Quit making the same mistake

It’s Crazy! Quit making the same mistake over and over… The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, so I have been told.
Another quote which can cause reflection:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.

Now “Crazy” is not bad. Let us not judge this word or these behaviors. The word implies that the behavior is abnormal and out of step with conventional beliefs. But, is abnormal bad? Are “conventional beliefs” good? To both questions the answer is the same, “No” not always. With this said, are “conventional beliefs” not often crazy? This is for another posting. Abnormal behavior is often needed to solve problems… And, repeatedly doing the same behavior over and over expecting different results can be the identified, correctable behavior.

As an example, can you be loud, annoying/demanding, disruptive, and painfully distracting in all, or most, social situations and not be viewed as difficult to get along with and often objectionable? Can you simply ask, or even plead, for forgiveness and then continue the same “crazy” behavior expecting people to understand and continue to welcome you into their social group? Said with subtly, can you hit people over the head again and again and expect to build friendships? I do know of people who want the answer to be “Yes” and wonder why they get the answer, “No.”

“Outsiders” and “oppositional” people do test the accepted normal in beliefs and behaviors. We can learn from these opinions. When these outsiders become destructive to the social fabric it is not always a bad thing. After a time of repeated “different” behavior the group can accept this into conventional behavior or reject it. We have choice! AND, getting beat over the head multiple times does not often lead to a positive, lasting change. Even, if the social group needs this test.

So if you find yourself as an “outsider” or poorly accepted person, you too have choice. Take responsibility for your actions and do not make excuses. You are the creator! You are more powerful than you realize. If you release your control to others by thinking that their actions have created your problems then you release control of the solution. Quit playing the victim or you will be at someone else’s control for happiness. Eventually, you will need to be responsible and take charge of your life’s direction and your life lessons.

AND. Consider the impermanence, for all life on the Earthly plane is temporary. Both desirable and undesirable experiences and relationships do not go on forever in the drama of life on Earth. And, as we march down our path in this pilgrimage of life, we are here, in this incarnation, to learn from the “drama” of the role we are playing out… Learning is a good thing but it is not always, if ever, an easy thing.

Every one of us is an “outsider” when we approach new social situations. We can blend in. We can be ourselves and look to determine whether the group finds this appropriate for their social group. Or, we stir the pot with oppositional behavior, thoughts, and energy knowing that we may often be difficult to accept. We can be responsible for our behaviors and have all sides learn from this interaction or we can scream in blame of the others we are working to connect with. Either way, there is value and learning from this interaction for all sides. And, all life, and relationships on Earth, are temporary in the Universal scheme of things. Playing your dramatic role in your incarnation is for your current lessons and does not fully encompass your experience in the higher realms…

You have a choice. You can continue to repeat the same, familiar behavior again and again AND even expect a different result OR you can become aware of your pattern of drama and perhaps try something new. The “familiar” may feel safer because it is a “known” but it may not get you where you want to go. You have a choice to quit making the same mistake or you can be responsible for your being stuck and the lessons you gain from this continuing thought or behavior. It is your life and your lesson!

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Good Communication: A Secret to Your Success

For good communication, STOP trying so hard to be heard! Quit telling YOUR story! Start listening and asking the right questions. Easier said than done but good communication involves using your ears more than your mouth. Why do you have two ears and only one mouth? So you can listen twice as much.

Sure you want to share your story and your wisdom and your experiences. Good communication allows for all of this and it is critical for the supportive, wisdom sharing relationship you want. However, how do you know how to put the correct emphasis on your story when you have not discovered the need or shared experience of your communication partner? Besides, talking “at” someone is not the same as speaking “with” someone. The “with” includes respecting your partner enough to listen and ask the clarifying questions where you can both learn from the subject being discussed.

Good communication involves some patience and respect which is demonstrated by NOT interrupting with YOUR story AND caring about your partner and what they are attempting to convey. If they seem to be repeating, redundant, perhaps they need to be guided and sometimes reminded that other members of the relationship would like their time to share…

We, as a culture, are often lacking with good communication skills. We need to learn them and practice. We need to start by realizing that all people we bump into are “perfect” even with their flaws and imperfections which they have brought with them in this life to “learn” from. We all have flaws. We all have lessons (challenges) to take responsibility for and then to learn from. That increased consciousness and our skills of supporting other pilgrims who we have met on the “path” is our purpose.

