How Deep the River

As you consider your current human life, have you considered your purpose and your relevance? These are important questions to ask. These questions show that you are considering the direction you are moving in your life and your life’s connection to the larger humanity. When your day to day struggles distract you from your true purpose you are not “failing” as a human in the Divine Universe, you are being tested by the human dramas which we have come to our lives to test our wisdom and our consciousness. One important realization which can come, at some point, is that we are ALL swimming in the River of Life. Yes, this is a metaphor though on a hot day you may wish to be swimming, or least walking barefoot, in the cool waters of the local source of life giving water. The River of Life carries our souls as if our souls were a molecule of water (H2O) from the start of our human lives to the ultimate end point of our human deaths. Along the way you are swirling in the waters with all the other souls and lifeforms.

In a meditation when I was 23 years old, I was gifted, by guidance, the image of me as a molecule of water flowing down the River of Life. The waters were golden. In that brief moment, I felt the “connection” with all other souls and lifeforms. My “Oneness” created an overwhelming feeling of Joy and the consideration that I am Not Alone! My emotions brought tears of Joy to my eyes. As I live my life, I bump into all sorts of souls and experiences which are available for me to learn from and to enjoy. Human life is enjoyable, at least from the perspective of the Divine Spirit. We all ultimately flow down the river until we rejoin the ocean which is a metaphor for the Universal Divine. We can then choose to return, to another life, to test our wisdom and consciousness in a knew life.

You know that the oceans of the Earth can be very deep. They can be warm and light in the shallows or they can be dark and cold in the depths. All parts of the ocean are life sustaining for life on Earth. All are important, in their own unique ways.

Now consider your current incarnation and consider the depth you enjoy as you flow through your present life. Are you “Knowing” your deeper purpose and full connection with all other lifeforms? Are you bobbing along on the surface of the River of Life simply enjoying the flow of the current and caressing the rocks and obstacles you encounter? Are you most fully “Present” or just floating on the surface getting caught in the eddies as you flow downstream? And, How Deep is the River? Are you willing to swim to the bottom to help carve the channel of the this River of Life. There is no “right” answer but there is your developing consciousness to consider.

Thank you for being a soul to share this cycle of life as we flow together down the River of Life. YOU are a Miracle!


We humans love a “good” struggle. Yes, even when these are painful. Even when we know we do not need to struggle. Example… we go out for a sport. We “play” a team sport. We connect with our teammates and we go into a competitive “game” and as a team we attempt to “win…” We may feel good if we “win.” We may feel sad or disappointed if we (as a team) lose the game. But, either way, we will usually come back for more…

We can “struggle” with living our lives AND we come back for more. Why? Because, we love the experience and the testing which come from our struggle. As humans, our lives are full of drama and struggles. We learn from these moments. We test our wisdom and learned skills in this test of living. Our minds and our egos want to win in our three dimensional world. At some point, when the “light goes on,” we will (or have already) awaken from our human struggle and realize that the “Truth” has always been within us and we do not “Need” to struggle. We can simply allow ourselves to “Know” the “Truth” which is true always.

Life is a Struggle when we are less than fully conscious and then see life as a struggle. We are also free to perceive life as a beautiful, perfect miracle. We have choice! We can view our human situation as a result of our actions (and, perhaps, our soul’s choice to fall into a certain human drama for some “higher purpose.”) You are free to disagree and to live your human life within a different frame of reference. How YOU choose is up to you and for the “lesson” or “challenge” you have come into this life to participate within.

Struggling is NOT a negative. It is not something to avoid. It is not the end game you will be defined by. Perhaps, you even enjoy the experience as a perfect opportunity to learn from and to develop your wisdom. No matter how you choose to perceive these words, YOU are Perfect! YOU are a Miracle. You have come to serve the souls you bump into in this human life. AND, we are All in this Together!

