AA: Adjusting Attitude

It is the time of year to begin A.A. Yes, break with old habits and try a new perspective or expand your consciousness. Perhaps our purpose in life can be boiled down into a simple purpose. More simple than our minds allow. And, just because it sounds simple, it may be one of the most difficult things to accomplish, which is why it can require your entire life, or maybe longer. (My attempt to be gentle and optimistic and encouraging.) Being human, we have limitations of perspective to do our “work” of developing. We perceive our lives in 3 dimensions and have a strong self-protecting mechanism called the “ego.” From a larger, spiritual perspective, when seen/felt without the limitations of human 3 dimensional thinking, we are more free from the bonds of separation and from our ego’s defense mechanism. To most fully “get this,” we must stretch into a less limited consciousness and adjust our attitude.

We may tend to use our minds to see ourselves as separate from all other people/souls, when in a higher level of consciousness, we can get glimpses that we are actually all connected and a part of the Divine Spirit. In higher realms of consciousness, we do not have linear time to constrain us. We also may find that “space” is a variable and we may not be limited by a single, but solid, reality of space perception. (Consider that there may be multiple, simultaneous realities (or lives) which may co-exist.) It is my belief that in the “higher realms” we “know” things and each other, and we do not rely on the limitations of words or separation of space and time to most fully connect with a Universal Divine Spirit… (Maybe the “Universe” is too small and limiting as the broadest possible concept…)

If you have read this far in this blog posting, you may find yourself confused but you are open to the “Knowing” that we are much greater than the human lives we appear to be living within. This IS the Attitude Adjustment” which we can find, know, and begin to attempt to live with. In those brief moments when we can perceive this concept, we adjust how we see other humans and the way we feel about our human, born lives. Perhaps, we can even find that separation of souls is reduced, or non-existent. Our attitude may consider that the drama of human life is a testing ground or “adventure travel” for testing the wisdom of the Divine Spirit we begin to “remember” which is within us… We move forward with every life adventure and this accelerates when we share our stories as a service to the other souls we bump into on this Earthly plane.

Ultimately, we “Know” or “Remember” that we are all connected and an important part of the greater Divine. And, we are surrounded and supported by Divine unconditional Love! We are not alone. We are not separate. We are all in this together. AND, we are all here to stumble through our human lives developing in consciousness so we have wisdom to share with other pilgrims.

YOU are brave. YOU chose to come to this human life to “mix it up” with the limitations of human time and space. It is like choosing to go on a trip or vacation where you do not have the normal luxuries you have become used to having in your daily life like electricity, running water, food markets, transportation vehicles (your car,) or technology controlled temperatures. Perhaps it is like, you have chosen to “camp out” in a more natural Earth environment to “get grounded.” Well, here you are as a soul traveling in a primitive, limited human life… You are BRAVE! You are a hero who has chosen to test your soul’s wisdom sharing abilities. And, you are bumping into other soul’s who have different perspectives on what human life can or “should” be like… Yes, you get “your buttons pushed.” And, every step you take in having experiences which raise your consciousness are celebrated as a benefit for all of the Divine Spirit!

With luck, determination, and persistence, you move down your human path. Each step is filled with the miraculous. Being most present assists you to find “Joy” in each, often arduous, step. Your adventure is celebrated in ways you, as a human, can not fully understand or know. And, there are human times when you can feel your A.A. (Adjusting Attitude) happening and becoming more solid in your human consciousness… YOU are a Blessing! Life is a Miracle! Seek connections. Seek “Joy” in every step in the “present” of your human existence.

Full disclosure: As I write these words which come to me from some higher source, I fully admit that these feelings and concepts are a fleeting human experience for me. I am still learning to be less judgmental and more accepting and “present.” I have had the brief moments of “knowing” or “remembering” which allow me to present what is possible… I am no saint or guru. I am a fragile human “stumbling” my way down the path and moving toward the light of higher consciousness. No doubt, we are all moving down this path in our own unique and “perfect” way. Through your participation by reading these words, we find ourselves on this pilgrimage together, if only briefly. Your Light helps to brighten our path which may make this voyage a bit easier and less lonely. Thank You! for being the Light which YOU are!

Know Your Lineage, Remember Where You are From

Where in your life have you felt the most welcome and motivated? What community or environment triggered happiness and satisfaction? Where did YOU most resonate with your creativity and happiness? Your “Spirit” was born the instant the Universe and the Divine Spirit were born. You are more powerful than you allow yourself to “Know.” The “thinking” of your mind puts limits on self-love, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-appreciation of the perfection you, in spirit, truly are!