Besides, other people will like you and respect you more when you show them respect and really listen. Ask good questions to help your partner clarify their story. You will both be better able to learn from this shared experience. Be interested and people will find you to be interesting.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Wisdom vs Knowledge

Is there a difference between Wisdom and Knowledge? In my opinion, Wisdom is a bit more than Knowledge. Knowledge is defined below as facts and information. Wisdom, defined below, is using knowledge and experience with some good judgement. Personally, I would rather be wise than simply filled with facts and information.

1 the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
Synonyms: Sagacity, intelligence, sense, common sense, shrewdness, astuteness, smartness, judiciousness, judgement, prudence, circumspection, rationality, soundness

◦ the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.”some questioned the wisdom of building the dam so close to an active volcano”

◦ the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period.plural noun: wisdoms
 “the traditional farming wisdom of India”


facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”a thirst for knowledge”
Synonyms: understanding, comprehension, grasp, command, mastery, learning, education, scholarship, schooling,

◦ what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information.
“the transmission of knowledge”

 true, justified belief; certain understanding, as opposed to opinion.

awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
“the program had been developed without his knowledge”
Awareness, consciousness, realization, cognition, perception, appreciation

To me, Wisdom includes Knowledge but implies more astuteness and good judgement with some common sense, which is often lacking in just knowing facts… So, how do you feel about this??? And, more importantly, how will you use your facts, knowledge, and experience to add to the wisdom which is so needed?

It is my belief that each of us has “Wisdom” to share. These Wise thoughts come from the life challenges we have experienced and the learnings we have received from these happenings whether we succeeded or whether we have more to learn from our life’s more difficult lessons. The gift of sharing your Wisdom and/or witnessing another person sharing of their Life’s Wisdom is what a spiritual community is all about. You can serve by supporting another “storyteller” or you can learn your lessons as you find ways to communicate your experience to fellow members. The act of recapitulation of your “lesson” allows for a re-examination of the experience with the perspective of having some emotional distance from this significant experience. (We learn by teaching…)

No matter what, do not fail to “Drink from the Chalice of Wisdom” as you connect with the fellow travelers you meet on your path toward consciousness and, finally, enlightenment. You are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master with much wisdom to share!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. I repeat, You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Be Interesting: Part 2

What are the ingredients of an “interesting person?” What skills can you learn to make YOU more interesting?

Interesting People have an “Attraction” for others by offering: Energy, Knowledge, Wisdom, Entertainment, or Passion. Whether you know this or not, you are a Master with Knowledge and Wisdom gleaned from your life’s experiences. You have Mystery, how did YOU survive your own life??? You can trigger the imagination and past memories for those you share your story with. You may lack confidence but your sharing is worth it to people who witness your tellings.

Ways YOU can be most interesting:

1. Remember your youthful passion. When we are young, we have energy and passion to live most fully. Return to those memories, not to find your success or failures as barriers, but to remember the joy and energy you felt when everything was new and fresh. You can bask in this glow of youthful expression. It will “brighten” you and like a beacon, it will draw people to you and this glowing energy we all enjoy. (This youthful energy bubbled up for you as you “chased” your dreams. And this is still within you.)

2. An authentic struggle to learn, grow, and develop never leaves you. Perhaps you have been distracted by what you think are priorities but we were born to explore our life’s lessons and try new ways of participating in life. Do not be satisfied by what has been experienced or “learned” for there is always more to learn and new experiences to have. Find the energy to chase down your path rather than just waiting in life’s Lotto Line for a payout that just comes to you… Know the bright bulb of enthusiasm for Life’s mysteries.

3. The most powerful way to be “interesting” is for you to ask questions and to show focused interest in your communication partner’s experience. If you can let go of the need to control the conversation by speaking and sharing too much (get your ego out of the way – or your insecurity) you will demonstrate how interesting “YOU” are. Sincere questions to promote clarity and deeper thought and understanding of your partner will get the results you desire. Cluttering your mind, and the conversation, by thinking of your answers while your partner is speaking gets in the way of your sincere focused attention! Look and Be interested and YOU will be “interesting” and attractive. Curiosity and your interest in the person right in front of you is key! (After all, they are a perfect soul of the Divine Spirit… Just like you!)
Also, witnessing another person’s story is a Great Gift! People want to be heard… YOU want to be heard
! Show this respect and you will be setting yourself up for being respected!