At some point, you may learn to “Let Go.” Accept and embrace the Divine Truth… You are a perfect manifestation of the Divine and you are perfect in the role you have come into this life to play out…


Living as a human in our human world is a Miracle! You may not be fully conscious regarding the reason you are in your human life but there is a very complex reason and your human life is Perfect! We live our human lives with primitive 3 dimensional, ego-driven thinking. This fills our human lives with drama as we stumble about in our chosen incarnations. We get caught in being human and so we can miss the bigger perspective of 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness. This is the way it is supposed to be. If we were living as a human as a soul in the higher dimensions then we would not have to take our human limitations so seriously. (We would miss out on all the human drama and the lessons which go along with being human.) We would have acceptance and equanimity regarding the challenges we face on the human plane…

We are Perfect! We are so much more than our human minds can conceive of and understand. Life is a Miracle! Life is Amazing! In our human lives we are bumping up against challenges to learn from and to test our “learned” consciousness. When we actually stumble into higher consciousness, we have a higher perspective on what living as a human is all about. We are here to test our wisdom and to be of service to the other souls we bump into. These other souls are actually “us” in seemingly other forms (lives.) Yes, no matter who we interact with on the human plane in our human lives, we are dancing with ourselves in larger scheme of higher consciousness. So, we can be aware of this and ignore it or deny it or jump right in and attempt to be of service…

In the consciousness of the higher dimensions, we “know” that there is no such thing as death. Our spirits transition into other forms, perhaps into other human lives… There is no such thing as Time. Time is a construct of our human, “limited” consciousness, in an attempt to create something which does not exist, a linear representation for our 3 dimensional minds to attempt to grasp a human understanding of life on the Earth plane. In the higher dimensions we “know” that we are playing out multiple lives simultaneously. We are learning and testing our wisdom and expanding our consciousness in every moment, even if our human consciousness is in denial regarding these multiple, simultaneous realities. (Hey, even I am getting confused as I share these metaphysical concepts…)

Life, “What a concept,” and very complex. Life is perfect! We are not alone, ever… We are a part of the much larger Universal Divinity and Consciousness. Our limited human understanding is a testing ground for us. There are no accidents. Each moment offers a new challenge to expand our consciousness within. We are constantly expanding even if we re-experience our lessons in similar experiences and get to test our expanding conscious wisdom, even if this is an unconscious process (to our human minds). Gratitude and appreciation are higher levels of consciousness which we are moving toward as our human dramas play out. And, it makes this somewhat easier when we “know” that Death is NOT the enemy. If you want to explore this concept, consider reading or listen to or discussing experiences which Near Death Survivors have to present. This is a gift to raise our human consciousness.

A goal would be to never take our lives for granted but also do not take ourselves too seriously. In Spirit YOU are perfect! In Spirit, you are powerful! You are an important part of the larger Divine Spirit. And, YOU are here to serve! Yes, even if your service is to muddy the water and seemingly obstruct other human lives. Sometimes, “old Souls” come into human form for brief periods of human time to offer lessons to incarnated souls. These may include “short” lives which end in tragedy for the learning experience of other developing forms of human consciousness (other people.) As a human, we must learn and appreciate even the difficult challenges we encounter. After your human life survives a difficult challenge, you can be a role model of a “victim” or some other more conscious human form… No matter what, YOU are amazing! Thank you for being you! Thank you for choosing to incarnate and to serve on the human plane. (There are many Souls/Spirits who know we are Heroes for choosing to “show up” and play our roles as an incarnated human.)

You are Loved! You are a Blessing!

PS… Each Human baby who is born, is a Miracle! They are Amazing and Perfect! They are here to serve and to teach the humans they interact with. Even if they are incarnated for only a brief amount of human time, they have lived their purpose and they are manifested angels. They have chosen to incarnate and to mix it up with human drama and are appreciated for the efforts they have made. Honor and Love all Life Forms. Honor and Love every miraculous manifestation you encounter of the human plane. (If you were to stop and to consider every object is a miracle and a Divine manifestation…)

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: If you have not read many of these blog articles before, these are often coming up from intuition (“Guidance”) and seem to find form as a request from higher sources. Some body is supposed to be exposed to this string of words and thoughts to trigger some form of learning. Maybe that some body is YOU! No matter what, please continue growing in consciousness and sharing your story as a service to the people you bump into along your path… Thank you for being YOU!

Life is a Sh-t Show and…

Pretty dramatic to get your attention. And, Yes, you can put lipstick on a pig… but, it is still a pig… Personally, I do not have anything against pigs and I think that they may have a less desirable view in some people’s minds. In fact, pigs are perfect. A creation of the Divine Spirit who serve a purpose in the greater scheme of things but in my culture, they seem to be dirty bottom feeders. Hey, that could be said for many humans who walk the planet Earth with an inflated belief that somehow they are “better” than a pig… But, that is not what this posting is about.