Your multi-dimensional spirit is limitless. You are from a lineage of healers and guides. You may not have a clear remembrance of these past endeavors of spirit but these are still a deep part of who you are. You would not be drawn to reading this article if this were not true. You are on a path to remember and to then grow in consciousness. As you evolve, your growth supports all consciousness. Act to share your discoveries by sharing your stories. Serve and support by witnessing the stories from other pilgrims. Continue to tap into your intuition and guidance even when this requires a change in life’s course. Work towards loving unconditionally and reducing the limitations of Judgements which can cut you off from the people and experiences which would be most helpful.

When you are “drawn” or attracted to certain experiences, places, or people make an attempt to follow this guidance and explore the adventure that awaits. It will not always be easy or without challenges but the lessons which you are led toward having, serves a purpose. Find the “joy” in this process and look for the consciousness raising outcomes. For some reason, perhaps beyond what your “mind” might know or understand, you were “supposed” to have this experience for your development or to serve another soul in their learning.

At some point in your travels, or pilgrimage, you will discover the feelings from deep within. You will remember more clearly where you came from. Your spiritual lineage will brighten your heart and lighten your path. You will remember that YOU are Perfect, even with your seeming imperfections. No one can do YOU better and your role in the human drama of life is critical… This may be diicult to see but your spirit will find its way to “Knowing” and “Remembering.”

And, if you find yourself in a community where you feel most creative, most in touch with the Divine, and most supported in your endeavors toward consciousness raising, celebrate this opportunity to more easily find the Joy of your Blessed pilgrimage. If it feels like “Home,” bask in this special experience and thrive. YOU are a Blessing! You are a Miracle!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

It’s Time to Connect with Guidance

Now, More Than Ever Before, Its Time to Connect with Guidance!

Where does your Guidance come from? What are your sources for the most important news and information? Do you watch news on Television or on your smartphone? Do you read articles, or blogs, or books? Do you “TRUST” your sources of news, guidance, and information or do you commonly check more deeply into the background of what you are being told? If you do not “TRUST” the sources of information and news, where can you go for the TRUTH?

In our American culture, especially, since 2016, we have become more skeptical regarding sources of news and information. If we are lazy, we do not investigate what is being said. We may not look deeply into the “agenda” or background of the source. Since the internet became widely used in the 1990’s, we have been exposed to unedited, un-fact checked information from biased and unreliable sources who may claim their facts or their truths are accurate. No other time in human history have we been subjected to more “Fake News” or “Alternative Facts!” We are now believing the “Source” of the news without the common sense to check the agenda and background of the “sources” we have come to rely on and believe. In an under educated, time pressured, and lazy society, it is very easy to make stuff up and pass it off as facts to justify our behaviors or the decisions which our leadership make.

Actually, this is not new. We have been manipulated and lied to throughout human history by leaders and organizations which are determined to maintain their control over the populace. The difference that exists now relates to the modern technology which would not only start a religious war, or a race war, or a nationalism war but the current ability to destroy all of humanity with the current weapons of technology. Now, we are living on the razor’s edge with little buffer to protect us from ourselves.

This brings us to the point, as we exist on the edge of massively changing the course of life on our planet, whose Guidance do YOU trust? Our minds and our egos may be invested in “factual” presentations though these facts are subject to change. Example, in the 1400’s the facts told us by the church and our leaders was that the Earth was flat and we were the center of the Universe. Pluto used to be a planet and now doubt of its existence is suggested. Smoking and drinking alcohol were once considered healthy and tools for relaxation. Spanking children was good discipline. We were told we could trust news sources and our political leaders because they would never lie to us. We were told to work hard and our companies would “take care of us.” Now, some of our leaders say that there is no such thing as Global Warming and petrochemicals are safe in our environment. Even our religions have told us that only if we believe in, and practice, their traditions could we possibly make it to heaven.

Well, if you have any common sense, you have some doubts regarding our current sources of “rational” information and news. “Alternative Truth” can exist for humans who choose to believe ego flawed statements and agenda driven belief systems. For me, it is fun watching the “drama” unfold and my ego getting caught up to supporting one side of the perceived truths or the other. Our challenge today is to remember that more than 7 billion souls have showed up on planet Earth in human form to watch the “Train Wreck” which is happening. It is way past any doubt that the world our children and grandchildren will have to grow up in and will be way different than the world we have known. Both physically and politically, we have soiled the nest and we have to take responsibility for the destruction of life as we know it. When the dinosaurs went extinct, it was not from the poor decisions they made. Yes, we are not even as smart as dinosaurs when it comes to seeing our own extinction (of life as we know it.) Humans are not very good at learning from past mistakes, especially the leaders in power.

