No Stress in the World

Wait a minute… The world seems full of stress. Why would anyone say there is NO stress in the world? In 1981 I wrote the book, Guide to Stress Reduction, which is still a download from Amazon in its latest edited version… It was written to serve. It was written to offer many stress management techniques you can learn/experience to manage your body’s response to life. Obviously, I am going to get wealthy from this advertisement BUT I will NOT hold my breath on this expectation. BUT, this is NOT what this blog post is about. As you look around, do you see any stress? Or, do you feel any stress? You are certainly free to see and feel all the world stress you want…

This sounds like gibberish and if you do not have any spiritual consciousness IT IS! First fact, the things in life you care the most about but you can not control, can cause you to experience the most stress. From a human perspective this is true. From a spiritual perspective where you remember that your soul is perfect and a part of the Divine Spirit, you can “care” about “things” but not necessarily get caught in the human emotional dilemma of stress. Why you may ask? Because everything is “Perfect” in the Higher Realms. You are perfect. Every human event is “perfect” as a challenge you can learn from even if your human body experiences human emotional or physical pain. In a higher spiritual perspective, human lives are filled with awesome experiences for testing your learned wisdoms. In reading Viktor Frankl’s famous book, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Dr. Frankl explores the traumatic human life experience of a World War II Nazi prison camp and reflects on a “learning” which came to him from this experience to become a learning moment for all humanity. By human definition, his experience was terrible! From a higher spiritual perspective it was perfect and a learning which has raised the consciousness of millions of other humans.


The opposite of Love is Fear. You can choose Love or learn your human lessons living with Fear. Humans often, maybe usually, choose Fear because this is the “Drama” we have chosen to live within as humans on our Earth plane. We love drama. Our media plays off our Fears to hold our attention. Our politicians plays off our Fears to hold our attention to get us to vote for these power seekers. Our advertising of products and services plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to sell us stuff. Our religions plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to keep us donating to their cultish religious institutions. This list goes on… FEAR generates our emotional response called stress… With less power given to fear, we can change perspective on what many humans consider to be stressful. Heck, death is not even the enemy from the higher spiritual perspective and THAT is what humans find, at the core, as the most fearful (and stressful) of concepts. Why, because the human mind and ego die and do not go to the higher realms as easily as our perfect souls…

Being most “Present,” or said differently, “in the moment,” can help you manage your stress. If you can have the perspective of not being stuck in past traumas or dramas, life will be more a positive adventure. If past fears stick with you like PTSD, you may hold past emotional and maybe physical pain which will skew you enjoyment of the perfect moment you are living. Easier said than done. And, many of us love to play the “victim” to the past so we can have excuses or share our past pain with other people we bump into. This a great way to teach others what not to do in moving forward with life. Also, if we get caught up in the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the future, we stress in this fear. Human three dimensional thinking forces us into linear thinking where we believe that past and future exist… Higher consciousness tells us that only the “present moment” exists but our primitive human minds can not be as expansive to know the fun as we can do in the Higher Realms. This makes adventure travel in human incarnations most interesting. (And, finding “Joy” in each moment, each experience, is a goal when seeking Spiritual Consciousness…)

This brings us to the next tip… Do not take life and stress too seriously. Again the fear of death plays into our human consciousness when we consider our human lives are actually serious… Our souls are enjoying all the human dramas we create and uses these to learn and grow. Or, we are here to assist other souls in their pilgrimage of spiritual growth. Every interaction we have is designed to be a “learning” experience for all the souls involved. So, treat every interaction as if you were interacting with God, because you are. Yes, even the soul you see in the mirror. Also, remember that we are all in this together. An example from my life, when my wife passed away from Ovarian cancer in 2012 it was a very difficult experience for me and my family. AND, I learned so much and have shared the story many times for the perspective and enhancements other souls can have from our shared experience. (My experience of loss and grief has been a helpful, and common, thread for all of us to share.)

This leads to the final tip for this blog… Look for the Joy and the Wisdom to share from every human life experience. Yes, even from the dark and difficult experiences. Perhaps, even the most from the dark times. Yes, find the Joy and the Wisdom from human painful times and assists others who can raise their consciousness by hearing about your perspective in traveling through the darker times… Be the Light in the darkness of human despair as you serve by guiding others from your sharing your wisdoms.

