I would rather be Joyful, Happy, and Playful than serious. I take my Joy, seriously. I am serious about Happiness and Playfulness. If you have to stop and think about this or are angered by this admission then, YOU, need to take a Very Serious Look At YOUR Joyfulness… If you take your life too (toooooo…..) serious AND You take “Yourself” too seriously, then wake up from your anxiety and your fearful side, find your way into the “Present Moment,” and start dancing in the light of the miracle you are and the world you live within. Perhaps you can benefit from starting out by learning to laugh at yourself. You and your life are filled with drama, but if you look at it from a higher perspective, it is pretty entertaining. Have you ever lost yourself in a movie, TV show, or well written book and feel the angst of the characters to the point of distraction. This is the entertainment you sought out. And, when done well, feels real and perhaps “close to home.”
Laughter is a Great medicine. It cures what ails you. When you laugh at yourself, your foibles, and your own self-created drama, you are much healthier. In my own life, I often say (and know) that “everything I eat looks good on me,” because almost daily, what I eat ends up on my clothes. This is true because I do not have a reliable dinner table to eat at because the dinner table is often covered with harvested rocks waiting to be painted with a heart which will be placed out into the world to bring smiles to the finders as a service my girlfriend offers. My food on my clothes is a small, but entertaining, side effect to attempting to bring smiles to our world. And, standard clean clothes are so boring, anyways… Joy and laughter are an important part of my world AND these would benefit most of the people I come in contact with as I stumble around in my life.
I have made a choice, whether conscious or unconscious, to leave a legacy of laughter and joy. I want to be remembered as a man who was silly, playful, and joy filled with a focused serious side to draw upon when needed. (I am pretty functional in a crisis when the situation seems called for…) But, hearing the funny side of a life experience is something I actively look forward to celebrating and sharing. Yes, this can be distracting when people want to be “taken seriously,” but this “need” to be taken seriously is part of the drama we find in our roles of living as a human…
“Beginner’s Mind” and living in childlike wonderment is a goal to strive for. When applying this behavior, you are more apt to seek and find joy in the Miracles of life. Yes, the unexplainable Miracles which surround us in our miraculous world. If you over look miracles because you have a “jaded” attitude about the amazing things in your life, you are destined to dig an emotional and spiritual hole for yourself which may not lead to life happiness and satisfaction in your relationships. Yes, your partners in your relationships are imperfect BUT they are amazing and perfect in their own special imperfect ways. Sharing smiles, laughter, Joy, and hugs are some of most useful activities you can do in your human, drama filled, lives. And, if you are either too serious (and self-important) or too detached from simple values in life, you may be the butt of jokes from the people you interact with and perhaps to be ridiculed as the entertainment your role seems to have lead you to be. Sorry, to offend you if you are sensitive to these words but from a higher perspective these thoughts may be held true.
And, I Love You! You have chosen to find human form in my human life. I am here to learn from you and our interaction. If possible, I will find laughter and joy, if only at my own self-created drama. Thanks you for pointing this out to me. You may not even realize how valuable you are in my life and my learning. Crying and sadness are not the enemy or even opposite Joy and Happiness. These are other human reactions which we experience and can learn from.
Self disclosure: I am impatient and quick to judgement. I quite often swear “like a drunken sailor” but, no rationalization intended, it entertains me and I am here to learn from this clearly imperfect Divine Soul trapped in a swearing, judgmental human life. If you can still like me with self-disclosure, then let’s have a laugh and as imperfect humans together. If you can not accept my imperfectness, then stumble off in another life direction and we will meet up again on the other side of the vail. We are different pieces of the same whole. And, remember that I Love YOU, no matter what…
Love this BLOG John thank you… perfect. I am a joy junkie too…. 🙂
Thanks for your Love and Your feedback, JJ. Dance like no one is watching. Bring Light and Joy to every moment (if humanly possible.) You are a Blessing!