No Stress in the World

Wait a minute… The world seems full of stress. Why would anyone say there is NO stress in the world? In 1981 I wrote the book, Guide to Stress Reduction, which is still a download from Amazon in its latest edited version… It was written to serve. It was written to offer many stress management techniques you can learn/experience to manage your body’s response to life. Obviously, I am going to get wealthy from this advertisement BUT I will NOT hold my breath on this expectation. BUT, this is NOT what this blog post is about. As you look around, do you see any stress? Or, do you feel any stress? You are certainly free to see and feel all the world stress you want…

This sounds like gibberish and if you do not have any spiritual consciousness IT IS! First fact, the things in life you care the most about but you can not control, can cause you to experience the most stress. From a human perspective this is true. From a spiritual perspective where you remember that your soul is perfect and a part of the Divine Spirit, you can “care” about “things” but not necessarily get caught in the human emotional dilemma of stress. Why you may ask? Because everything is “Perfect” in the Higher Realms. You are perfect. Every human event is “perfect” as a challenge you can learn from even if your human body experiences human emotional or physical pain. In a higher spiritual perspective, human lives are filled with awesome experiences for testing your learned wisdoms. In reading Viktor Frankl’s famous book, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Dr. Frankl explores the traumatic human life experience of a World War II Nazi prison camp and reflects on a “learning” which came to him from this experience to become a learning moment for all humanity. By human definition, his experience was terrible! From a higher spiritual perspective it was perfect and a learning which has raised the consciousness of millions of other humans.


The opposite of Love is Fear. You can choose Love or learn your human lessons living with Fear. Humans often, maybe usually, choose Fear because this is the “Drama” we have chosen to live within as humans on our Earth plane. We love drama. Our media plays off our Fears to hold our attention. Our politicians plays off our Fears to hold our attention to get us to vote for these power seekers. Our advertising of products and services plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to sell us stuff. Our religions plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to keep us donating to their cultish religious institutions. This list goes on… FEAR generates our emotional response called stress… With less power given to fear, we can change perspective on what many humans consider to be stressful. Heck, death is not even the enemy from the higher spiritual perspective and THAT is what humans find, at the core, as the most fearful (and stressful) of concepts. Why, because the human mind and ego die and do not go to the higher realms as easily as our perfect souls…

Being most “Present,” or said differently, “in the moment,” can help you manage your stress. If you can have the perspective of not being stuck in past traumas or dramas, life will be more a positive adventure. If past fears stick with you like PTSD, you may hold past emotional and maybe physical pain which will skew you enjoyment of the perfect moment you are living. Easier said than done. And, many of us love to play the “victim” to the past so we can have excuses or share our past pain with other people we bump into. This a great way to teach others what not to do in moving forward with life. Also, if we get caught up in the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the future, we stress in this fear. Human three dimensional thinking forces us into linear thinking where we believe that past and future exist… Higher consciousness tells us that only the “present moment” exists but our primitive human minds can not be as expansive to know the fun as we can do in the Higher Realms. This makes adventure travel in human incarnations most interesting. (And, finding “Joy” in each moment, each experience, is a goal when seeking Spiritual Consciousness…)

This brings us to the next tip… Do not take life and stress too seriously. Again the fear of death plays into our human consciousness when we consider our human lives are actually serious… Our souls are enjoying all the human dramas we create and uses these to learn and grow. Or, we are here to assist other souls in their pilgrimage of spiritual growth. Every interaction we have is designed to be a “learning” experience for all the souls involved. So, treat every interaction as if you were interacting with God, because you are. Yes, even the soul you see in the mirror. Also, remember that we are all in this together. An example from my life, when my wife passed away from Ovarian cancer in 2012 it was a very difficult experience for me and my family. AND, I learned so much and have shared the story many times for the perspective and enhancements other souls can have from our shared experience. (My experience of loss and grief has been a helpful, and common, thread for all of us to share.)

This leads to the final tip for this blog… Look for the Joy and the Wisdom to share from every human life experience. Yes, even from the dark and difficult experiences. Perhaps, even the most from the dark times. Yes, find the Joy and the Wisdom from human painful times and assists others who can raise their consciousness by hearing about your perspective in traveling through the darker times… Be the Light in the darkness of human despair as you serve by guiding others from your sharing your wisdoms.

Death and stress are NOT the enemy. These are things to consider and to move through in your human lives. Do not miss any opportunity to learn and to grow in consciousness. Avoid falling into the trap of avoiding the special moments because you have created fear. What is the worst that can happen???

There is No Stress in our world but the stress you want to perceive for your own challenges. It is a matter of perspective.

You are a Miracle!
You are the Perfect Soul standing before me radiating Divine Unconditional Love like the Sun sharing its light and energy in its life giving way.

