Has life treated you unfairly? Are you willing to share how other people have taken advantage of you? Are you distracted by these past injustices? Do you want to break out of this victim status, or does it work too well for you?
If you want to take back control of your life, YOU have have to change! You have to learn to let go of the old “victim habit” AND find a way to take responsibility. Perhaps you need to hear this message… YOU have made yourself a victim! It is your thinking which creates separation and thinks that some completely unrelated person is doing (or has done) something to you. No one can do something to you without you playing your part in this relationship! This event has happened, and will probably happen again, to you as a special learning that you are needing to learn. Yes, this is your lesson in this life AND it is your partner (the perpetrator) role and lesson.
You want to beat this? Forgive and take responsibility. Learn and let go. This is so easy for me to say AND so hard (difficult) for you to hear, let alone do, because you are so emotionally attached to the “drama.” Whether you know, or believe, it, we are ALL connected and we interact to share the lessons of life. We all have our roles to play and we are here to assist each other with these learnings. Your mind, your emotions, and your ego are taught by our culture to blame other people and to separate ourselves. It is not easy to step outside your pain and to see it from the “other side.” Why did this person do this to you? They have to learn their lesson of creating their Karmic debt so they can pay back this debt at some other time or in some other life.
We do not live in a “Random Universe.” There is a reason for every interaction and your lesson is to fill the “void” with forgiveness and then Love. Your purpose is to serve by role modeling grace, acceptance, forgiveness, and Love. I DO NOT SAY THAT THIS IS EASY OR FUN! This is a challenge and that is why we showed up in this life. AND, if we do not want to return, over and over, to repeat this lesson, we need to break out of the old pattern of response and appreciate all interactions in the most loving way. You can take control! You can be the vehicle for peace and acceptance. You are LOVE! Know the Divine Perfection within you AND let it shine. You are PERFECT!
Meditation in this incarnation helps a great deal! Finding the light of the Divine Spirit within you gives new meaning to your life. Your challenges are not easy or fun, you are here to learn. (This takes work.) You are a blessing! Whether you know it or not, you are a MASTER! You have much to teach and to share! The “Divine Spirit” can not exist without YOU! Yes, you are a small but critical piece of the whole of the Divine Spirit!
It is much easier to learn this with positive support. Please consider the connection with a positive community of acceptance and you may benefit from looking at Masters of the Journey. No matter what… YOU are a blessing and the Universe needs you to learn and progress through your lessons. We will support you BUT YOU need to make the choice to take responsibility and to choose Love over fear!