Chasing Enlightenment

First, let me say that I believe each and every one of us is perfect. We each have a Spirit and soul which is connected to the Divine Source. We each serve an important role in Divine Consciousness. AND, deep within each of us is the “Enlightenment” which many of us are consciously seeking. Yes, I am saying that if we run in circles with our hair on fire, we have the purest form of the Divine Spirit within us. And, if you do NOT run in circles with your hair on fire, pure, perfect Divine Spirit is within you, as well. However, many people live their lives in quiet, or non-quiet, desperation attempting to gain a consciousness regarding our “Enlightenment.” What is “Enlightenment” and is it worth chasing?

For me, Enlightenment, which does not find easy words to be defined, is a state where we are able to live in higher dimensional consciousness. A state where we have Equanimity as we walk through our lives. Personally, I struggle to not get sucked into the human dramas and the politics of living as a human. Equanimity does not mean that you do not feel the drama but you do not get caught in the currents which throw you mentally or emotionally into the extremes of reaction. (Boy, do I need to be reminded of this constantly…) Besides Equanimity you live in a state of Non-Judgement. You can Accept what you encounter. You take full responsibility for your life, your choices, and where your path leads you. You look for the Joy in life (and find it,) even in the dark times and places you travel through. You feel connected to the Divine Spirit and all of consciousness because you are an important part of the much greater whole. So, when you look into some other soul’s eyes you see and know yourself. Namaste!!! You can appreciate that the human linear concepts of Time and Space are illusions existing within our humanness because our three dimensional thinking, as humans, can not cope with the many multi-dimensions of higher realm consciousness. And, you “Know” and “Remember” what Divine Unconditional Love feels like. (It is an integrated combination of all the qualities listed above.

As we walk through our human lives, it can be very difficult to maintain your highest consciousness. We are tested. We are limited by human survival mechanisms. We have prepared ourselves for interactions with other incarnated souls where we lack full trust regarding their intentions. This is the fear based human consciousness of separation which comes along with ego thinking and living. So, many of us find ourselves living with our human limitations chasing after full consciousness and Enlightenment. But, does this work for us? This brings us to the purpose, or intention, of this posting. Can we chase down Enlightenment successfully? The very “effort” of this chasing can scare our soul’s Enlightenment away. Like a shy creature we come across in nature, this animal will run away if we chase after it. Its survival is based on the survival of it’s flight/fight response. The faster we chase, the faster it goes in an opposite (or different) direction.

So striving for Enlightenment may chase it away. “Wanting” Enlightenment may chase it away. Trying too hard to attain Enlightenment may lead to this same result. Trying too hard gets in the way of the Enlightenment we seek. Perhaps, being available without a chasing behavior gets us closer. Perhaps, accepting that we are chasing this elusive prey is a good place to start. Maybe, living in Gratitude with a “lack of wanting” allows this consciousness to find us… Consider, living in the present moment with a lack of expectations and judgement are keys to developing the feelings within your heart of what Enlightenment is… Making the human effort of chasing after it, may be getting in the way of achieving the state of consciousness which I consider Enlightenment.

Since it is already deep within you, you may not have to seek after it externally. You can not be forced or even lead to Enlightenment by people or forces outside of yourself. You may find yourself engaged in programs or processes which can begin to open doors by creating awareness or perspective on what is possible, but it will not take you all the way. It is to be searched for and accepted as the deep, perfect soul you are… Feel it to “Know” it. And, when you get to that state of consciousness, you can “Remember” your connection to the Divine and the perfection which is YOU and within every soul you bump into as walk the path through your human life. (And, someone else’s path or philosophy for achieving a state of enlightenment may be a a good example of what is possible BUT you are required to walk your own unique path. Your individual search is a unique experience for you to explore.)

Your tools to brighten your path may include: meditation, conscious breathing, being present, acceptance, equanimity, service by loving with no strings attached, and your sincere awareness that consciousness expansion is a key. We must look to assist other human souls which we encounter as we travel through the Universe. We are all in this together. By raising our consciousness, we raise all consciousness. And, remember that YOU are perfect. You are a Miracle! And, You are Loved!

Thanks for this consideration. You are a Blessing!
And, my friend and mentor, Paula Forget, has added another point of view:

“Hi John,

Something that was missing is JOY!

Enlightenment is a state of being. Like you said: “Feel it to know it.”

I don’t think you can “practice” enlightenment, to become enlightened. It’s qualities must develop naturally. Otherwise, it is like trying to be good, not to be bad. It is a duality based approach, and still creates friction inside a person.
You cannot practice being “joyous”, for the same reason. By “practicing”, something is being suppressed.

I think, for myself, enlightenment, to be enlightened, is something that is discovered. To find something that was always there. It is a feeling, a knowing, that is found again, rediscovered. Its feeling is so full, that it transforms you into all those great qualities that you mentioned.

It is GRACE, to touch It.
That is something to be grateful for.

Of course, that’s only my opinion.

Author of: Guided to the Higher Realms: A Personal Journey of Ascension through Meditation

I think Paula’s addition in adding her perspective is brilliant! So, set your intention to allow yourself to rediscover the Joy and the Enlightenment which is within your soul. I know that this is easier said than done but it “is” the way. At some point this may lead you to drop your human, cultural striving. Then you may be able to sit in the “present moment,” accept what flows before you, and share your love without strings attached in service to all the Divine Spirit.

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