PS… If you want debate the fear of dying with me, then do your homework and read the accounts from Near Death Experience survivors. You may resonate with their change of attitudes regarding death and of living after their NDE’s. Perspective of this message will change your life, if you allow yourself to release the drama of this fear…

The Joy of “Joy”

I would rather be Joyful, Happy, and Playful than serious. I take my Joy, seriously. I am serious about Happiness and Playfulness. If you have to stop and think about this or are angered by this admission then, YOU, need to take a Very Serious Look At YOUR Joyfulness… If you take your life too (toooooo…..) serious AND You take “Yourself” too seriously, then wake up from your anxiety and your fearful side, find your way into the “Present Moment,” and start dancing in the light of the miracle you are and the world you live within. Perhaps you can benefit from starting out by learning to laugh at yourself. You and your life are filled with drama, but if you look at it from a higher perspective, it is pretty entertaining. Have you ever lost yourself in a movie, TV show, or well written book and feel the angst of the characters to the point of distraction. This is the entertainment you sought out. And, when done well, feels real and perhaps “close to home.”

Laughter is a Great medicine. It cures what ails you. When you laugh at yourself, your foibles, and your own self-created drama, you are much healthier. In my own life, I often say (and know) that “everything I eat looks good on me,” because almost daily, what I eat ends up on my clothes. This is true because I do not have a reliable dinner table to eat at because the dinner table is often covered with harvested rocks waiting to be painted with a heart which will be placed out into the world to bring smiles to the finders as a service my girlfriend offers. My food on my clothes is a small, but entertaining, side effect to attempting to bring smiles to our world. And, standard clean clothes are so boring, anyways… Joy and laughter are an important part of my world AND these would benefit most of the people I come in contact with as I stumble around in my life.

I have made a choice, whether conscious or unconscious, to leave a legacy of laughter and joy. I want to be remembered as a man who was silly, playful, and joy filled with a focused serious side to draw upon when needed. (I am pretty functional in a crisis when the situation seems called for…) But, hearing the funny side of a life experience is something I actively look forward to celebrating and sharing. Yes, this can be distracting when people want to be “taken seriously,” but this “need” to be taken seriously is part of the drama we find in our roles of living as a human…

“Beginner’s Mind” and living in childlike wonderment is a goal to strive for. When applying this behavior, you are more apt to seek and find joy in the Miracles of life. Yes, the unexplainable Miracles which surround us in our miraculous world. If you over look miracles because you have a “jaded” attitude about the amazing things in your life, you are destined to dig an emotional and spiritual hole for yourself which may not lead to life happiness and satisfaction in your relationships. Yes, your partners in your relationships are imperfect BUT they are amazing and perfect in their own special imperfect ways. Sharing smiles, laughter, Joy, and hugs are some of most useful activities you can do in your human, drama filled, lives. And, if you are either too serious (and self-important) or too detached from simple values in life, you may be the butt of jokes from the people you interact with and perhaps to be ridiculed as the entertainment your role seems to have lead you to be. Sorry, to offend you if you are sensitive to these words but from a higher perspective these thoughts may be held true.

And, I Love You! You have chosen to find human form in my human life. I am here to learn from you and our interaction. If possible, I will find laughter and joy, if only at my own self-created drama. Thanks you for pointing this out to me. You may not even realize how valuable you are in my life and my learning. Crying and sadness are not the enemy or even opposite Joy and Happiness. These are other human reactions which we experience and can learn from.

Self disclosure: I am impatient and quick to judgement. I quite often swear “like a drunken sailor” but, no rationalization intended, it entertains me and I am here to learn from this clearly imperfect Divine Soul trapped in a swearing, judgmental human life. If you can still like me with self-disclosure, then let’s have a laugh and as imperfect humans together. If you can not accept my imperfectness, then stumble off in another life direction and we will meet up again on the other side of the vail. We are different pieces of the same whole. And, remember that I Love YOU, no matter what…

What is “Really” Going On?

Once upon a time… I imagined that I had “It” figured out… But, now, I am not so sure.

I wonder what is really going on…
There was once a time when it used to seem like I knew what was going on and now the more I know, the more I realize how little I understand what is really going on. Life spins and this roller coaster ride, though entertaining, does not seem to be as clear as my brain can handle. It takes living and experiencing many things to learn how little you know.

It is not that life is a mystery. (Which it is…) It is that our human minds cannot fully comprehend the full magnitude of what life is beyond the three dimensions. Yes, there is more than we can figure out with our linear minds when caught up in the limitations of space and time.

Sometimes I have a sense of peace when I can accept being “present” and not attempting to be “in control” of the uncontrollable life I am living in my human drama. For me, I simply observe in a nonjudgemental way. (Very occasionally.) I can attempt to remain in a state of Equanimity regarding the crisis’ and upheavals which human drama manifests. I look for a more simple pattern of appreciation and Gratitude for the “Miracles” which cross my vision (or other human senses…) BUT, (Big But,) most of the time I want to “understand” what I can not understand.