Now, more ever before, we can benefit looking beyond our egos and our mental reasonings. Not to stop thinking or problem solving, but to look deeper and perhaps listen to the small, quiet voices from guidance. Quantum physics suggests that there are unexplainable (so far) energies and consciousness which exist and have existed since the formation of our Universe, and beyond. Not the traditionally believed religious dogma which was meant to control the masses but more love based consciousness that accepts all souls and the learning path toward consciousness that we are pursuing. (This consciousness is very neutral regarding our survival drama due to “free choice” and realization that our so called reality is an illusion.) But how do we connect with this Guidance and source of universal truth? Often we have to shut off our mind and feel with our hearts (and souls.) Meditation helps a great deal. Being more “present” in the moment, not living in the past or future, can assist Guidance to enter into our consciousness. Less judgement and more acceptance and listening helps. Rather than separation and isolation, which our culture seems to preach, perhaps we can build real community where we connect and find the divine perfection in the souls we bump into. Yes, even the ones we would disagree with. AND, sharing our experiences in an act of service to assist the people around us. We are all pilgrims on the path toward awakening and remembering our divinity. We are all connected and can benefit from assisting others. Guidance can allow us to accept the difficult lessons which we have come to Earth to experience and to learn from.

The bottom line, you are a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit, whether you know this or not. Consider separating yourself, not from other struggling souls, but from the drama and the dis-information we find in our leaders and sources of news. Your heart and your Guidance will lead you through this lifetime and through your future travels beyond the veil.

You do not have to cut yourself off from news or the media, just filter what you see and hear. You do not have to join a new age cult or become a quantum physicist. But, perhaps you might be present, meditate more, and read or learn from materials related to spirituality, near death encounters, and some timeless teachings from Buddhist, Hindu, or Taoist traditions. Look for many sources until you can “feel” the correct path for you to assist you to remember your perfection and connection with the Divine Spirit.

Live your Truth!
Find YOUR Bliss!
Love, Serve and Remember!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

PS: This blog will be sent to on Thanksgiving Day, 2018 (November 22). I will be traveling out of the country and will miss posting next week’s blog. Sorry. I have sincere hopes that all the people of our planet will find in these holidays peace and a renewal for humanity. Hopefully, some common sense and Divine Spiritual insights will find a way to guide humanity. Please find a way, dig deep, to support through Love all the souls you are blessed to meet. Peace…!!!

Acting in the Drama Called Life

YOU should be nominated for your acting role in the present drama called life! Yes, YOU are an actor portraying a real life character, yourself! You are brilliant at this. You have spent a lifetime creating all of the nuances and character characteristics which make your role come alive. Since birth, you have worked with an ever-changing script and found the best ways to navigate this role. You have played off all the other actors who have stumbled into your play. Along the way, you have learned many lessons and survived many challenges. In acting out this role, you have grown and developed both as an actor and as a person. The director of this play has been vague and uncertain, giving you the freedom to choose which direction to go and what dramatic scenes to participate within. The director is YOU!

Remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience! You have chosen to come here to learn…

In the study of metaphysics and spirituality, you eventually stumble upon the concept that you have “chosen” to come back into the current incarnation with all the challenges and lessons you have come to define as your life. Some of the other actors/characters have been on your “soul team” for other lifetimes and you all play off one another. Your acting changes as you grow and develop both as a person, as an actor, and as a spirit. The dramas you experience are PERFECT and are experienced for the purpose of aiding you AND the other actors/souls you bounce off of. Most people take their lives and their roles so seriously, until they “awaken.” You do this to know the hurt and the pain that your current life incarnated offers as the way to grow and to develop your soul until you do not need to return anymore. (Though sometimes you return to assist other souls in their lessons and their development.)

Our mind and our “egos” think that we are separate from the other actors we bump into. The limitations of time and 3 dimensions creates the view that easily allows us to “Judge” our fellow actors. We will defend our bodies and our egos because we allow fear to seem important. So important, that we forget to be compassionate with love for our fellow actors. We forget that we are all in this together as part of the larger manifestation of the Divine Spirit. Our acting out our roles continues even after we “awaken” and begin to “remember” that we are not alone or not imperfect. In fact, we are perfect. We are perfect in our acting. Each one of us deserves an Academy Award.

