No Stress in the World

Wait a minute… The world seems full of stress. Why would anyone say there is NO stress in the world? In 1981 I wrote the book, Guide to Stress Reduction, which is still a download from Amazon in its latest edited version… It was written to serve. It was written to offer many stress management techniques you can learn/experience to manage your body’s response to life. Obviously, I am going to get wealthy from this advertisement BUT I will NOT hold my breath on this expectation. BUT, this is NOT what this blog post is about. As you look around, do you see any stress? Or, do you feel any stress? You are certainly free to see and feel all the world stress you want…

This sounds like gibberish and if you do not have any spiritual consciousness IT IS! First fact, the things in life you care the most about but you can not control, can cause you to experience the most stress. From a human perspective this is true. From a spiritual perspective where you remember that your soul is perfect and a part of the Divine Spirit, you can “care” about “things” but not necessarily get caught in the human emotional dilemma of stress. Why you may ask? Because everything is “Perfect” in the Higher Realms. You are perfect. Every human event is “perfect” as a challenge you can learn from even if your human body experiences human emotional or physical pain. In a higher spiritual perspective, human lives are filled with awesome experiences for testing your learned wisdoms. In reading Viktor Frankl’s famous book, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Dr. Frankl explores the traumatic human life experience of a World War II Nazi prison camp and reflects on a “learning” which came to him from this experience to become a learning moment for all humanity. By human definition, his experience was terrible! From a higher spiritual perspective it was perfect and a learning which has raised the consciousness of millions of other humans.


The opposite of Love is Fear. You can choose Love or learn your human lessons living with Fear. Humans often, maybe usually, choose Fear because this is the “Drama” we have chosen to live within as humans on our Earth plane. We love drama. Our media plays off our Fears to hold our attention. Our politicians plays off our Fears to hold our attention to get us to vote for these power seekers. Our advertising of products and services plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to sell us stuff. Our religions plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to keep us donating to their cultish religious institutions. This list goes on… FEAR generates our emotional response called stress… With less power given to fear, we can change perspective on what many humans consider to be stressful. Heck, death is not even the enemy from the higher spiritual perspective and THAT is what humans find, at the core, as the most fearful (and stressful) of concepts. Why, because the human mind and ego die and do not go to the higher realms as easily as our perfect souls…

Being most “Present,” or said differently, “in the moment,” can help you manage your stress. If you can have the perspective of not being stuck in past traumas or dramas, life will be more a positive adventure. If past fears stick with you like PTSD, you may hold past emotional and maybe physical pain which will skew you enjoyment of the perfect moment you are living. Easier said than done. And, many of us love to play the “victim” to the past so we can have excuses or share our past pain with other people we bump into. This a great way to teach others what not to do in moving forward with life. Also, if we get caught up in the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the future, we stress in this fear. Human three dimensional thinking forces us into linear thinking where we believe that past and future exist… Higher consciousness tells us that only the “present moment” exists but our primitive human minds can not be as expansive to know the fun as we can do in the Higher Realms. This makes adventure travel in human incarnations most interesting. (And, finding “Joy” in each moment, each experience, is a goal when seeking Spiritual Consciousness…)

This brings us to the next tip… Do not take life and stress too seriously. Again the fear of death plays into our human consciousness when we consider our human lives are actually serious… Our souls are enjoying all the human dramas we create and uses these to learn and grow. Or, we are here to assist other souls in their pilgrimage of spiritual growth. Every interaction we have is designed to be a “learning” experience for all the souls involved. So, treat every interaction as if you were interacting with God, because you are. Yes, even the soul you see in the mirror. Also, remember that we are all in this together. An example from my life, when my wife passed away from Ovarian cancer in 2012 it was a very difficult experience for me and my family. AND, I learned so much and have shared the story many times for the perspective and enhancements other souls can have from our shared experience. (My experience of loss and grief has been a helpful, and common, thread for all of us to share.)

This leads to the final tip for this blog… Look for the Joy and the Wisdom to share from every human life experience. Yes, even from the dark and difficult experiences. Perhaps, even the most from the dark times. Yes, find the Joy and the Wisdom from human painful times and assists others who can raise their consciousness by hearing about your perspective in traveling through the darker times… Be the Light in the darkness of human despair as you serve by guiding others from your sharing your wisdoms.

Death and stress are NOT the enemy. These are things to consider and to move through in your human lives. Do not miss any opportunity to learn and to grow in consciousness. Avoid falling into the trap of avoiding the special moments because you have created fear. What is the worst that can happen???

There is No Stress in our world but the stress you want to perceive for your own challenges. It is a matter of perspective.

You are a Miracle!
You are the Perfect Soul standing before me radiating Divine Unconditional Love like the Sun sharing its light and energy in its life giving way.

