Releasing My Connection

There comes a time when when you might become aware that you are not needing to be as connected to your human life as you have been earlier in your current incarnation. I am not talking about “giving up” on life. I am speaking about not being so tightly bound to living in your current human body.

I have been told that the Dalai Lama has a daily practice which he does 7 times per day. It is a meditation practice of being most aware as he transitions out of his current life. Being most fully aware at death seems to be a goal for high level Buddhists and something that they strive to achieve. I am not sure why or have any details, but the source of this information is someone I trust. Before you can prepare fully for high level awareness at death, you first have to: eliminate your fear of dying, be present, and be prepared to let go of your human life to be able to freely rejoin the Divine Spirit. (These are my thoughts.)

Many people have some consciousness regarding their approaching life transition. Some people go into fear or denial. Some people might look forward to this experience with an openness that seems highly conscious, to me. It is an inevitable transition and being conscious and perhaps better prepared seems like a good idea. Anyhow, it dawned on me the other day that my recent lack of “grounding” may be a kind of preparation for an end of life transition. Since I am over 70 years of age and I do not look to be an overly old, older person, this may be a bit of a wake up call. I am not sure I want to rehearse my conscious dying 7 times a day like de Dalai Lama but I may want to consider my mortality in an expanded light. Some people set longevity as a goal and want to live past 100 years. I am not one of these longevity goal setters. There is some longevity running in my family. My Father was 85 and my mother was almost 94 when they transitioned. Both these ages seem long enough, perhaps, even longer than I have in my mind for myself.

No matter what your thoughts are on this topic, I challenge you to live your passion and leave your current life without any regrets about the “could of’s” and “should of’s” in your life. Life is short so do not wait too long to do what you really want to do. A great life, to me, would have “No Regrets” when considering all of what your life has included and all that has been possible. And, take responsibility. You have choices and YOU make these decisions regarding how you live your life. When you came to your crossroads, you made your choice to follow the path which you headed down. Enjoy your life and find Joy everyday. Laugh out loud and love without limits or expectations. Find a way to serve your fellow travelers. And, keep your heart open to guidance and the Divine Spirit. When your time comes… go towards the light and the Unconditional Love of the Universal Divine. If you do not feel clear about what this is, consider reading several, if not many, accounts of NDE’s (Near Death Survivors.) Determine what “Feels” right for you in these various accounts. (Not your head (thoughts) but your Heart (Feelings.)) Live in the Wonderment of the amazing life you came here to experience.

You can also read another July, 2021 blog posting “When I Die” you can get a bit more background information. Perspective on Living and Legacy.

For your consideration, be aware of your personal expectations. I am not a fan of expectations and living with expectations laid on you externally or from your need to please someone else seems, to me, to be a dangerous minefield. For me, connecting with your inner guidance for what feels best for you seems a better choice. Then, take responsibility for whatever choice you have made.

Also I add, when someone seems too young to leave their lives, it may seem unfair or wrong in some way. Consider this possible perspective… These short-lived individuals may be “Old Souls” who came into this incarnation with the “agreement” to only be here, in their incarnation, for a relatively short amount of human time. But, Why? Possibly to assist in creating a learning opportunity for other humans who are helped on their path by experiencing the loss/death of this young individual. The brutal emotional lesson can jar those people involved in the lesson of human mortality, appreciating life, and even finding the Joy in a difficult, dark human experience. Personally, my life has been jarred and learning has happened when the lives of people I know seem to been “cut short.” Life is short. Live fully and find Joy…

Thank you for your time and consideration. You are Amazing. YOU are a Miracle! And, You are Blessed! You share the Light of Unconditional Love with All souls and You are an important piece of whole Divine Consciousness.

When I Die

When I Die, life will go on. My human life is important AND completely unimportant. When I Die, Life for some other humans will be changed and their lives will adapt to my human departure. Some people will take notice of my human transition more than most other people. But, will there be a lasting human legacy, foundationaly, laid while I lived this human life? And, does my legacy even matter? No, not really. We come to our lives, live our best, and move on beyond the human plane. BUT, how you/I choose to live does matter. We are role models. We have an important role in the drama of human life. And, everyone we interact with in our brief human lives has been changed, or their path was altered (slightly,) by our passing energy field. Some interactions cause change more than others. But, Divine Consciousness tells me, ALL are needed…

