Music for the Soul

The things which sooth us, excite us, heal us, and challenge us are all unique to the person/soul we are. Each of us “marches to the beat of a different drummer.” Though these differences may be slight, none the less, these are different. You are unique as a human and as a soul/spirit. Some people go to a symphony to awaken their Spirit. Some of us go to the gun range for the focus and stimulation we all seem to need in our unique lives. Knowing your unique requirements and how to “appropriately,” find these is an essential step for our adventure through our human incarnations. Hopefully, we find ways to feel satisfaction without impinging on other people. (Sadly, Not always the case…)

What is the music for your soul? Is it loud or soft? Is it available or challenging to find? How much and how often do you require this to be healthy, or even to survive? For me, a walk in the woods is great music for my soul. I can also benefit from a walk on the beach or a hike in the mountains (or hills.) It benefits me greatly to be in the arms of the people I love. Some music sooth me. And, some music does not sooth me. When I find art or creativity to admire, my focused attention can bring joy to my heart. There are times when reading can be stimulating and sometimes healing. Conversation with non-hostile people is a wonderful experience in sharing for me, with or without common interest. Just watching and listening to someone share their deep passion is a blessing for me when I want to interact. Quiet, alone, times of peace and natural calmness can also be times which can help sustain me. There are even times when I am focused on a form of creativity which feel like a healthy journey for me in those moments. And, being “Present” is rewarding and can be healing especially when I have been mentally or emotionally stuck in past thoughts/experiences or future fears…

Each of us can benefit from finding and achieving those moments when our soul is vibrating in the music of life. “Know ThySelf” is attributed to Socrates with the full quote being, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” Some interpret this to mean it is important to know your limitations and possibly what you have YET to learn. And, many of us are lazy and allow other people to tell you what to know, feel, think, and to do. It benefits you, and your soul, to “Know” your own unique needs and requirements and to then find appropriate ways to fulfill yourself.

Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. Support other people in their pursuit to find and fulfill their soul’s need to bask in the music of life… Remember, each one us must walk our own path. Our journey is unique so do not expect to drag another person on all your travels through your human lifetime. When you are acting in the genuine moments of your life, “Dance Like No One is Watching…” Be willing to “let go” and not to attached to the moment or the outcome. Delight in that special, unique moment and then move on… Along the way, take full responsibility for what you have created, be it most positive or what is judged as challenging, painful, or difficult. These are YOUR lessons. Keep your eyes open and focus upon the horizon as you look to expand your wisdom and awareness. And, “Know Thyself…”

When those special moments come and you resonate with the Music of Your Life float with the current in this moment in the River of Life. (Yup, be buoyant and float with reckless abandon!)

You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle! And, whether your mind knows it or not, YOU are Perfect!

Living Like There is NO Tomorrow

In Spiritual Evolution there comes an awareness that there is no time. The human mind has limitations in understanding the full appreciation of the Divine because we are geared to the 3 dimensional “human” world. Our human minds need an orderly progression so we create “linear time” which seems to move sequentially. If you have an appreciation that time does not exist, except in our linear minds, then you can begin to comprehend that there is no past or no future only the “present” time. Our human history and, if fact, our “past lives” are all happening at the same moment. Being most fully “present” is an indication of being most fully conscious, and so, leads us to evolved spiritual consciousness.

What this complicated and difficult concept seems to indicate is that there is NO tomorrow. Living with past fears or anxieties from a life lived in human drama or having an anxiety about the “future” unknowns may be an interesting “lesson” but a waste of energy and resources. This changes everything! And, living in the “present” moment is much easier said than done… No one said that being an “Enlightened Being” in a human incarnation is an easy task. Few of us can even consider, let alone live, in this spiritual consciousness.

Tomorrows do become the present as our linear life progress continues. Yes, the first of the month seems to come every 28-31 days as does our rent/mortgage payment, our aging, our anniversaries, and our slow slog toward full awakening and higher consciousness. Just reading this far into this blog posting will force you into the elite company of humans exposed to, if not fully comprehending, higher consciousness. Congratulations, and NOW how do you LIVE with this information or feeling??? If you understand or even believe in this concept of No Time, then you run afoul of the excuses we often make for the direction or path our human lives are taking (or have taken.)

Suggestion: Live in Gratitude of the Miraculous life which manifests through you and all the amazing people and things you encounter in your daily human drama. And, whether you consciously know this, or not, YOU are perfect! You are a Blessing! And, make attempts to not be too constrained by 3 dimensional mindsets which cause major limitations for living most fully, outside of “Time.”