PS… If you want debate the fear of dying with me, then do your homework and read the accounts from Near Death Experience survivors. You may resonate with their change of attitudes regarding death and of living after their NDE’s. Perspective of this message will change your life, if you allow yourself to release the drama of this fear…

Weddings Make Me Wonder

This month, August, 2022, there is a wedding in my family to attend and to wonder about… I do not wonder about the relationship between my older son and his fiancĂ©. They are a decent match and both will benefit from getting married and having each other in their lives. What makes me wonder is before and during weddings is there any real consideration of the future for these relationships. Now, do not get me wrong, marriage is a good and necessary thing for couples in our culture. There is the legal bonding. There are financial benefits. There is the official acknowledgement of their loving relationship. There is the focused celebration with family and friends. There are the wedding gifts and the thank you notes. There is the planning and expense which some people enjoy… There are plenty of good reasons in the present moment to join in a documented relationship…

My wondering comes from my personal experience of marriage. I married my Bride, Barbara, in August of 1984 in Santa Rosa California. We were married in the backyard of a person I knew who offered a beautiful setting for us and the family and friends who could attend. It was hot. It was a lovely memory filled event with interesting and weird stories. We were committed to each other and remained committed until my Bride left her human form in January of 2012. We shared love, parenting, travel, financial challenges, lifestyle changes, health challenges, all in ways I would not trade. But, I never stopped to consider the end game. No consideration before or during our wedding. No real consideration for many years during our marriage. In the last 8 years of our marriage, after we received a “terminal cancer” diagnosis did the “end game” face any scrutiny.

Now, after my Bride left our relationship and I was left alone to consider our marriage, I was confronted by some clear and undeniable facts. No regrets for me, for the record… There are only two ways out of a marriage and these are often not well considered except by the super rich who sign pre-marital agreements to protect their money. AND, this is NOT what I am speaking about… I am considering the natural facts that marriages end in only one of two ways and neither are the enjoyable ways that people look forward to experiencing. There is divorce and there is death. In my opinion, these both seem grim. The death of my wife was a unique experience for me. I had never lost a marriage partner of 28 years and of a relationship of nearly 35 years. It has been my only marriage so I am not really familiar with what divorce offers as a personal learning experience but it has been reported by many people I know to be difficult and often necessary.

Which is why I wonder… should people about to be married consider the “end game?” Probably not! Going in to this relationship fully committed, “for better or worse, until death do they part…” My experience is NOT unique. Every married person lives, or dies, with some level of understanding as they move through the “end game.” Being naive has always seemed to help me, right up until I am confronted by the wisdom I must consider on the back end of my life’s experiences. That is what living our human lives is all about…

And, thank you for baring with me as I vent from my personal, experience driven, wonderment. Life is NOT meant to be a walk in the park or a “they lived happily ever after” reality. The discomfort in losing a person you have loved is an amazing opportunity to discover an empathy to the human condition which can give you wisdom to share. (In many cases this appears as bitterness, anger, or in negative terms, but it really is a unique learning opportunity.) My perspective on marriage and losing my Bride has been shared many times and has offered many people a chance to have a perspective which is often left unspoken in our culture. Do NOT miss any opportunity to share your love with the people you encounter, especially the people most dear… You never know what path your futures will take AND sharing Love is one of the most important things we have come to our human lives to do…

Also, these thoughts are NOT unique to marriage but that is on a front burner for me in these August days of 2022. My Bride will find a way to attend the wedding of her eldest, dear son. And, her loving memory will burn bright in the hearts and minds of her sons, her family, and all who have loved Barbara. Bless YOU on your travels through this human life. YOU are a miracle who has come to mix it up in the drama called human life. In my consideration, do not miss your opportunities to live most fully and to increase your consciousness regarding “Life” with every opportunity you stumble upon or choose to pursue.

Share your Love and your Light as much as you can…

How Deep the River

As you consider your current human life, have you considered your purpose and your relevance? These are important questions to ask. These questions show that you are considering the direction you are moving in your life and your life’s connection to the larger humanity. When your day to day struggles distract you from your true purpose you are not “failing” as a human in the Divine Universe, you are being tested by the human dramas which we have come to our lives to test our wisdom and our consciousness. One important realization which can come, at some point, is that we are ALL swimming in the River of Life. Yes, this is a metaphor though on a hot day you may wish to be swimming, or least walking barefoot, in the cool waters of the local source of life giving water. The River of Life carries our souls as if our souls were a molecule of water (H2O) from the start of our human lives to the ultimate end point of our human deaths. Along the way you are swirling in the waters with all the other souls and lifeforms.

In a meditation when I was 23 years old, I was gifted, by guidance, the image of me as a molecule of water flowing down the River of Life. The waters were golden. In that brief moment, I felt the “connection” with all other souls and lifeforms. My “Oneness” created an overwhelming feeling of Joy and the consideration that I am Not Alone! My emotions brought tears of Joy to my eyes. As I live my life, I bump into all sorts of souls and experiences which are available for me to learn from and to enjoy. Human life is enjoyable, at least from the perspective of the Divine Spirit. We all ultimately flow down the river until we rejoin the ocean which is a metaphor for the Universal Divine. We can then choose to return, to another life, to test our wisdom and consciousness in a knew life.