Live in vigilance regarding the “passing” role you fill in every soul you touch. Take responsibility for the possible altering of lives your existence can provide. Yes, you never really know your impact. (Few of us will become aware of the long term changes made by your interaction.) Yes, you would do well to live in integrity and be responsible for your interactions. And, you can not control the response of the people you interact with but you can do your very best…

When I Die, I will be in a “Better Place.” I “know” this. It is more than a mental opinion. This “knowing” of this comes from personal life experiences, research and reading of other people’s NDE’s, and a strong gut feeling when considering possible scenarios of post life transitioning. This knowing helps to drop the fear of death/dying and the fear of living most fully. This knowing also contributes to the belief that living is all about gaining human experiences, interacting with other souls, and contributing, where possible, to the advancement of consciousness within human relationships. Giving unconditionally your love and sharing wisdom, from life experience and your remembering of Divine Wisdom, is a huge part of what we came into our lives to offer. So, living authentically and with pureness of unconditional giving/sharing is our lasting legacy as role models. (Give without expectations…)

When I Die, there will be a void for some humans to fill or to learn from. This is unavoidable even if you have lived a solitary existence of low or non-contact. My friends and loved ones will learn to live their lives without me, in human form, and find wisdom from this learning. If my spiritual wish is fulfilled, they will share their experiences and new wisdoms. Perhaps they will become leaders or teachers or mentors to other souls that they bump into on their pilgrimage through their human lives. Perhaps, consciousness will be raised by their sharing of their perspectives. The cycle of life continues. The River of Life will continue to flow. And, Life lessons will continue to create the wisdom of life in the limitations of 3 dimensional thinking which creates our human dramas in the adventure travel called being a human.

I share these thoughts or knowings for your perspective. How do you feel about these words and the beliefs attached? I have no control of your reactions but these thoughts will trigger some agreement or argument. You must find YOUR own way through your human drama including your own death transition or the loss of people you care about.

We are all gonna die some day at the end of our current human lives. We can not avoid this. AND, this is not our enemy. A secret to Enlightenment is to live in Joy most fully. Be grateful for every day, for every experience (even the difficult ones,) and for every interaction. If you can find your way into being “present” and to not be stuck in your past or too anxious about your future, you will find the best ways to live in Joy. Consider that you NOT live for your legacy but live your life in integrity. Your spiritual legacy will take care of itself. Where possible extend Love.

Life is a Miracle! You are perfect, even with your self-perceived imperfections. (And, it does NOT matter what other people, with their expectations, think about your perfection.) Be authentic in your living. Follow your heart. Develop and then trust your intuition. AND, share your story as an important lesson/experience with the souls you touch. You are Loved!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

This blog was written after being “triggered” by the mortality of friends and family. Included is this ever increasing list is: the recent celebration of Life for our Grandma Nellie, my friend and mentor, Don Ley, and the health struggles of a wise mentor, Amari Magdalena. Certainly others have contributed including my Bride, Barbara. My own mortality is always in play and the new status of being a Grandpa contributes to my considerations.
“The Game is Afoot…” as has been said of many a human drama.

On My Own Terms

Almost everyone would like some control or a lot of control over their lives. We have choices regarding many things which can come forward in our human incarnations. Sometimes things seem to happen that we could not control but chances are we had some role in choosing part or all of the circumstances we may have seemed to stumble into. If we take responsibility for our lives and our choices, we have a better chance of learning or experiencing what we came “here,” into this incarnation, to experience. This will include how we choose to transition out of this incarnation. Boy, did I just piss some people off… This is an emotional issue on many levels.

Leaving this life on my own “fully conscious” terms is a possibility and would be powerful to consider. One example, in our state, if you have a terminal diagnosis and two doctors will sign off on the situation, stating that you have less than 6 months to live, you can get medication so you have a choice to end your own life on your own terms. In my mind this is NOT an act of a coward but of courage. We are all going to pass-on and transition out of our current lives. Dying most consciously in a controlled environment, at a selected time, seems like a good option for some people. Other people have other opinions which are different from mine and they are entitled to their opinions but choices and options are good to consider and can add value to how YOU choose to live, and die.

Most people consider what the “end of life” experience will be like…??? Many people have fear regarding the “unknown” circumstances of transitioning. It is one of the most important experiences we have and full consideration is an important part of the process of living most consciously. What do YOU want to have happen? Do YOU want some measure of control or, at least, consider that you have some control? AND, if you want something to work with as a possible transition, consider reading stories or speaking with people who have had NDE’s (Near Death Experiences, like in “Life After Life” by Raymond Moody or Ken Ring’s work on research with NDE folks. There are many published stories, YouTube videos and recorded audios with people who have had NDE’s.)

