It is the time of year to begin A.A. Yes, break with old habits and try a new perspective or expand your consciousness. Perhaps our purpose in life can be boiled down into a simple purpose. More simple than our minds allow. And, just because it sounds simple, it may be one of the most difficult things to accomplish, which is why it can require your entire life, or maybe longer. (My attempt to be gentle and optimistic and encouraging.) Being human, we have limitations of perspective to do our “work” of developing. We perceive our lives in 3 dimensions and have a strong self-protecting mechanism called the “ego.” From a larger, spiritual perspective, when seen/felt without the limitations of human 3 dimensional thinking, we are more free from the bonds of separation and from our ego’s defense mechanism. To most fully “get this,” we must stretch into a less limited consciousness and adjust our attitude.
We may tend to use our minds to see ourselves as separate from all other people/souls, when in a higher level of consciousness, we can get glimpses that we are actually all connected and a part of the Divine Spirit. In higher realms of consciousness, we do not have linear time to constrain us. We also may find that “space” is a variable and we may not be limited by a single, but solid, reality of space perception. (Consider that there may be multiple, simultaneous realities (or lives) which may co-exist.) It is my belief that in the “higher realms” we “know” things and each other, and we do not rely on the limitations of words or separation of space and time to most fully connect with a Universal Divine Spirit… (Maybe the “Universe” is too small and limiting as the broadest possible concept…)
If you have read this far in this blog posting, you may find yourself confused but you are open to the “Knowing” that we are much greater than the human lives we appear to be living within. This IS the Attitude Adjustment” which we can find, know, and begin to attempt to live with. In those brief moments when we can perceive this concept, we adjust how we see other humans and the way we feel about our human, born lives. Perhaps, we can even find that separation of souls is reduced, or non-existent. Our attitude may consider that the drama of human life is a testing ground or “adventure travel” for testing the wisdom of the Divine Spirit we begin to “remember” which is within us… We move forward with every life adventure and this accelerates when we share our stories as a service to the other souls we bump into on this Earthly plane.
Ultimately, we “Know” or “Remember” that we are all connected and an important part of the greater Divine. And, we are surrounded and supported by Divine unconditional Love! We are not alone. We are not separate. We are all in this together. AND, we are all here to stumble through our human lives developing in consciousness so we have wisdom to share with other pilgrims.
YOU are brave. YOU chose to come to this human life to “mix it up” with the limitations of human time and space. It is like choosing to go on a trip or vacation where you do not have the normal luxuries you have become used to having in your daily life like electricity, running water, food markets, transportation vehicles (your car,) or technology controlled temperatures. Perhaps it is like, you have chosen to “camp out” in a more natural Earth environment to “get grounded.” Well, here you are as a soul traveling in a primitive, limited human life… You are BRAVE! You are a hero who has chosen to test your soul’s wisdom sharing abilities. And, you are bumping into other soul’s who have different perspectives on what human life can or “should” be like… Yes, you get “your buttons pushed.” And, every step you take in having experiences which raise your consciousness are celebrated as a benefit for all of the Divine Spirit!
With luck, determination, and persistence, you move down your human path. Each step is filled with the miraculous. Being most present assists you to find “Joy” in each, often arduous, step. Your adventure is celebrated in ways you, as a human, can not fully understand or know. And, there are human times when you can feel your A.A. (Adjusting Attitude) happening and becoming more solid in your human consciousness… YOU are a Blessing! Life is a Miracle! Seek connections. Seek “Joy” in every step in the “present” of your human existence.
Full disclosure: As I write these words which come to me from some higher source, I fully admit that these feelings and concepts are a fleeting human experience for me. I am still learning to be less judgmental and more accepting and “present.” I have had the brief moments of “knowing” or “remembering” which allow me to present what is possible… I am no saint or guru. I am a fragile human “stumbling” my way down the path and moving toward the light of higher consciousness. No doubt, we are all moving down this path in our own unique and “perfect” way. Through your participation by reading these words, we find ourselves on this pilgrimage together, if only briefly. Your Light helps to brighten our path which may make this voyage a bit easier and less lonely. Thank You! for being the Light which YOU are!