You know that the oceans of the Earth can be very deep. They can be warm and light in the shallows or they can be dark and cold in the depths. All parts of the ocean are life sustaining for life on Earth. All are important, in their own unique ways.

Now consider your current incarnation and consider the depth you enjoy as you flow through your present life. Are you “Knowing” your deeper purpose and full connection with all other lifeforms? Are you bobbing along on the surface of the River of Life simply enjoying the flow of the current and caressing the rocks and obstacles you encounter? Are you most fully “Present” or just floating on the surface getting caught in the eddies as you flow downstream? And, How Deep is the River? Are you willing to swim to the bottom to help carve the channel of the this River of Life. There is no “right” answer but there is your developing consciousness to consider.

Thank you for being a soul to share this cycle of life as we flow together down the River of Life. YOU are a Miracle!


Living as a human in our human world is a Miracle! You may not be fully conscious regarding the reason you are in your human life but there is a very complex reason and your human life is Perfect! We live our human lives with primitive 3 dimensional, ego-driven thinking. This fills our human lives with drama as we stumble about in our chosen incarnations. We get caught in being human and so we can miss the bigger perspective of 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness. This is the way it is supposed to be. If we were living as a human as a soul in the higher dimensions then we would not have to take our human limitations so seriously. (We would miss out on all the human drama and the lessons which go along with being human.) We would have acceptance and equanimity regarding the challenges we face on the human plane…

We are Perfect! We are so much more than our human minds can conceive of and understand. Life is a Miracle! Life is Amazing! In our human lives we are bumping up against challenges to learn from and to test our “learned” consciousness. When we actually stumble into higher consciousness, we have a higher perspective on what living as a human is all about. We are here to test our wisdom and to be of service to the other souls we bump into. These other souls are actually “us” in seemingly other forms (lives.) Yes, no matter who we interact with on the human plane in our human lives, we are dancing with ourselves in larger scheme of higher consciousness. So, we can be aware of this and ignore it or deny it or jump right in and attempt to be of service…

In the consciousness of the higher dimensions, we “know” that there is no such thing as death. Our spirits transition into other forms, perhaps into other human lives… There is no such thing as Time. Time is a construct of our human, “limited” consciousness, in an attempt to create something which does not exist, a linear representation for our 3 dimensional minds to attempt to grasp a human understanding of life on the Earth plane. In the higher dimensions we “know” that we are playing out multiple lives simultaneously. We are learning and testing our wisdom and expanding our consciousness in every moment, even if our human consciousness is in denial regarding these multiple, simultaneous realities. (Hey, even I am getting confused as I share these metaphysical concepts…)

Life, “What a concept,” and very complex. Life is perfect! We are not alone, ever… We are a part of the much larger Universal Divinity and Consciousness. Our limited human understanding is a testing ground for us. There are no accidents. Each moment offers a new challenge to expand our consciousness within. We are constantly expanding even if we re-experience our lessons in similar experiences and get to test our expanding conscious wisdom, even if this is an unconscious process (to our human minds). Gratitude and appreciation are higher levels of consciousness which we are moving toward as our human dramas play out. And, it makes this somewhat easier when we “know” that Death is NOT the enemy. If you want to explore this concept, consider reading or listen to or discussing experiences which Near Death Survivors have to present. This is a gift to raise our human consciousness.

A goal would be to never take our lives for granted but also do not take ourselves too seriously. In Spirit YOU are perfect! In Spirit, you are powerful! You are an important part of the larger Divine Spirit. And, YOU are here to serve! Yes, even if your service is to muddy the water and seemingly obstruct other human lives. Sometimes, “old Souls” come into human form for brief periods of human time to offer lessons to incarnated souls. These may include “short” lives which end in tragedy for the learning experience of other developing forms of human consciousness (other people.) As a human, we must learn and appreciate even the difficult challenges we encounter. After your human life survives a difficult challenge, you can be a role model of a “victim” or some other more conscious human form… No matter what, YOU are amazing! Thank you for being you! Thank you for choosing to incarnate and to serve on the human plane. (There are many Souls/Spirits who know we are Heroes for choosing to “show up” and play our roles as an incarnated human.)

You are Loved! You are a Blessing!

PS… Each Human baby who is born, is a Miracle! They are Amazing and Perfect! They are here to serve and to teach the humans they interact with. Even if they are incarnated for only a brief amount of human time, they have lived their purpose and they are manifested angels. They have chosen to incarnate and to mix it up with human drama and are appreciated for the efforts they have made. Honor and Love all Life Forms. Honor and Love every miraculous manifestation you encounter of the human plane. (If you were to stop and to consider every object is a miracle and a Divine manifestation…)

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: If you have not read many of these blog articles before, these are often coming up from intuition (“Guidance”) and seem to find form as a request from higher sources. Some body is supposed to be exposed to this string of words and thoughts to trigger some form of learning. Maybe that some body is YOU! No matter what, please continue growing in consciousness and sharing your story as a service to the people you bump into along your path… Thank you for being YOU!