My mind and ego want to most fully understand and control every situation because these parts of me feel safer when I come up with an “understanding” and can pretend to be in control of the difficult life situations and interactions which I stumble into.

The “bottom line” is that every situation, every interaction, and every human drama is a perfect moment to test out my consciousness and my developing wisdom on the human plane of existence. When I can find amazement and joy with a “Beginners Mind” in these experiences, as a baby/toddler does when they begin to explore their world, then I might temper my fear and anxiety. Perhaps, I can even surrender into the moment to most fully appreciate how weird and wonderful being a human can be.

When I can elevate my perspective to a more broad view, I can find and then celebrate the human drama which I find myself within.

Beyond this incomprehensible conundrum, as we play our roles in our human dramas, PLEASE know that you are Loved. You are Perfect! YOU are a Miracle! Though other humans we bump into may not say it, YOU are NOT alone. YOU are an important piece of the Divine Spirit. Thank you for being you.

Separate Human Realities

Yes, in the limited 3 dimensional human experience there are “Alternative Truths.” Two, or more, opposite (or very different) “facts” (???) support opposite, or opposing, points of view which can exist without cancelling each other out. But, inflexible, narrow minded “Believers” (in our human life dramas) do attempt to invalidate any and all oppositional viewpoints. This is not new. This has existed forever in human communities. When a community forms a belief system develops and many, or most, people agree to a philosophy, or religion, or a political position, or a foundational lifestyle. This can be in a form of nationalism, a religious belief, a political belief, or a style of living such as “hippies,” yuppies, conservatives, liberals, Midwesterners, Westerners, Europeans, Asians, etc.

Conflicts develop. Wars can happen. Revolutions occur when opposing philosophical, political or religious belief systems discount or demonize opposing beliefs. Majorities do not always prevail. A minority with powerful resources may win out over the majority who may be impotent due to reduced resources such as money, power, or organizational skills.

It is interesting when rational thinking and scientific findings are opposed or “denied” for the sake of a ruling party’s philosophy. Example, during the Middle Ages, the “church” opposed the science that determined that the Earth was round and not the center of the Universe. Sure there can be different results from legitimate research which may be conducted by various scientific techniques. But, as an example, tobacco use can cause cancers and it is not healthy for most people. And, tobacco companies, to protect their business, fought for decades using oppositional research and their money to subvert legislation that would undermine their profits despite the negative health impacts on people and the costs of health care to treat the longterm results of tobacco use. And sure, we humans should have the freedom to make bad decisions out of personal choice… However, taking full responsibility for the damage done to oneself and to the innocent people who live in the smoke polluted environment often is not fully accounted for by addicted smokers.

From a spiritual perspective this “craziness” is perfect. The human lessons from bumping up against opposing life choices are what makes living as a human, is all about. Even when we get killed in a war over petty nationalism or stupid religious beliefs. Spiritually, we were not going to live forever and these are lessons for our loved ones who grieve our death on the battlefields of human life.

Getting emotional when interacting with stupidity from opposing philosophies is a huge, and difficult, human experience. Having fear and anger triggered is SO Human! In the higher realms, acceptance and a more Universal understanding in the long term learning allows for traumatic human experience to be explained and appreciated as the teaching tools they are.

Sure, we are taught that injustice is bad but humans are so slow, or unable, to learn from our mistakes and historical human failures. Being Self-absorbed and self-protective is still the ruling belief where cooperation, acceptance and human understanding would be less destructive… (Consider the lesson of destruction and how selfish interests create major problems like Global Warming, Air pollution, water pollution, and even misinformation which allows millions of people to die from famine and diseases which can be reduced or mitigated.) And, why do humans tell lies or spread mis-information as a tool for selfish personal interests? Why do humans have and follow media, political groups, and religious institutions which are NOT in the world’s best interest? Maybe, that is what the human drama is all about in living in the limited human 3 dimensional lives we lead.

When I was a young man, I knew that for every “truth” the opposite can be thought to be truth as well, if you can alter your perspective.

You may have your own opinion. I do not want to be pessimistic or negative by conveying these thoughts on the complexities of what humans find to be “true.”

Definition of “True”:
1. In accordance with fact or reality or
2. Accurate or exact

(Really opens more questions than this definition solves…)
Definition of “Truth”: the quality or state of being true… (that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality…)

This definition like our limitations in words and human perspective leaves much to be understood and most fully conscious of.

Even if you do not like it, perhaps, especially if you do not like what is going on with the “Truth,” you can find the struggle for acceptance and lack of judgement as an ultimate challenge for spiritually developing humans… I have no patience for the lack of common sense and respect for the “Truth” (as I know it.) So, this is one of MY especially difficult lessons in being a spiritual human being… I still get caught taking sides and feel the passion to want to serve and protect… (And, money and power of the few still seem to win out…)

No matter what “truth” you believe, YOU are perfect and the Divine Spirit Loves YOU!


