Memorial Day is not just a date on the calendar. It is the act of remembering! Remembering our Ancestors, our Friends, and our loved ones who have transitioned in and out of our lives! It is also a chance to pause and to remember the most significant moments in our brief lives which created the opportunity for major growth and change. The change we needed to move forward and to learn the lessons we have come to experience. Our country celebrates Memorial Day to remember the fallen soldiers who have served our country and rightfully these heroes should be honored. The soldiers and warriors are not the only heroes who have served and we also have the choice to honor the most significant people and events from our past as our lessons (and battles) from this life.
For each day is “Memorial Day.” A part of this memorial can be the knowing that life is sacred and temporary. So take a moment and reflect on remembering the souls who have touch your life, even if briefly. Remember the Blessing these people have been in your life! Give thanks and show Gratitude for the exchange of Love these interactions have created. Also, remember the “Impermanence” of our human incarnations. We are all incarnated in temporary forms/lives to learn and to grow. Each moment then is sacred. Reflect in some brief moments, also, to remember who YOU really are, a Child of God, and where YOU have come from, the Holy Divine.
Find Compassion and Acceptance as you look deeply into the eyes of each soul you meet. For they, like you, are the Perfect Miracles of the Divine manifested. Yes, even if they “trigger” you, they are perfect and touch you and your life for a lesson, to challenge your growth in consciousness.
Know that you are here, in this incarnation, to share YOUR knowledge, YOUR experience, and, most importantly, YOUR wisdom! Your purpose is to serve. Support fellow travelers.
Do not take your life too seriously. Remember you are here (in this life) for only a brief time and each life, though sacred and unique, is a demonstration of Impermanence. This Memorial day remember all the Joys of life and the experiences you celebrate and have learned the challenging lessons you came back here to learn.
Love, Serve and Remember where you came from and where you will return. Find a way to live in remembrance of your perfection and honor the perfection you find in every soul you meet.
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
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