Life is a Sh-t Show and…

Pretty dramatic to get your attention. And, Yes, you can put lipstick on a pig… but, it is still a pig… Personally, I do not have anything against pigs and I think that they may have a less desirable view in some people’s minds. In fact, pigs are perfect. A creation of the Divine Spirit who serve a purpose in the greater scheme of things but in my culture, they seem to be dirty bottom feeders. Hey, that could be said for many humans who walk the planet Earth with an inflated belief that somehow they are “better” than a pig… But, that is not what this posting is about.

You can strive to make life seem joy filled and fun. I believe that one of our main purposes in living as humans is to be aware and to look for the Joy in EVERY situation we encounter. There is Joy to be found in even the darkest of challenges and under the largest rocks which may seem to block your path through life. The most painful life experiences can teach the most important lessons and, if we are most fully conscious, we can find ways to share the wisdom we learn from these possibly troubling times, even if what we can share is what NOT to do. Many people walk around with the “life is wonderful” filter on the way they look at life’s travails. Bless them! Some people use the “life is a pain filled shit show” filter as they move through even the most lovely events. Bless Them!

There are peaceful souls who constantly look for Peace in our world. Bless them! There are anxious, angry, depressed people who manage to only consider the limitations in their lives. Bless Them! Every way you view the people and situations you encounter, attempt to remember that we are ALL Perfect and children of the Divine Spirit. We came to our lives with the agreement that we would mix it up in the Adventure Travel experience call human life in a limited 3 dimensional world. Why? Because this is where our experiences lie. We come to test our Divine Wisdom and to assist the people we come into contact with to move through their lessons and challenges. Even if we disagree with another person (or worse…,) they are here to challenge us and we are here to serve them and their learning. (Wow, I am using the word “challenges” a lot…)

Life is NOT easy or always fun. If you seek constant Joy then this may be an unattainable expectation if you hold this belief. (Unless, you are fully ascended master walking the Earth in mortal form. If so, then this posting will make “perfect” sense to you and you will accept it fully.) Think about your life. It has been a series of challenges. Some people would think you are a hero or saint for just surviving the life you have lived. And, some of us do not survive our life’s experiences for one reason or another and everyone who has known these shorter lived folks has lessons to learn about being fragile in human form. Even the most joyful days like getting married or giving birth or even graduating from school has difficult lessons to experience over the horizon. As an example, there are only two ways to get out of a marriage and we do not often fully consider these on our wedding days. Yes, you guessed it. Getting out of a marriage takes the form of either death or divorce and most people find these transitions to be challenging as learning experiences. If you have ever had children, or know people who have had children, or were a child at some point of your life, you recognize that only in the movies or on TV do you ever escape with the experience of families in the “living happily ever after” fictional account of human lives. There is always “DRAMA!” No exceptions… Even if you pretend to not care or to not notice.

I am not trying to discourage you from living your life and seeking fun and Joy. Go for it! And, consider that we have come here into our current lives for the “test” of being human. (Perhaps, I should say that we are living in human form to “test” out the wisdom we have acquired.) Honestly, Life is a Shit Show and we would do best to Bless it. Life is filled with “Miracles” and amazing adventures. Life in the Heavenly higher Dimensions is wonderful but “boring” without the tests and the limitations we experience in human form.

You are Amazing! Thank you for being you and for choosing to come into human life to be challenged. (There again, using the word “challenged” yet again…) Please remember to be aware and conscious so you can share your learned wisdom with other pilgrims. Your guides, your ancestors, and all Divine Beings are rooting for you and supporting you as you follow your life’s path. And, no matter how “bad” a life experience appears to be judged, there is much to learn and to take away from this experience.

P.S. Life is a Shit Show is a very dramatic, attention getting series of words. Many people live lives that are much more secure and settled than the people who are suffering in this world. It is perspective and opinion which would define the real depth of what a “shit show” would look like. Your perspective and your opinion is the only one which matters. You are the one living in your life. And, many of us do not acknowledge the truly good or the absolutely difficult occurrences in our lives. Denial is useful. Over statement of our happinesses and successes is not uncommon. As you strive for the highest levels of consciousness, you can find balance and equanimity in either extreme and then live the life which offers you the very best path. You have a choice on how YOU respond to every interaction and experience. No matter what seems to happen in this life YOU are perfect and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. And, you have a choice so if you are not satisfied then change things up.

Do you like seeing horror movies? Many people find these escapes from their realities as entertaining. Many people like riding on roller coasters which are exciting and seemingly dangerous. Like skiing off the top of an icy mountain, these “thrill rides” are enjoyable partially because you have to be focused on the present moment to survive. In our daily lives, our minds can wonder off into the complexities while dealing with past and future concerns. Our human brains do not often enjoy staying in the “present.” In “real life,” you may consider the human challenges as a “shit show” or you may find the challenges exciting and the “test” of your wisdom that they are, from a conscious perspective. Please, strive for increasing consciousness in yourself and those you interact with.