More fully, not only consider how you choose to leave this life but are YOU living most fully on your terms? And, if not, why not? It is YOUR Life! These questions and considerations are more important and more difficult than how you want your morning expresso to be made. Yes, I know how important your morning coffee beverage is but these other considerations seem bigger with longer lasting effects. Living and then dying on your own terms is worthy of your time and energy. Look at all your options AND do not always take the most convenient path, the conventional thinking, or what other people want you to do. Your life is YOUR life and YOU are responsible. You must live with your choices and decisions. I have been told that the Dalia Lama is rigorous in practicing being fully conscious at death by using a 7 times daily practice of an exercise to be Present and alert as he transitions from this life. My understanding is that it is a Buddhist’s goal to be conscious and to learn the most possible in end-of-life transitioning. (Also, when interviewed about whether he would like to return again to a human incarnation, his answer was that he hopes he can come back again to continue to be of “service” which is unlike many enlightenment seekers who want to never return to incarnations and spend eternity at some “higher level”…??? Whatever that looks like…)

Most Importantly, LIVE every moment. Find the Joy and the Miracles in every moment you possibly can because you and your life are amazing and full of miraculous experiences. Every moment is precious. If you are working on being most conscious, you can celebrate the learnings which are happening in every second of your current life. This is the “Testing Grounds” for the wisdom you are learning and the Divine Wisdom (and Guidance) you are remembering and bringing into this incarnation. Your Life and Your Living is a Beacon of inspiration for the people you touch in this life. You can be a positive influence just by role-modeling being fully present and your searching for the wisdom and joy which can be found in every life experience. Yes, even in the most difficult of your life’s challenges…

Some people need to be reminded that death is not going a vacation. Though the higher realms are attractive and Divine unconditional love is wonderful to experience, however, the travels of your path through life is the real goal. This is the experience of testing out found wisdom and learning important lessons from life with the limitations of human 3 dimensional existence. The end goal of the final transition is not really what your life is about or your true goal in your current incarnation. (And, you have free will to argue with me about this, if you have read this far.) Your true purpose is to learn, to grow, and serve fellow travelers by sharing love and joy.

YOU are a Blessing. You may have more of a choice than you realize so living in vigilance and less as a victim of circumstance is a great attitude to spend time within. AND, Thank You for Being You!

Life is a Miracle! Seek the Joy in every moment you have…

When You Have the Opportunity

Do not miss the chance of a lifetime! When you have the opportunity to sit with a friend or relative who is transitioning out of their current incarnation, do it. Please do not miss out on what is possible for your “learning.” It seems like such a difficult time. Most of us learn important lessons from the “hard” challenges. Often the most important learnings we can find about living are found by participating in the moments before, during and immediately after witnessing a soul transitioning from human life. Wow, this really makes you think. Of course, you can find other ways to appreciate living. Life is short and fragile. Wake up and find Joy each and every moment. Yes, I am asking you to do something difficult and to overcome your personal fear/anxiety regarding the process of dying…

What is the last act of service your friend or family member can offer to you? They allow you to share their final transition. They receive your love and attention but they are creating an experience for YOU which will change your life. The doors to Divine Consciousness are thrown open. You are basking naked in spirit! Your heart is filled with an uneasy compassion. You must learn to continue without your friend or family member. You must consider your own mortality. Heaven is watching you. You get to attempt to provide unconditional love and support, and, this is your huge challenge, the unconditional part. Your friend or family is preparing to be transitioned into a “better place” and you are asked to continue your drama in human form with a void created by their transition. (Often we request that our loved one or friend would “stay” but this is often a selfish request. We might fear change but our loved one may need to “move on” on their path. And, we may need to learn to “let go”…)

Most people are uncomfortable or afraid to participate because this seems foreign to their experience. In our culture (in the USA,) death and dying are hidden away in sterile professional settings. In generations past, we used to have our loved ones laid out and dying in the “parlor” (at home) but an industry has grown up in our society to white wash this experience. This has built up our “unknown” to an experience and a reaction that is fairly common… dying at the end of life is quite common. It is natural. There is much to learn from the experience of sitting with your friend or family member as they find their way into the higher realms. And, remember death and dying are NOT the enemy. This is a transition from human incarnation back into the higher realms of the Divine spirit.

