Do you have a Crown? And, what do crowns do? Trick questions for the normal person who has consciousness regarding their spiritual growth and development. Royalty and Monarchs often try to set themselves apart, and above, other people by wearing jewel encrusted crowns for a symbolical adornment. But, we all have Crown Chakras and connections to the Divine!
Wikipedia offers some information regarding Crowns:
Crowns and Spiritual Symbolism
“Crown is a symbolic headgear that is worn by a monarch. Crown represents power, glory, immortality, royalty and sovereignty. It is often made from precious metals and decorated with jewels. Having a special headgear that will designate a ruler exists in many civilizations around the world.”
Crown: “That a crown represented Divine good from which is Divine truth, is evident from the crowns of kings; for kings represented the Lord in respect to DivineĀ … ??? (I did NOT write this stuff and I am not at all sure about Kings or Queens representing my concept of the Divine Source…)”
Other sources which I have read claim that Crowns which are often made of precious metals and Jewels perhaps which can help to channel Divine wisdom to Monarchs/Rulers to assist them in making better decisions or to connect them most directly with Divine sources. Many spiritual teachers offer their wisdom and experience with “opening” your “Crown Chakra” to better connect with the Divine Spirit. Crystals and certain metals and minerals may also enhance these connections. Are these necessary? No. But, any tool to assist in better focusing can prove useful. Do Kings and Queens make good decisions because they have access to special Crowns? Not always, is my belief.
This whole discussion comes up for me because my Guidance suggested that Crowns, real or imaginary, may have historical symbolism in connecting the person wearing this head covering toward a more efficient connection to “Source” (Divine Spirit.) We all have Crown Chakras AND we are all connected to the higher realms. The degree to which we focus on our connection to Source and the practice of meditating to be most “present,” is the practice which can assist us in improving our intuitive link to the Divine. (Our “Knowing” and our “Remembering” our Divine connection with the “Source” and from where we have come and to where we return…)
You may have your own opinion on this. Or, perhaps you have never considered this Crown thing… Before today, I had never wondered about physical, jewel encrusted crowns as a focusing tool for Divine wisdom. But, now I ponder this. Certainly, keeping a clear and open channel to the Divine Spirit is a useful endeavor when you are not too muddled by life’s dramas. Your awareness and your spiritual consciousness is always worth the effort of expanding. But, do not limit yourself if you do not own or wear a crown or jewel encrusted tiara. YOU are still Royalty and connected to the Divine Source.
Also, along these lines, have you ever looked at artwork which suggests halos around spiritual beings? Well, does this symbolically represent a crown of spiritual energy circling the crown chakra? If we could see halos, would every soul you pass on your travels have one??? Ask yourself and search for these halos. You might be surprised to find an energy vortex over the people you see and not expect… Wherever possible, polish your halo with meditations and good deeds. Keep your channel to the Divine open and learn to feel and trust your intuitive connection to Divine Wisdom.
For your consideration. Imagine that you have a jewel or crystal embedded crown (or hat) which will intensify and focus any, and all, Divine Wisdom in through the Crown of your head. Now, feel the wisdom in your heart. Trust this gift of guidance. Allow your heart and soul to bask in Joy. Be aware of all the Divine Miracles which touch your life, everyday. See if this changes your perspective even when you are living through major challenges.
Answer: Do you have a Crown? Well, Yes, you do. Honor your Crown Chakra and this portal as a wonderful connection to the Divine Spirit and the Higher Realms.
YOU are a Blessing! Your life is an amazing pilgrimage and your goal is to serve other souls as you move along your path toward higher consciousness!