You have read this far. Thank you for hanging in there. Though life can be difficult and a real challenge, take some time and energy to consider that life is a Miracle. Living is amazing! And, when your consciousness allows, know that you are Perfect. The Divine Spirit is manifested in every cell of your incredible body. No matter where you choose to tread, look for the Joy and all the Miracles which surround you. And, thank you for being you.
You are Loved!

Releasing My Connection

There comes a time when when you might become aware that you are not needing to be as connected to your human life as you have been earlier in your current incarnation. I am not talking about “giving up” on life. I am speaking about not being so tightly bound to living in your current human body.

I have been told that the Dalai Lama has a daily practice which he does 7 times per day. It is a meditation practice of being most aware as he transitions out of his current life. Being most fully aware at death seems to be a goal for high level Buddhists and something that they strive to achieve. I am not sure why or have any details, but the source of this information is someone I trust. Before you can prepare fully for high level awareness at death, you first have to: eliminate your fear of dying, be present, and be prepared to let go of your human life to be able to freely rejoin the Divine Spirit. (These are my thoughts.)

Many people have some consciousness regarding their approaching life transition. Some people go into fear or denial. Some people might look forward to this experience with an openness that seems highly conscious, to me. It is an inevitable transition and being conscious and perhaps better prepared seems like a good idea. Anyhow, it dawned on me the other day that my recent lack of “grounding” may be a kind of preparation for an end of life transition. Since I am over 70 years of age and I do not look to be an overly old, older person, this may be a bit of a wake up call. I am not sure I want to rehearse my conscious dying 7 times a day like de Dalai Lama but I may want to consider my mortality in an expanded light. Some people set longevity as a goal and want to live past 100 years. I am not one of these longevity goal setters. There is some longevity running in my family. My Father was 85 and my mother was almost 94 when they transitioned. Both these ages seem long enough, perhaps, even longer than I have in my mind for myself.

No matter what your thoughts are on this topic, I challenge you to live your passion and leave your current life without any regrets about the “could of’s” and “should of’s” in your life. Life is short so do not wait too long to do what you really want to do. A great life, to me, would have “No Regrets” when considering all of what your life has included and all that has been possible. And, take responsibility. You have choices and YOU make these decisions regarding how you live your life. When you came to your crossroads, you made your choice to follow the path which you headed down. Enjoy your life and find Joy everyday. Laugh out loud and love without limits or expectations. Find a way to serve your fellow travelers. And, keep your heart open to guidance and the Divine Spirit. When your time comes… go towards the light and the Unconditional Love of the Universal Divine. If you do not feel clear about what this is, consider reading several, if not many, accounts of NDE’s (Near Death Survivors.) Determine what “Feels” right for you in these various accounts. (Not your head (thoughts) but your Heart (Feelings.)) Live in the Wonderment of the amazing life you came here to experience.

You can also read another July, 2021 blog posting “When I Die” you can get a bit more background information. Perspective on Living and Legacy.

For your consideration, be aware of your personal expectations. I am not a fan of expectations and living with expectations laid on you externally or from your need to please someone else seems, to me, to be a dangerous minefield. For me, connecting with your inner guidance for what feels best for you seems a better choice. Then, take responsibility for whatever choice you have made.

Also I add, when someone seems too young to leave their lives, it may seem unfair or wrong in some way. Consider this possible perspective… These short-lived individuals may be “Old Souls” who came into this incarnation with the “agreement” to only be here, in their incarnation, for a relatively short amount of human time. But, Why? Possibly to assist in creating a learning opportunity for other humans who are helped on their path by experiencing the loss/death of this young individual. The brutal emotional lesson can jar those people involved in the lesson of human mortality, appreciating life, and even finding the Joy in a difficult, dark human experience. Personally, my life has been jarred and learning has happened when the lives of people I know seem to been “cut short.” Life is short. Live fully and find Joy…

Thank you for your time and consideration. You are Amazing. YOU are a Miracle! And, You are Blessed! You share the Light of Unconditional Love with All souls and You are an important piece of whole Divine Consciousness.

When I Die

When I Die, life will go on. My human life is important AND completely unimportant. When I Die, Life for some other humans will be changed and their lives will adapt to my human departure. Some people will take notice of my human transition more than most other people. But, will there be a lasting human legacy, foundationaly, laid while I lived this human life? And, does my legacy even matter? No, not really. We come to our lives, live our best, and move on beyond the human plane. BUT, how you/I choose to live does matter. We are role models. We have an important role in the drama of human life. And, everyone we interact with in our brief human lives has been changed, or their path was altered (slightly,) by our passing energy field. Some interactions cause change more than others. But, Divine Consciousness tells me, ALL are needed…