Death and stress are NOT the enemy. These are things to consider and to move through in your human lives. Do not miss any opportunity to learn and to grow in consciousness. Avoid falling into the trap of avoiding the special moments because you have created fear. What is the worst that can happen???

There is No Stress in our world but the stress you want to perceive for your own challenges. It is a matter of perspective.

You are a Miracle!
You are the Perfect Soul standing before me radiating Divine Unconditional Love like the Sun sharing its light and energy in its life giving way.

PS… If you want debate the fear of dying with me, then do your homework and read the accounts from Near Death Experience survivors. You may resonate with their change of attitudes regarding death and of living after their NDE’s. Perspective of this message will change your life, if you allow yourself to release the drama of this fear…

What is “Really” Going On?

Once upon a timeā€¦ I imagined that I had “It” figured out… But, now, I am not so sure.

I wonder what is really going on…
There was once a time when it used to seem like I knew what was going on and now the more I know, the more I realize how little I understand what is really going on. Life spins and this roller coaster ride, though entertaining, does not seem to be as clear as my brain can handle. It takes living and experiencing many things to learn how little you know.

It is not that life is a mystery. (Which it is…) It is that our human minds cannot fully comprehend the full magnitude of what life is beyond the three dimensions. Yes, there is more than we can figure out with our linear minds when caught up in the limitations of space and time.

Sometimes I have a sense of peace when I can accept being “present” and not attempting to be “in control” of the uncontrollable life I am living in my human drama. For me, I simply observe in a nonjudgemental way. (Very occasionally.) I can attempt to remain in a state of Equanimity regarding the crisis’ and upheavals which human drama manifests. I look for a more simple pattern of appreciation and Gratitude for the “Miracles” which cross my vision (or other human senses…) BUT, (Big But,) most of the time I want to “understand” what I can not understand.

My mind and ego want to most fully understand and control every situation because these parts of me feel safer when I come up with an “understanding” and can pretend to be in control of the difficult life situations and interactions which I stumble into.

The “bottom line” is that every situation, every interaction, and every human drama is a perfect moment to test out my consciousness and my developing wisdom on the human plane of existence. When I can find amazement and joy with a “Beginners Mind” in these experiences, as a baby/toddler does when they begin to explore their world, then I might temper my fear and anxiety. Perhaps, I can even surrender into the moment to most fully appreciate how weird and wonderful being a human can be.

When I can elevate my perspective to a more broad view, I can find and then celebrate the human drama which I find myself within.

Beyond this incomprehensible conundrum, as we play our roles in our human dramas, PLEASE know that you are Loved. You are Perfect! YOU are a Miracle! Though other humans we bump into may not say it, YOU are NOT alone. YOU are an important piece of the Divine Spirit. Thank you for being you.

Is There Malevolence in Our Universe Or Just Fear?

Yes, I am pondering this afternoon if evil exists or do we just succumb to fear based thinking? Right now, as I write, my “gut” tells me that evil and malevolence in our Universe is constructed from human thinking and fear, and not really what the Divine Consciousness has had in mind. Yes, there is plenty of learning when dealing with a human drama with fear generating large amounts of distraction. And, I am not saying that everyone walks around without unintentionally or even, intentionally, avoiding thoughts and actions which are negative for other humans they interact with. Question, was Hitler evil? I know his actions, behaviors and thinking were very destructive and painful. Without defending his indefensible activities, was there some larger purpose and “agreement” for his behavior that somehow was a teaching tool for humankind? Wow, that set a lot of readers off in a reaction that included “F’ck You, and the horse you rode in on…” Sorry, for this difficult train of thought.

How can you even consider forgiving an unforgivable series of actions? How can you “write a note” for someone who engages in heinous activities? Well, I do not forgive intentional negative actions which end up hurting or killing other people. These perpetrators should take responsibility for the damage done and not get away with these offenses like our leaders and politicians seem to do on a regular basis. But, the original question remains, is our Universe swarming with evil, malevolent creatures intentionally fighting with the “forces of Good?” Good vs Evil, Black & White, Us vs Them, or are “All Events Neutral”…???

