Be Interesting: Part 2

What are the ingredients of an “interesting person?” What skills can you learn to make YOU more interesting?

Interesting People have an “Attraction” for others by offering: Energy, Knowledge, Wisdom, Entertainment, or Passion. Whether you know this or not, you are a Master with Knowledge and Wisdom gleaned from your life’s experiences. You have Mystery, how did YOU survive your own life??? You can trigger the imagination and past memories for those you share your story with. You may lack confidence but your sharing is worth it to people who witness your tellings.

Ways YOU can be most interesting:

1. Remember your youthful passion. When we are young, we have energy and passion to live most fully. Return to those memories, not to find your success or failures as barriers, but to remember the joy and energy you felt when everything was new and fresh. You can bask in this glow of youthful expression. It will “brighten” you and like a beacon, it will draw people to you and this glowing energy we all enjoy. (This youthful energy bubbled up for you as you “chased” your dreams. And this is still within you.)

2. An authentic struggle to learn, grow, and develop never leaves you. Perhaps you have been distracted by what you think are priorities but we were born to explore our life’s lessons and try new ways of participating in life. Do not be satisfied by what has been experienced or “learned” for there is always more to learn and new experiences to have. Find the energy to chase down your path rather than just waiting in life’s Lotto Line for a payout that just comes to you… Know the bright bulb of enthusiasm for Life’s mysteries.

3. The most powerful way to be “interesting” is for you to ask questions and to show focused interest in your communication partner’s experience. If you can let go of the need to control the conversation by speaking and sharing too much (get your ego out of the way – or your insecurity) you will demonstrate how interesting “YOU” are. Sincere questions to promote clarity and deeper thought and understanding of your partner will get the results you desire. Cluttering your mind, and the conversation, by thinking of your answers while your partner is speaking gets in the way of your sincere focused attention! Look and Be interested and YOU will be “interesting” and attractive. Curiosity and your interest in the person right in front of you is key! (After all, they are a perfect soul of the Divine Spirit… Just like you!)
Also, witnessing another person’s story is a Great Gift! People want to be heard… YOU want to be heard
! Show this respect and you will be setting yourself up for being respected!

4. When you share your story find an attractive way to tell your story.
Say it with:
1. energy and passion
2. Creativity
3. Clear focus in your thoughts and then your words
4. Find a way to make it a “Universal Experience” for all your witnesses (common to their lives)
Emphasize the relevant energy of the conversation (do not spin off into new directions) but touch on what is common – fear, drama, passion (gut wrenching emotion which we can all relate to from common life experience.)
5. AND, make it unique… From Your perspective as you contribute YOU to the conversation. (Only you have experienced YOUR first: kiss, relationship, fight, visit to an interesting natural setting, the first dawn you witnessed, the magnificent sunset, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, the struggle with the first job…)
6. Be Genuine! Do not hold back what you are feeling! Express your fear, your passion, your vulnerability and the “REAL You” will be most attractive. (We all have flaws and imperfections which our lives perfect and unique.)

DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR EGO, YOU are good enough! YOU are powerful! Your life is important! You may not remember that your spirit/soul is at the very foundation of all consciousness and the Divine Spirit. Without you the Universe would NOT exist. When you listen to your ego, you may not remember how essential you are because the ego wants you to play it small and confines you to focus on fear and your insecurities. This is how it control you! You are so much bigger than the “petty” life in 3 dimensions that we struggle within to learn our lessons in this incarnation!

If you want the support you and your spirit deserve consider participating in our non-religious community, Masters of the Journey. You are interesting! Go out and be the attractive, connected spirit you came here to be! Be the MASTER which you are AND take responsibility for the role you are here to play as a teacher and fellow pilgrim.

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