You can strive to make life seem joy filled and fun. I believe that one of our main purposes in living as humans is to be aware and to look for the Joy in EVERY situation we encounter. There is Joy to be found in even the darkest of challenges and under the largest rocks which may seem to block your path through life. The most painful life experiences can teach the most important lessons and, if we are most fully conscious, we can find ways to share the wisdom we learn from these possibly troubling times, even if what we can share is what NOT to do. Many people walk around with the “life is wonderful” filter on the way they look at life’s travails. Bless them! Some people use the “life is a pain filled shit show” filter as they move through even the most lovely events. Bless Them!

There are peaceful souls who constantly look for Peace in our world. Bless them! There are anxious, angry, depressed people who manage to only consider the limitations in their lives. Bless Them! Every way you view the people and situations you encounter, attempt to remember that we are ALL Perfect and children of the Divine Spirit. We came to our lives with the agreement that we would mix it up in the Adventure Travel experience call human life in a limited 3 dimensional world. Why? Because this is where our experiences lie. We come to test our Divine Wisdom and to assist the people we come into contact with to move through their lessons and challenges. Even if we disagree with another person (or worse…,) they are here to challenge us and we are here to serve them and their learning. (Wow, I am using the word “challenges” a lot…)

Life is NOT easy or always fun. If you seek constant Joy then this may be an unattainable expectation if you hold this belief. (Unless, you are fully ascended master walking the Earth in mortal form. If so, then this posting will make “perfect” sense to you and you will accept it fully.) Think about your life. It has been a series of challenges. Some people would think you are a hero or saint for just surviving the life you have lived. And, some of us do not survive our life’s experiences for one reason or another and everyone who has known these shorter lived folks has lessons to learn about being fragile in human form. Even the most joyful days like getting married or giving birth or even graduating from school has difficult lessons to experience over the horizon. As an example, there are only two ways to get out of a marriage and we do not often fully consider these on our wedding days. Yes, you guessed it. Getting out of a marriage takes the form of either death or divorce and most people find these transitions to be challenging as learning experiences. If you have ever had children, or know people who have had children, or were a child at some point of your life, you recognize that only in the movies or on TV do you ever escape with the experience of families in the “living happily ever after” fictional account of human lives. There is always “DRAMA!” No exceptions… Even if you pretend to not care or to not notice.

I am not trying to discourage you from living your life and seeking fun and Joy. Go for it! And, consider that we have come here into our current lives for the “test” of being human. (Perhaps, I should say that we are living in human form to “test” out the wisdom we have acquired.) Honestly, Life is a Shit Show and we would do best to Bless it. Life is filled with “Miracles” and amazing adventures. Life in the Heavenly higher Dimensions is wonderful but “boring” without the tests and the limitations we experience in human form.

You are Amazing! Thank you for being you and for choosing to come into human life to be challenged. (There again, using the word “challenged” yet again…) Please remember to be aware and conscious so you can share your learned wisdom with other pilgrims. Your guides, your ancestors, and all Divine Beings are rooting for you and supporting you as you follow your life’s path. And, no matter how “bad” a life experience appears to be judged, there is much to learn and to take away from this experience.

P.S. Life is a Shit Show is a very dramatic, attention getting series of words. Many people live lives that are much more secure and settled than the people who are suffering in this world. It is perspective and opinion which would define the real depth of what a “shit show” would look like. Your perspective and your opinion is the only one which matters. You are the one living in your life. And, many of us do not acknowledge the truly good or the absolutely difficult occurrences in our lives. Denial is useful. Over statement of our happinesses and successes is not uncommon. As you strive for the highest levels of consciousness, you can find balance and equanimity in either extreme and then live the life which offers you the very best path. You have a choice on how YOU respond to every interaction and experience. No matter what seems to happen in this life YOU are perfect and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. And, you have a choice so if you are not satisfied then change things up.

Do you like seeing horror movies? Many people find these escapes from their realities as entertaining. Many people like riding on roller coasters which are exciting and seemingly dangerous. Like skiing off the top of an icy mountain, these “thrill rides” are enjoyable partially because you have to be focused on the present moment to survive. In our daily lives, our minds can wonder off into the complexities while dealing with past and future concerns. Our human brains do not often enjoy staying in the “present.” In “real life,” you may consider the human challenges as a “shit show” or you may find the challenges exciting and the “test” of your wisdom that they are, from a conscious perspective. Please, strive for increasing consciousness in yourself and those you interact with.