A Universe where Evil exists and fights for control with Good may seem possible, but again, my feelings prevail and I do not have a belief that evil like this really exists… Wars, battles, violence, destruction happen. The Victor will write the history of these events and defend their violence against violence as “the Good.” (Perspective is everything when it comes to who is “right”/correct in a fight.) If we are all connected and a part of one larger Universal Consciousness, how can we understand and be fully conscious regarding the dichotomy of Good vs Evil because then we would all be equally Evil in our souls. The Divine does not define imperfections or mistakes as bad. We can learn from every experience even when we bump up against a seemingly negative person or mistake. Death is NOT the enemy.

In our human lives we have a survival mechanism which prepares us for life and death struggles, even when we are not in life or death struggles. Our ego wants to protect us, and itself, from any and everything which may (or may not) threaten us (meaning our lives.) The ego creates fearful responses and many of us habituate living in anxiety and fear. Fear can lead us into “us against them” mentalities and “bad” stuff can (and does) happen in interactions. Is this evil? Not really, but it is very low level consciousness. Primitive survival instincts have a purpose but humans trigger these through weird projections of poorly researched ideas and alarmists in our media dominated culture. Lies are common. Half-baked ideas are common. Empathy, awareness, and higher consciousness are great goals but not fully realized. Malevolence is a human mental construct and NOT what the Divine Spirit has in mind for us as a high level of consciousness. It is a learning tool. Or, an experience provider, but not at the core of what your higher spirits have as a long term plan. And, no one said that life is fair or that we are promised if we do “good” we will be rewarded by “living happily ever-after.” Our “soul’s contract” when we come into our human incarnation almost never includes that life as a human is going to be easy, constantly joy filled, or without painful life lessons. If it were this easy, we would not have the adventure travel that makes being a human so interesting.

And, the Hitlers in our human history were not usually malevolent babies when they were born. Their souls are perfect even if their human behaviors later in their lives turned out to be an abomination. And, humans have had many of these opportunities to learn from dictators and sadistic leaders but, to date, we have NOT figured it out yet. We have not used our intelligence and technology to determine how best to get along and to protect our home planet from human behaviors that are destroying our habitats. We will learn and become conscious or we will become extinct, and then life can try again to live on our miracle called Earth. So, stupidity, slow learning, anxiety, and fear are abundant but, in my belief, malevolence is not the foundation of our spiritual lesson as humans.

One additional political comment. Good and Evil as defined by a religion or political organization are often created for the control of their disciples. “Us against them” mentality pitting one organization, religion, philosophy, political organization or Cult against another. Humans, of lower consciousness, love to take sides and to feel superior to other peoples even though we are not and we are really equal. Control through fear and shame exists because our low level of consciousness allows it. It is part of our human drama. I am sorry that dictators are allowed to stir people into violence against our equal human partners and this is one of the serious lessons we have come to learn in our incarnations… (It gives me no pleasure to report how low in consciousness humans, in general, continue to be…) Do Not be unconscious and follow a philosophy dictated to you which is aiming against Unconditional Love!

At some point in your development of consciousness, you will realize or remember or feel how perfect you are! You are so much more than your human mind can comprehend. From the “higher realms” our primitive human lives are not judged but are felt to be adventures in consciousness development with the limitations of our 3 dimensional human minds. One of our goals is to find joy in every human experience, even the ones which seem pain filled to our human lives, these are available to us for the lessons which these can provide us.

YOU are Loved! YOU are a Miracle! And, you are connected to all of the Divine Spirit with an essential role to play.

PS. You may not fully understand these thoughts and feelings. Or, you may disagree. You may prefer to believe that anger, fear, and hatred are the natural order and correctly define humans better than we are “created in God’s image” thinking… Fear is common and we can relate to the human reactions to the ego viewing the unknown with closed mind debilitation. Or, you can be open minded and work your way through the fears of the unknown future which awaits us and rests beyond the miracles of the present moment…
NO MATTER WHAT… at the end of your human drama in this life, you will be in your highest conscious form and hang out in the the higher realms without human limitations.

Dawning of the Age of Higher Consciousness

Happy New Year! Good bye to 2020 and looking to the Light for 2021…

As we transition from the year of “Torment” (2020) into the new year are we on the verge of the a New Age? Will this be the beginning of the New Consciousness or a further descent into separation and destruction of our home planet? Has the 2020 Pandemic offered us a chance to step back from cultural hedonism and conspicuous consumption or just a break from the headlong course over the ledge into mutual destruction? Will we learn from historical events regarding the decline of past civilizations or are we destined to follow the same path into a dangerous global decline? My hope is that we can remember the past human history and remember our Divine Spirit and so change course before we ruin our Earth irreparably.