Life’s lessons are created by “contrast.”
Often we might expect our lives to move easily or freely through life experiences and then we hit a glitch. Perhaps a small obstacle or sometimes a great mountain which creates a major recalculation in your life’s path. The contrast from easy, quiet, and meditative to a chasm which must be carefully or forcefully overcome becomes some of the most important learning opportunities. You are tested by these obstacles. The wisdom you gain from your moving through or around this barrier thrown onto your life’s path is a lesson you have come into this life to learn.

In American culture, the English language looks to compare and contrast the objects and activities we experience. Better than, less than, larger, smaller, costlier, cheaper, more solid, more soft, the list goes on with defining things by comparing what they are similar to or dis-similar to. This limited and linear way of defining objects and activities seem easier for the limited 3 dimensional human mind to comprehend. We run into problems when we allow ourselves to be “present” and make attempts to explain emotions, feelings, flavors, or spiritual experiences. For example, how do you explain or define the smell of fresh baking bread? Or, really and fully put words to emotions like love? Sometimes we describe what something is NOT, but this rings hollow. Complicated or complex thoughts or feelings do not lend themselves well to English language definitions.

And, using contrast to define experiences often comes down to saying what something is not or something which seems similar, but is difficult to gracefully define. There is our struggle. Feel things, experience things, appreciate things and then attempt to integrate the full emotion or feelings of these experiences. Do not be lazy! It is work to be present and to sort out a complicated emotion. When we must communicate these feelings, we often turn to psychic expression of emotions which can be transmitted unconsciously. Our communication partner must “resonate” with the vibration you are attempting to communicate. If successful, they will “feel” what you are sending even if the words lack the depth of what you attempt to convey.

And, how do you know where you are on your path through this life without contrast with remembering from where you have started? Whether you know it and appreciate most fully, YOU are moving along your path and expanding your consciousness. By sharing your stories, you can clarify your learnings. You offer yourself and your listener a gift by attempting to share your discovered, or remembered, wisdoms.

Personally, I have learned and developed myself more when I have been confronted by the seemingly negative contrast of a major turn in my life. Upon survival, you can reflect on the situation and grow from the experience. There is much to learn when our “normal and expected path” through life is altered or blocked by a significant contrast. These contrasts are not always negative or seemingly painful, like when you suddenly, unexpectedly, “Fall in Love.” These can be dramatic changes in our “normal” path.

An example which occurred for me 50 years ago when I was barely 19 years of age may symbolize several of the concepts we have just discussed. There are no words which do this experience full justice.
The story: I attended a retreat with some students from UCLA where I was attending college. After “partying” on Friday night, we decided to get serious and do some “work” on Saturday morning. There were 5 or 6 group discussions organized and I “was drawn” (or guided) to attend a discussion on Death and Dying. I am not sure why. At the time, I had not done any research or reading or even much thinking about this topic but I was curious about this one choice in topics. The guy in the front of the room was learning about Kubler-Ross’s work “On Death and Dying.” His leadership technique was to lead a “guided meditation” to find out about Death. This seemed OK. I had NO expectations and I had no resistance. I was very naive about all of this, at that time. So, I followed his guidance and instructions which was to get comfortable, relax, breathe slowly, settle in, and then gently and slowly lift myself out of my body. “No problem” and I went along with these instructions thinking that everyone in the room was able to do this easily. He asked that we drift up and away from our bodies, watching as the image of our bodies got smaller and smaller. So, up into space I went. No problem. At some point, looking down at the speck of my body was not interesting so I turn 180 degrees and headed into the blackness of space. No problem and no fear. I traveled out toward what I considered the direction of death. When I got to what I believed to be half way, I paused. Before me in the blackness was a dark horizon. Emanating from over the horizon was the most beautiful warmth. A glowing warm I “knew” to be “Unconditional Love” and acceptance. In that fraction of a second, I “knew,” or “remembered,” what Divine Love was/is. A feeling of Joy, Freedom, Acceptance, no limitations of space or time, no limitations of consciousness, no limits on communication because everyone already knew everything about me and fully accepted me as a connected part of the the Universal Wholeness. (Notice that all of these words can have an infinite amount of personal interpretations…) It was an instant in my life where these feelings were so strong and clear that I will never forget them, though I am limited in going back and feeling these as if I was fully there. (The clear “thought” of this experience I remember, vividly.) I wanted to stay. I wanted to complete the travel over this dark horizon. It was too wonderful to turn away from. And then, the unheard voice telepathetically said that I had to “go back” for it “was not my time.” I argued. And, I was told “you have things to do and you will be able to return when it was appropriate.” I did not know what that meant or what I was “supposed” to do with my life but grudgingly I turned around and headed back to my body. No big deal. Everyone in the room had done the same. No fear. In fact, with this new consciousness, there was not fear of death or dying. No big deal, I assumed everyone had experienced this. When the exercise was over the guy in the front of the room asked if anyone could share their experience. Since I was one of the youngest, perhaps the youngest, person in the room, I waited and looked around. No one raised their hand. Finally, my impatience lead me to raise my hand and I told my story. The guy in the front of the room started bouncing up and down and looked very excited with my telling of my story. It dawned on me, THEN, that I had been “Gifted” with an amazing experience and my excitement kicked in. I did not know what to do with this experience which was an unexpected contrast to my “normal” life and consciousness. I may never fully integrate this experience into my human life. And, I said previously, this is not something I can pop into any time I want. I have tried. But, the feelings which are not well described, have not been diluted by time. That instant is indelibly etched deep into my life’s memory and life’s experience.

