WE are All in this Together! I have said this before. You have heard this before. And, the perspective to share today is a reflection on whether it will benefit You, and Our World, if we consider communicating and Live in the “We” vs the “I” (or mine/me.) Our ego/mind tends to see our world and the objects in our world as whether these are personal possessions. Not simply objects but emotional responses to experiences and interactions. Are these purely your thoughts or feelings, or are these more universal and shared as “our” experiences and emotions? Is it, me against them with defensive walls going up to protect me and my possessions from “them?”

And, what will happen if we shift our words/thoughts from I-Me-Mine to We-Us-Ours? Divine consciousness is NOT personal property AND can Not be achieved Universally without taking the hands of fellow pilgrims to assist ALL of us in raising human consciousness. No, I am not demanding that you go door-to-door on a “mission” to proselytize higher consciousness. However, some general support to your fellow travelers as we all stumble along the path toward a Divine Consciousness seems like a beneficial perspective to keep in mind (and, to turn into an action.) Perhaps, making a warm eye contact and acknowledging another person existence as another “Child of God” is a great place to start, even if their appearance triggers you.

When some interaction in your life sets off an emotional reaction, does this happen to you or can it be a benefit for us all as a “Universal” learning challenge? Do you respond with a “poor me” or do you consider the lesson which can be learned and that will assist all whom you come into contact with? While we are at this, is your house and yard yours or are you just a steward for a small bit of property on the crust of the third planet from our sun, in our galaxy, in our Universe, and a tiny smidgen of the vast Divine? Perhaps we claim ownership in a bit of property we do not truly own… Yes, this is a stretch in your “learned” perspective.

Maybe, instead of “circling the wagons” of your consciousness regarding “what is yours,” you might consider that you are caring for, as what is ours in both physical property and emotional reactions. It is OK to have stuff, even large, expensive stuff, but it may have less value to the Divine to isolate and protect your stuff at the expense of feeling empathy for the all humanity. Our Earth, now more than ever before, needs to be our shared responsibility and loved by all of us. WE are all responsible for the condition of OUR world and all of OUR human consciousness. Keep your broad shoulders strong as WE take on this shared responsibility… Do not play it small and be isolated… WE are ALL in this together.

Raising consciousness is a challenge we all must face. Supporting the fellow travelers we bump into along the path is a great step in improving all consciousness. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this interaction and how may I be of the greatest good…?”

You are essential! You are an important piece of all of the Divine Consciousness.

Re- Enchantment of the Cosmos: Returning to Our Ancient Roots

To our ancestors the Universe was filled with Enchantment and magic! For the past several hundred years “Rational Thought” has buried our connection to the wonderment of the miracles we now take for granted. Human consciousness, in the Modern world, has begun to come full circle getting back to our “roots” of consciousness. Re- Enchantment to the magic and mysteries of the Divine Spirit’s manifestations in our Universe grows stronger! The unexplained or the Rationally unexplainable miracles of life and consciousness are regaining our attention. Science and mathematics have explained visible natural processes until these reach an unexplainable point.

As an example worth researching are the interviews with people who have returned from Near Death Experiences (NDE.) As more people are interviewed, there are common threads between the accounts of this diverse group of people. Though it is difficult to “Re-integrate” after returning from a NDE, universally, certain parts of the experience are commonly a part of the account. Among these are: a “Knowing” that there is a Divine Source which connects everything in our Universe (and beyond,) a sense of “Unconditional Love and Acceptance,” a feeling of “Oneness” knowing that we are all in this together and a part of something greater than ourselves (and so breaking the barriers of individual egos and separation,) and a lack of fear of Death due to the knowing that we as spirit continue (just like physicists tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed it just changes form.) Many people have a sense, or a strong knowing, that they have lived “past lives” (or that time does not exist and we are living many current lives in differing realities???…)

For example, what is consciousness? How do we feel? How do we “Know” what we Know? How did Life start and then develop into consciousness? Even the simplest structures hold unanswered questions like what hold atoms together and how can these atoms be physical material and also show that they have properties of non-material waves of energy? Physics has taken our awareness back to the “Source” and to the unexplainable realms of the Divine Spirit.