So, face your fears. Reach out for the perspective of the struggle to live and the inescapable situation of end-of-life transitions. To better prepare yourself, look for the stories and videos of Near Death Survivors (NDE’ers). Or, have one of your own… This puts your life into perspective. You are an actor in the drama you call your life but as my friend and mentor, Don Ley, says, “You are so much GREATER than you allow yourself to know…” You and your spirit are perfect and powerful! You are a human form of the Divine Spirit. You are a Miracle!

Many people label death as bad or a loss. Many people have fear and anxiety because their ego/mind fights to survive and is left behind when you join the higher realms. (But, the ego/mind will be fine…) The anxiety of the unknown, which is unknown to the ego/mind, is common but YOU can help. Even in your personal grief, allow your friend/family member to be present by slowly breathing. Ask that they breathe in unconditional golden white light through their crown chakra. When they begin to calm down, remind them that they are Loved. Remind them that they will be OK and to gently head into the “Light.” Tell them that you will be OK and that your love will not be forgotten. Even in your grief your comforting Love will assist them in “Letting Go” and moving up back into the Higher Realms… (Thank you, YOU are a Blessing!) And, I have learned 3 times that they may wait until YOU leave the room to transition because your loving energy may keep them in the room. (This is not a way of avoiding you. It is a way of your loved one showing you their love for you.)

In my own life experience, I have been through the passing of my parents and my wife of 27 years (to cancer.) I would not wish these losses upon anyone but they were very important learnings for me. From these experiences, I have gained valuable information to share and this has been a service which has been requested of me. Life is a Miracle! Living can be brutal. Supporting a person in this transition can be an important test. And finding the Joy and Wisdom from seemingly “dark” human interactions demonstrates the highest levels of consciousness. (BTW: the “darkness” is really most an issue for those of us who are left behind, dealing with a “void,” and we who are left behind do not get to rejoin the higher realms… Until it is our time to transition…)

A Resource: An Interview with my friend and Mentor, Don Ley, regarding his NDE (Near Death Experience.) YouTube link at:

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

End Game Perspective

Death is NOT the enemy! With that said, what is your end of life perspective? I find myself in my 70th year in this lifetime and I am guided to share some of my perspective from my life’s experience. 50 years ago, I was “gifted” with a life changing experience. As an immature, innocent and naive young man, I found my way into a room as a UCLA student on a student retreat weekend. The discussion was to be about a Kubler-Ross book “On Death and Dying” which had just come out that year. I had never thought about Death or Dying and had not read any books on spiritual philosophies regarding this topic. I was a clean slate and open minded… I was comfortable in my innocence with a “Guided Meditation” to find and to explore Death. No fears and no barriers to leaving my body for this exploration. In my mind, it was no big deal and I assumed that every one of the 25 students in the room would be experiencing something similar to me.

I was incorrect about this assumption. No Big Deal. I did what I was told. I relaxed. I got out of my body. I moved away from my body. AND, I went to explore Death. My guidance loved and protected me as I was “Guided” to what I thought was the halfway point to Death. In front of me was a dark horizon with a loving warmth radiating from over this horizon. No fear for me. In fact, the opposite was my experience. I was enveloped in a warm and unconditional Love. Words can not describe this sensation of heart based loving support, total acceptance, and a freedom from the limitations of time and space. It may have been only an instant but I recognized this as a familiar and common experience of consciousness beyond life on Earth. No Big Deal because this was familiar and everyone in the room was experiencing this same feeling.

This experience of 50 years ago is burned into my consciousness, like it just happened. I can not feel the unconditional love and warmth of acceptance, but I remember that for a fraction of a second I had felt this perfection and Joy. The “Oneness” and the access to all “Divine Wisdom” was also clear and experienced. Again, No Big Deal. When it was time to return to my body, I remember NOT wanting to return. I was ready to stay and maintain this glorious experience BUT I was “told” that I would have to return because “it was NOT your time and you had “things” to do in this life.” With resistance and disappointment, I grudgingly returned. No Big Deal!

When I found my way back and awakened from this experience, the group leader asked if anyone had something to report. Since I was one of the youngest students in the room I waited and looked around for someone else to speak up first. When no one else had anything to share, I raised my hand and told me story. No Big Deal! The guy in the front of the room listened and seemed to get excited. His eyes opened wide and he started to seem to start bouncing around in some level of excitement. It was then that I “knew” that this was a “Big Deal!” My life had been altered. With no fear of Death or anxiety regarding the end of life, I was free to live life more freely and consciously. Though it took many years and more gifted experiences to know how to speak about this, I have never let this experience fade from my consciousness. I remember the details like it just now happened.