4. When you share your story find an attractive way to tell your story.
Say it with:
1. energy and passion
2. Creativity
3. Clear focus in your thoughts and then your words
4. Find a way to make it a “Universal Experience” for all your witnesses (common to their lives)
Emphasize the relevant energy of the conversation (do not spin off into new directions) but touch on what is common – fear, drama, passion (gut wrenching emotion which we can all relate to from common life experience.)
5. AND, make it unique… From Your perspective as you contribute YOU to the conversation. (Only you have experienced YOUR first: kiss, relationship, fight, visit to an interesting natural setting, the first dawn you witnessed, the magnificent sunset, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, the struggle with the first job…)
6. Be Genuine! Do not hold back what you are feeling! Express your fear, your passion, your vulnerability and the “REAL You” will be most attractive. (We all have flaws and imperfections which our lives perfect and unique.)

DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR EGO, YOU are good enough! YOU are powerful! Your life is important! You may not remember that your spirit/soul is at the very foundation of all consciousness and the Divine Spirit. Without you the Universe would NOT exist. When you listen to your ego, you may not remember how essential you are because the ego wants you to play it small and confines you to focus on fear and your insecurities. This is how it control you! You are so much bigger than the “petty” life in 3 dimensions that we struggle within to learn our lessons in this incarnation!

If you want the support you and your spirit deserve consider participating in our non-religious community, Masters of the Journey. You are interesting! Go out and be the attractive, connected spirit you came here to be! Be the MASTER which you are AND take responsibility for the role you are here to play as a teacher and fellow pilgrim.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Loneliness is NOT an Illusion

We are the MOST “connected” society AND we are the MOST Lonely society! Yes, we celebrate the “illusion” that we do not feel our loneliness because we have apparatus which pretends to keep us “in touch” with “friends.” Many of us are addicted, YES addicted, to our smart phones and tablets with the expectation that our FB posts, or our Tweets, or texting, or our Instagram offerings are showing the WORLD, our world, that we are fully participating and really proud and joyful about our lives even if it looks like our breakfast or our cute pet postings. Yet, loneliness exists. You can see loneliness in the desperate behaviors which surround us.

Example. I came at 8:15 AM to stand in line at REI (Recreational Equipment Inc) for the semi annual “Garage sale.” The store opened at 9:00 AM and I was 40 or 50 in line with 45 minutes to opening. These are hardcore outdoor enthusiasts trying to get a good deal so they can go backpacking, camping, hiking, cycling, kayaking, or whatever. ALL 40 or 50 of these line standers was ON THEIR SMART PHONES! So, I asked the people with me in the lengthening line, “was it mandatory to be on my smart phone as I a waited the store opening?” Pretty much YES. So I pulled out my smart phone so I would not look stupid or upset the others in line, I say sarcastically. I did manage to engage the people around me in conversation and we were clearly old friends by the time we pushed into the store. Because we chatted, I could talk with them to find out if they had found the specific gear that they had arrived so early to acquire. THIS IS NOT UNIQUE. Look around at the line in the expresso place or bus stop or market, or bank or ….

Many of us have lost touch with our ability to have deeper conversations and emotional interactions with real, live, responding, human friends or family. Yes, I have seen, and so have you, people sitting in the same room, even across the table from each other, and TEXTING the person in the room. What is that about? That is about addiction to technology and false idols of communication. The illusion that some how we are not suffering from addiction and loneliness. Two dimensional text messages are NOT a substitute for a hug or looking into the eyes of someone who needs support or encouragement. It does not include gestures, body language, or tone of voice. Texting is NOT the way wisdom and experience can be shared in any meaningful way. Yes, superficial sharing is SAFE and easy and quick but it is NOT a deeply felt human interaction. The kind of interaction that truly supports us.

There have been studies of children raised in Eastern European orphanages where babies and young children were left for hours without human contact and touching. Many of these children grew up with severe mental, emotional, and even physical disabilities. My point is that people need human interaction and nurturing AND technology has NOT found the way to reach out and really touch you like face to face interactions are supposed to offer. AND, if you do not see this effect upon our human culture just look around. People can not speak with clarity or depth about important relationship issues. We seem to require very graphic, adrenaline producing movies, TV, or gaming to get into our very limited attention spans. Teachers are fighting for their classrooms attention and must adjust to the lowest common denominator of the lowest attention span in the room.