Our leading cultures admire and seem to worship selfishness and individualism at the expense of the “greater good.” The power is driven by an economy (and the 1% of the population who control most of the wealth) which feeds excessively on natural resources and the servitude of a struggling working class which is an unsustainable situation. Greed of money and power is not the focus for a world growing in selfishness and is not healthy for our Global community. Future generations, if they survive, will look back on these very days as a moment of choice. These future cultures will either celebrate or demonize our cultures and leadership for the course of human civilization that is in the balance as we end the darkness of the year of 2020. Our Pandemic, our politics, our economy, and our consciousness will be revered as a positive time of growth and change or as the nail in the coffin of human civilization. Time will tell but our lessons will be critical for survival of life as we know it on Earth or as a “tear-down” and rebuilding era.

Metaphysical philosophers and Astrologers are suggesting the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The potential for positive redirection into a higher consciousness which can change the path of humanity. We are polarized and fighting for opposite values. These are exciting and interesting times. The travel brochures for spirits in the higher realms read, “See It (our Earth) Before Its Gone…” The “Adventure Travel” from the Higher Realms into human incarnation seems fraught with danger, excitement, and peril. But, this is nothing new for living on Earth. However, today at the end of 2020, we have the technology to either take the Earth down and allow the cockroaches to rule our planet for the next million years OR we can work together to build a more evolved civilization and consciousness. Historically, humans are headed for a horrendous apocalypse as a pattern which will lead to destruction of current civilizations. (example: remember the Roman Empire’s demise…) Oh well. Nice Try!

There is so much room for “learning” as incarnated humans. And, we tend to learn more from hard times so this will be a great opportunity for growth… It does not have to be so dark and we may find, and then follow, a path toward the Light. So, let’s jump on board and see where this train will take us. Keep your eyes, and minds, wide open. Support your fellow pilgrims as best you can because we all in this together, sink or swim… And, Love is a great option compared to fear.

Consider, loving support over greed. Consciousness over narrow polarized selfishness. Do Not buy in to conspiracy theories or we are digging a hole (do REAL research before you believe what you read on Social media even from “trusted” sources.) Giving rather than taking. Be the Light instead hiding in the shadows or basking in someone else’s light. Connecting with the Divine rather than living in the 3 dimensional ego driven mind. Remember your connection and oneness with all souls rather than building walls of separation (and hoarding wealth and power.) AND, most importantly, know and Love our planet Earth as the Miracle Jewel it is in our Universe.

My Mind writes these words and finds form for the Human drama that is playing out in our Earthly world. My heart feels a seemingly opposite sensation. My heart dances in the light of Joy “Knowing” and “Remembering” the Divinity beyond the travails of Human drama. This part of my human consciousness has access to the “what is possible” in being alive in these challenging times of human history. These words may help to rally the souls touched by these blogged thoughts and we can reach out to support each other to most gracefully learn from these challenges and raise all consciousness by doing so. I ask you to look for, and find, Joy each day you are blessed to live. Look especially deep into the moments which seem darkest to find the Light of these important lessons. (We came to the Earthly plane for the human dramas our lives create. We desire these opportunities to learn and to grow beyond our 3 dimensional limitations.) Express unconditional Love, more acceptance, less judgement, and remember our connection to the Divine Spirit and all souls…

We can do this! We can create the “Light” out of the seeming darkness which pervades our human existence. And, this means finding Joy in the blessings of our challenging learnings while releasing fear and mind created separation.

No matter where you are on your human journey, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Whose Lesson are YOU Learning From?

Recently, I chose to join a team supporting a friend who is battling with cancer. Have you ever participated in a community of support persons for a family member or friend dealing with a difficult disease? Chances are you have or have become familiar with such a support community. My question to you asks, was there an important lesson for you in your desire to serve as a supporter? In every interaction we share, there is much to learn especially if you are conscious and viewing these interactions with awareness.