Live in vigilance regarding the “passing” role you fill in every soul you touch. Take responsibility for the possible altering of lives your existence can provide. Yes, you never really know your impact. (Few of us will become aware of the long term changes made by your interaction.) Yes, you would do well to live in integrity and be responsible for your interactions. And, you can not control the response of the people you interact with but you can do your very best…

When I Die, I will be in a “Better Place.” I “know” this. It is more than a mental opinion. This “knowing” of this comes from personal life experiences, research and reading of other people’s NDE’s, and a strong gut feeling when considering possible scenarios of post life transitioning. This knowing helps to drop the fear of death/dying and the fear of living most fully. This knowing also contributes to the belief that living is all about gaining human experiences, interacting with other souls, and contributing, where possible, to the advancement of consciousness within human relationships. Giving unconditionally your love and sharing wisdom, from life experience and your remembering of Divine Wisdom, is a huge part of what we came into our lives to offer. So, living authentically and with pureness of unconditional giving/sharing is our lasting legacy as role models. (Give without expectations…)

When I Die, there will be a void for some humans to fill or to learn from. This is unavoidable even if you have lived a solitary existence of low or non-contact. My friends and loved ones will learn to live their lives without me, in human form, and find wisdom from this learning. If my spiritual wish is fulfilled, they will share their experiences and new wisdoms. Perhaps they will become leaders or teachers or mentors to other souls that they bump into on their pilgrimage through their human lives. Perhaps, consciousness will be raised by their sharing of their perspectives. The cycle of life continues. The River of Life will continue to flow. And, Life lessons will continue to create the wisdom of life in the limitations of 3 dimensional thinking which creates our human dramas in the adventure travel called being a human.

I share these thoughts or knowings for your perspective. How do you feel about these words and the beliefs attached? I have no control of your reactions but these thoughts will trigger some agreement or argument. You must find YOUR own way through your human drama including your own death transition or the loss of people you care about.

We are all gonna die some day at the end of our current human lives. We can not avoid this. AND, this is not our enemy. A secret to Enlightenment is to live in Joy most fully. Be grateful for every day, for every experience (even the difficult ones,) and for every interaction. If you can find your way into being “present” and to not be stuck in your past or too anxious about your future, you will find the best ways to live in Joy. Consider that you NOT live for your legacy but live your life in integrity. Your spiritual legacy will take care of itself. Where possible extend Love.

Life is a Miracle! You are perfect, even with your self-perceived imperfections. (And, it does NOT matter what other people, with their expectations, think about your perfection.) Be authentic in your living. Follow your heart. Develop and then trust your intuition. AND, share your story as an important lesson/experience with the souls you touch. You are Loved!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

This blog was written after being “triggered” by the mortality of friends and family. Included is this ever increasing list is: the recent celebration of Life for our Grandma Nellie, my friend and mentor, Don Ley, and the health struggles of a wise mentor, Amari Magdalena. Certainly others have contributed including my Bride, Barbara. My own mortality is always in play and the new status of being a Grandpa contributes to my considerations.
“The Game is Afoot…” as has been said of many a human drama.

On My Own Terms

Almost everyone would like some control or a lot of control over their lives. We have choices regarding many things which can come forward in our human incarnations. Sometimes things seem to happen that we could not control but chances are we had some role in choosing part or all of the circumstances we may have seemed to stumble into. If we take responsibility for our lives and our choices, we have a better chance of learning or experiencing what we came “here,” into this incarnation, to experience. This will include how we choose to transition out of this incarnation. Boy, did I just piss some people off… This is an emotional issue on many levels.

Leaving this life on my own “fully conscious” terms is a possibility and would be powerful to consider. One example, in our state, if you have a terminal diagnosis and two doctors will sign off on the situation, stating that you have less than 6 months to live, you can get medication so you have a choice to end your own life on your own terms. In my mind this is NOT an act of a coward but of courage. We are all going to pass-on and transition out of our current lives. Dying most consciously in a controlled environment, at a selected time, seems like a good option for some people. Other people have other opinions which are different from mine and they are entitled to their opinions but choices and options are good to consider and can add value to how YOU choose to live, and die.

Most people consider what the “end of life” experience will be like…??? Many people have fear regarding the “unknown” circumstances of transitioning. It is one of the most important experiences we have and full consideration is an important part of the process of living most consciously. What do YOU want to have happen? Do YOU want some measure of control or, at least, consider that you have some control? AND, if you want something to work with as a possible transition, consider reading stories or speaking with people who have had NDE’s (Near Death Experiences, like in “Life After Life” by Raymond Moody or Ken Ring’s work on research with NDE folks. There are many published stories, YouTube videos and recorded audios with people who have had NDE’s.)

