Have You ever experienced “Unconditional Love?” Perhaps you have had an experience in “knowing” or “remembering” the Divine Spirits’ essential Love. It is a “feeling” not a thought. It is impossible to define in our 3 dimensional world and language. Like the human act and feeling of Love, it defies definition. As an exercise in frustration, can you define a simple feeling like the smell of a fragrant rose or the taste of an exquisite food? Perhaps you can say what it is NOT. Or, you can compare it to something we have in common but the nuances of this unique sensation do not lend themselves to the world of descriptive words.
More difficult is a sensation that does not reside in our 3 dimensional human world like Divine Unconditional Love. So, I share a story. When I was 19 years old in my second year at UCLA, I participated in a weekend workshop. Our larger group divided into 5 or 6 smaller groups to discuss various topics. I selected the group discussing Death and Dying. Kubler-Ross’s book “On Death and Dying” had been released and the group leader had read this book. He decided that the group would have an “experience” in the form of a guided visualization to “explore” Death and Dying. I had never really thought about this. I was innocent and Naive in this area so I had few pre-conceptions and no anxiety. I was asked to relax and to step out of my body to go to discover what Death was all about. So, I did what I was told. I assumed everyone would be doing this and it seemed easy for me, at that time. I drifted up and away from my body and traveled out into the Universe. Finally, I got to what I perceived to be “half way to Death” and before me was a dark horizon. My understanding at the time seemed to be that on the other side of this horizon was Death. It seemed warm and inviting. I was attracted to it and peaceful. It was comforting. My perception included these words: I was enveloped in warmth, unconditional love and acceptance. I was free of constraints like time and space. I was “connected” to all other souls and things. I had access to all of universal wisdom.
No Big Deal! After all, everyone in the room with me was experiencing the same thing on their out of body experience, I thought. It was so inviting, I did NOT want to go back. Non-verbally, it was explained that I had to go back. I refused and resisted. I was told that I was not done doing what I had come to do so I had to go back. Grudgingly, I returned but not before I was told that I could/would come back when my time was correct to return. Knowing that I would be allowed to return, in time, I went back and got into my body. Words are inadequate to truly communicate what I had experienced but I was young and dumb so this did not seem to matter to me, at the time. This experienced was difficult to integrate but the main concept was that Death was NOT scary or the enemy. It was something we would all experience when we transitioned out of our current incarnations.
When the “guided visualization” was complete the guy in the front of the room asked if anyone had an experience. I waited because I was one of the youngest people in the room. No one raised their hand to share so I raised my hand and told my story. No big deal. I thought everyone had gone where I went… The guy in the front of room got really excited. His eyes got wide! He started jumping up and down in excitement and THEN I realized that I had had a profound experience. A life changing experience. My innocence and naivety were dissolved. I had a story to tell and to share! BUT, words are not adequate. In fact, in the past 50 years, my mind remembers the experience as clearly as it had just happened except for the the profound feeling of Unconditional Love which does NOT translate into my 3 dimensional life. There are no words and the “feeling” which enveloped me is not clear in my focus. Vague but there.
We have feelings like love and these have conditions, you know strings attached, etc. We can not fully define this feeling but “Unconditional Love” is in a league of its own. I KNOW, we all have had this experience (before birth and after we transition from life) but finding integration and definition in our lives is NOT fully possible. YOU will know it when it comes. You will Love it when you feel it. You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle. Your Spirit is Perfect! And, your life has a purpose which can not be understood, fully, as you plod through your life experience. In the Higher Realms, it will make more sense. AND, YOU are Unconditionally Loved!!!
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