In the years since that out-of-the-body experience (or STE: Spiritual Transformative Experience,) I have retold that story. And, every time it brings up the same wonderful and profound feelings. Though my life’s perspective has changed from experience, I know that my life has been changed from this contrast and expanded awareness. My story resonated with me when I read many accounts of NDE’s (Near Death Experiences.) These “felt” familiar and similar. I have come to feel that these other documented stories somehow validate my out-of-the-body experience from when I was 19 years of age. There are times when I am telling my story or listening to someone’s NDE that we get locked in to the same vibrational resonance. I “KNOW” that when I transition from this Human lifetime, I will get to return to the higher realms and re-experience my Divine unconditional love, acceptance, and connectedness with all in the Universe (and beyond.) This is a huge contrast to what I was taught regarding end of life transitions as a child (younger person.)

Of course there have been difficult contrasts which have added to my consciousness like the death of my wife after 30 years together. Or, the struggle after having my out of the body experience which lead me to leave Los Angeles, UCLA, my home, and all my Southern California lifestyle which lead me to turning 20 in Strasbourg, France and never returning to live in Southern California. The “unknowns” we step into after “contrasts” present themselves almost always require a “stretch” to fit into the changed perspective and lifestyle which is created. Amazing stories to share are created.

You can fit your own life and details into a telling of the major contrasts in your life. Every time you tell or retell these stories you gain in perspective and learn. Your witness is blessed with the possible wisdoms, from experience, you are willingly sharing. A win-win for every participant, if all are open and available for wisdom sharing…

Contrasts can be sharp as in Black and white. They can also be more subtle as in shades of gray. A life of consciousness raising has both. Paying close attention is the sign of one who is moving toward an “Enlightened” state. When possible, do not avoid the contrasts. Learn from new perspectives and adjust your travels accordingly. You have choice and an unconscious need to continue to move forward in these adventures into consciousness. AND, when you are presented with an obstacle on your path through life allow this contrast to offer most fully the learning from this diversion. Sure it feels odd, maybe uncomfortable, but it offers new perspective and possible new wisdoms to live by. The concept “that you can not get the Genie back in the bottle” becomes the twist in your road of life which leads you on an amazing adventure… Along the way, share your stories and your wisdoms…

You are a Blessing! YOU are Loved!

Perspective: Revisited

Viewing Life from Higher or Lower Places

On a recent trip to Bryce Canyon and Sedona, I awoke one evening and considered my travels and the perspective which I found most attractive. In reviewing my photographs taken on this trip, I found that my favorites were photos taken from a higher perspective. The ones I considered the most expansive were the photos taken from on top of the cliffs I visited. The openness of the sky and the incredible perspective of viewing a broad range of natural beauty seemed to really speak to me. When I hiked in the canyons, I enjoyed looking up, seeing the rock formations and the effects of the carving by rivers, winds, and glaciers, AND, this perspective was amazing as well. Natural beauty is a Divine gift to appreciate and to experience. The “overlooks” were the ones I found I wanted to photograph and to share the most.

What does this say about my perspective? Is taking a broader view more appealing to me for a reason or just an unconscious aesthetic attraction? Expansive views of bright blue skies and red rock cliffs were very seductive to for me on these travels. My appreciation is not unique. There were plenty of other travelers enjoying these overlooks and views. An appreciation also now considers that the roads to these overviews were created by people driven to share these amazing sights. These builders put so much effort into building these roads and trails which lead the way to this higher perspective of the natural beauties in our world. What drove these engineers and builders to work so hard in these challenging physical environments for the sake of pilgrims on the road?

Overlooking the Earth’s treasures from higher perspective adds so much to an appreciation for our lives which often seemed so locked into lower perspectives. We often find ourselves looking at and living within the valleys of our lives and looking up. There is great beauty to be seen AND we sometimes seem required to gain the higher perspective and to experience the broader perspective possible…

A “Higher Perspective” is also a metaphor which applies to the way we think and feel. “Taking the High Road” is an expression which suggests that one does not get caught in a lower perspective which may include anger, fear, anxiety and is often more narrow or even self-centered in focus. Is “Higher” always better? This may depend upon the challenge and learning in life that is being experienced. I have learned more from my mistakes and the hard times in my life than when things seemed easy and rolling along in a seemingly positive successful way. In this perspective, I could say that the low times and the valleys of my life offered important lessons and experiences which allowed me to better appreciate the “happier” times. We all need diverse perspectives in our lives.