Our acting in this community is very important but only as serious as you make it. Remember that the word and concept of “Enlightenment” contains “lighten” as a reminder that your purpose is to find and then live in the Joy and the Lightness of pure spirit. If you have read this far, you can not go backward. You will live now in the consideration that YOU ARE MORE THAN THE ROLE YOU ARE PLAYING! You are a perfect piece of the Divine Spirit! Your acting is an award deserving role in the all encompassing play called life! Take this seriously because you must be in this current role both for your own development and to assist your fellow cast members. BUT, appreciate how much fun it is to step out of your role and see how entertaining your drama is. You are a MASTER, at your role, so share your wisdom…)

Think about one character from our history. A man by the name Viktor Frankl lived through World War 2 in a concentration camp. He kept himself alive and vital by looking for HIS purpose as a person/character going through one of the most devastating life challenge. His focus on HIS purpose brought him JOY even in the seemingly terrible situation. He survived and knew that he must share his learnings as his “purpose” to help other “actors” survive and learn and find joy in the seemingly darkest of life experiences. We must identify that the lives we live have choices and we are responsible to find our lessons and the joy as our “roles” present us with opportunities to grow. Our lives may be fleeting but our soul’s growth raises ALL consciousness!

Rich Kelley: Life is a Stage Play … Audio of Rich Kelley’s NDE and opinion regarding our “lives” as actors. Listen for the comment by Rich mentions that our lives are an “illusion.” For your experience.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Following Guidance or Forced to Change?

Some of us listen to Guidance and follow it. Some of us have learned to trust Guidance. More of us fear change and argue or deny what Guidance has to offer.

First, what do I mean as I write this blog about Guidance. This is not from an external teacher, parent, or “Guidance Counselor.” It is a message in some sort of feeling which quietly (or possibly loudly) bubbles up from our soul or spirit which is connect to the Divine Spirit. Its soft voice can be difficult to hear and the directions may seem scattered. You may ask why should I listen? Why should I follow the obscure directions of Guidance? As I type this blog, which is coming from a source which is more feeling than from past training, I wonder why I am typing out the words that find their way to the page…???

More difficult are the times and experiences which we have had where strong emotions seem to force us to follow what Guidance can suggest. Often I have found myself in a negative mood, perhaps angry or fearful, and I consider that I absolutely NEED to change. Change does not often come easily. I like what I know better than what I might find out through change. Familiar “Pain” seems better than unfamiliar directions or experience which Guidance might lead. CHANGE is difficult! If we are strongly attracted to something, we might screw up the courage to go after this new shiny “thing” or person or job or…??? More often change HAPPENS when we are so desperate, we HAVE to find the new way to live or to develop our new consciousness.

Example. When I was 19 years old and pre-med at UCLA, I discovered that this dream of going into medicine, that I had passionate held since 7 years of age, was not going to happen. I could not focus at school and my grades were not medical school allowing. I was broken hearted. I was angry. I was frustrated. My alternatives even included taking my anger and frustration and signing up for the Army, which Guidance steered me away from…. and, into a better but unknown and scary option. For no “good” reason I and no clear plan, I dropped out of UCLA, worked 3 jobs, saved money for 6 months and went to Europe. I turned 20 years old in Strasbourg, France and along the way had the life changing experience of perspective on what was not working in my old life in Southern California. When I returned, I left my life in Southern California again in 2 weeks and moved to Northern California into the best possible situation for me. I returned to college and worked for my BA and MA in Psychology, accidentally finding Biofeedback and Psychophysiology along the way. Two years past my MA, I woke one morning and Guidance told me to start a private practice in Biofeedback and Psychophysiology with medically referred clients. I received training and certification and worked in Doctor’s offices and Chronic Pain clinics until I open the Stress Education Center in 1978. I never knew where I was headed in 1970 when I dropped out of UCLA and would NEVER have found the ideal professional career for myself if I had not acted on this message from Guidance. I am Blessed!

Strong emotions like fear and frustration “drove” me to follow Guidance and into the perfect life, for me. Now, I meditate regularly and sit in front of the computer, when I “feel” the need, and channel blogs that are filled with spiritual consciousness that I would not have written, or even considered, 3 years ago. Guidance has offered me a new life purpose and I wake excited everyday to follow this new direction. (New for me…)

What will trigger YOU to listen to Guidance and be led to the experiences in this life you were invited to have…???

