Is There Malevolence in Our Universe Or Just Fear?

Yes, I am pondering this afternoon if evil exists or do we just succumb to fear based thinking? Right now, as I write, my “gut” tells me that evil and malevolence in our Universe is constructed from human thinking and fear, and not really what the Divine Consciousness has had in mind. Yes, there is plenty of learning when dealing with a human drama with fear generating large amounts of distraction. And, I am not saying that everyone walks around without unintentionally or even, intentionally, avoiding thoughts and actions which are negative for other humans they interact with. Question, was Hitler evil? I know his actions, behaviors and thinking were very destructive and painful. Without defending his indefensible activities, was there some larger purpose and “agreement” for his behavior that somehow was a teaching tool for humankind? Wow, that set a lot of readers off in a reaction that included “F’ck You, and the horse you rode in on…” Sorry, for this difficult train of thought.

How can you even consider forgiving an unforgivable series of actions? How can you “write a note” for someone who engages in heinous activities? Well, I do not forgive intentional negative actions which end up hurting or killing other people. These perpetrators should take responsibility for the damage done and not get away with these offenses like our leaders and politicians seem to do on a regular basis. But, the original question remains, is our Universe swarming with evil, malevolent creatures intentionally fighting with the “forces of Good?” Good vs Evil, Black & White, Us vs Them, or are “All Events Neutral”…???

A Universe where Evil exists and fights for control with Good may seem possible, but again, my feelings prevail and I do not have a belief that evil like this really exists… Wars, battles, violence, destruction happen. The Victor will write the history of these events and defend their violence against violence as “the Good.” (Perspective is everything when it comes to who is “right”/correct in a fight.) If we are all connected and a part of one larger Universal Consciousness, how can we understand and be fully conscious regarding the dichotomy of Good vs Evil because then we would all be equally Evil in our souls. The Divine does not define imperfections or mistakes as bad. We can learn from every experience even when we bump up against a seemingly negative person or mistake. Death is NOT the enemy.

In our human lives we have a survival mechanism which prepares us for life and death struggles, even when we are not in life or death struggles. Our ego wants to protect us, and itself, from any and everything which may (or may not) threaten us (meaning our lives.) The ego creates fearful responses and many of us habituate living in anxiety and fear. Fear can lead us into “us against them” mentalities and “bad” stuff can (and does) happen in interactions. Is this evil? Not really, but it is very low level consciousness. Primitive survival instincts have a purpose but humans trigger these through weird projections of poorly researched ideas and alarmists in our media dominated culture. Lies are common. Half-baked ideas are common. Empathy, awareness, and higher consciousness are great goals but not fully realized. Malevolence is a human mental construct and NOT what the Divine Spirit has in mind for us as a high level of consciousness. It is a learning tool. Or, an experience provider, but not at the core of what your higher spirits have as a long term plan. And, no one said that life is fair or that we are promised if we do “good” we will be rewarded by “living happily ever-after.” Our “soul’s contract” when we come into our human incarnation almost never includes that life as a human is going to be easy, constantly joy filled, or without painful life lessons. If it were this easy, we would not have the adventure travel that makes being a human so interesting.

And, the Hitlers in our human history were not usually malevolent babies when they were born. Their souls are perfect even if their human behaviors later in their lives turned out to be an abomination. And, humans have had many of these opportunities to learn from dictators and sadistic leaders but, to date, we have NOT figured it out yet. We have not used our intelligence and technology to determine how best to get along and to protect our home planet from human behaviors that are destroying our habitats. We will learn and become conscious or we will become extinct, and then life can try again to live on our miracle called Earth. So, stupidity, slow learning, anxiety, and fear are abundant but, in my belief, malevolence is not the foundation of our spiritual lesson as humans.

One additional political comment. Good and Evil as defined by a religion or political organization are often created for the control of their disciples. “Us against them” mentality pitting one organization, religion, philosophy, political organization or Cult against another. Humans, of lower consciousness, love to take sides and to feel superior to other peoples even though we are not and we are really equal. Control through fear and shame exists because our low level of consciousness allows it. It is part of our human drama. I am sorry that dictators are allowed to stir people into violence against our equal human partners and this is one of the serious lessons we have come to learn in our incarnations… (It gives me no pleasure to report how low in consciousness humans, in general, continue to be…) Do Not be unconscious and follow a philosophy dictated to you which is aiming against Unconditional Love!

At some point in your development of consciousness, you will realize or remember or feel how perfect you are! You are so much more than your human mind can comprehend. From the “higher realms” our primitive human lives are not judged but are felt to be adventures in consciousness development with the limitations of our 3 dimensional human minds. One of our goals is to find joy in every human experience, even the ones which seem pain filled to our human lives, these are available to us for the lessons which these can provide us.

YOU are Loved! YOU are a Miracle! And, you are connected to all of the Divine Spirit with an essential role to play.

PS. You may not fully understand these thoughts and feelings. Or, you may disagree. You may prefer to believe that anger, fear, and hatred are the natural order and correctly define humans better than we are “created in God’s image” thinking… Fear is common and we can relate to the human reactions to the ego viewing the unknown with closed mind debilitation. Or, you can be open minded and work your way through the fears of the unknown future which awaits us and rests beyond the miracles of the present moment…
NO MATTER WHAT… at the end of your human drama in this life, you will be in your highest conscious form and hang out in the the higher realms without human limitations.

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