This “remembering” has been used many times as a service to people I have bumped into in my life’s journey. (In hospice situations the retelling of this story offered peace and reduced anxiety for many individuals and their families.) It resonates strongly with stories I have been told or that I have read regarding NDE’s (Near Death Experiences.) At an IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) conference, I learned that I had had a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience.) If you want a link to a video of my story it is on YouTube at: L. John Mason’s Death Video

Why is this retelling of this story important to YOU? Perhaps you have had a similar experience or you resonate as you “remember” your experiences in this transition. Or, perhaps, you can benefit from the perspective of what is possible and what is over your horizon… What is radiating from over the horizon that you could be awaiting???

Today, I still have some lessons and “things to do” so I will wait for my “time” to call it a life. If it comes soon, I will have no regrets and little or no anxiety about this transition to the realms of the soul/spirit. YOU will find your own truth regarding the final transition which you will experience. Your perspective on YOUR EndGame is your personal journey and the blessing of your pilgrimage. The next time I am enveloped in the Unconditional Love of the Divine Spirit I will leap at the opportunity to Dance in the Light… And, I will know YOU there…

Every day, perhaps every moment, look for the Joy in the lesson you are learning from the challenge you are currently living. Yes, Joy in the most difficult, or even painful, lesson. You are a Master of your Journey. AND, You are Loved for being who you are! Live in Gratitude. Share Love freely and Unconditionally.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

“Unconditional Love” The Divine’s Undefinable Blessing!

Have You ever experienced “Unconditional Love?” Perhaps you have had an experience in “knowing” or “remembering” the Divine Spirits’ essential Love. It is a “feeling” not a thought. It is impossible to define in our 3 dimensional world and language. Like the human act and feeling of Love, it defies definition. As an exercise in frustration, can you define a simple feeling like the smell of a fragrant rose or the taste of an exquisite food? Perhaps you can say what it is NOT. Or, you can compare it to something we have in common but the nuances of this unique sensation do not lend themselves to the world of descriptive words.

More difficult is a sensation that does not reside in our 3 dimensional human world like Divine Unconditional Love. So, I share a story. When I was 19 years old in my second year at UCLA, I participated in a weekend workshop. Our larger group divided into 5 or 6 smaller groups to discuss various topics. I selected the group discussing Death and Dying. Kubler-Ross’s book “On Death and Dying” had been released and the group leader had read this book. He decided that the group would have an “experience” in the form of a guided visualization to “explore” Death and Dying. I had never really thought about this. I was innocent and Naive in this area so I had few pre-conceptions and no anxiety. I was asked to relax and to step out of my body to go to discover what Death was all about. So, I did what I was told. I assumed everyone would be doing this and it seemed easy for me, at that time. I drifted up and away from my body and traveled out into the Universe. Finally, I got to what I perceived to be “half way to Death” and before me was a dark horizon. My understanding at the time seemed to be that on the other side of this horizon was Death. It seemed warm and inviting. I was attracted to it and peaceful. It was comforting. My perception included these words: I was enveloped in warmth, unconditional love and acceptance. I was free of constraints like time and space. I was “connected” to all other souls and things. I had access to all of universal wisdom.

No Big Deal! After all, everyone in the room with me was experiencing the same thing on their out of body experience, I thought. It was so inviting, I did NOT want to go back. Non-verbally, it was explained that I had to go back. I refused and resisted. I was told that I was not done doing what I had come to do so I had to go back. Grudgingly, I returned but not before I was told that I could/would come back when my time was correct to return. Knowing that I would be allowed to return, in time, I went back and got into my body. Words are inadequate to truly communicate what I had experienced but I was young and dumb so this did not seem to matter to me, at the time. This experienced was difficult to integrate but the main concept was that Death was NOT scary or the enemy. It was something we would all experience when we transitioned out of our current incarnations.