An example from a hike near Sedona, AZ to the top of Doe Mesa.

View from the top of Doe Mesa

Your perspective changes as you move along your path through life. Early on, your perspective includes “Wonderment” for everything is new and special in your young expanding consciousness. In adolescence, you fight to be in control of your life, even if you are not quite ready to take on this responsibility. Later, as an adult, you may overlook the miracles which present themselves because you are so busy doing seemingly “important” things and you have “done stuff” so you may be jaded. But, often you will come around again to the perspective of Wonderment, where life again is filled with amazing and unique experiences. If you are not consciously developing consciousness then as you approach the end of your current incarnation you live in fear and anxiety or maybe “find religion” so you can satisfy your need for unknowable answers which are lacking when you are consciously unconscious. Wow, perspective at this time allows for very different worldly lessons and experiences. Again, looking up from life’s canyons versus looking out from a “higher perspective.”

Your life is full of choices. Your number one choice is to take responsibility for your life. You can live from the perspective of being a victim. These lessons are interesting and may be of service to the other people you interact with however, you can more freely steer your own ship if you understand, appreciate and move forward as the responsible leader of your life’s experiences. Learn from the darker times and share your learned wisdoms. ALWAYS look to serve. Coming from the perspective of looking to serve, without “strings attached,” is a huge step toward living in a state of higher consciousness. A Higher Perspective for sure…

And, living in darkness, under a rock, as a victim, or controlled by addictions to the dramas of your life is a spectacular way to test your learned or remembered wisdoms. Your interactions will feed off the human dramas we have come into the human life to experience. You may have agreed to assist other souls with their lessons. You may be testing to refine your own past life transgressions or possibly the issues of your ancestors. There is no past or future, but the human mind may understand things in a linear way with its limitations of the three dimensional perspective, so, past ancestors’ issues may seem to exist for you to attempt to “clean up.” Lots to consider and very far afield in this posting.

Whatever you choose to use as your perspective in life, it is PERFECT! You are where you are supposed to be… And, at some point, at any point, you can choose to view life, and live life, from a different perspective…
And, whether you know it or not, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you…

No Coincidences

There are No Coincidences. Every interaction has a purpose. Pay attention to your intuition, your “gut feelings,” and hopefully to your Guidance. When you have interactions with other people, animals, plant life, and environments, if you pay attention and remain “present,” you may experience the “value” of the interactions which you were allowed to have. There will be times when these interactions are specifically for your learning and there are times when your part of the interaction is to serve another soul’s learning experience. Either way, both offer important value for your spiritual evolution, if you are paying attention. When an experience seems accidental, it is not an accident. When something “Fateful” occurs, it is not a completely innocent occurrence. Often, we just “write off” an unusual event or interaction, when a deeper interpretation would have value for the possible learning or sharing of wisdom.

Even with people we have great difficulty in relating to or in darker, difficult experiences, we can find a message which can be of service to our developing consciousness. So consider, that every interaction is sacred. The value may not come as easily observable. We may have to dig deep to find the love and the joy which bathes us in more challenging situations. The possible service we provide as we find ourselves interacting has value for both sides of this equation.

When we avoid having interactions we can slow down our spiritual evolution. Yes, sometimes a quiet retreat seems necessary and important, however our “test” comes when we are able to use our acquired or “remembered” wisdom in the crucible of an interaction. The gift of life as a human comes when we are challenged by experiences and the drama which human interaction allows. So, “mix it up!” Do not hide from life’s experiences, as if we could hide… And, do not be lazy, thinking that you should not pay attention even when things, especially when events/interactions, seem to be mere coincidences. If you ignore these learnings by not taking these seriously, then you are destined to repeat this experience from a different perspective… (And, destiny does not always wait for when you think you may be ready for this experiential learning. You are ready…)

Make no mistake, I am not saying that every interaction is a consciously planned event for your learning. At least, it is not planned by our human minds. The Divine Spirit’s planning is often above your human conscious pay grade. Some people believe that every interaction on the human plane is agreed upon before we enter into our lives. I can not prove or disprove this belief. We do have “free choice” and flexibility. However, we will experience what we have come here to experience even if we seemingly avoid the learning at one point. (It will pop up again at another point in our life’s pilgrimage.) And, you are not a victim because certain choices led you into the difficult situations. So look for and find the Joy from the lessons and then you can move on… Share the wisdom you gain and always look to be of service.