More fully, not only consider how you choose to leave this life but are YOU living most fully on your terms? And, if not, why not? It is YOUR Life! These questions and considerations are more important and more difficult than how you want your morning expresso to be made. Yes, I know how important your morning coffee beverage is but these other considerations seem bigger with longer lasting effects. Living and then dying on your own terms is worthy of your time and energy. Look at all your options AND do not always take the most convenient path, the conventional thinking, or what other people want you to do. Your life is YOUR life and YOU are responsible. You must live with your choices and decisions. I have been told that the Dalia Lama is rigorous in practicing being fully conscious at death by using a 7 times daily practice of an exercise to be Present and alert as he transitions from this life. My understanding is that it is a Buddhist’s goal to be conscious and to learn the most possible in end-of-life transitioning. (Also, when interviewed about whether he would like to return again to a human incarnation, his answer was that he hopes he can come back again to continue to be of “service” which is unlike many enlightenment seekers who want to never return to incarnations and spend eternity at some “higher level”…??? Whatever that looks like…)

Most Importantly, LIVE every moment. Find the Joy and the Miracles in every moment you possibly can because you and your life are amazing and full of miraculous experiences. Every moment is precious. If you are working on being most conscious, you can celebrate the learnings which are happening in every second of your current life. This is the “Testing Grounds” for the wisdom you are learning and the Divine Wisdom (and Guidance) you are remembering and bringing into this incarnation. Your Life and Your Living is a Beacon of inspiration for the people you touch in this life. You can be a positive influence just by role-modeling being fully present and your searching for the wisdom and joy which can be found in every life experience. Yes, even in the most difficult of your life’s challenges…

Some people need to be reminded that death is not going a vacation. Though the higher realms are attractive and Divine unconditional love is wonderful to experience, however, the travels of your path through life is the real goal. This is the experience of testing out found wisdom and learning important lessons from life with the limitations of human 3 dimensional existence. The end goal of the final transition is not really what your life is about or your true goal in your current incarnation. (And, you have free will to argue with me about this, if you have read this far.) Your true purpose is to learn, to grow, and serve fellow travelers by sharing love and joy.

YOU are a Blessing. You may have more of a choice than you realize so living in vigilance and less as a victim of circumstance is a great attitude to spend time within. AND, Thank You for Being You!

Life is a Miracle! Seek the Joy in every moment you have…

When You Have the Opportunity

Do not miss the chance of a lifetime! When you have the opportunity to sit with a friend or relative who is transitioning out of their current incarnation, do it. Please do not miss out on what is possible for your “learning.” It seems like such a difficult time. Most of us learn important lessons from the “hard” challenges. Often the most important learnings we can find about living are found by participating in the moments before, during and immediately after witnessing a soul transitioning from human life. Wow, this really makes you think. Of course, you can find other ways to appreciate living. Life is short and fragile. Wake up and find Joy each and every moment. Yes, I am asking you to do something difficult and to overcome your personal fear/anxiety regarding the process of dying…

What is the last act of service your friend or family member can offer to you? They allow you to share their final transition. They receive your love and attention but they are creating an experience for YOU which will change your life. The doors to Divine Consciousness are thrown open. You are basking naked in spirit! Your heart is filled with an uneasy compassion. You must learn to continue without your friend or family member. You must consider your own mortality. Heaven is watching you. You get to attempt to provide unconditional love and support, and, this is your huge challenge, the unconditional part. Your friend or family is preparing to be transitioned into a “better place” and you are asked to continue your drama in human form with a void created by their transition. (Often we request that our loved one or friend would “stay” but this is often a selfish request. We might fear change but our loved one may need to “move on” on their path. And, we may need to learn to “let go”…)

Most people are uncomfortable or afraid to participate because this seems foreign to their experience. In our culture (in the USA,) death and dying are hidden away in sterile professional settings. In generations past, we used to have our loved ones laid out and dying in the “parlor” (at home) but an industry has grown up in our society to white wash this experience. This has built up our “unknown” to an experience and a reaction that is fairly common… dying at the end of life is quite common. It is natural. There is much to learn from the experience of sitting with your friend or family member as they find their way into the higher realms. And, remember death and dying are NOT the enemy. This is a transition from human incarnation back into the higher realms of the Divine spirit.

So, face your fears. Reach out for the perspective of the struggle to live and the inescapable situation of end-of-life transitions. To better prepare yourself, look for the stories and videos of Near Death Survivors (NDE’ers). Or, have one of your own… This puts your life into perspective. You are an actor in the drama you call your life but as my friend and mentor, Don Ley, says, “You are so much GREATER than you allow yourself to know…” You and your spirit are perfect and powerful! You are a human form of the Divine Spirit. You are a Miracle!

Many people label death as bad or a loss. Many people have fear and anxiety because their ego/mind fights to survive and is left behind when you join the higher realms. (But, the ego/mind will be fine…) The anxiety of the unknown, which is unknown to the ego/mind, is common but YOU can help. Even in your personal grief, allow your friend/family member to be present by slowly breathing. Ask that they breathe in unconditional golden white light through their crown chakra. When they begin to calm down, remind them that they are Loved. Remind them that they will be OK and to gently head into the “Light.” Tell them that you will be OK and that your love will not be forgotten. Even in your grief your comforting Love will assist them in “Letting Go” and moving up back into the Higher Realms… (Thank you, YOU are a Blessing!) And, I have learned 3 times that they may wait until YOU leave the room to transition because your loving energy may keep them in the room. (This is not a way of avoiding you. It is a way of your loved one showing you their love for you.)