For me, there are brief moments when I feel, or “know,” the “truth” of these ideas. But, this does not make them untrue or debatable when I drift back into my 3 dimensional, and limited, way of thinking and living.

Guidance has lead me to say to YOU… You are fully Loved and Accepted by the Divine Spirit! EnJoy each moment, as best you can, and find “Joy” in every miraculous moment you allow yourself to experience.
(Again, this is easier said than done but this is what full awakening and higher consciousness can lead you to “Know…”


From where you are at this moment in time, what do you most appreciate? Notice your life’s perspective. Do you have Gratitude for the Miracle of your life, even with its current dramas? Life is a Miracle! Living can be very challenging! And, do you look over the fence and envy some aspect of another person’s drama? What is in this lesson of envy do you require?

Do you take full responsibility for your life?
Do you accept another person’s “good fortune” or do you have feelings of jealousy? Do you ever want to “try on” some else’s life experience? If so, can you do this without envy?
What lessons can you learn by comparing your life with the life situation of another pilgrim?

No matter your perspective regarding these questions, your life, yes, your current life, is so important. Your life’s drama is an important lesson through a series of life challenges which you are, for your learning, supposed to be having. Each one of us incarnated souls have our own unique path and each one us will learn what we are here to learn. You can envy another person’s life but your envy may be an important lesson and maybe a motivation for you as you follow your own path. From personal experience, I am aware that when you envy someone else’s experience, if you are able to reenact this goal, you do not have the same lesson or experience. Yours will be unique to you. (A reminder, YOU are Unique, Special and Essential to the Divine Consciousness.) To be clear, following another person’s path because you have envy for that experience, may NOT offer the same satisfaction you are striving to achieve.

When you hear, first hand, of another soul’s adventure through life, you are given a gift to share in their learnings. Perhaps you can avoid envy and go straight to gratitude for the learning and the wisdom which has been shared with you. Also, you, as a witness to their story, are offering a service by allowing the story to be told and the experience to be shared which will make this an even deeper, richer experience for the storyteller.

You and Your path are an amazing journey. If you told your full story, your witness may wonder how YOU were able to survive. You have traveled through many bends in the road and you have learned from your successes and maybe even more from your “failures.” Each encounter you have had was “supposed” to happen though the lesson may be difficult to consciously understand. And, who was that lesson for in each encounter? Was it for you or more importantly was it for your partner in this experience? Perhaps in your “life review,” after you transition from this life, you will be made more aware of what was to be learned in these interactions…

Attempt to take a “Higher Perspective” sometimes, and look upon your life’s drama from the perspective of the higher realms. Perhaps when you look into the eyes of the next soul you encounter and know the miracle and perfection of your current partner in this interaction fully entails. Namaste! You know their perfect soul. And, know this blessing to your interaction as the “gift” it is for you and your growing wisdom. Each moment is precious and unique. Living in the past memory of your life muddies the clarity of knowing your “Present” moment. (Easier said than done…)

You can control the “Perspective” by which you choose to view the world. Sure there is “baggage” from past experiences and this factors in to the perspective you will use in the present human moment experienced. You are Human. Be as “open” and as available as possible. You never know when the rock you will turn over offers you the gift of a diamond (in the rough.) YOU are a Blessing!

Our “Perspective” is more complicated than our human minds can fully understand. However, you can be “open” to all possibilities. Being present and open without the expectation of “fully” understanding your experience is a helpful perspective. Do your best as a human. You can not really make a mistake on your path toward the Divine. (Perhaps just a “challenging learning.”) You are Perfect whether your ego allows you to accept this or not.

Finally, be happy for the stories you hear from other souls traveling the path toward consciousness. Envy does not have to be a factor which colors your interaction but can be an important lesson for you to consider.

You are Loved!

Do You Want a Better Life?

Well…Do You Want a Better Life? Do you want to be Happy? This blog includes three possible tools for you. One of the best ways to lead you to this result in your Life is to be kind! Yes, that simple concept. Be Kind! Yes, you may want to go out of your way to be supportive. It is worth it. Being Kind is better when you do NOT have expectations regarding a reward. So consider, non-conditional Kindness. The Kindness you give without a payment, even the expectation of an acknowledgement. Just because being Kind feels good and can assist another soul. You unknowingly may become a Role-Model of Kindness.

Consider this exercise in Kindness may suffer if you are “Giving advice” or “Preaching” your beliefs. Supportive listening without interrupting with “your story” may be more helpful than telling your partner your opinion, even if it is a useful perspective. Respectful listening is a great gift.