So, I discovered, upon my reflecting upon my recent involvement, that my desire to support my friend is more complicated than I care or that I want to send some positive energy. My lesson is a multi-dimensional learning. It does feel good to participate in sending Love or possibly healing energy to my friend but I have had to stop and ask myself why. Why am I involved? Why is my friend sick? What is her lesson in this disease process? What is my lesson in participating in her disease challenge? What lessons, experiences, or information will present themselves so I can increase in value toward the people I bump into in my future? So, how does this expand me with a story to share? I “know” that every person touched by this health event has some purpose and some important lesson to take away.

Caring about my friend is the simple reason and a small part of the answer. My history includes a battle that my wife and I “fought” with cancer over 8 1/2 years and there are many important lessons learned from this past experience that now resurface and contribute to my purpose in involvement in this present supportive community. The “first” time through (with my wife’s illness,) fear and anxiety of the situation and the unknown were on the front burner for me. Now, I can serve as a more experienced supporter or even an elder in the current “fight.” This is NOT about my friends health challenge, it is a test for me born out my past traumatic experience and for the lessons learned. At a level of spiritually, one of my purposes is to see a bigger picture and ask questions which are bigger than simply dealing with symptoms, healing my friend, and the current disease.

Whose lesson is it, really? How is my friend’s condition serving as an important learning process for every one of us who have chosen to be involved? And, with this perspective in mind, how is my friend, consciously or unconsciously, in a broad way of huge service to this extended community of supporters and caregivers. I ask this because I wonder if we all are more consciously aware of the broader lessons, we can ALL find more Joy in the amazing gift of learning we are all participating within!!!???…

Can this drama in life be viewed with less anger, anxiety, depression, fear, and concern for the unknown future if we bear this positive learning in our awareness? Can this positive awareness then bear a positive impact upon the results of this health challenge? This may be too complicated to fully determine in these few thoughts and words. You are participating with your concern and YOU are Loved for your positive intentions and attention.

Finally, no matter the outcome, can we find Joy in the challenge we see unfolding? Are we free to celebrate the Divine Wisdom which is being gifted to us as we plod along in our human drama?

By the way, in my opinion, one of the greatest gifts you can “Give” to another person is the “Gift” of allowing them to give to you… (Not manipulating another person but requesting a sincere assistance.) This can warm the heart of both sides of this request and can create a bond for two pilgrims walking the path through life’s dramas. Create a healing story by giving and by receiving a gift…
Thank you to all the souls who have allowed me to be of service.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

End Game Perspective

Death is NOT the enemy! With that said, what is your end of life perspective? I find myself in my 70th year in this lifetime and I am guided to share some of my perspective from my life’s experience. 50 years ago, I was “gifted” with a life changing experience. As an immature, innocent and naive young man, I found my way into a room as a UCLA student on a student retreat weekend. The discussion was to be about a Kubler-Ross book “On Death and Dying” which had just come out that year. I had never thought about Death or Dying and had not read any books on spiritual philosophies regarding this topic. I was a clean slate and open minded… I was comfortable in my innocence with a “Guided Meditation” to find and to explore Death. No fears and no barriers to leaving my body for this exploration. In my mind, it was no big deal and I assumed that every one of the 25 students in the room would be experiencing something similar to me.

I was incorrect about this assumption. No Big Deal. I did what I was told. I relaxed. I got out of my body. I moved away from my body. AND, I went to explore Death. My guidance loved and protected me as I was “Guided” to what I thought was the halfway point to Death. In front of me was a dark horizon with a loving warmth radiating from over this horizon. No fear for me. In fact, the opposite was my experience. I was enveloped in a warm and unconditional Love. Words can not describe this sensation of heart based loving support, total acceptance, and a freedom from the limitations of time and space. It may have been only an instant but I recognized this as a familiar and common experience of consciousness beyond life on Earth. No Big Deal because this was familiar and everyone in the room was experiencing this same feeling.

This experience of 50 years ago is burned into my consciousness, like it just happened. I can not feel the unconditional love and warmth of acceptance, but I remember that for a fraction of a second I had felt this perfection and Joy. The “Oneness” and the access to all “Divine Wisdom” was also clear and experienced. Again, No Big Deal. When it was time to return to my body, I remember NOT wanting to return. I was ready to stay and maintain this glorious experience BUT I was “told” that I would have to return because “it was NOT your time and you had “things” to do in this life.” With resistance and disappointment, I grudgingly returned. No Big Deal!

