Re- Enchantment of the Cosmos: Returning to Our Ancient Roots

To our ancestors the Universe was filled with Enchantment and magic! For the past several hundred years “Rational Thought” has buried our connection to the wonderment of the miracles we now take for granted. Human consciousness, in the Modern world, has begun to come full circle getting back to our “roots” of consciousness. Re- Enchantment to the magic and mysteries of the Divine Spirit’s manifestations in our Universe grows stronger! The unexplained or the Rationally unexplainable miracles of life and consciousness are regaining our attention. Science and mathematics have explained visible natural processes until these reach an unexplainable point.

As an example worth researching are the interviews with people who have returned from Near Death Experiences (NDE.) As more people are interviewed, there are common threads between the accounts of this diverse group of people. Though it is difficult to “Re-integrate” after returning from a NDE, universally, certain parts of the experience are commonly a part of the account. Among these are: a “Knowing” that there is a Divine Source which connects everything in our Universe (and beyond,) a sense of “Unconditional Love and Acceptance,” a feeling of “Oneness” knowing that we are all in this together and a part of something greater than ourselves (and so breaking the barriers of individual egos and separation,) and a lack of fear of Death due to the knowing that we as spirit continue (just like physicists tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed it just changes form.) Many people have a sense, or a strong knowing, that they have lived “past lives” (or that time does not exist and we are living many current lives in differing realities???…)

For example, what is consciousness? How do we feel? How do we “Know” what we Know? How did Life start and then develop into consciousness? Even the simplest structures hold unanswered questions like what hold atoms together and how can these atoms be physical material and also show that they have properties of non-material waves of energy? Physics has taken our awareness back to the “Source” and to the unexplainable realms of the Divine Spirit.

Our ancestors walked around our world in a state of enchantment and feelings of connections with all other objects in our Universe. They worshipped the spirit energy of the planets, the stars, the air, the water, the fire, and, of course, the Earth. Every rock and tree had a soul. Walking gently on the Earth was their way of worshipping the miracles which surrounded them. Reverence for all things was built into their culture and in their consciousness. We, in the “modern” world, are reawakening to the miracles and find renewed enchantment with the Cosmos in which we temporarily exist. We are an essential part of the living Universe. Modern cultures are even beginning to remember the ancient wisdom and ceremonies to remind us of the magic of the Universe we are a piece of. We are NOT separate though we are incorrectly taught to be individuals and separated from each other.

When YOU walk in nature, perhaps on a beach by the water, do you feel peacefulness and connection with the sand between your toes or the breezes which gently blow against your skin? Do you breathe in the air and find a peace not as common in your experience of congested cities? Does your mind wander to the miracle of the life forms you encounter and the unexplainable diversity of these life forms? Do you celebrate and honor these few moments as you drift through this natural environment? These might come from your primordial wisdom. Many of us yearn for those moments of contemplation in more primitive places because we desire to return to our roots. AND, to learn or relearn to love the natural environment. It is worth being “present” and remembering that we are sharing atoms with many of the lifeforms and even the inanimate objects we discover… Celebrate our Universe and share your story!

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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

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