And, when someone else is Kind to you, say thank you. Show some appreciation. Then go out and “pay it forward” by an act of Kindness for someone else you may stumble upon. It does not have to be complicated or financially costly. Just look someone in the eye and say “Thank You, You are Amazing!” Tell someone they are “doing a great job!” Notice their effort, even if it was unsuccessful. This borders on the next gift you can give yourself for a better life… Be grateful! Consider how many miracles occur each day just to allow you to function in your body and your life.

Consider and appreciate with gratitude where your food came from. Where your water came from. The miracle that your body can digest your food or breathe the oxygen you require… Your sun shows up everyday in some way to give life to our Earth. And, when you are most fully conscious, show gratitude for every soul who crosses your path, for they are there, at some level, to teach you. And, do not forget to show gratitude for yourself. Yes, you, even as you struggle with your challenges every day. You are perfect, even in your imperfections.

To be Kind and to have gratitude can be easier when you are “present.” In the present moment with less concern with what might happen in the unknown future and no baggage or traumas carried over from past experiences. Easier said than done. However, to be looking to be Kind and to find gratitude in the present moment can offer you a “wonderment” with appreciation for the amazing possibilities found in every second of your life.

Discovering what offers you happiness is an individual process. Though in your personal consideration, you may wish to begin with being Kind and finding the best way you can offer the kindness as a gift of unconditional service. Your heart will celebrate in joy. This can lead to happiness…

In the book, “Power of 8,” research journalist, Lynne McTaggart, makes a strong case for the intentional process of being unconditionally Kind with a group of people sending out “healing” thoughts and energy. Being intentionally Kind seems to create happiness and healing for the sender as a by-product of this exercise. In Lynne McTaggart’s research and experiments, she found that the desire to heal has a healing effect upon the sender, you. Intentional kindness can offer you the benefit of heart felt Joy and happiness. Try it alone or in a group. But, you do not have control over whether the subject you are sending love and healing energy to will actually choose to use this Love and Healing as you desire. That is why you give it unconditionally with no expectation, just your sincerity.

And, in case you have had a lapse in your spiritual consciousness, I want to remind you that YOU are Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Too Overwhelmed to Act

Chances are if you found your way to this blog posting and have read it this far, you are an empathetic consciousness seeking soul. As I write in February, 2020, our culture is in major upheaval and in the three dimensional world we live, we are surrounded and pounded by “Drama.” Politics, world health, climate change, homelessness, crime, racism, sexism, and all forms of polarizing mayhem happen to us or at us, everyday. We can hide our heads in sand and live in a quiet prison of self-constructed oblivion or be “concerned” about what we are “supposed” to do to make the world a better place. We may not be Billionaires with unlimited resources of time and money and energy so we may feel inadequate… We may just feel empathetic and “overwhelmed.”

You can do nothing and pretend to be unattached to the current situation. You can choose to be paralyzed by your overwhelm and do nothing, feeling bad about this option. You can go “observer,” running on “equanimity,” where you are too mellow so that all you do is watch and stay uninvolved… Or, you can do something short of violence, getting arrested in protest, or running in circles… You can change the source of this discord by changing the energy which feeds this polarizing and anxiety producing mayhem.

Let’s back up. We can do something more than pray, set a positive intention, and smile ineffectively and unattached at the world condition. First, we can be “fully present” and in the moment. Not in fear of the future or living with some past fearful trauma. (Easier said than done, BUT doable.) Next, we can realize that we are all connected and in this together. Yes, even the people who trigger you. Especially, the people who push your buttons of anger and/or fear. We are all equal and a part of the Divine Spirit. We all have our roles to play in the Drama we have chosen, spiritually, to live within. To make a positive impact on the world condition we can do something. Even if we do not have time, or money, or even energy, we do have a way to serve and to change the “Energy” that drives the mayhem. So…

Consider calming yourself. Finding your way into the present moment. (Both of these require some practiced dedication…) AND, then start, slowly and easily to connect with the other souls you bump into. Start easy, with the checker in the grocery store or with the server pouring your coffee, or the ticket taker at the movie theater AND, being present and loving, make eye contact with them and remind them, “yes, Out Loud,” that they are a Miracle, or that they are Perfect, or they are Loved, or that they are Blessed… You can get good at doing this. It will not harm you or them. After you are good at this, you can now begin to share this with the “difficult” people in your life, like your family, or your boss at work, or with the objectionable political “jerk” (an unnecessary judgement) who thinks the other political candidate is correct…. Yes, even these people are connected in the Divine with your soul AND they are a Miracle even as they “push your buttons.”