When the “guided visualization” was complete the guy in the front of the room asked if anyone had an experience. I waited because I was one of the youngest people in the room. No one raised their hand to share so I raised my hand and told my story. No big deal. I thought everyone had gone where I went… The guy in the front of room got really excited. His eyes got wide! He started jumping up and down in excitement and THEN I realized that I had had a profound experience. A life changing experience. My innocence and naivety were dissolved. I had a story to tell and to share! BUT, words are not adequate. In fact, in the past 50 years, my mind remembers the experience as clearly as it had just happened except for the the profound feeling of Unconditional Love which does NOT translate into my 3 dimensional life. There are no words and the “feeling” which enveloped me is not clear in my focus. Vague but there.

We have feelings like love and these have conditions, you know strings attached, etc. We can not fully define this feeling but “Unconditional Love” is in a league of its own. I KNOW, we all have had this experience (before birth and after we transition from life) but finding integration and definition in our lives is NOT fully possible. YOU will know it when it comes. You will Love it when you feel it. You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle. Your Spirit is Perfect! And, your life has a purpose which can not be understood, fully, as you plod through your life experience. In the Higher Realms, it will make more sense. AND, YOU are Unconditionally Loved!!!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What Good Comes from Tragedy? Your Perspective and Experience

Have you ever experienced a Tragedy? Of course you have. Whether a personal tragedy or one you were challenged by as a person in our culture, you have. It is common to be sad, upset, angry, frustrated, emotional, confused, or in denial AND you have been emotionally impacted. A terminal illness and death of a younger friend has triggered the memory for me of the terminal diagnosis given to my wife 15 years ago. We were confused, upset, angry because it was not fair! My wife did not deserve this diagnosis. She had so much to live for. She had lived a “healthy” lifestyle. She was a “good person” dealt a “BAD” hand… She tried everything to alter the outcome and was able to out live the prognosis by a lot however, she did not survive. This difficult challenge brought my wife and I closer together as a team. She learn to trust me in ways impossible prior to this illness. We shared experiences that no couple should have to experience. AND, we learned so much. 6 plus years since her transition from this life, I am left to reflect on what has happened to my wife and to our lives and how I can use this difficult learning.

For a moment, resist the welling emotion you are feeling. Perhaps the feeling of sadness or your fear generated upset. Though I would NOT wish this situation on anyone, or any couple, or any family, or any community of friends, I will say that this was such an important learning challenge for ALL of us that I would find it difficult to wish life had turned out different. I miss my life partner and lover of 28 years… There has been a huge void in my being but I have also known the great gift learned from this tragedy.

I am not alone in having a tragic event in my life. We have all lost friends or family members or relationships or careers or homes… We have all faced these tragedies with a range of emotions AND we have all learned from these experiences. Now realize, that from these tragedies you are a changed person AND you have to now share the knowledge or wisdom you have gained from these difficult events. You can wallow in your grief. You are entitled to a period of adjustment. You must tend to your emotional scars. BUT, you must learn, adjust, and move on into the next phase of your life. Perhaps, you will need to be a mentor or a guide to someone else who is experiencing a similar tragedy or loss. By telling your “story” you offer perspective, information, and support for the witness and YOU benefit from getting greater clarity in the act of sharing this experience. You can be a beacon of light guiding others through a dark time. Remember, we learn more from the “dark” times than we do basking in the light of happiness. This is sad but true. Your perspective and experience can be of service to the community and to the world. Consider this a value for the price you have paid by surviving and learning from your tragedy.

YOU are a Master who has been forged out of the depths difficulties to serve other pilgrims you meet along your path through life… You are a Blessing! Your Gift to the World is YOU!

Are you ready to step up and be the beacon? You can do this in a silent vigil or shouting out to the crowd. As a survivor of a tragedy, you must tell your story. Just as NDE (Near Death Experience) survivors return to re-integrate back into their bodies and their lives with the Purpose to share their experience of the overwhelming Grace from the other side of the “veil,” YOU are returned from the depths to share your story and guide others through their challenging experience.

Thank you in advance for your sharing your story. Consider, if appropriate, sharing this blog with people who are struggling with tragedy.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Have a Terminal Case of Life

I was born with a terminal condition, my life! So were you! Have you prepared for your life ending transition?
Have you even thought about it? This awareness is not meant to be morbid or depressing. It is meant to be freeing and uplifting. Denial or closing your eyes to our ultimate transition does not serve you but can create an increase in anxiety and fear…

My transition will come from a heart attack or a stroke. My family history and my behavior leads me to that conclusion. No matter what I do to change this through prevention and behavioral changes, I will not out run death at some point. Hopefully, I will be conscious and NOT fearful. Perhaps, I can embrace this experience and the spiritual freedom which letting go of the physical body allows.