People FEEL LONELY. We are NOT connected. We do not honor the wisdom and experience which is shut away in our retirement “homes,” senior housing, and “full care nursing facilities kept separate from our Youth Oriented culture. WE are lonely both Older folks and younger people. There is even discussion regarding a new psychological/emotional symptom in our psychological codes referred to as “Loneliness Syndrome.”

Fear is driving the technology addiction. We do not want to feel left out of this mass behavior. We do not want to be odd or “unpopular.” We do not want to stand up and actually speak because that attracts a spot light of attention and that can feel threatening. “someone may make “fun” of me.” It is easier to be “anonymous” in a snarky text or FB comment. Advertising insists that for our “young” lives to be successful, we must add the latest technology or “app.” We have not evolved so far in the past 35 years of the “Information Age” that the tribal behavior of sharing stories, and maybe wisdom, around the campfire, as we have done for thousands of years, is now SO obsolete and primitive that it does not work any more. Technology has changed the way we live but the need of looking into someone’s eyes as they share their story has not!

Let’s try some silliness and humor.
A dead guy is in line to see St Peter at the “Pearly Gates.” He has his cellphone with him. He walks up to the Gate Keeper and says “Can I take this with me? I am waiting for a Text. BTW (By the way) Pete, what is the WiFi password for heaven?” Or, “Is there a GPS for the “Higher Realms”???”

Though we find ourselves worshipping our: individualism, independence, separation, this can lead to emotional isolation and emotional/spiritual loneliness. Our souls are connected and yet we do not have time to remember this because our technology keeps interrupting our meditation. Yes, we are all connected but the internet still has a ways to evolve before it grasps the deepest levels of sharing, listening, and witnessing the wisdom we can find in each other.

Take a risk! Look a friend or a stranger in the eye and with sincerity ask them who they are. Thank them for being the soul which you have bumped into in the warm dryer called life! We are all in this together, whether you know this or not.

If you want to have this conversation with people who have committed to supporting other people AND their stories, consider our Masters of the Journey Community. You are a blessing and the experiences you have had in this life should be shared (for you and for the witnesses.)

The Act of Acknowledgement Will Improve Your Life!

Does it feel good to be acknowledged? Do you want better relationships and a better life? What is acknowledgement?

Relationships are the most important ingredient in your learning. Learning your lessons includes connecting at the deepest levels possible with people in your life. The Act of Acknowledgement is a strength which will improve your relationships and offer significant learnings for you! And, if you are seeking acknowledgement you often have to demonstrate this activity and be the role model to set off the chain reaction which will return to acknowledge your efforts.

The Act of Acknowledgement requires that you master, or attempt to master, several skills including: the ability to be fully “present,” listening, celebrating, communication without judgement, and loving. Unconditional loving is best, and often difficult, as giving loving feedback without conscious or unconscious strings attached is not a common occurrence for most people.

Being “fully present” is the act of being able to focus on your communication partner without remembering the past history you may have, blocking consideration of the future possibilities, and keeping your ego’s need to be “right” or coming across as “top dog” in check. Being fully present is easier said than done. You need to block distractions both external and internal to be most successful and this type of concentration takes practice.

The skill of “listening” is a lost art for most people for all the reasons listed above as being fully present. There are too many thoughts invading your mind coming from internal memories and emotions or from outside distractions. Listening requires the intention that you care enough about your communication partner to offer them the reverence they deserve. Judgements can get in the way. Lack of respect for your partner, yourself, or most anyone else also can become an obstacle to listening. In our cultural, time has become a difficulty when we are too desperate to sit patiently and not be the one who finishes sentences or over-talks your partner. (Hey, over-talking is NOT a good style of communication. It shows you do NOT have any respect for the speaker and that you are only listening to your own insecure ego’s need to control the conversation.)

Celebration, again without strings attached, can be done inappropriately. It can be over-done or under-done. It can be done without the sincere intention of honoring the person you are attempting to acknowledge. A shallow or insincere acknowledgement can be worse than no acknowledgement at all. It is not such a fine line but works best when you are celebrating in an authentic and sincere way. Doing this in a “pure” way to show your partner the respect you are most heartfelt in expressing.

Communication without judgement is another technique which often requires introspection and practice. Our culture has trained us well to “Judge” and we like to do what we are good at doing. We compare ourselves with others and look for their flaws or inadequacies so we can feel superior rather than remembering that we are all imperfect people who are interconnected with all other “perfect souls.” Separation and defensiveness depend on being judgmental. Our judgements get in the way of deeper intimacy and connection. It is difficult to offer a sincere acknowledgement with a deeply seated judgmental attitude.