Looking the homeless person in the eyes, connecting with them and their disabilities, and reminding them that they are Loved and a Blessing is how you can begin to change the energy of our world. One eyeball to eyeball connection at a time… This requires practice and dedication. You need to step out of your ego and your fear (or anxiety/anger) and do the “right thing.” Bless them for the lesson they can teach to you, IF you are willing to be open and to listen. Please, help to dissolve the fear and the anxiety which caused the separation. Please, allow your heart and positive intention to tear down the walls! You can do this. Even with few resources, YOU can be a shining beacon of Love and Light! You can BE the change you wish to see in the world!

Do NOT be Too Overwhelmed to Act! You can take these small steps to improve this world one connection at a time.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Show Up: You Are Distracted!

It is time to Show Up! Put down your cellphone, or your tablet, or turn away from your computer. Why? Because it is time to release your distractions and to Show Up. I just flew down to California, to visit my family. I flew into Oakland International airport and took BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to Walnut Creek to visit my sister. Did I get the chance to speak with anyone on the airplane or on BART as I was traveling? NO! Window shades were down to reduce glare on smartphones and tablets. Were people working on important tasks? NO! They were playing games or using stored media (music, or TV shows, or movies.) Do modern people not need human contact anymore or the benefit of hearing another person share stories about their travels through life? Again, NO!

Why do we need to distract ourselves so much, ALL the time? Being plugged in 24/7 is NOT in our DNA coding. On the ground when “Airplane Mode” is turned off, there is a NEED (???) to constantly and immediately respond to text messaging, Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. Often we forget about the real live person in front of us, in mid sentence, to stop and respond to some new incoming message or call. Why is the person in front of you, or in the room with you, or in bed with you not worth YOUR focus? What is so important??? Most of the time these interruptions are NOT emergencies.

In working as a psychotherapist/counselor with children and families, I learned the most important psychotherapeutic tip. Show Up! Connect with respect and the child will feel your support. Look and listen to build rapport. When the child feels like they have been heard, which is often NOT happening at home or in school, they often respond, thrive, and make some positive changes. We are all these children in deeper emotional and spiritual places. We all need to be heard, respected, supported, and seen (hopefully without “Judgement”) and then we can feel more safe and thrive.

To be the witness and to be fully “present,” the witness first needs to Show Up. You as the witness need to find your way back into the here and now. Not racing into the future or suffering in your own past drama. Take a slow, deep breath. Feel cool air as you slowly inhale. Feel the warmth of the exhale and release unwanted tension, anxiety, distractions. Take another slow breath: relax your jaw, let your shoulders drop down… Attempt to clear your mind so you will be less likely to interrupt your communication partner. It helps to remember that the person in front of you has had many challenging lessons that you can not hope to fully appreciate or understand, and yet, they are perfect (in their imperfections.) Your own personal dramas will still be there and available when you get done really listening. Ask open ended questions to clarify or to better understand what you have been told. Intend to really care! Put your distracting devices away or turn them off. There is no one more important in that moment then the Miracle of a Soul who stands before you!

Regarding distractions. Our society and culture is so stressed and our fear is fanned constantly by the media, we are always on guard. Our “Flight/Fight” reflex is constantly triggered. Most of us can NOT focus for more than 7 seconds, without our mind racing to the next distracting thought or input. We are challenged to slow our thoughts and relax so we can get good sleep and repair from this constant bombardment of annoying input. Turning off our TV and technology a awhile before bedtime would help. Meditating to calm our minds and bodies would help. (There are Western relaxation practices that are often easier to learn than Eastern meditation techniques, if you need these.) Walking in nature, getting a good massage, quiet, soft music, reading a calming book, petting your pet, gently, tenderly making love, even taking a warm bath can all help you to turn off the media driven frenzy in our lives, if we can turn off our media…

You are worth the time and effort to heal yourself. Show up for yourself! Show up for your important relationships. Be more present and get off the “frenzy-mobile” which our technology culture seems to encourage. I would have said, “Slow down and smell the roses,” but that is too dated and fragrance has been bred out of most rose varieties. Taking a slow, deep breath will never go of style! Use it.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Gift to the World Is YOU!