If you feel fearful, angry, frustrated, or sad, perhaps consider these “Gifts” which are there to help motivate you to find the better path. If nothing else, you will have a great story to share regarding the challenging lessons you came here to learn. Accept the Love and the Connection with Divine Spirit and find Joy in growing in consciousness from seemingly frustrating life experiences. I am sorry this is so difficult, but we sometimes need to learn from the “trial by fire” called our lives. For me, living with my wife of 28 years through her terminal treatment for Ovarian Cancer and then her Transition at the end of her lifetime, was so traumatic I would never wish this on anyone else. But, I would never trade this experience or the lessons I have learned… It was a Blessing. A pain filled series of experiences which have opened me up to so many beautiful new relationships and spiritual experiences. As I have said before, I have been Blessed! If you have read this far, YOU have been Guided here and Blessed to share this growth in consciousness, mine and yours. Thank you!

Whether you follow Guidance or are Forced to change, please appreciate, at least retrospectively, the amazing adventure you are on and the unexpected lessons you are here to learn…

Taking responsibility for the choices you make throughout your life is very difficult but the alternative of being a “victim” to the challenges life provides may keep you from moving forward, more quickly… Live and choose to celebrate ALL the challenges you may encounter…!!!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Connecting to Your Guidance

How many times has Guidance connected you with the direction you were “supposed” to take? When you came to the fork in the road and needed to make a choice, did you ever chose the “road less traveled?” Against judgement and external pressure, did you ever “Know” which direction you needed to go? Sure, you have been there. Your first relationship or knowing you needed to change your job. Maybe it was the vacation destination that attracted you and provided an adventure in life you will never forget. These “feelings” that led you to act did not always lead you to the easy path, or the path of success, but they led you where “YOU Needed to GO.” Your lesson, your adventure, your humbling challenge were the experiences that made you who you are. Some joyous and some brutal but you “GOT” what you needed to get!

You listened to Guidance. You acted on Guidance. And, if you asked the people around you, their suggested direction would have been to take the “safer,” or “easier,” or “more appropriate” path than to take a “different” turn, but you chose the adventure and you must take responsibility for your decision. By the way, if you never took the “road less traveled” you are probably NOT reading this blog and think wet cardboard is fascinating. Hey, YOU are here to live. Taking a path to the “edge” and jumping off into the unknown makes life interesting, challenging, and worth living!

How did the small voice of Guidance get your attention? With all the social pressure and expectations, how did you not only hear the small voice but follow its direction? As an example, I dropped out of UCLA at 19 years of age. I turned 20 years old traveling in Europe. It was the clean break from living in Southern California I needed to start “MY LIFE” and Guidance was supported by my anger/frustration and my oppositional nature. It was PERFECT! I could not have seen the things I saw or met the people I met, or most importantly got the perspective on my first 19 years that I needed to acquire to make the changes to my life that grew out of that travel experience. Five years later, my father mentioned how proud he was that I had “had the guts” to take that trip. A trip he would never had the “guts” to make. I did not do this to impress him. I did this because my over whelming “gut feeling” guided, AND then Protected, me so I could learn the lessons I needed to learn. Your life has been filled with these “Choices” which Guidance helped provide and then helped you to chose the path.

For me, Guidance does not sit around and just watch. I have been invited to play. I have learned to trust it even if I do not always understand why I am doing what I am doing. Four years ago, I would never have thought about starting Masters of the Journey, writing spiritual blogs, or leading spiritual discussions. Am I old and crazy or have I found a New Purpose which is so compelling that I get to wake every morning excited and full of energy to work on this project? I may never know why and it is not important to understand. It is important to serve by doing! It has been a wonderful blessing for me to follow Guidance into this new lifestyle!

Guidance has lead me to this project of writing spiritual blogs just as it has led you to read this spiritual blog. It wants me to do interviews with people who are willing to share their amazing stories regarding guidance taking them down paths to the most interesting of lessons. In future blogs and articles we will discuss how to better connect with Guidance and then follow your path to the spiritual awakening you are meant to have…

What is YOUR Gut telling you now about this information? For some, you will jump in. For some, it is too scary and fear will ask you to be comfortable and back away. Either way, you now have to do this with a conscious choice and find your path down one path or another. Travel safely. Keep your head up so you can see the horizon and do not miss the splendid details along your way. This is what your life is all about…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Guidance Led Me to Masters of the Journey

Guidance is the only possible explanation. Guidance from a greater, “Divine” source led me to developing the Masters of the Journey community.

Sure, many people admit to needing or wanting to participate in a community, in our ever divided culture. We all require some connection with other people as we move along our path through life. We all need role models or support or mentors or teachers to learn the difficult things we feel drawn to learn. I have been many things in my life but this is the first venture into creating a community. A community which offers a place to connect with other people who are engaged in developing their spiritual consciousness and offering support, or desiring to be supported by, other pilgrims who share this path moving toward higher consciousness. (AND, we are ALL on this path, whether you know this or not…)

My background has been “rational” and worldly. Not always “practical” but rooted in rational thoughts and intellectual theory. My personality was born to be oppositional, finding a road less traveled. With some major negative experiences in growing up (we all have these in our lives,) I was disapproving of religion and most religious training. My views were more atheistic than agnostic. I loved science and rational explanations. Still do. Now along the way, I had more than my share of mystical, metaphysical experiences but did not give these much conscious thought in my earlier years. They were interesting, cool, and seemingly irrelevant.