Unconditional loving is the pure act of sharing without any strings attached. It is pure. It is nearly impossible in our world. Our nature is to offer love with an expectation that it will be returned. If you ever feel the “State of Grace” you may feel overwhelmed by the deepest and most indescribable feelings of acceptance, connection, and joyful, pure, healing love. Since we are not in heaven or physically living on the other side of the veil, we most come as close as we can to offering or partner pure love in our gift of acknowledgement. (It is helpful to know that we all “Know” what unconditional love is and feels like, we just have to “Remember” its beauty.)

The Act of Acknowledgement creates stronger and healthier relationships. These improved relationships will allow you to celebrate a better life.

Find the people and the moments when you can offer support and acknowledgement. Your heart and soul will bask in the beauty of these opportunities and you will be providing a wonderful service to our world!

You are a blessing! Your soul and spirit are perfect and radiant. Join in raising the consciousness of all you bump into, if in no other way than to be the role model of offering respect and unconditional love. You are a light-worker. If you feel that you or someone you know can benefit from support, consider doing our non-religious spiritual support community, the Masters of the Journey. Please take good care of yourself.

Technology Can Create Consciousness: A New Theory

You may not have heard this before. New technology may be leading us toward a higher consciousness. Yes, I do not have any proof of the following theory, it is simply an opinion formed from an insight from a meditation.

On a recent airplane flight to Los Angeles, I saw a newer development in the evolution of technology. Not only were people not speaking to one another, as was common before technology invade the fuselage, and people were not only engaged in their smart phones, iPads, or laptops, people were further isolated by new, large headphones. Higher fidelity I am sure.) Yes, people were cut off from fellow travelers even more by the sound dampening, self-separating technology. Since the addiction and reliance on personal technologies is growing, with no end in sight, I believe we will have to “Evolve” to keep up with technology. Let me explain…

Have you engage in “Text Messaging?” Most of us have. It is now part of our isolating cultural pursuit. Some would argue that “Texting” is communicating and it is a less than 2 dimensional communication at best. Mis-spelling, auto corrections, using acronyms instead of words, a lack of non-verbal communication, no voice tone or inflection, and a troubling lack of precision due to shear laziness or lack of time has driven this form of “communication” into a huge guessing game which is open to mis-interpretation or over-reaction by the person receiving this incomplete transmission. HERE IS MY POINT! Text messaging is so incomplete we now have to “Guess” at what is being said. Our “Guessing” will become more accurate over time and this will be aided by a developing sense, and trust in, our “Intuition.” Yes, I am saying that text messaging will lead directly (maybe that is a bit strong) to developing our Telepathy, our Intuition, our Gut Feeling, and our Consciousness. We will more quickly evolve into those futuristic Humanoids with Large Heads, Big Eyes, No Ears, and only one button pushing finger because we will not need phones or texting. We will have built in “chips” and our telepathic powers to “know” what everyone else is saying/thinking.

You heard this theory HERE FIRST! We will all be big headed, mental, telepathic humanoids. I can not wait! Cross talking and “over talking” each other will then be done silently. Our brains will have to use much more of its consciousness to keep up with all the simultaneous conversations. Maybe we will even have automatic translators installed so all languages and cultures will be on equally annoying levels. Shouting and yelling will take on a whole new dimension… I can not wait, (I say sarcastically.)

OR, we can find better ways to connect and to communicate. We can still advance our consciousness and our intuitive sensitivity. We do not have to wait for Apple and Google to tell us how to think and feel or have Amazon sell us our translators and upgrades. It is a real stretch to imagine that we will battle back from our addiction to technology, so maybe we should wait for the new 3-dimensional software to upgrade to 4th or 5th dimensional technologies.

Even NOW, You are a blessing! There is a perfect spirit lurking within you awaiting to be remembered. One way or the other we are rapidly evolving and know our Divine Perfection and our Universal connection to our higher consciousness is an inevitable evolutionary experience. Sooner or later… Let hope for an enlightenment that allows this to come sooner.

Consider your personal process toward higher consciousness and joining our community to share your experience and your wisdom, the Masters of the Journey.

In the “Present” to Connect and to “Witness”

Often lacking in our culture is the deeper connections which allow for growth of consciousness and spirit. (“Often” is a judgement which, in this case, means “Most of the time.”) We are all here, in the present incarnation, to learn and to grow. Most importantly, we are here to support our fellow spiritual pilgrims on their (“our”) path toward “Enlightenment.”

One factor that gets in the way of connecting is our weakness in a key area of communication. We are resistant to using our ears and our intuition to fully “Hear” the person/soul who has “bumped” into us. Our culture teaches us to interrupt the “story” being shared with our own thoughts or past experience so we can “control” the conversation. We are rarely using questioning to assist our conversation partner to be more clear with “their” storytelling. We are lacking in the skills as a “witness” to the story, and possible wisdom, which is being shared. If we were fully “Present” in the interaction, we might invest fully in soaking up the story/lesson with all of our senses including our intuition. We are ALL “Masters” with much to share. Mastery includes being fully present and being aware as a “Student” to the experience. Appreciation and respect is often neglected due the lack of “Time” or energy or interest… What if God, yes the God we have heard about, was standing in front of us, perhaps as a “burning bush,” and sharing some wisdom with us? Would we/you/I listen fully and with respect? Or, would we discount this message because we are lacking focus? Would we interrupt God to share our story?

An individual soul who has awakened and begun to “remember” their connection to the Divine might be “Serious” about consciousness and spiritual development. Curiosity and openness would be a common thread in all interactions, with people or with nature. If you ever get “serious” about your practice of spiritual consciousness, you may wish to participate by “listening,” “watching,” “being fully aware,” and “Taking it all in.” Do this not just to support the next pilgrim with a story which needs to be “heard” but for yourself! This is YOUR learning and by raising your consciousness, you raise ALL consciousness (because we are ALL connected and “One!”)

You may find yourself in conversation with questions like:
What is a human being?
Who is this person in front of me and what am I to learn from them?
What are we to learn together?
They are equal to me and they have their “lessons” and challenges but their “pains” are the same as mine (perhaps experienced slightly differently.)

Listening and “Witnessing” are challenging skills which are worth developing. In our lives, we experience many “relationship challenges” which are often associated with OUR lack of listening skills. We might find ourselves interrupting or getting defensive when perhaps we could be asking questions and exploring the pain or blocks to intimacy.

We are not “perfect” and we come into this life to take the next steps toward higher consciousness and more fully remembering our Divine source. Do not give up! The challenge is our lesson! Even if you were “Perfect,” You want the experience of being human with the intense emotions and the difficulties with our limited abilities to communicate. This is part of the cosmic fun! Celebrate and take responsibility for the challenge before you. We are ALL in this together and, at some higher level, we are participating for the “greater good.”

You are a blessing! You are a Master! Your purpose is to learn, to grow, and to assist every soul you bump into to!

Be Present! Share your story! And, be a Master of Witnessing the story of the person in front of you!

If you would like more conscious connections with people who are actively “remembering their Divinity” and moving forward to higher consciousness consider participating in the non-religious community, Masters of the Journey.

You are never alone! You are loved, unconditionally! Enjoy the pilgrimage or, at the very least, appreciate the value.

LifeSaving: Pay Attention!

What if you treated every lesson, every interaction, as if YOU were responsible for learning a “LifeSaving” procedure or technique! You would pay attention! You would learn as if you were supposed to be the teacher, and a life might depend upon it, and you are here to share your wisdom or your learning. Your teaching can save a life! Your sharing can be used to reduce the pain and anxiety which may be suffered by a friend, or a family member, or even by a stranger who hears your information.

Do not underestimate the power of what you are here in this life to learn and to share! You are a Master and you learning and sharing your lessons is important, perhaps critical! Even lifesaving! So you must pay attention to those moments and experiences in life where you are confronted by the “challenge” and the struggle to find an answer. Sharing your struggle and your answer is an act of service to humanity. Making the effort to articulate your learning can benefit both your audience AND yourself. By reviewing and speaking about your lesson, you will gain perspective and so insight into your learned challenge. It takes work to reach deep within and to find the words that will resonate with the your communication partner. Consider whether you are telling your story for “You” or are feeling the benefit more for your partner. Knowing your audience’s needs is good and will help you to be clear.

You do not always know how your story will be “LifeSaving” or where in the world it will find its way to work this magic. Your story may rise to the surface because you feel the “Need” to share this with your friend, perhaps, for their sake or perhaps because you are still processing your learning. As an example, your story may be related to an experience where you reduced your anger by forgiving a difficult interaction rather than stubbornly fighting for your position while sacrificing a relationship. You were able to let go of your stubborn willfulness after realizing that there are other ways to look at a situation and your partner in this argument has come at their opinion from surviving a very different set of personal challenges. Their perspective may not be in agreement with your beliefs but your strength and awareness helps you to understand their differing point of view. You have bumped up against their belief as a lesson. You might not “know” their idea of truth but you fighting with their ego reminds you that important, though difficult, learning can occur for the person who is willing and open to appreciate the other opinion, even if you can not agree.

Do not be lazy. Be meticulous. Be vigilant. Even the smallest interactions can be a blessing. If you walk through your life experience in a cloud of distraction or unconcern then you may be missing the point of a critical learning and life changing moment. Reach out to connect with people, even the people who you may be “triggered” by, for this is the only way to gain perspective on living. Wearing blinders or avoiding contact by watching TV may slow down your experiencing life in the ways that can enhance your understanding leading to your finding joy in life or maybe even your enlightenment.

Your stories based on your experience have great value, especially when you are willing to share them. Your developing the skills to communicate your experiences clearly and when they “fit” the interaction will elevate your level of service. This takes practice. This will require you to develop your confidence and your intuition, as you read the specific demands of your partner in communication. If your “gut” tells you that you must tell a certain story, at a certain time, to a certain person, YOU may be sharing wisdom that will save a life!

Do not mumble or speak too softly. Your story must be clear and loud enough to hear! Project your wisdom and own it. Whether you “know” it or not, you are a Master!

Blessings to you for experiencing life’s challenges and your willingness to share your story. Just the act of caring enough to take time to share may serve a need that you may not fully realize. A very important consideration is to allow your communication partner to tell THEIR story. You give a great gift by receiving their communicated lesson.

For resources on communication, connecting, and other lifesaving techniques, consider the supportive community, Masters of the Journey.

What is Your Journey?

“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” But, what is Your journey and where is it taking YOU? “Life is a Journey” says yet another historic quote. Is it meant to be a literal journey with physical travel or a figurative search through the experience we call life?

We have named our spiritual support community, “Masters of the Journey,” and there have been attempts to help create awareness regarding the concept that YOU are a Master of your life and YOU have much to share from the challenges you have overcome or are struggling to learn from. But, again, what is this Journey?

Each one of us is on a path through this life. In the sense of time, we can conceive that this journey begins with (or maybe before) our birth and travels life until we transition out of this life. For some of us this journey in “time” takes many years of living, for other of us less time, and sometimes only a brief amount of time, if we die at an early age. Viewing the Journey in this context, we consider the early years of learning, the transitioning into adulthood, the work and family building stage, then the slowing down and aging until we call it quits, for this life.

So is this Journey just about physical progression and the learning of life skills? Or, is there something more to our “Purpose” following our path through this incarnation? Have we come into this body and this “life” with an agenda and with specific lessons to learn??? Many people think that we have come “here” (this life) to participate in a purposeful quest for specific experience to gain wisdom or share in other people’s lessons. I think that we arrive in this life with an agenda and it is not just about my learning. It includes lessons for me but it is also for the “greater good” and to assist fellow “pilgrims” to accomplish their learnings and to gain wisdom which helps us all (all of the other children of God.)

If this resonates with your beliefs, then the “Journey” is a sacred voyage. It is a holy pilgrimage which is more about the journey than it is about the destination. What we learn, experience, AND share along the way is the value and the “purpose” of this life. Our “Journey” is Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. It may look like we benefit from what we see, or hear, or feel, or “Do,” but it may be even more about what we “Remember” on our search for the perfection and the divine that is within each of us. To remember our Divinity and to find it within each fellow pilgrim we bump into along the way, may be the most important of learnings AND the true “Purpose” of our “Journey.”

Blessings to you on your path. Be as “present” as possible and pay attention to honoring the details which may present themselves to you. A single step may start a thousand mile trip, but small interaction may pose the most important learning you have come to experience in this life. Embrace the efforts of all your fellow travelers, you may have incarnated to assist them in their most important lesson. (And, be OK that YOU may never know the outcome of your interactions.)

If you find that you wish to share your story and your Mastery, consider participation in Masters of the Journey. If you know someone who may benefit from support in the development of spirit but who may not need or respond well to religion share this community with them. Thank you, in advance.