You have read this far. Thank you for hanging in there. Though life can be difficult and a real challenge, take some time and energy to consider that life is a Miracle. Living is amazing! And, when your consciousness allows, know that you are Perfect. The Divine Spirit is manifested in every cell of your incredible body. No matter where you choose to tread, look for the Joy and all the Miracles which surround you. And, thank you for being you.
You are Loved!

In the Afternoon of My Life

Maybe it is the Late Afternoon of my life. Soon I will be entering the Eighth decade of my life. Quite frankly, I never thought I’d be around this long. It never occurred to me to consider this aging process and what my role as an elder is all about. For me, on the inside, I still consider myself to be young. At least younger than that stranger looking back at me in the mirror.

My friend, in his 50’s, Rodger, told me that “we are in the “afternoon” of our lives,” it caused me to pause and consider these words. Then, as if to correct himself he added, “Or, perhaps, we are are in the “late afternoon” of our lives…” to better include my current level of ancientness. And Yes, this did add entertainment to my consideration of this dilemma. Ok, when do you hit “evening” or late night TV of your life?

Question: Do I want to be old? NO! Do I want to act my age? NO! Do I want to even consider decrepitude? NO, NO, NO! Do I accept myself and the process of aging? With a struggle, Yes and, not really…

AND, what’s my role in this drama? I am a father. I am a grandfather. I am a brother, a lover, a friend, a mensch, a clown, a writer, a teacher, and a healer. And, I am so much more. None of these labels are adequate to define my role. I am a human living in privilege living in North America who occasionally struggles with cultural expectation of who I am and where I am “supposed” to be at this later stage of this life… (Societal expectations based on what culture suggests has never been my strong suit. I have always felt like I am “outsider” looking in and, with pride, in my oppositional opinions and actions…)

Do I care about the future? Well, yes, but differently than I expected. My youthful optimism is reduced, mostly due to waning energy levels. I have always been impatient with life, and still am… From my current perspective, I appreciate the miracles and blessings of life much differently, and with more reverence, than I did in earlier decades. Most of the time I view people, and our shared encounters, looking for the beauties and the good things rather than in negative judgement of an insecure younger me looking to pretend that I am better than… Translation: now, I look more often for a beauty or acknowledge a skill rather than looking to find a weakness or flaw in the people I interact with.

So what does it mean to be in the “late afternoon” of my current incarnation. The days seem to be getting a bit shorter. My energy is drawing inward. I am not cut off from my world but my view is less unbridled than in earlier times. Taking on larger, time and energy, consuming projects seems to be lowered in priority for me. I may not get to learning those new languages or learning to play new musical instruments, which I have put off for many decades. I may even shelve going to medical school which was a very high priority for me when I was 15 years old. Though, I will make time to view more Sunsets and perhaps to taste some good wines.

My life has been filled with Guidance and protection. There are still important challenges and missions for me. There are times when I feel like I am “winding down” and there are times when I rationalize that I am actually using my energies more efficiently. Either way, I proceed through this life with Wonderment and Beginner’s Mind when I choose to be most present. My request to you, as you have read this far, is find Joy and laughter every day of your life. Add the perspective that your life, all life, is a Miracle and you are blessed when you can share your experience with other pilgrims you meet along your way.

If circumstance appears and asks you if YOU want to return for another lifetime in a human form, you may say “No, I do not want to return.” For life is “hard” and full of drama and you may consider that “you” deserve a “rest.” I have considered this option and heard other people’s answers. The Dalai Lama when asked this question responded by saying that he “hopes” he can return and continue to be of service. He is highly evolved and perhaps he is “done” with human incarnations. If you do NOT want to return for more lives and experiences of service, then, almost certainly you WILL have to return for the challenges of additional incarnations… Worry not, for all incarnations are simultaneous and there is no linear time in the higher dimensions (from where we have come.) Just keep breathing and being present. Allow your meditations to offer you guidance…

AND, every day consider your purpose in your current incarnation. Looking deep into this circumstance, I feel certain that you will “know” that you are here to serve! Share your stories and the wisdom you have gained, or are struggling to gain. The people you bump into are both your students and your teachers. We all share life experience to support each other in developing our consciousness. and, we are all in this (life) together…

Dance like no one is watching! Live like this will be your very last day… No regrets, you are perfect and so accept those flaws and imperfections which make you unique…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Late Summer Sweetness

It’s getting to be late summer in the Pacific Northwest. As the days are beginning to grow shorter it is also time to find the ripening berries. It is time to pick the ripened raspberries and blackberries. In my life, it is getting to be the late summer and fall of this incarnation for me. It is time to pick The ripened berries of my life. Their sweetness and my wisdom gained from all of my years is now time to share.