When I found my way back and awakened from this experience, the group leader asked if anyone had something to report. Since I was one of the youngest students in the room I waited and looked around for someone else to speak up first. When no one else had anything to share, I raised my hand and told me story. No Big Deal! The guy in the front of the room listened and seemed to get excited. His eyes opened wide and he started to seem to start bouncing around in some level of excitement. It was then that I “knew” that this was a “Big Deal!” My life had been altered. With no fear of Death or anxiety regarding the end of life, I was free to live life more freely and consciously. Though it took many years and more gifted experiences to know how to speak about this, I have never let this experience fade from my consciousness. I remember the details like it just now happened.

This “remembering” has been used many times as a service to people I have bumped into in my life’s journey. (In hospice situations the retelling of this story offered peace and reduced anxiety for many individuals and their families.) It resonates strongly with stories I have been told or that I have read regarding NDE’s (Near Death Experiences.) At an IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) conference, I learned that I had had a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience.) If you want a link to a video of my story it is on YouTube at: L. John Mason’s Death Video

Why is this retelling of this story important to YOU? Perhaps you have had a similar experience or you resonate as you “remember” your experiences in this transition. Or, perhaps, you can benefit from the perspective of what is possible and what is over your horizon… What is radiating from over the horizon that you could be awaiting???

Today, I still have some lessons and “things to do” so I will wait for my “time” to call it a life. If it comes soon, I will have no regrets and little or no anxiety about this transition to the realms of the soul/spirit. YOU will find your own truth regarding the final transition which you will experience. Your perspective on YOUR EndGame is your personal journey and the blessing of your pilgrimage. The next time I am enveloped in the Unconditional Love of the Divine Spirit I will leap at the opportunity to Dance in the Light… And, I will know YOU there…

Every day, perhaps every moment, look for the Joy in the lesson you are learning from the challenge you are currently living. Yes, Joy in the most difficult, or even painful, lesson. You are a Master of your Journey. AND, You are Loved for being who you are! Live in Gratitude. Share Love freely and Unconditionally.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Too Overwhelmed to Act

Chances are if you found your way to this blog posting and have read it this far, you are an empathetic consciousness seeking soul. As I write in February, 2020, our culture is in major upheaval and in the three dimensional world we live, we are surrounded and pounded by “Drama.” Politics, world health, climate change, homelessness, crime, racism, sexism, and all forms of polarizing mayhem happen to us or at us, everyday. We can hide our heads in sand and live in a quiet prison of self-constructed oblivion or be “concerned” about what we are “supposed” to do to make the world a better place. We may not be Billionaires with unlimited resources of time and money and energy so we may feel inadequate… We may just feel empathetic and “overwhelmed.”

You can do nothing and pretend to be unattached to the current situation. You can choose to be paralyzed by your overwhelm and do nothing, feeling bad about this option. You can go “observer,” running on “equanimity,” where you are too mellow so that all you do is watch and stay uninvolved… Or, you can do something short of violence, getting arrested in protest, or running in circles… You can change the source of this discord by changing the energy which feeds this polarizing and anxiety producing mayhem.

Let’s back up. We can do something more than pray, set a positive intention, and smile ineffectively and unattached at the world condition. First, we can be “fully present” and in the moment. Not in fear of the future or living with some past fearful trauma. (Easier said than done, BUT doable.) Next, we can realize that we are all connected and in this together. Yes, even the people who trigger you. Especially, the people who push your buttons of anger and/or fear. We are all equal and a part of the Divine Spirit. We all have our roles to play in the Drama we have chosen, spiritually, to live within. To make a positive impact on the world condition we can do something. Even if we do not have time, or money, or even energy, we do have a way to serve and to change the “Energy” that drives the mayhem. So…

Consider calming yourself. Finding your way into the present moment. (Both of these require some practiced dedication…) AND, then start, slowly and easily to connect with the other souls you bump into. Start easy, with the checker in the grocery store or with the server pouring your coffee, or the ticket taker at the movie theater AND, being present and loving, make eye contact with them and remind them, “yes, Out Loud,” that they are a Miracle, or that they are Perfect, or they are Loved, or that they are Blessed… You can get good at doing this. It will not harm you or them. After you are good at this, you can now begin to share this with the “difficult” people in your life, like your family, or your boss at work, or with the objectionable political “jerk” (an unnecessary judgement) who thinks the other political candidate is correct…. Yes, even these people are connected in the Divine with your soul AND they are a Miracle even as they “push your buttons.”