Do you like receiving a gift? Do you get pleasure and satisfaction from giving a great gift? If you are like most people, you get a great sense of satisfaction by giving a thoughtful gift. Hopefully, the gift has no “strings attached” to the process of giving. (You know what I mean when you give a gift and EXPECT something in return for your efforts…) Your present may be heartfelt and wrapped in the elegance of your warm wishes and tender love. It may be given in a more functional, less extravagant wrapping. It may have been thought out and well planned or a spontaneous act of sharing. You know when your act of giving is especially well received and when it does not meet the highest response.

A genuine act of kindness is often the most thoughtful gift which you can offer. “The thought counts” and the endearing follow through can be most meaningful. AND, many of us do not appreciate the present we can offer when we are sharing our love and our time and our compassion. You know that moment in time when the person in front of you offered you their “presence” and their listening skills as you share the most emotional memories. What a great gift when you are fully heard and this connection reminds you that you are not on your own. There is someone who listened and who cares…

Whenever, you increase your consciousness, you improve yourself. By enhancing your awareness and listening skills, you become more precious in your interactions. And, if you ever touch the Divine Spirit so that you fully celebrate the “perfection” of the person in front of you, you become the beacon of light which heals and warms the souls of every spirit you touch. There is no greater gift you can give. Honor yourself, for you are perfect even in your seeming imperfections. There is no one exactly like you. You are unique and at the same time Divinely connected to all other souls. Your lessons in this life are for you to move forward on your path BUT your movement on your path supports and assists everyone. Remember how Divine you really are and the source of unconditional love you can offer.

Be the best you can be. Not competitive but in your open ability to share love. If possible, drop your judgement and perhaps ask a “challenging” person you encounter, “What has happened to you in your life to lead you to be the person in front of me?” ALSO, remember that just as YOU are a Gift for the people you bump into, THEY are a Gift for you as well. You have a lesson to learn from every encounter and it is a blessing to learn from this challenge. You might want to consider honoring the beauty and perfection in front of you when next you lock eyes on the person standing in front of you!

YOU are a gift to the Universe! Sharing your Love and your wisdom gained through your life experience is an amazing service to the Universe. Grow in consciousness and share your Light!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Secret to Enlightenment: Be Present!

Yup, YOU being Present is the secret. It has been said before and came up again today. Be fully present and you will connect better and serve better! Your presence has great value to our Universe. Why and how do you do this? So much of the time, we dwell in the emotions from the past or apprehension (fear) of the future. When you are genuine and fully present, you will participate in our world (universe) with less judgement AND the people you interact with will feel that they are more fully “heard.” This is therapeutic (for all people.) Yes, just really listening, without judgement, is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healing. You honor and show your respect for the person whom you are engaged in conversation with when you listen totally while remaining “present.”

Think of the times when you were involved in a satisfying conversation. Your partner(s) can be found listening and asking great questions. They are probably not interrupting to tell their story about themselves and so discounting your sense of value. Sure you need to know your limits and not go on too long so they can share their story but you can feel satisfied with being heard… If you are insecure and demonstrate this by telling your story too long or cutting your partner off then your lack of respect will often be reciprocated. We are all important, and perfect, and masters whom deserve to be loved and respected for who we are. (EVEN when we are struggling with the imperfections and challenges which we are born to learn from.)

Now the difficult part. How do you BE PRESENT? You might start by taking a deep slow breath, pausing a moment after you inhale, and then slowly release your breath with thoughts and nervous energy flowing out with your exhale. Learn to clear your mind so you can be “open” to the story you will be told. Release your need to argue with or even judge the speaker. This experience and this receiving of information is happening for a reason. Though it may be unclear or even different than what you might think you know, you are having this interaction with this soul to help YOU with YOUR lesson. AND, you will be of service to your partner by allowing them the respect of your full attention and listening. Yes, you might be triggered or bored but there is some purpose for this shared experience.

Your spiritual consciousness leading to your enlightenment includes being present and listening without judgement. Again, this is easier said than done AND this is what we are “shooting” (or striving) for in this incarnation. The act of listening and being fully present is the gift you have to offer this world/universe. Appreciate and love each creation, for the divine spirit dwells within every molecule you bump into. When you can fully love, allow, and serve, you will remember, and then live, in your pure divine spirit. At the deepest level, this is where we are headed as individual souls within the “oneness” of the universal divine. We are each unique AND a part of the larger, perfect universe.

If you are READY to be present and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Meditation for the New Year

It is time for Meditation! The calendar tell us that we are beginning a New Year. This year will be as filled, or sadly, even more filled with turmoil and change. It is time for us to bring Wisdom, Awareness, Love and Joy to our cultures as we struggle with the impact of accelerated evolution! We can fear this evolution or we can embrace it! We can know the benefits of our struggles which will eventually lead us out of fear and into a radiant light. (Or, we can hide in our fear and let anger hold us back from our appointment with enlightenment.)