By the way, it is my belief that letting go of the fear and apprehension regarding this end of life transition, will allow me to more fully appreciate and enjoy the life left in this body. The message here is to be responsible and conscious regarding your living AND your dying.

As I near my eighth decade of living, life experiences allow me to accept the ultimate transition we all must face. The purpose is NOT to shake you up or throw you into depression. It is to offer you a chance to live your life more fully with no, or fewer, regrets near the end of this incarnation. Have YOU done everything you intended to do in this life?

What would you do differently if you knew your life would be coming to an end soon? Would you curl up in a ball? Would you get your affairs in order? Would you party like a rock star? Would look to make peace with family, friends, and the divine spirit? Who can know how you would respond, but perhaps it is worth the time to take stock in your life???

Some people will stop and add certain experiences to their lives. Not simply waiting for retirement to get on with living their desired lives. You may want to add more gratitude or generosity or acceptance to your habitual behaviors. You may want to stop and smell the roses, tell your family and friends you love and appreciate them, or you may want to express your creative side in ways not yet allowed. There is no “right way” to live or, in fact, no wrong way to live. You are “PERFECT” and your seeming flaws are a perfect way to learn the lessons you came here to this life to learn. If you have been guided to this message, you are supposed to consider these things or perhaps to reach out and share these concepts. No matter what, know that your life has been exactly the path you signed up to take as a journey of self-awareness, consciousness, and for your spiritual growth.

Acceptance of the transition we all must face is a “freeing” state of mind.

To talk about the preparations you might make for your final transition, consider attending a “Death Cafe” or similar event where people gather to share information which has been difficult, or even a taboo, in our culture. It may feel awkward, but this community can support you in many ways. Another awareness creating tool for you to explore ask you to do some research on people who have had near death experiences (NDE) like Eben Alexander’s, MD account described in his book, “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” or Annie Kagan’s book, “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.” There are many accounts which have been published and the research on NDE’s of Ken Ring and Raymond Moody (author of “Life after Life”) are available for you to get perspective on what the life ending transition can include. In my experience, this information can do a lot to take the anxiety and fear out of the “unknown” experience we all must face. There are also many video interviews on NDE (Near Death Experiences) available on YouTube.

Though you are “Terminal” you can benefit from knowledge and support. There may come a time when you consciously remember the expansion and freedom many people report from their NDE’s.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

When Will YOU Awaken?

When will you have an Awakening experience so you can follow your Spiritual Path?

First, what does “Awakening” to follow your Spiritual Path mean? Many people have a “moment” of “awakening” or a spiritual epiphany. This may be an experience where, in an instant, you have an insight into what the “State of Grace” really means. A feeling of Universal connection, “Oneness,” Unconditional Love, Universal Wisdom, Freedom from Time and the three dimensional world we have incarnated into. Maybe we remember God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or the Divine Spirit, or whatever it is that you know and remember as the highest consciousness. Many spiritual teachers will tell you that this requires years of devotion and careful contemplation to achieve. I am not sure that this takes a long time. For many people, this “spiritual awakening” takes but an instant! Your path to “Enlightenment” is yours to travel AND travel there you must!

So, when will it be… for YOU?

Will it happen during a NDE (Near Death Experience?)
You can read many books and articles about this type of “Awakening” and “Remembering.” (I say “Remembering” because when achieved, it is familiar and we realize that we have been there before. It may be the feeling we have when we are between lives AND the feeling that we are working to “remember” in this current lifetime. No matter what your experience, whether you believe me or not, this spiritual wisdom and “knowing” is already within you. You are learning how to recall your connection with the Divine!)

Will your “Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening” be triggered by:
an illness or accident?
By the loss of a loved one (and your experience in Death, Dying, Grief and Loss?)
By Your Midlife Crisis? (Female or Male Menopause) WHEN, you realize that your goals and plans are not enough. You have to do or be something more. Perhaps, you have yet to finish your search for your “Purpose” in this life!
An Epiphany from a Meditation, a Dream, a Spiritual Practice?
A drug related experience? (Which shakes you out of your belief and your current “reality.”)
A Breathing Technique or Vision Quest?
A religious practice?
A trauma or a nightmare?
The birth of a child?
An experience of “Guidance” or other worldly “Protection” (when you were steered in a more positive direction)

Yes, what will be your experience which triggers your remembering your connection to the Divine Spirit!

Will this manifest as a single moment in your life or as a series of moments (and experiences?)

Will it be a Clear Message or a vague, to be discovered, feeling or thought?

Will it cause a Dramatic Shift in your life (and way of being in the world) or a slower unfoldment?

Will this come to You alone or in a group?

Who will you tell or share this “Awakening” with?

Will it change your relationships? (Perhaps to be more loving or accepting?)

Is it triggered by being “Old” and/or infirmed? (BUT, young people, even children, can experience this State of Grace!)

Is this experience Dramatic or Subtle? Is it soft and quiet or loud or colorful or Black and White (or even Gray?)

Is this Spiritual awakening taking place in a natural surrounding or in a more mundane environment like your home or a building?

Are you with other people or alone?

Are you in a state of Fear/Anxiety or “Grounded” by a Meditation?

Do you feel like you have drifted out of your body to a higher realm? Do you find this in your heart & soul?

Does this trigger a feeling of “Acceptance” or a violent flight/fight emotion?

Is this happening to you in the: morning or afternoon or at twilight or at night?

Are you in a foreign land or a more familiar (closer to home) place?

Is your insight focused on your physical state or on emotion or thought/mental state or in a spiritual place?

Does your epiphany manifest in feelings of: happiness, joy, confusion, fear, or the relief which comes from finally “Remembering” your deepest Spiritual Nature?

Many people have these Awakenings and never know how to share these experiences. They may even think that there is something wrong or even “crazy” in feeling these “different” wisdoms… But, we all have these moments and these learnings. We sometimes do not appreciate them at the time of the experience, but these will resurface after some other life experience or conversation trigger the remembering… An experience which I had early in my life became an epiphany which has shaped my life is a story available on YouTube at

No matter what, remember that YOU are a blessing and You have a spiritual Master dwelling within your soul.

If you would like support and a community to share your story of awakening and spiritual development, consider the Masters of the Journey as a place to connect with fellow travelers on the path toward remembering the Divine Spirit within each of us.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Free Will?

Free Choice … Free Will…???

I was on the phone with Rodger, my Colorado Guru friend, this morning and we were discussing an upcoming Masters of the Journey program which is focused on “Enhancing Life by Knowing Death.” Another friend who has wisdom and who has experience is presenting his story of his NDE (Near Death Experience) of 4 years ago, will be the center of focus at this meeting. His name is Don. In preparation for this meeting, Don shared with me that he was very conscious of being in both realms (life & death) as he lay unconscious in the hospital as medical folks fought to keep him alive. His description of the “other” realm (in my words of interpretation) was that it was supremely peaceful, warmed with unconditional love and acceptance, free of the pains and limitations of the “body,” and surrounded by the wisdom of the divine. Rodger’s question to me was, “did he have Free Will to Choose whether to return to his “Meatsuit” (body) or was he forced to return?” Free Will/Free Choice… why would he return???

When you stop and think about it, why would anyone want to return? Why would they choose to come back into a damaged body, rehab, and continue with the struggles of living in human form? Great question!

From my experience, I say, we do have “Free Choice” on whether to return to our “lives.” We do have a choice to stay in heaven with the freedom and love, and the acceptance AND we choose to return. But why?

We still have more lessons… We have more to learn…
But, perhaps most importantly, we have sharing of our “story.” We have the service of assisting other souls! We have a reason for touching other people’s lives both for “Their” learning and for “our” continued learning. We are all in this together and sharing our wisdom gained from life experience IS OUR Purpose in this life!

We do not have to have a NDE to share the wisdom of living in our human forms. We are ALL Masters! There are so many ways to serve and service to other pilgrims is our reason for living!

We have “Free Will” and we “know” that we are here to serve. Our “Free Choice” comes with the “Knowing” that we are here to assist other souls to “Remember” their Divinity AND why they are here! It is not so difficult to choose to return to our lives and our mortal bodies because the Divinity awaits us and our purpose is to reach around and touch other lives in the most positive ways.

Consider living without our fear and anxiety regarding dying AND make the most out of your opportunity to Love, Find & Share Joy, and look for the “Perfection” in every soul you encounter. (The challenge comes from the characters who are placed in our lives to “Stir things up” and teach us the challenging lessons…)

Blessings to you on Your Path! Namaste and I hope that I can experience the Divine Perfection YOU Are!

Masters of the Journey is a community of support and resources for all contributors – all Masters (Like YOU!)
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