How do YOU choose to Live? I have been told, and believe, that in our human incarnations we have “free will.” We can make choices. In every situation we find our way into, we have choices on what to do and how to react to what is perceived regarding this situation. We can choose to be responsible for our behaviors and our circumstances. Or, we can choose to act as if we are victims. We control and choose how we react, at some level, and how we choose to respond. And, no matter what, we can choose to learn from every interaction we participate within. When we find ourselves in a difficult, even a dangerous, challenge can we learn from it and take responsibility for what occurs? It is sometimes not easy to take responsibility when our lives are confronted by less than ideal situations. (But, what good does it do to find blame?)
You have a choice to live in Love and Light and to find Joy and Miracles in your life. From a different perspective, you have the choice to look for the negative or the pain or the victimhood in almost any interaction. Which do you most commonly choose? And, Why? Life is not always a magical, lovely experience. There are insights to find when the road seems dark. In fact, in my life, I can say that I have learned more from my mistakes and difficult experiences than I have learned from times which seemed easy and when things have gone as well as expected. My life has been blessed with experiences you can define as easy/good and many which are difficult and pain filled. We have all had these as bumps in our road through life. How YOU choose to perceive and to learn from the “hard times” is up to you. But, try this on… Life is a miracle filled with amazing gifts and joys! You do have to look for these, especially when the emotional road seems darkened by difficult relations.
Let me ask you a question. If you knew you had only a few months to live, what would you choose to do with your remaining time in this life? Stop for a minute and really allow this concept to find its way into your waking consciousness. And, answering this question, why are you NOT doing these end of life optional activities with your life NOW!??? Consider the excuses you are using and ask yourself if you can LIVE with these reasons for not living the life you might want. Sure, you can not always drop out of current life to run willy nilly into another life. However, you can consider your options and find motivation to move in a different direction. Would you have regrets if at the end of your life you did not get to do certain things? Why are you choosing to not do these experiences? Life is for living. Choose to live in the Light and to find Joy!
The amazing power we have as humans is to make choices. We often live lives of quiet desperation where we do not challenge ourselves and sit back while life seems to happen to us. This is a choice! You have awareness and this power to choose to do your life differently. Most of us, need to do some research, make a new life plan, and take steps to follow through even when we may lack some of the new skills required and good support. We have all done this in some fashion. When I left home, for good, at the age of 19, I had no idea where this would lead. I worked three jobs and saved money. I turned 20 in Europe. When I returned from this travel, I moved 400 miles from where I grew up. No regrets. And, no excuses or what ifs… This is what I wanted and needed to do at that time in my life. Without a lot of family or work responsibility this was fairly easy compared with some people’s situations. And, it takes a driven commitment to jump into a new life. My move was driven by frustration and anger with my environment and the politics of that time. It takes some consideration but you can choose to do your life differently. Sometimes the smallest awareness can lead to a tiny change which can lead to a much larger lifestyle shift. Just know that you can make new choices. This alone gives you power. AND, where ever you are in your life, YOU made the choices, at some level, to be in your current situation. And, it has been useful for your learning, even if, you learned what not to do… (Human life is NEVER going to be perfect or always easy. It is tough and that is why we are here, in this life, to be challenged to find wisdom and joy even when our lives are difficult.)
You made the choice to read this posting all the way to this point. You found these words and you made the effort to read them. These choices alone prove that you are open and willing to consider what is possible in life! Consider how incredible it is to be open to searching for alternative choices. Yes, you even have to be brave to allow these words to find their way into your consciousness. AND, you have allowed yourself to be open enough to consider these ideas. Imagine how brave all pioneers are when they set out on their life changing adventures, traveling into unknown territory. For what ever their motivation for change is, they have pushed through doubt and made their choices. Adventures always make for possible learnings and great stories, so remember to share your adventure travels through life. Yes, even if what you have to share is what NOT to do. Yes, you have the choice to share your stories…
And Yes, YOU are a miracle. No matter how you choose to react to these words, you are amazing and a Blessing!
Thanks JJ Joshua. For JJ’s Thoughtful Thursday video reminder regarding your choice for how you live follow this link for inspiration: