If you have followed the recent blogs, the theme of the importance of quality connections has been a topic of several recent blogs. The question came up regarding how can you begin to use this information in a practical way. How can you incorporate the building of connections into your daily life? A simple but powerful practice is listed below.
The first and most obvious part of this practice is to set your intention to create connections. Be aware of the possibilities which commonly arise in your day to day life. We are never alone. We are all in this cosmic universe together. Our souls are all connected. Every soul is perfect and unique, like snowflakes. We are all here for different reasons and to learn our special lessons. We are here to support each soul which dances into your life (our current incarnation.) Yes, even the manifestations which trigger your judgement, fear, anger, or frustration. Perhaps, especially these more challenging encounters. These are here for a reason! Your interactions and your lessons come from your attempts to deal with each of these encounters, no matter how subtle, brief, or distracted by your other points of focus. But, if you have the intention to create and honor your connections, even if incidental, these will have value, at some level, for your life experience.
The second part of the practice can be as simple as making eye contact. This sounds simple but a conscious, soul enhancing contact includes more… Perhaps you can engage those eyes for a moment and find yourself led to a deeper understanding, and acceptance, of the soul behind the eyes. Maybe there are those moments when you connect with this soul behind the eyes and look to find the perfection of the spirit. Easier said than done, you may avoid, or limit, your ego’s judgement and know that you share a “oneness” with this spirit. You may even find that “They” are you in different form. Appreciate that this soul has found your gaze for a reason and is here to support you on some level to learn your lessons. Know, also, also you are here for this person and their soul development. Maybe you are the shining role model of unconditional love and acceptance. (Your ego will never know or understand the deepest levels of this exchange.)
In the moment of gazing into those eyes, your conscious self can find many things. Are those eyes and full of joyful energy? Are those eyes sad and flickering with the pain from current travails? Are those eyes dark and seemingly dead like black holes with little or no energy escaping? Are those eyes “impish” or playful? Are they inquisitive and asking questions in the pursuit of wisdom? Are those eyes judgmental like a young soul who is still locked in fear and ego? Much can be experienced from connecting with the feelings of a story behind those eyes.
Now, hold that connection through your eyes and when you see the perfect spirit in front of you, welcome them into your consciousness as if your were greeting the most innocent beautiful child into your family. If your heart melts with joy and love, then you have reached a special level where the both of you can feed off the healing energy of acceptance and love.
Finally, acknowledge this being of light with a sincere and joy filled smile. It is a blessing to warm their consciousness with this simple gesture. Your sincerity can shine through and help to build connections with all of the souls in the divine. Your acknowledgement serves to demonstrate the positive role that this encounter has had upon your life.
Do not take this too lightly, for eye connections and the warmth of your smile sets positive energy into motion and can start ripples and waves of joy across, and then beyond, our universe.
When you can be conscious, celebrate and so cherish every connection, every soul with the blessing of your radiant smile.
The concept of Namaste is a manifestation which can come from this practice… (Not just a wish or a thought but an action…)
When it is time for you to seek conscious support from a community of fellow “seekers” please consider our non-religious spiritual community, the Masters of the Journey.
Hi John,
Just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed your blog today and that I noticed that it has become welcomed reading every week. It is uplifting, thoughtful and makes a difference in my life.
Thank you for taking the time to do it.