Examples: At 19 years of age and as an unhappy student at UCLA, I was guided into an “out of the body” visualization to discover what “Death” was all about. My naiveté allowed me to go into this weird and mystical experience. Only after reporting my experience to the group’s leader did it dawn on me that this was a “special” and important experience. And, it still is… My major insight has been that death is NOT the enemy or scary. This frees me to live more fully, with less fear and anxiety. Secondly, I was drawn to meditation in my early twenties and was “gifted” with some amazing visions including visiting the “River of Life” which allowed me to feel universal connection, “oneness,” and the thought that life was comprised of many lives where, learning or remembering our Divine Spirit within, was briefly demonstrated. (For no rational reason, this drew a tear, of joy, to my youthful eye!)

But, I have been enmeshed in a rational world and life where my work, my relationships, and my family became my focus and my “PURPOSE.” This perspective has been changing into a broader view of life. My wife of 28 years was diagnosed with terminal Ovarian cancer 19 years into our marriage. Our lives and our focus changed dramatically. For me, it was a time of learning empathy and how to be a caretaker. The experience, which I would not wish on anyone, was so very important for me. My difficult, painful, lessons were most spectacular and my consciousness has changed dramatically. Since my wife’s transition in January of 2012, I have filled the “Void” in my life with a search for my new purpose or, if unsuccessful in this search, to find my way to transition into my Divine Spirit between lives (more clearly, to join my wife’s spirit in her “better place.”) In 2015, after travels which seemed unsuccessful to my rational self, I found my new path. Guidance offered me experiences which lead me to working in an overt metaphysical lifestyle. My meditation practice was expanded into studying: the Course in Miracles, the Way of Mastery, near death experiences, intuition/psychic ability, drumming, and heading back to a church-like experience at Unity Spiritual Center in Bellingham, WA. This felt weird to me but wonderful.

The spirit of my wife showed up and herded me into experiences and consciousness which has helped me to begin to consciously remember the Divine Spirit. My purpose was spelled out for me, so simply and clearly even I could understand. My new role was not to be a Guru, because I do not have the training or temperament to be a Guru, but to help organize a non-religious support community where people can join together and share their stories and their wisdom. My brief partner in this project formation suggested we call this, Masters of the Journey, believing that WE are all MASTERS and just need to remember our perfection and our connection with the Divine Wisdom.

For the past two years (since mid-2015,) I have basked in this work as my reason for living. My purpose in life which is so completely different from any work which I have done before (in this life.) I am still oppositional in my way, but I can feel good about this non-traditional approach to build a consciousness development community.

Perhaps guidance has lead YOU to this article. Perhaps your guidance has lead you to be a part of Masters of the Journey: a Transformational Community. If this is not for you, then I hope that you find the support and the community that will be most appropriate for your development of consciousness and toward Remembering the Perfect Divine Spirit within YOU. You are a blessing!

Whether you know it or not, you are a Master! Your “Enlightenment” is within YOU and you can find a way to “Remember” your connection, and the part you play, in the Divine Spirit!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

When Will YOU Awaken?

When will you have an Awakening experience so you can follow your Spiritual Path?

First, what does “Awakening” to follow your Spiritual Path mean? Many people have a “moment” of “awakening” or a spiritual epiphany. This may be an experience where, in an instant, you have an insight into what the “State of Grace” really means. A feeling of Universal connection, “Oneness,” Unconditional Love, Universal Wisdom, Freedom from Time and the three dimensional world we have incarnated into. Maybe we remember God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or the Divine Spirit, or whatever it is that you know and remember as the highest consciousness. Many spiritual teachers will tell you that this requires years of devotion and careful contemplation to achieve. I am not sure that this takes a long time. For many people, this “spiritual awakening” takes but an instant! Your path to “Enlightenment” is yours to travel AND travel there you must!

So, when will it be… for YOU?

Will it happen during a NDE (Near Death Experience?)
You can read many books and articles about this type of “Awakening” and “Remembering.” (I say “Remembering” because when achieved, it is familiar and we realize that we have been there before. It may be the feeling we have when we are between lives AND the feeling that we are working to “remember” in this current lifetime. No matter what your experience, whether you believe me or not, this spiritual wisdom and “knowing” is already within you. You are learning how to recall your connection with the Divine!)