I do not look for the future with the optimism of youth. I look much more into the present moment rather than looking into the what is possible and what could be. Though I am aware of lessons learned from my past, I attempt to mitigate the anxiety from most past trauma in ways to see the present without the filters born from past difficult learnings. I find Gratitude for all the lessons… Past Joys and Sorrows can be equally Blessed.

These days with less judgment, I enjoy the sweetness of my life and of the world that surrounds me. It is a time to reflect on lessons learned, even with sour taste or the bitterness of certain life challenges. It is time to find the joy in working through the lessons that I have experienced and the things that I have accomplished. Not every ripe looking berry picked is sweet. The Joy which can be found in sour life experiences can find sweetness as shared wisdom.

There are times when I have to put my head down and walk into the breeze which my day presents. It is refreshing and yet requires extra effort to weather any storm or any headwind that I may encounter. It is also time for me to share value from my lessons in a way that may save some of the time and energy for the witnesses of these conversations. In sharing, I am acting in service from the perspective of my current incarnation. As a possible guide or beacon, my learnings may light the way and offer perspective to those souls I am lucky enough to connect with.

Without the metaphors, this past Wednesday, August 19th, I celebrated what would have been my 36th wedding anniversary. My bride passed into her next life over 8 years ago but the sweetness and the joy of our lives together still vibrates within me. The difficult lessons We learned, I learned, are ever present and awaiting any appropriate chance to share, with gratitude, my memories and learnings. That is what life masters attempt to offer when appropriate. I no longer need to force my grief on others. I can share when the time is correct for a soul whose life buzzes close to what I encountered. The richness of learning from difficulties can be of service and give me a sense of value… (In sharing I also find perspective and value in my “old” story.)

It is not that I do not care about the future. The future of the world. The future of my children and family. It is that I am not as attached to the outcomes. I am not living with the expectations that the world is going to be easier or better. My lessons have taught me that the struggles have been the most valuable thing in my learning. And it is time to acknowledge that everyone must work through their difficulties as these are the lessons that they have come to learn from in this life.

It has come time to acknowledge that if I were to die today, I would have no regrets. I have found a level of acceptance of myself and of the accomplishments that I have made which allow me to find peace. One of the goals in life is to learn about oneself. To develop deep self knowledge. And to find a way of accepting even the flaws I may find as tools for mastering or changing my life and then living in the most positive ways.

Living your life is a miracle. It is a treasure. But to be too attached or anxious about your life seems to me to be an unwise use of time and energy. Self-love and self acceptance seem so important to me as I near the end of my seventh decade. There are adventures and appreciations in life yet to be AND I honor all that has been presented to me along my way…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

There Are Times In Your Life

There are times in your life when you need to pay attention! There are times in your life when you can easily find happiness and joy. And, there are times in your life when you have to look very deeply to find the “Joy” when you can easily judge this life event as challenging and even painful.

When you were young, you would look at certain events and embrace the expectation of impending happiness. You might look forward to your birthday or to Christmas or to Summer vacation expecting the fun and the happiness of what would come. Perhaps there was a graduation or a certain trip which would trigger expectations of happiness. Perhaps, a “knowing” that a certain gift was coming and your joyful anticipation left you excited and full of happiness. Certainly, there have been major transitions on your calendar which created assumptions of joyful happiness like: family gatherings, weddings, births of your children, and anniversaries of your treasured relationships.

Happiness is different than Joy! Happiness is an emotional response. What triggers happiness is often superficial compared to what might trigger Joy. Joy is the deepest level of celebration in the soul.

There is always a flip side. Not to be viewed or assumed to be dark or negative but major events that challenge you. These events challenge you to find the “Joy,” though maybe bittersweet, in the transition you find yourself. Highly conscious people will search for, and find, the “Joy” in even the most difficult life situation. Consideration of the Joy in the unfortunate times is more than a simple art form, it is critical in learning from the arduous life experiences we survive.

Yes, there is a flip side to most every life experience. Lonely Birthday’s or Birthday’s celebrated late in life can be bittersweet. Reflecting back on the more innocent early times can be a reflection of what constantly changes in our lives. Christmas or holiday times when missing a loved one can be filled with pressured expectations of the happiness which may be more difficult to achieve. As we age, Summer vacations may be more a test for us as we control our anxiety and work to control some of the negative expectations which may haunt us. Even weddings and anniversaries can cause us to pause and reflect on what has changed in our innocence and the way we view our past youthful naivety.