Never miss an opportunity to say “Thank You.” Greet people with respect and a Smile. Offer sincere compliments freely. LOOK for the perfection of the soul standing in front of you and think (or communicate,) “Namaste.” A “struggling” person you interact with is offering you an opportunity to serve by gently reaching out in a positive, loving way. You are more powerful and perfect than your human mind may allow you to believe and you are a representation of the Divine Spirit. Perform your miracle of sharing the path with fellow pilgrims while finding gratitude for all the beauty you experience. (AND, look first for the Beauty and Joy in life…)

AND, it is NO coincidence that you are reading this blog. It was written from my guidance for YOU!
You are a Miracle!

Right after posting this blog this morning, I drove up to the trailhead for the Boynton Canyon Vortex in Sedona, AZ. Walked up the trail and got to the Vortex with a small number of other interested folks. I looked around and took some pics. Then, I sat in the shade and meditated. Then I got up with a “feeling” that I should check out the Vortex more closely. I walked over to the “Vortex” and watched some activities. An older guy named, Robert, appeared and enthusiastically presented me with a heart shaped red rock. He launched into a lively sermon regarding getting out of your mind and into your heart and then raising consciousness. Wow, it was GREAT! I agreed with him and he climbed the rock spire above the vortex, like a Mountain goat, and sat and played his flute. It was spectacular. While I was taking this all in, it struck me like a bolt of lightening that my Guidance had provided this “No Coincidences” experiences to punctuate the posting I had offered this morning. NOT subtle. My heart fills with Joy and I am still laughing about this approval of this morning’s post. I Hope you get what you have come here for, as well…
With Love…

Reply from Paula Forget, author of the book: “Guided to the Higher Realms

“Thank you John for sharing your story. You certainly had a memorable experience that had a deep impression on you.
For me, synchronicity is always an affirmative sign from the universe that I am on the right track.

Wishing you many more!



From where you are at this moment in time, what do you most appreciate? Notice your life’s perspective. Do you have Gratitude for the Miracle of your life, even with its current dramas? Life is a Miracle! Living can be very challenging! And, do you look over the fence and envy some aspect of another person’s drama? What is in this lesson of envy do you require?

Do you take full responsibility for your life?
Do you accept another person’s “good fortune” or do you have feelings of jealousy? Do you ever want to “try on” some else’s life experience? If so, can you do this without envy?
What lessons can you learn by comparing your life with the life situation of another pilgrim?

No matter your perspective regarding these questions, your life, yes, your current life, is so important. Your life’s drama is an important lesson through a series of life challenges which you are, for your learning, supposed to be having. Each one of us incarnated souls have our own unique path and each one us will learn what we are here to learn. You can envy another person’s life but your envy may be an important lesson and maybe a motivation for you as you follow your own path. From personal experience, I am aware that when you envy someone else’s experience, if you are able to reenact this goal, you do not have the same lesson or experience. Yours will be unique to you. (A reminder, YOU are Unique, Special and Essential to the Divine Consciousness.) To be clear, following another person’s path because you have envy for that experience, may NOT offer the same satisfaction you are striving to achieve.

When you hear, first hand, of another soul’s adventure through life, you are given a gift to share in their learnings. Perhaps you can avoid envy and go straight to gratitude for the learning and the wisdom which has been shared with you. Also, you, as a witness to their story, are offering a service by allowing the story to be told and the experience to be shared which will make this an even deeper, richer experience for the storyteller.

You and Your path are an amazing journey. If you told your full story, your witness may wonder how YOU were able to survive. You have traveled through many bends in the road and you have learned from your successes and maybe even more from your “failures.” Each encounter you have had was “supposed” to happen though the lesson may be difficult to consciously understand. And, who was that lesson for in each encounter? Was it for you or more importantly was it for your partner in this experience? Perhaps in your “life review,” after you transition from this life, you will be made more aware of what was to be learned in these interactions…

Attempt to take a “Higher Perspective” sometimes, and look upon your life’s drama from the perspective of the higher realms. Perhaps when you look into the eyes of the next soul you encounter and know the miracle and perfection of your current partner in this interaction fully entails. Namaste! You know their perfect soul. And, know this blessing to your interaction as the “gift” it is for you and your growing wisdom. Each moment is precious and unique. Living in the past memory of your life muddies the clarity of knowing your “Present” moment. (Easier said than done…)

You can control the “Perspective” by which you choose to view the world. Sure there is “baggage” from past experiences and this factors in to the perspective you will use in the present human moment experienced. You are Human. Be as “open” and as available as possible. You never know when the rock you will turn over offers you the gift of a diamond (in the rough.) YOU are a Blessing!

Our “Perspective” is more complicated than our human minds can fully understand. However, you can be “open” to all possibilities. Being present and open without the expectation of “fully” understanding your experience is a helpful perspective. Do your best as a human. You can not really make a mistake on your path toward the Divine. (Perhaps just a “challenging learning.”) You are Perfect whether your ego allows you to accept this or not.

Finally, be happy for the stories you hear from other souls traveling the path toward consciousness. Envy does not have to be a factor which colors your interaction but can be an important lesson for you to consider.

You are Loved!

