In Spiritual Evolution there comes an awareness that there is no time. The human mind has limitations in understanding the full appreciation of the Divine because we are geared to the 3 dimensional “human” world. Our human minds need an orderly progression so we create “linear time” which seems to move sequentially. If you have an appreciation that time does not exist, except in our linear minds, then you can begin to comprehend that there is no past or no future only the “present” time. Our human history and, if fact, our “past lives” are all happening at the same moment. Being most fully “present” is an indication of being most fully conscious, and so, leads us to evolved spiritual consciousness.
What this complicated and difficult concept seems to indicate is that there is NO tomorrow. Living with past fears or anxieties from a life lived in human drama or having an anxiety about the “future” unknowns may be an interesting “lesson” but a waste of energy and resources. This changes everything! And, living in the “present” moment is much easier said than done… No one said that being an “Enlightened Being” in a human incarnation is an easy task. Few of us can even consider, let alone live, in this spiritual consciousness.
Tomorrows do become the present as our linear life progress continues. Yes, the first of the month seems to come every 28-31 days as does our rent/mortgage payment, our aging, our anniversaries, and our slow slog toward full awakening and higher consciousness. Just reading this far into this blog posting will force you into the elite company of humans exposed to, if not fully comprehending, higher consciousness. Congratulations, and NOW how do you LIVE with this information or feeling??? If you understand or even believe in this concept of No Time, then you run afoul of the excuses we often make for the direction or path our human lives are taking (or have taken.)
Suggestion: Live in Gratitude of the Miraculous life which manifests through you and all the amazing people and things you encounter in your daily human drama. And, whether you consciously know this, or not, YOU are perfect! You are a Blessing! And, make attempts to not be too constrained by 3 dimensional mindsets which cause major limitations for living most fully, outside of “Time.”
For me, there are brief moments when I feel, or “know,” the “truth” of these ideas. But, this does not make them untrue or debatable when I drift back into my 3 dimensional, and limited, way of thinking and living.
Guidance has lead me to say to YOU… You are fully Loved and Accepted by the Divine Spirit! EnJoy each moment, as best you can, and find “Joy” in every miraculous moment you allow yourself to experience.
(Again, this is easier said than done but this is what full awakening and higher consciousness can lead you to “Know…”