Will your “Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening” be triggered by:
an illness or accident?
By the loss of a loved one (and your experience in Death, Dying, Grief and Loss?)
By Your Midlife Crisis? (Female or Male Menopause) WHEN, you realize that your goals and plans are not enough. You have to do or be something more. Perhaps, you have yet to finish your search for your “Purpose” in this life!
An Epiphany from a Meditation, a Dream, a Spiritual Practice?
A drug related experience? (Which shakes you out of your belief and your current “reality.”)
A Breathing Technique or Vision Quest?
A religious practice?
A trauma or a nightmare?
The birth of a child?
An experience of “Guidance” or other worldly “Protection” (when you were steered in a more positive direction)

Yes, what will be your experience which triggers your remembering your connection to the Divine Spirit!

Will this manifest as a single moment in your life or as a series of moments (and experiences?)

Will it be a Clear Message or a vague, to be discovered, feeling or thought?

Will it cause a Dramatic Shift in your life (and way of being in the world) or a slower unfoldment?

Will this come to You alone or in a group?

Who will you tell or share this “Awakening” with?

Will it change your relationships? (Perhaps to be more loving or accepting?)

Is it triggered by being “Old” and/or infirmed? (BUT, young people, even children, can experience this State of Grace!)

Is this experience Dramatic or Subtle? Is it soft and quiet or loud or colorful or Black and White (or even Gray?)

Is this Spiritual awakening taking place in a natural surrounding or in a more mundane environment like your home or a building?

Are you with other people or alone?

Are you in a state of Fear/Anxiety or “Grounded” by a Meditation?

Do you feel like you have drifted out of your body to a higher realm? Do you find this in your heart & soul?

Does this trigger a feeling of “Acceptance” or a violent flight/fight emotion?

Is this happening to you in the: morning or afternoon or at twilight or at night?

Are you in a foreign land or a more familiar (closer to home) place?

Is your insight focused on your physical state or on emotion or thought/mental state or in a spiritual place?

Does your epiphany manifest in feelings of: happiness, joy, confusion, fear, or the relief which comes from finally “Remembering” your deepest Spiritual Nature?

Many people have these Awakenings and never know how to share these experiences. They may even think that there is something wrong or even “crazy” in feeling these “different” wisdoms… But, we all have these moments and these learnings. We sometimes do not appreciate them at the time of the experience, but these will resurface after some other life experience or conversation trigger the remembering… An experience which I had early in my life became an epiphany which has shaped my life is a story available on YouTube at https://youtu.be/bjQuoEK-2SE

No matter what, remember that YOU are a blessing and You have a spiritual Master dwelling within your soul.

If you would like support and a community to share your story of awakening and spiritual development, consider the Masters of the Journey as a place to connect with fellow travelers on the path toward remembering the Divine Spirit within each of us.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Your Purpose: Find It & Live It

Yes, you have a purpose in this life. Perhaps you have questioned or searched for what you are “supposed” to do in this life. Perhaps you have felt like do not quite fit in the life you are leading… To understand or to figure this out may provide you with some perspective and relief.

It may be a bit more simple than you now know. Your expectations have gotten in your way. Your parents (or someone in the world) have had BIG plans for you and told you so. You were to grow up to be happy, healthy, wealthy, successful, and productive. BUT, they never fully explained what any of this meant and what it would take to achieve this “purpose” in your life. You may have even have bought into this expectation and may feel like you under-achieved. You may even be chasing this elusive goal(and possibly a false God.)

Do not let “Expectations” get in your way! Do not let other people’s projections make you feel like you have under-performed in ANY aspect of your life! If you have felt any unhappiness for how things have turned out or have felt “Envy” for accomplishments that other people have had, you had better rethink this attitude!

Whether you know it or not, you are a “Perfect” manifestation of the Divine Spirit AND you have all the powers to provide miracles to our world. Maybe your self-esteem does not allow you to know your perfection. Maybe your parent’s voice have become one with your ego, after so many repetitions, that these projections feel true. We are all amazing and unique manifestations learning our life’s lessons and working to remember our perfection and divinity.

Read stories about survivors of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) or of people who have experienced spiritual “Awakenings” and see how these experiences have changed their lives and help them to remember that we are all, every one of us, perfect and in this development of consciousness together. NDE survivors mostly do NOT have any fear of death. In fact, death is not the enemy. They can more easily let go of contrived expectations placed upon them by judgmental forces. Living becomes more comfortable when you remove the anxiety of knowing the unknown, death… Perspectives and goals often change. NDE survivors are often more open and giving, basing their relationships on unconditional love and not separation or judgement.

