Your Purpose is to Love

Startling new insight came to me today! (Thank you, Amari Magdalena, for offering this information for me to ponder.)

Yes, You found your way into this incarnation to share Love in your unique way as a test of the wisdom you have gathered…
How you choose to love is your unique lesson

What you do in this life and how it will demonstrate your love through your service is what your life’s path is all about.
Do you warmly hold and caress the individuals you connect with or do you prickle and irritate people so they can learn from this abrasiveness in your relationships?
Either way, you Love and You can serve.

Are you open and giving?
Are you closed and self-centered in appearance?

Are you conservative and straight-laced?
Are you wild and possibly a raging substance abuser who demonstrates the “Dark side” lifestyle for others to bump up against?
Either way, there are experiences and learning to be had… (An Example: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers,” by Annie Kagan, look it up (Amazon link) and know that this is one of my favorite stories.)

Since we are all connected as spirits, we love in our unique ways and this will provide experience for the souls we bump into in this life. Each soul has their unique path and is challenged by our specific learning requirements. And, when we interact, we provide a part of the lesson/experience. So, what lessons have you come here (to this incarnation) to have or to teach?

Divine Love is the glue that holds the Universe, and beyond, together. This concept and practice is more than the human mind can fully comprehend. (You can try, in fact, you should try to more fully understand the limitless power of the Divine and unconditional Divine Love.) The 3 dimensional world and the thinking ego’s limitations allows our incarnations to be on the “Adventure Travel” we have come into this life to have. Struggling with our limitations and attempting to get more fully conscious regarding our soul’s life and “remembering” where we have come from is the ultimate goal. Sharing your idiomatic Love with every soul and with the Universal Divine Spirit is happening even if you lack full awareness. You and your love are unique and essential to the Divine Spirit. Being most fully conscious is optional and yet the goal of our human experience.

And, if you can find your way into the “present,” feeling the wonderment of the miracles you are surrounded by, and no matter what’s happening you feel the “Joy” of the Divine burning brightly in each person and object you encounter, then you are getting closer to the “enlightenment” seekers have come seeking! (Wow, what a long sentence…)

No matter where you are in your developing consciousness, YOU are a Miracle! Your soul is a bright beacon to light the way along the path to remembering and full consciousness. Your presence is an act of service. Your service to our world is an act of Love.

Be Love – Feel Joy – Light the World!

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