Looking the homeless person in the eyes, connecting with them and their disabilities, and reminding them that they are Loved and a Blessing is how you can begin to change the energy of our world. One eyeball to eyeball connection at a time… This requires practice and dedication. You need to step out of your ego and your fear (or anxiety/anger) and do the “right thing.” Bless them for the lesson they can teach to you, IF you are willing to be open and to listen. Please, help to dissolve the fear and the anxiety which caused the separation. Please, allow your heart and positive intention to tear down the walls! You can do this. Even with few resources, YOU can be a shining beacon of Love and Light! You can BE the change you wish to see in the world!

Do NOT be Too Overwhelmed to Act! You can take these small steps to improve this world one connection at a time.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Jumping in to the River of Life

Are YOU ready for an Adventure? Well, whether you are ready or not, you have chosen to “Jump In!” Perhaps now, more than ever before, it is time to don your safety helmut (or not…) and feel the flow. Recently, I described my life at the start of the New Year, 2020, by describing the sense that I have jumped in to the “rapids of the River of Life!” Yup, I am swirling around and rushing down stream in the exciting life choices I have created. This is NOT just my situation. No, YOU are flailing away with me as we get swept down stream in an adventure of a lifetime.

If you read the most recent past blog, you might realize that the start of 2020 portends something a bit different. Guidance indicates that we are coming to the end of the period of life’s struggles and finding the beginning of the new age of Magic. Maybe it is not new, but a return to the Magic which our ancestors may have known. Technology has “masked” the magic and connections with the Divine Spirit, our hearts and souls. We have been drinking from the chalice of “rational thought” and ego driven lifestyle choices… You can argue with me about this but this is not the point of this channeled blog.

It is time to learn, or relearn, to flow with the currents. It is time to accept the consciousness and the guidance that is coming our way. These are exciting times. Times filled with expanded consciousness and spiritual growth. JUMP in and prepare for the ride of your life! (Fighting with the current is a great way to learn from painful and challenging lessons, but remember, it was YOUR choice to jump into these rapids.) You made the choice to come back to this human incarnation to experience the challenges of the three dimensional realms, and the limitations, of human existence. There is “Joy” to be found in these travails… As I said earlier, the next few months of the year 2020 seems to include an easing of the life tests we have been struggling to learn from. IF we begin to quiet our ego driven, conscious minds, we can sense and then feel the wisdom which guidance is providing. We can work to detach from the wild circus that our fear and anxiety driven lives have so substantially provided for us in the recent times.

If YOU choose, you can awaken to the magic. You can remember how powerful you are. You can bask in the Divine Wisdom which is found within our soul and Know Your Divinity! Remember that You are greater than your ego driven fears and insecurity allows you to believe. You are Amazing! You are a Miracle! To more fully Know your potential, you can quiet your mind through meditation, or peaceful music, or a gentle walk in nature, or slowing and quieting through massage or after love making and then connect with the “feelings” of your inner guidance.

Your adventure has picked up speed. The River of Life is flowing more rapidly. You can struggle or you can let go and flow… You can be swept along in the Magic with the assistance of your guidance and travel more quickly in the higher consciousness you have come to this life to seek. Relax and stay afloat as you careen through this new age and trust your inner child as it finds the fun and joy of the increased Magic! Your soul and spirit are light and buoyant as you navigate this amazing and beautiful life! The River of Life has smoothed many of the bumps along your way, but it helps to gracefully float closer to the surface…

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Life is a Journey. Go Do It!

Reminder: Life is a Journey! Life is an adventure. You learn more from the challenges or by following the path less traveled. If Life was easy, it would NOT hold the important lessons which we came here to learn! If you want to sit on your comfortable couch and watch the world go by on your TV (or YouTube,) you are NOT getting the benefit of living the adventures which reward you with stories and experiences which “light you up.” Sure sitting on your couch is comfortable and you can find excuses for not heading out to challenge yourself, but then you have to be responsible for the regrets and the “What if’s” that you could have done during your life. Get off the couch and Go Do Your Life!