Life, yes your life, is more about the simple “remembering” regarding your divinity and your true purpose. Your true purpose is to learn and to grow in wisdom, awareness, and to share your love. You are here to support your fellow pilgrims and bump into other souls who are tumbling around in the act of opening to their enlightenment. We are all in this together and the most simple and most powerful purpose we have is to find the perfection in everyone we bump into and to assist them to move further along their path toward remembering the divine spirit within.

Sure, you have been told, and may believe, that other people are less than you and you should be fearful and careful. Perhaps you believe that acquiring more wealth will make you happy or fulfilled. Often the opposite is true. For people must protect their acquired possessions AND none of them on their death bed wish that they could have worked harder and gained more stuff. If they have regrets, it is often about not pursuing their heart’s dreams or the lost time with people whom they have loved. The experience of living to their fullest, in any situation, is their, possibly unfulfilled, dream. Do not let this be your fate. You have been warned.

If you find that instant of awareness, the “State of Grace,” you never forget that moment of connection and unconditional love. You will know the freedom and the wisdom which exists on the other side of the veil. You are so much more than your body and your life! You are perfect and will share love and the miracles it will bring. Reach around and take the hand of your fellow travelers. Witness their stories of their experiences and learnings of this life. Find and celebrate the divine spirit you can know within them. Never let anyone convince you that you are not a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit. Sure you have rough edges and lessons to learn but these are there for a reason and these will elevate you through your life’s travails.

Look for support and a tribe of fellow seekers of truth. Support them and allow them to support you. Once you cross the veil and become conscious, again, you will remember you do not have the limitations that your present incarnation appears to have. You are a blessing!

If you would like support in finding and living your true purpose, consider a community like Masters of the Journey, though there are many paths to your enlightenment.

Finally, do not wallow as a “victim.” Take responsibility and know that mistakes, difficult relationships, and your most difficult experiences are there to provide the lessons that will assist you to rise above the pains we all endure in our lives (though some of us endure more challenging experiences….) We all benefit from the learning that we acquire on the path through life.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Your Thoughts Can Get in the Way

Allow your thoughts to pass through you without a negative judgement or holding on too tightly. These thoughts passing through are just concepts that you are just “trying on.”
Release your attachment! And, release your self-hatred or self negative self-judgement!

Do NOT beat yourself up for your perception and judgements of your thoughts.

With the emotions and thoughts that bubble up, like: anger, hostility, grief, fear, anxiety, self-loathing, remember, this “Game” is never over! You will continue to have judgements and thoughts bubbling through your consciousness. Attempt to not take these too seriously and get attached to the notions and ideas that may be based out of separation and defense of the ego. When my consciousness is in a stronger, spiritual mind-set, I will smile or even laugh at myself as I view the world through this judgement. For sure, this is NOT always possible especially when I have a strong emotional attachment or feel “attacked.” But, when I can get some distance and have a broader outlook, I can find my reactions to my thoughts entertaining and realize that these are exercises and “tests” for my growing consciousness.

It would help to be honest with your self-awareness even when you can remember that You need not be humble in all thoughts and situations. Sometimes honesty includes the realization and acknowledgement that you are actually good, or even superior, at doing some thing…

In writing about this, I have another thought pop up. When we struggle with the deepest remembering regarding are real, and much larger than this life, selves, we can get scared as we realize that we are fully responsible for the choices which are made… (my friend, Don, when he “returned” from his Near Death Experience (NDE) a few years ago, he awoke giggling. He giggled for three months. He giggled because he realized “how petty” our self-perceptions are, realizing that “we are so much Bigger than we realize.” See his video interview in full on YouTube at https://youtu.be/Kj_Jjsfpn-g?list=PLsWsoFPYKTDCboCGQo1Bf0TmpheRH6stb

Face your Fear!

We are often too overwhelmed and afraid of our own perfection. It is too much responsibility to NOT have any excuses…

So, Face Your Fear!

You are Divine! – Deal with it!

You are Perfect! – Live with it!

You are a Blessing! – Know it!

You are God! – Remember it!

You have a purpose… – Do it!

If you do not know your purpose or you do not remember your purpose or you are in denial about your purpose…

You are here to serve! Take the hand of your fellow pilgrim and assist them in remembering their Divinity!

When you are ready to own your Divinity and share your wisdom from your life’s experiences, consider your contribution to our supportive community, Masters of the Journey.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog