Happy New Year! Yes, you have heard this before. It is only a day on the calendar and it seems to happen about this time every year. But, this time it is different! Every turn of the year offers a fresh start. Setting optimistic goals and the New Year’s Resolutions is a tradition and after you set these goals, we wait to see how long it will take to stray away from the desired new behavior or life change. This year it will be different. Not because you will not set and then break your “resolutions” but because this New Year’s is different.
It is not just a change of the calendar year from 2019 to 2020. It is the change of a new decade. This Blog has never posted a consciousness developing blog at the change of a decade. This year and this decade are different. The turmoil of the past few years is coming to a “resolution” and we are entering into a new phase. The “clean up” phase of spiritual energies is transitioning into the dawning of a new age which includes the return of “magic.” I am told that our guides are supporting our new consciousness and as we come out of the time of conflict and struggle, we will experience of the reawakening of our inner child. We can choose a more Joyful path.
This is difficult to believe with the media’s headlines shouting out fear and anger. I challenge you to look deep within and find, and then live, your authentic self. Yes, it is there and has never left you. Be the beacon of light which leads with love and joy. Be the model so others will join in and regain the confidence to be the perfect spiritual beings they are! Look around for the best ways to support your fellow pilgrims and open your heart to new possibilities. The “Magic” will gradually brighten in the coming months.
2020 beckons as a turning point! The New Year and the New Decade allow for the re-engagement of the magic and the return of the spiritual insights which are counter to the anger and fear we have struggled through. You have an opportunity to live in a more positive and loving world. This grows from the inside out. Get in touch with the pure love and magic that has always dwelt within you. Celebrate every interaction and know that your consciousness will be raised for the benefit of you and all the other souls in our Universe.
So, in the back of your mind, set this new resolution to live most fully in Love and Magic. Be the Light and allow others to resonate with your Joy and glowing Spirit! Find a way to develop your confidence in knowing that YOU are a Master. You are Perfect! You are the miracle and manifestation of the Holy Spirit! Have fun! Dance in the Light so your inner child laughs with the Joy we have all come into this Life to celebrate. (Even the Joy which comes from the difficult challenges and the amazing lessons we are tested by for our development.)
You have the opportunity to step into the Light of the Divine and all the Magic which surrounds you! Trust it. Look for the good in every interaction. YOU are a Miracle! You have a choice to Live in the Light!
So, continue on your path and please do NOT miss any opportunity to raise your consciousness, remember the Divine within you, and find ways to connect & serve your fellow travelers. YOU are a bright beacon of light. Thanks for being YOU!
Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…
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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog