Some of us listen to Guidance and follow it. Some of us have learned to trust Guidance. More of us fear change and argue or deny what Guidance has to offer.
First, what do I mean as I write this blog about Guidance. This is not from an external teacher, parent, or “Guidance Counselor.” It is a message in some sort of feeling which quietly (or possibly loudly) bubbles up from our soul or spirit which is connect to the Divine Spirit. Its soft voice can be difficult to hear and the directions may seem scattered. You may ask why should I listen? Why should I follow the obscure directions of Guidance? As I type this blog, which is coming from a source which is more feeling than from past training, I wonder why I am typing out the words that find their way to the page…???
More difficult are the times and experiences which we have had where strong emotions seem to force us to follow what Guidance can suggest. Often I have found myself in a negative mood, perhaps angry or fearful, and I consider that I absolutely NEED to change. Change does not often come easily. I like what I know better than what I might find out through change. Familiar “Pain” seems better than unfamiliar directions or experience which Guidance might lead. CHANGE is difficult! If we are strongly attracted to something, we might screw up the courage to go after this new shiny “thing” or person or job or…??? More often change HAPPENS when we are so desperate, we HAVE to find the new way to live or to develop our new consciousness.
Example. When I was 19 years old and pre-med at UCLA, I discovered that this dream of going into medicine, that I had passionate held since 7 years of age, was not going to happen. I could not focus at school and my grades were not medical school allowing. I was broken hearted. I was angry. I was frustrated. My alternatives even included taking my anger and frustration and signing up for the Army, which Guidance steered me away from…. and, into a better but unknown and scary option. For no “good” reason I and no clear plan, I dropped out of UCLA, worked 3 jobs, saved money for 6 months and went to Europe. I turned 20 years old in Strasbourg, France and along the way had the life changing experience of perspective on what was not working in my old life in Southern California. When I returned, I left my life in Southern California again in 2 weeks and moved to Northern California into the best possible situation for me. I returned to college and worked for my BA and MA in Psychology, accidentally finding Biofeedback and Psychophysiology along the way. Two years past my MA, I woke one morning and Guidance told me to start a private practice in Biofeedback and Psychophysiology with medically referred clients. I received training and certification and worked in Doctor’s offices and Chronic Pain clinics until I open the Stress Education Center in 1978. I never knew where I was headed in 1970 when I dropped out of UCLA and would NEVER have found the ideal professional career for myself if I had not acted on this message from Guidance. I am Blessed!
Strong emotions like fear and frustration “drove” me to follow Guidance and into the perfect life, for me. Now, I meditate regularly and sit in front of the computer, when I “feel” the need, and channel blogs that are filled with spiritual consciousness that I would not have written, or even considered, 3 years ago. Guidance has offered me a new life purpose and I wake excited everyday to follow this new direction. (New for me…)
What will trigger YOU to listen to Guidance and be led to the experiences in this life you were invited to have…???
If you feel fearful, angry, frustrated, or sad, perhaps consider these “Gifts” which are there to help motivate you to find the better path. If nothing else, you will have a great story to share regarding the challenging lessons you came here to learn. Accept the Love and the Connection with Divine Spirit and find Joy in growing in consciousness from seemingly frustrating life experiences. I am sorry this is so difficult, but we sometimes need to learn from the “trial by fire” called our lives. For me, living with my wife of 28 years through her terminal treatment for Ovarian Cancer and then her Transition at the end of her lifetime, was so traumatic I would never wish this on anyone else. But, I would never trade this experience or the lessons I have learned… It was a Blessing. A pain filled series of experiences which have opened me up to so many beautiful new relationships and spiritual experiences. As I have said before, I have been Blessed! If you have read this far, YOU have been Guided here and Blessed to share this growth in consciousness, mine and yours. Thank you!
Whether you follow Guidance or are Forced to change, please appreciate, at least retrospectively, the amazing adventure you are on and the unexpected lessons you are here to learn…
Taking responsibility for the choices you make throughout your life is very difficult but the alternative of being a “victim” to the challenges life provides may keep you from moving forward, more quickly… Live and choose to celebrate ALL the challenges you may encounter…!!!
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!
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