My Mentor, Paula Forget, reminded me yesterday of the importance of keeping the channel to the Divine Spirit open. It is obvious, but… A reminder is useful when you find yourself pre-occupied with our 3 dimensional, limited lives. In the context of sending and receiving healing energy, Paula reminded me of this important step. We are all connected to the Divine Spirit and we are not always consciously thinking with our human brains about this connection. So, this is another “wake up call.”
We were discussing sending (and receiving) loving, healing energy. You are not depleting yourself or your energy when sending loving and healing energy if you are most consciously plugged into the “Source.” You might consider breathing in the Universal Divine Light through your Crown Chakra and releasing it out through your Heart Chakra as an act of healing. For me, a golden white light seems pure, of high energy, and of healing. (Bright healthy green light is also commonly used.) From my heart, I offer this energy unconditionally for my targeted soul. Without ego owning the results, I provide this gift and attempt to hold no expectation that it will work as my mind intends.
On the receiving end of this unconditional gift of love, light, and healing energy is my “targeted” soul. The purpose or object to which I would like to support with my gift of energy. They too would be most open to this energy if their channel was open to the Divine Spirit and the Divine energy I am contributing. There is no way to know if they consciously receive this gift or that they will use this energy as I expect. The “subject” has free will to use this energy as they choose. If the healing energy is mutually agreed upon, their “open channel” makes this most available and direct. Sometimes we get caught in our life drama and are less open and available, but the energy is accessible.
Open to give and open to receive. Seems simple enough but it is not always that simple. There are filters and secondary benefits which might muddy this transaction. Let go. (Easier said than done…) Give unconditionally. And, if you are the subject of receiving this energy, you can choose to give the gift of cleanly receiving the energy which is focused upon you. Yes, you are giving a gift and providing a service by allowing another soul to give to you… Many of us struggle to receive gracefully. We may think ourselves too strong to receive this gift or perhaps unworthy of the gift or whatever excuse comes up for you. Silly human lessons…
Opening the channel can be practiced. It can be easy or difficult. Being present and quietly receptive can help. For this, meditation can be useful. A quieted, open mind with the intent to have the light of the Divine pouring in through the Crown Chakra is helpful.
Whether you know it or not, you are a healer and always connected with guidance from the Divine. Whether you know it or not, you are 100% worthy of having an open channel to the Divine Spirit and for receiving the warmth, wisdom and Love the Divine offers all souls. You are a Miracle! You ARE the Divine!
Thanks again Paula Forget for your support and the reminders…
Blessings to You!