Wow, what wonderful times we live in! So many billions of us have shown up at this age of mankind to witness and participate together in the chaos which leads to awareness and then to a higher Divine Consciousness. If we get stuck dwelling in fear and anger, we will find ways to manifest this darker consciousness. If we embody Joy, and Love, and Remember our Connection to the Divine Wisdom, we can be the “Lightworkers” we came here to be! This does not mean we have to approve of all the weird behaviors we bump into. However, we must engage in the lessons which we are confronted with.

To better prepare you to bring light and love into this world, you must honor and prepare yourself. We can only take responsibility for our own actions (and reactions.) We must regularly “ground out” the judgements we make and fold our hearts around the brilliant light of peace. Yes, this is easier said than done. I will not argue with you. We can create a healing buffer to surround each of us. Not to insulate but to nurture our core where the “Joy” resides and then shines out to bask the world in the healing energy of Love!

So, our meditation can include a time to “Ground Out” and to find our balance. Breathe in slowly and fully. Pause for a moment. As you slowly exhale, imagine that you can release excess energy with the warm breath you release! On the next breath, feel the cool, soothing air as you slowly inhale. Pause and then slowly release the warm breath. Do this several times until you can join your body in the “Present Moment.” Then continue to breathe slowly in and out with an image that you are drawing in Golden White Light to Heal Yourself with every breath. As you exhale imagine that you can send this Golden White Light and this Unconditional Love and Support out to everyone in the world. Focus on those people you love and then on all the rest of the planet. It is a blessing that you give this energy unconditionally as a gift to all living things in our Universe (and beyond.) This meditation does not have to be more complicated or drawn out. Focus on Love and Joy. Look for the positive growth from every interaction. Take responsibility for what you give out to this world! Choose LOVE! When you laugh out loud, laugh like no one is watching. Embrace Joy!

By the way, the more of us who can engage in this meditation, sending out unconditional Love and Joy, the stronger this will resonate and have greater impact on Universal Consciousness Development!!!

Whether you know it or not, You are a Master. You are a Healer. Without you and your soul/spirit, the Universe can not exist. So play YOUR part! Actively give and share love. Know that your positive light shines brightly and everyone & everything is better for sensing that your unconditional love as it is radiated outward.

Remember Your Divinity! Remember the Perfection of the Spirit within YOU! Remember to enjoy these tough lessons we have come here to experience and remember that we will be better and stronger from embracing these challenges NOW rather than having to repeat this learning again in our future incarnations. When you say Namaste, LIVE Namaste! We are all in this together, joined by our Divine Spirits. See the person in front of you knowing that at a deeper level they are YOU! Help them. Serve them! Support awareness and consciousness until WE ALL reach enlightenment.

Along the way, use Meditation to find your center and then higher consciousness. Meditation is not complicated it is an attempt to be “Present” and open to Divine Wisdom. (These few words are interesting. You following through makes these words Powerful!)

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Oneness vs Self

Dilemma: Oneness and 100% connection versus the preservation and requirements of Self-care…

Is there a conflict or not? Does the concept of “Oneness” mean Selfless and complete lack of Separation from all other Divine Souls or can the human incarnation engage in the activity of Self-care?

Some say that there is Not a conflict. A priority of self-care as a priority is a demonstration of Self-love and the Self-awareness adding to the consciousness of the greater Divinity. The act of inward reflection in meditation adds to personal awareness and growth. It is an act of Self-care. It also takes the edge off mental/emotional swings of the Mind and Ego.

Self-care with exercise can allow you to find your way into the “Present” moment and can help to release guilt and the held upset from past remembrances and anxiety for the changes and unknowns of the future.

Personal reflection and insights as you view your life’s lessons and interactions is the purpose of your incarnation. We learn from “Bumping” up against our “Triggers” and testing out our new skill sets and new learnings to see how these fit our “lessons” as we plod along our paths toward greater consciousness. It forces us to accept and to love unconditionally all the people and situations our egos may find annoying, difficult or distracting.

These are our challenges and our laboratory for testing our newly developing consciousness and wisdoms. If we are “triggered,” then we have a lesson to learn more fully.

You are a Divine Soul and perfect. You are here to serve and to assist other pilgrims. Whether you know it or not, You are a Master. If you seek a non-religious community for support and to enhance your conscious development, consider Masters of the Journey and tell Your story!