As you consider your current human life, have you considered your purpose and your relevance? These are important questions to ask. These questions show that you are considering the direction you are moving in your life and your life’s connection to the larger humanity. When your day to day struggles distract you from your true purpose you are not “failing” as a human in the Divine Universe, you are being tested by the human dramas which we have come to our lives to test our wisdom and our consciousness. One important realization which can come, at some point, is that we are ALL swimming in the River of Life. Yes, this is a metaphor though on a hot day you may wish to be swimming, or least walking barefoot, in the cool waters of the local source of life giving water. The River of Life carries our souls as if our souls were a molecule of water (H2O) from the start of our human lives to the ultimate end point of our human deaths. Along the way you are swirling in the waters with all the other souls and lifeforms.
In a meditation when I was 23 years old, I was gifted, by guidance, the image of me as a molecule of water flowing down the River of Life. The waters were golden. In that brief moment, I felt the “connection” with all other souls and lifeforms. My “Oneness” created an overwhelming feeling of Joy and the consideration that I am Not Alone! My emotions brought tears of Joy to my eyes. As I live my life, I bump into all sorts of souls and experiences which are available for me to learn from and to enjoy. Human life is enjoyable, at least from the perspective of the Divine Spirit. We all ultimately flow down the river until we rejoin the ocean which is a metaphor for the Universal Divine. We can then choose to return, to another life, to test our wisdom and consciousness in a knew life.
You know that the oceans of the Earth can be very deep. They can be warm and light in the shallows or they can be dark and cold in the depths. All parts of the ocean are life sustaining for life on Earth. All are important, in their own unique ways.
Now consider your current incarnation and consider the depth you enjoy as you flow through your present life. Are you “Knowing” your deeper purpose and full connection with all other lifeforms? Are you bobbing along on the surface of the River of Life simply enjoying the flow of the current and caressing the rocks and obstacles you encounter? Are you most fully “Present” or just floating on the surface getting caught in the eddies as you flow downstream? And, How Deep is the River? Are you willing to swim to the bottom to help carve the channel of the this River of Life. There is no “right” answer but there is your developing consciousness to consider.
Thank you for being a soul to share this cycle of life as we flow together down the River of Life. YOU are a Miracle!