However, even the most difficult life experiences can be viewed with the discovery of “Joy.” Even in the vacuum created by the loss of relationships or even the death of a life partner or friend, you can find the life message that grows out of these challenges and celebrate this difficult lesson for the “Joy” that can come. The appreciation of life and the memories of past experiences are given perspective which can become “teaching moments” and so wisdom to share. Your purpose in coming to this life is to learn and to grow and to serve other souls you meet along the way. If you have survived a challenging time, even of great loss of relationship, there is a message to share. AND, you are here, in this life, to share your wisdom born out the drama you have survived. Find the “Joy” in every moment, even the seemingly “darker” moments and you walk the path of consciousness and “Enlightenment.”

An example from my life… After marriage of nearly 28 years, my life partner transitioned after living with her terminal Ovarian cancer diagnosis for 8+ years. Difficult times for us, our families, our children, and our friends. I would NOT wish this experience on anyone. I would not trade this experience, in retrospect, for some other possible fantasy ending. My wife and I became so much closer. Our love was tested and not only survived, but grew. My lessons as the “survivor” have changed my life and my appreciation of living, and dying. The wisdoms I was forced to learn have been shared with many people AND these acts of service have created a burning light which leads the way for many other souls who have been touched by our story. This is the JOY which is born from life’s challenges. This is the Joy you must seek from the difficult experiences you are surviving.

These challenges are the times in Your life that are there to teach you. By expanding your consciousness and learning, you can find your Joy in sharing your hard earned wisdom…

Do not get me wrong, every moment, yes, every moment is Joyful! You have to sometimes work a bit harder to find the meaning and the Joy in the lesson you are learning. Finding the Joy in the more difficult dramas is the act of Enlightened Living. It is time to “Wake UP!”

May the Blessings of Insights in Consciousness blossom most freely for you and find ways of manifesting in your sweet lives! (A message from Guidance.)

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Joy in Life’s Challenges

Have you ever set a difficult challenge for yourself and celebrated when you accomplished your goal? Perhaps you wanted to run a 10K footrace. Or, you wanted to lose 20 lbs. Or, you want to master a piece of music and perform it for an audience. What if you set a very difficult challenge and you did NOT succeed or meet your goal? Was the effort and attempting to push your limits worthwhile and a “stretch” which made this effort worth your time and energy? Testing yourself and attempting to “stretch” your limitations is often the most important learning you can have. Life, yes your life, is full of challenges which can ask you to “stretch” and can feel difficult, even painful. The most painful challenges are often the most satisfying when you can achieve your goal. Even when you fail, you can learn, and grow, a lot.

Living can have its painful lessons. We can find the lessons useful and these can broaden our confidence or experience, at the very least. The challenge is to find “Joy” in each experience, even the most difficult. Life is about taking risks and “Stretching” ourselves. Safely sitting on the couch doing familiar activities does not create the learning experiences which can move us forward. When we learn and “grow” we have more to share and stories which, when shared, makes our lives more interesting. Sure, the successes may be more fun to retell but the difficult experiences can have great, if not greater, value to our witnesses. (Perhaps of what NOT to do…)

Everyday is a miracle! You can wake up in a mundane life and have the possibility of stretching yourself and having a most unusual experience or learning opportunity. Look for the Joy in each day, each moment, each interaction so you can celebrate at the end of your day and bask in these treasures at the end of this life. No regrets, live each day…

Pain is something that happens in living. Your “suffering” is optional and your creation. You CAN make the best of any, and every, difficult situation. You can find the Joy in each experience and celebrate the learning and growth you can find in life’s experiences, particularly in life’s challenges. One personal example, after 19 years of marriage, my wife, and my life’s partner, was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. Though I would NOT wish this on anyone, our experience for 8.5 years made us closer and taught me so many important lessons that I cherish these days. It had traumatic moments and incredibly loving moments. The experience made us closer. When my wife finally transitioned from our life together, I discovered a void that I could not have ever known before and learned valuable information which I share when the situation presents itself. My ability to serve has increased tremendously.

I challenge YOU to find the Joy in each experience you are lucky enough to experience. Ask each experience and each interaction, what have I come here to learn and how can I be of service to others from the message I have received?