Fear of the unknown will create excuses for not doing your life. You are meant to overcome your insecurity, your anxiety, your depression, and your friends/family’s naysaying. Reach down, find your fortitude. Test yourself! Have an adventure which becomes a story you can share rather than an excuse for not living your life. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for being! Your “Dreams” are worth chasing, whether you succeed or whether these become life lessons which make you stronger and more valuable. Yes, then you must share your story. Do not whine or hold the pain too long (and this is tricky ’cause you get to have some attention or sympathy if the path was difficult BUT you have to move on and get ready for your continuing lessons. Just do not stuck in your “drama.”)

BTW. Who ever said that Life was supposed to be easy and fun, misjudged the deeper purpose of living as a human being. Struggle and suffering is also off base. It is challenging to find meaning and joy in difficult experiences but this is closer to our purpose in growing in consciousness towards an “Enlightened” self-realization. Thanks again to my mentor, Paula Forget, for reminding me of these concepts which I have found my words to describe…

Look for Life Adventures. Try not to hide from or avoid the challenges and lessons which make life worth living. And, Find Joy in every interaction and experience ’cause they are ALL there for a purpose, to serve your learning and development! Yup, even the difficult ones. Especially, the difficult ones!

You are a Miracle! You are a Unique Blessing! Thank you for being you and traveling this path to higher consciousness!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Who Builds the Walls?

Walls are built to protect you from scary or dangerous things. Your protection seems like a really good idea because you might get hurt or killed by forces beyond your control and that would seriously jeopardize your life. But can protection from challenging things be a “good” thing, all the time? And, who builds the walls which protect you? What are these walls actually protecting?

This blog is inspired by guidance and a recent reading of chapter 12 of Michael Singer’s book, “Untethered Soul.” The chapter title is “Taking Down the Walls.” If you have not read Michael Singer’s first book, I recommend it for many reasons. Thanks again to my mentor and Michael Singer student, Paula Forget.

The point of putting up walls for protection can isolate you from “outside” influence and potential pain from the changes that interaction with the Divine Universe can provide. It is safer to be insulated in a world where you are comfortable because you think you know it from its familiarity. Because it has been this way for a while, perhaps a long time, it feels safer and must be protected at all cost. The “hoards” are coming at you from all directions and it feels “good (???),” to build that wall so you are locked in the prison of your own building. Wow, did I say “prison of your own building?” Our fragile self-image or our “dated” opinions have powerful history which can make these seem friendly and familiar but actually can hold us back and imprison us in self-limiting beliefs and attitudes.

Michael Singer’s definition of “Enlightenment” includes the recognition of these self-limiting, historically safe, beliefs and then the willingness to “let go” and to move through the painful challenges of non-judgement guiding you into equanimity with the dramas that may surround you. The “Enlightened” soul observes and does not get “triggered” by the experiences and insights which present themselves. The walls you build to protect your ego or self-image are actually YOUR barrier to awareness and your own accepting the state of “Enlightenment.”

This said, there are risks to breaking the barriers to your own “Enlightenment.” The risks include facing the challenges of changing your self-image, placing the Universal Divine ahead of your self protected ego, and expanding into the unconditional connectedness we have with all the energy of the Universe, and beyond. No guarded “Self” and no need for walls as barriers, release your self-imprisoned definition which “protects” you from true “Joy” and your Divine purpose. Walls are used to protect YOUR Fears and are not really the long term solution. They protect you from the inevitable path you must follow, at some point in your developing consciousness, into the “Light” of Unconditional Love, Connection, and Universal Wisdom. These lead you to true Freedom and Joy!

And, what is the “worst” that can happen? You will transition from this incarnation sooner than your ego wants. The ego’s self-preservation builds judgements and walls which dissolve when you die. And, we all die. No way out. Death is NOT the enemy except for the ego… Your Joy is based on the willingness to not take your life too seriously so you have the freedom to really live, untethered…

Your path will lead you to this realization at some auspicious point in your developing consciousness. Ponder these words and thoughts. Do your own research. Find your own awareness of your self-constructed walls and the process you will use to “let go!” No matter where your search leads you, YOU are not alone! You are greater and more powerful than your ego allows you to realize. You are a Miracle. You are a Blessing! And, whether you know this or not, YOU are a Master!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at