what they are doing and rush outdoors for what is known locally as a “sun break.” You should also know that people who live, and the ones who thrive, in the Northwest are a hardy group who function decently in the cool dampness. People will not be stopped by rain when working or exercising because this “just comes with the territory.” I tell you this because there is a special appreciation that can be found in the Northwest for being touched by the warmth of the sun, BUT, this can hold true for many people outside the Northwest as well.

So I had an experience Sunday, last, that makes me pause and think of appreciation for some of things that can easily be overlooked or taken for granted. I went further North to visit a new friend in the city of Bellingham. For me, it was a chance to learn some of the secrets of this pleasant town which has plenty of charm, history, and a population of people who are influenced by the colleges found in town. We walked and talked as we strolled down the special trails that line the waterfront. We drifted into shops and chatted with shop owners and fellow pedestrians. We found many delightful things which made our quest enjoyable.

Later in the afternoon, I experienced that wonderful moment that makes a day memorable. I found myself sharing this large chair on the sunporch of my host. The warmth of the sunlight was streaming through the large windows and I felt myself peacefully melting into this chair. My eyes closed and I soaked up the warming, relaxing rays of sunshine. To make this better, I was sharing this with my wonderful new friend who allowed me to feel safe and most comfortable. Perhaps you have experienced moments like this and you can remember these as pleasant, healing experiences.

Having shared this image, I now have a significant memory to use when I pull up my visualizations of an ideal time of warmth and peace. So, if you find yourself needing a moment of relaxation consider sitting back comfortably in a safe, hopefully peaceful environment, and start by taking several deep slow breaths. Perhaps you feel cool air as you inhale and warm breath as you slowly exhale. You might even imagine that as the warm breath flows from you it seems to carry away unnecessary thoughts or energy. Continue breathing slowly and naturally allowing every slow breath to let you sink deeper into a state of peaceful relaxation. Perhaps, you can feel the relaxation beginning in your arms and legs. You may even be able to feel yourself slowly sinking back into whatever you are sitting or lying upon. Imagine that you can feel the warmth from the sun gently and safely shining down on you. Perhaps you can imagine that you can soak up this warmth and light, and this allows you to drift deeper into a peaceful dreamlike state of calmness. As you breathe slowly and gently, perhaps you can imagine that you can breathe in the sunlight and warmth, and allow this energy to bathe every cell in your body with healing energy. Every cell can soak up the perfect amount of this healing energy and unconditional love to allow the cells to heal and recharge. You can even begin to feel the feelings of joy and health and happiness welling up inside you. Perhaps you can celebrate this perfect moment of health and happiness and see yourself in perfect health, being active.

Enjoy those moments of your life when you can bask in the radiance of warmth and unconditional love. Hold these memories and feelings within your heart so you can pull these forward to heal and recharge yourself, when needed. AND, if you find yourself sharing a large chair, on the perfect sunporch, with a person who allows you to feel safe and comfortable, honor this moment as a special treasure.

As with other articles from this blog, if you require any additional support consider the information and services provided through the Stress Education Center and visit the website at

Please take good care of yourself and bask in warmth and light, as often as you can.