Do you want the spirit of the Divine to come in to your life and to be a powerful force within you? Do you trust the Spirit of the Divine?
Are you ready to let go of Fear, Anger, Ego, and Separation? This is not as easy as it may sound. For many of us, there is difficulty letting go of what we are familiar with, even ego, self-identification and separateness. We may have a long term pattern (habit) of being judgmental and of finding ways to “look down” on the next pilgrim we meet along our path. We may remember that the reason we are “Triggered” by an individual or group (say politics) is to teach us the lesson that we must learn and to find ways of “seeing” through another person’s eyes. The “comfort” of the “known” can be easier even if wrought with pain, than the new, unknown of a new way of being – enlightenment…
Are you ready for Unconditional Love, ONENESS, and Wisdom to burn more brightly within YOU? Enlightenment brings this light to you AND to all! (Your enlightenment is not just for you, it benefits and serves all spirits, because we are all in this together.) Are you ready for change? This may mean reducing, or even eliminating, your tendency to be judgmental or less accepting. It is difficult to accept that our lives are caught up in many “petty” habits and lifestyle choices which do not really demonstrate how big and how great your spirit truly is! As Divine beings, we have the capacity to go beyond the limitations of the mind and the body and the constraints of time and space. When we “remember” who we really are and how important we are to the Universal Spirit, we can better appreciate the challenges and lessons that we are moving through in this lifetime.
You may not be ready to be free and to share the blessing of consciousness, even though you want to or think you are ready. You may not be ready to find pure acceptance! With the pain and challenges in this life, how can you trust “Knowing” that this is all there for a reason and to teach lessons that we all benefit from learning? But, when will you “remember” enough regarding your true spiritual self so you can more fully trust the process of the pilgrimage you are are on? (We are all on the “path” toward consciousness/enlightenment. We are all in this together…)
It is a blessing to share the path with you! You are amazing! You are a Master, whether you know this or not, and you are here to share your experiences and your wisdom!
A community of fellow travelers is available to support you and offer you resources. The Masters of the Journey is a non-religious, supportive community. Consider whether this may be of benefit to you on YOUR journey.