Late Summer Sweetness

It’s getting to be late summer in the Pacific Northwest. As the days are beginning to grow shorter it is also time to find the ripening berries. It is time to pick the ripened raspberries and blackberries. In my life, it is getting to be the late summer and fall of this incarnation for me. It is time to pick The ripened berries of my life. Their sweetness and my wisdom gained from all of my years is now time to share.

I do not look for the future with the optimism of youth. I look much more into the present moment rather than looking into the what is possible and what could be. Though I am aware of lessons learned from my past, I attempt to mitigate the anxiety from most past trauma in ways to see the present without the filters born from past difficult learnings. I find Gratitude for all the lessons… Past Joys and Sorrows can be equally Blessed.

These days with less judgment, I enjoy the sweetness of my life and of the world that surrounds me. It is a time to reflect on lessons learned, even with sour taste or the bitterness of certain life challenges. It is time to find the joy in working through the lessons that I have experienced and the things that I have accomplished. Not every ripe looking berry picked is sweet. The Joy which can be found in sour life experiences can find sweetness as shared wisdom.

There are times when I have to put my head down and walk into the breeze which my day presents. It is refreshing and yet requires extra effort to weather any storm or any headwind that I may encounter. It is also time for me to share value from my lessons in a way that may save some of the time and energy for the witnesses of these conversations. In sharing, I am acting in service from the perspective of my current incarnation. As a possible guide or beacon, my learnings may light the way and offer perspective to those souls I am lucky enough to connect with.

Without the metaphors, this past Wednesday, August 19th, I celebrated what would have been my 36th wedding anniversary. My bride passed into her next life over 8 years ago but the sweetness and the joy of our lives together still vibrates within me. The difficult lessons We learned, I learned, are ever present and awaiting any appropriate chance to share, with gratitude, my memories and learnings. That is what life masters attempt to offer when appropriate. I no longer need to force my grief on others. I can share when the time is correct for a soul whose life buzzes close to what I encountered. The richness of learning from difficulties can be of service and give me a sense of value… (In sharing I also find perspective and value in my “old” story.)

It is not that I do not care about the future. The future of the world. The future of my children and family. It is that I am not as attached to the outcomes. I am not living with the expectations that the world is going to be easier or better. My lessons have taught me that the struggles have been the most valuable thing in my learning. And it is time to acknowledge that everyone must work through their difficulties as these are the lessons that they have come to learn from in this life.

It has come time to acknowledge that if I were to die today, I would have no regrets. I have found a level of acceptance of myself and of the accomplishments that I have made which allow me to find peace. One of the goals in life is to learn about oneself. To develop deep self knowledge. And to find a way of accepting even the flaws I may find as tools for mastering or changing my life and then living in the most positive ways.

Living your life is a miracle. It is a treasure. But to be too attached or anxious about your life seems to me to be an unwise use of time and energy. Self-love and self acceptance seem so important to me as I near the end of my seventh decade. There are adventures and appreciations in life yet to be AND I honor all that has been presented to me along my way…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

When Wisdom is Wise

I love speaking with people especially when these people have a passion for what they are sharing. I bask in the glow of their excitement and passion even if it is not a good fit for me. Passion is different than Wisdom much of the time. Speaking with people and hearing their stories or listening to memories does not always lead to discovering new Wisdom. There is a skill, born from empathy, which leads one person to share their story where it matches their listening partner’s needs. Your Wisdom may not be wise for another person. And, your interesting story or message may not be as interesting to a distracted communication partner.

I was asked to speak with a man whose younger wife had passed away leaving him to raise a young daughter. Why was this request made of me? Because my life partner, and wife, of nearly 28 years transitioned in early 2012. My struggling friend was attempting to make sense of his family’s loss. We spoke of the vacuum left behind, of which I was very familiar. We spoke about the Spiritual lessons that were available for he and his daughter to learn. My “Wisdom” was to share with him that I had gone through my loss and the grieving process so I could be of service to other people who needed love and support from a “survivor.” I told him to pay attention because he and his daughter would have important lessons, Wisdom, to share at some point in their future.

This example fit for my friend. It offered little in the way of immediate answers but did offer a broader perspective he benefitted from being exposed to. It matched some of his needs. It would have been less effective if my story told him the best way to change a spark plug or how to order online. Yes, Wisdom is in the “eye of the beholder.” No way can I know his pain or his grief or his confusion, but I could support him with my experience of survival and the perspective which I have discovered in this similar type life experience. AND, I learned so much by retelling my story from the perspective of these years since the transition of my bride.

You have value and purpose! You are supposed to offer your support and service to the pilgrims you bump into on your path through this life. When possible, share your knowledge and especially your Wisdom, when your communication partner matches up with your past experience. Your perspective, and this support, is so greatly needed AND you will learn more as you retell your valuable story. Remember, it helps to be empathetic and offer your story if it matches well your partner’s need and if your partner is ready, and willing, to hear it…

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at