You are a Miracle! You are a Unique Blessing! Thank you for being you and traveling this path to higher consciousness!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Life is a Journey. Go Do It!

Reminder: Life is a Journey! Life is an adventure. You learn more from the challenges or by following the path less traveled. If Life was easy, it would NOT hold the important lessons which we came here to learn! If you want to sit on your comfortable couch and watch the world go by on your TV (or YouTube,) you are NOT getting the benefit of living the adventures which reward you with stories and experiences which “light you up.” Sure sitting on your couch is comfortable and you can find excuses for not heading out to challenge yourself, but then you have to be responsible for the regrets and the “What if’s” that you could have done during your life. Get off the couch and Go Do Your Life!

Fear of the unknown will create excuses for not doing your life. You are meant to overcome your insecurity, your anxiety, your depression, and your friends/family’s naysaying. Reach down, find your fortitude. Test yourself! Have an adventure which becomes a story you can share rather than an excuse for not living your life. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for being! Your “Dreams” are worth chasing, whether you succeed or whether these become life lessons which make you stronger and more valuable. Yes, then you must share your story. Do not whine or hold the pain too long (and this is tricky ’cause you get to have some attention or sympathy if the path was difficult BUT you have to move on and get ready for your continuing lessons. Just do not stuck in your “drama.”)

BTW. Who ever said that Life was supposed to be easy and fun, misjudged the deeper purpose of living as a human being. Struggle and suffering is also off base. It is challenging to find meaning and joy in difficult experiences but this is closer to our purpose in growing in consciousness towards an “Enlightened” self-realization. Thanks again to my mentor, Paula Forget, for reminding me of these concepts which I have found my words to describe…

Look for Life Adventures. Try not to hide from or avoid the challenges and lessons which make life worth living. And, Find Joy in every interaction and experience ’cause they are ALL there for a purpose, to serve your learning and development! Yup, even the difficult ones. Especially, the difficult ones!

You are a Miracle! You are a Unique Blessing! Thank you for being you and traveling this path to higher consciousness!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Struggles of Life: Coming Into This World

Being born and thriving in the world is full of struggles and challenges. It is this challenge that is our purpose for incarnating. Struggles come with the territory of manifesting in Human Form. We have enough consciousness to make physical and emotional survival an interesting process. Born helpless, we rely on parents or adults to feed us and to teach us how to survive. As babies, we offer these caretakers the opportunity to give unconditionally to a tiny human with the hope that this child will survive long enough to enter their own period of adulthood. (Though, sadly the unconditional love piece is often missing… And, surviving to adulthood is NOT guaranteed.) This set of struggles to be born, to be raised, and to participate in our life’s lessons is what life, as a human incarnation, is about. We are often conscious enough to know the challenges and lessons as we are caught up in them. Young parents adapt their lives to accommodate their babies (hopefully.) The parents are tired and emotionally tested. Sometimes they wonder why they chose to have children enter their lives and to distract them from other life issues. Most parents will eventually love and appreciate the struggles of their babies and perhaps all of the other souls who participate in this challenge called life (on Earth.) It is never without drama. It is never done error free. It is a learning and balancing act. The bond of the relationships in families is often forged as one of the strongest emotional bonds we humans can experience and we can pay the emotional price when a family member transitions from life (dies.) Coming into the world always ends with a transition out of the current worldly existence. This is a certainty we can not elude or change…
Love and appreciate all days and moments, and the souls you bump into.

The miracle of birth and of the growth of the physical and emotional being is always surprising. The joyful good times are fun and the pain of life traumas are scars which all concerned bear and must learn from. We all have our scars and life’s travails are so very important. We are all born unique and as our lives develop we have our individualized lessons. The goal is to be as conscious as possible and to share the wisdom we develop from life’s experiences. We are here to learn and to share. We are here to Love and to support the fellow pilgrims we meet. If you “circle the wagons” and keep from sharing your story, you may miss some golden opportunities to grow by teaching what you have learned from your struggles.

Life as a human is not supposed to be easy as in a fairy tale. Yet, when we come closer to enlightenment, we might find joy in even the most difficult challenges we confront. A wise friend of mine reminds me often of the great honor it is to live and to work through the struggles we negotiate along the way. Every moment is a blessing, if we allow ourselves to view the event from a spiritual perspective… AND, that is a Big If…

Find Joy! Live in Joy! You are a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit! YOU, like all life on this Earth, are a MIRACLE!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at