In my own life experience, I have been through the passing of my parents and my wife of 27 years (to cancer.) I would not wish these losses upon anyone but they were very important learnings for me. From these experiences, I have gained valuable information to share and this has been a service which has been requested of me. Life is a Miracle! Living can be brutal. Supporting a person in this transition can be an important test. And finding the Joy and Wisdom from seemingly “dark” human interactions demonstrates the highest levels of consciousness. (BTW: the “darkness” is really most an issue for those of us who are left behind, dealing with a “void,” and we who are left behind do not get to rejoin the higher realms… Until it is our time to transition…)

A Resource: An Interview with my friend and Mentor, Don Ley, regarding his NDE (Near Death Experience.) YouTube link at:

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

When Someone Dies Do You Bless Them

When someone close to you transitions out of their current Earth born lives do you bless them? Can you find Joy in their release from their Earthly Lives? This can be a very different way to celebrate in the “passing” of someone who you have cared about. So let me ask you again, can you find happiness for the soul who has headed into the Divine? We, who are “left” behind, have our grief and our loss to deal with. We have our mortality and our fears to consider. We have to find a way to the fill the void of our significant relationship’s absence. The unknown of life beyond our human existence can be a scary consideration unless you have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) or some form of an “Awakening” which allows you to know the undefinable freedom and unconditional love available in the Divine.

There have been moments since my wife transitioned (died, past away… from Ovarian Cancer) when I have even felt some envy because she is free and “in a better place” and I am still “stuck” in my earthly life. Stuck is not the correct word but I have had feelings of the possible relief one may feel when the limitations of the body and three dimensional living are “left behind.” When I was 19 years old, young, naive, and innocent, I was guided to have an experience of life beyond our normal human lives. Let’s call it Death. It was beautiful. I felt Unconditional Love, Acceptance, Freedom (no limitations of “time” and 3 dimensional space,) Access to Universal Wisdom, and Connection/Oneness. For me, at the time, I did not want to return to my body. I wanted to stay and to be enveloped in the Divine Spirit’s love and consciousness BUT (I was told) “it was NOT your Time” to know death for “there is still much for you to do.” So I grudgingly returned to my body and my life. That experience from long ago has not diminished in my awareness for the beauty and freedom so briefly “known.” Or, was it a knowledge or wisdom simply “remembered?…”

A part of me celebrates for the person’s soul/spirit when they “transition.” I know the pain and the vacuum created by the “loss” of a loved one or dear friend. But, these human sadnesses are born out of my selfish need for that lost source of love, friendship, or support. I must fill that void and move on with my loving memories of the departed relationship. (Easier said than done…) Normally, I do not chase envy or my own selfishness, so my seemingly inappropriate celebration for the transitioned spirit may seem less than the “normal” response. I do not want to take away from someone else emotional pain or to diminish their human need to feel their own sadness. We all must learn from our losses and the challenges these present mentally and emotionally. My hope is that we can move beyond our fear of death so we may live more consciously in the joy of life.

Sadness and grief are important learning experiences which humans are born to have. We can become more empathetic. Our consciousness grows from our humanness. We learn more about human Love when a source of human love is taken from us. And, the death of a “loved one” is one of the most important experiences we can have. Our sadness and grief are ours to create and to learn from. Appreciate all life and recognize the fragile miracle of life on our planet.

Everyone of us is unique and necessary. The birth of a new soul into our human life is a joy. The struggles in our lives is where we learn and test our divine learnings. Our final transitions from our human lives are a piece of the cycle of life and can be celebrated for the amazing experience which leads to higher consciousness and to our connection, without human limitations, to the Divine.

Different cultures are also unique and have different/unique traditions to honoring the final transition we all face. In my opinion, when we transition we all find our way to the Divine Spirit. And, if you have anxiety about this unknown which prevents you from most fully living, consider doing your research. Speak to a NDE survivor. Read or watch YouTube presentations from a variety of NDE survivors. If you find some resonance with these shared experiences it may lead you to remembering what this experience of transitioning from a human life is or what it can be…

(Note: I was questioned about the “why” and the “fairness” when a younger person or a child dies. I am not certain of all the specific reasons or value for this specific difficult situation, however, some wise, older souls may choose to “reincarnate” for a shorter lifetimes for the intense lessons of the people whom they come into contact with in their Earth born lives. They provide a “service” to those people who are left behind to deal with this challenging loss… Consider this and perhaps this may open doors for your consideration. I hope this does not create new painful emotional responses for you in your loss…)

Finally, when you are not too emotionally triggered by a loss of a loved one, consider the perspective that they are free and in the protection of the Divine Spirit. Perhaps, you can even celebrate and not be consumed by the fear or anxiety of the mortality we all face.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at