Our ancestors walked around our world in a state of enchantment and feelings of connections with all other objects in our Universe. They worshipped the spirit energy of the planets, the stars, the air, the water, the fire, and, of course, the Earth. Every rock and tree had a soul. Walking gently on the Earth was their way of worshipping the miracles which surrounded them. Reverence for all things was built into their culture and in their consciousness. We, in the “modern” world, are reawakening to the miracles and find renewed enchantment with the Cosmos in which we temporarily exist. We are an essential part of the living Universe. Modern cultures are even beginning to remember the ancient wisdom and ceremonies to remind us of the magic of the Universe we are a piece of. We are NOT separate though we are incorrectly taught to be individuals and separated from each other.

When YOU walk in nature, perhaps on a beach by the water, do you feel peacefulness and connection with the sand between your toes or the breezes which gently blow against your skin? Do you breathe in the air and find a peace not as common in your experience of congested cities? Does your mind wander to the miracle of the life forms you encounter and the unexplainable diversity of these life forms? Do you celebrate and honor these few moments as you drift through this natural environment? These might come from your primordial wisdom. Many of us yearn for those moments of contemplation in more primitive places because we desire to return to our roots. AND, to learn or relearn to love the natural environment. It is worth being “present” and remembering that we are sharing atoms with many of the lifeforms and even the inanimate objects we discover… Celebrate our Universe and share your story!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Happy New Year: 2017

Happy New Year: 2017 OR Any New Year

I am preparing for the start of the New Year. There have been massive shifts and changes in this past year and the dawn of this new year will bring an increased need for vigilance, acceptance, and action in form of sharing LOVE to confront the “Dark Forces.”

First let me say: You Are a Blessing! Yes, you are an important part of a much greater Universe and YOUR Divine Spirit plays a pivotal role. You may not believe this because your ego and mind have created limits in your thinking but your soul/spirit are a cornerstone to all divinity!

Second: YOU are a Master! You live with the challenges of survival in your current “Meat-suit” (life) and YOU have wisdom (from life experience) to share. You can serve all consciousness by telling your story! Your struggles are lessons for all of us! Your challenges are part of OUR pilgrimage to higher consciousness! Even your pain is important as a tool for all of us to learn from in this “Human experience.”

Now with that said, what are you going do in this New Year? How are you going to share your story for the benefit of all? We are all in this together. We are all “One” in the Divine Universe. No one crosses the “Finish line” alone. We must all do this together.

Our Earth is at a cross-roads. Life, as we know it, may not survive much longer on this planet because humans have NOT learned from our own violent history as “Takers” and we have “soiled the nest” in ways that may be irreparable. Mankind may have to stop being, so our world can regenerate itself… This is the nature of life. This is neither “right” or “wrong,” it just is… Humans have not evolved fast enough to keep up with our new technologies. Just look back since the late 1970’s and early 1980’s to realize that we do not know how to live with an overpopulated world, with limited resources, and an internet communication that is so easily manipulated by small minded angry, immature people. Is this a “Judgement” or just a fact…??? (I am serious in asking this question!)

So, how can you make the very best out of the limited time we have on this Earth (World)? Suggestion: Look into the eyes of everyone you encounter and know that they are there for a reason. They are part of YOUR lesson. If you “like” them or if you are challenged to understand their perspective, then they are very important to your learning. Look into their eyes and find the “Divinity” and their perfection. Know that they are fellow seekers AND Masters! In your way, reach out and take their hands. Share unconditional love, no matter what your judgmental mind thinks! Perhaps you will remember that THEY are YOU! (They are struggling with their lessons just as you are with yours.)

This New Year offers you a new chance to begin a time of remembering your important role in ALL consciousness. I challenge you to move toward the “Light” and share your wisdom, more by example than in words, of the evolving spiritually awakened soul that you are, have been, and will continue to be.
Namaste and Blessings!

Masters of the Journey is a forum to connect with other seekers and to share your story. You can also discover resources which may enhance your search for remembering the Divinity within you. Or, you connect with other events and resources through our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney