Masters of the Journey Video Conference

You are a Master.

Today we offered our first live, video conference for spiritual development. The topic was an introduction to the “State of Grace.” Presenting were Brother Bob Trask of Bellingham’s Unity Center and author, Paula Forget, who wrote the recently released, “Guided to the Higher Realms.” Most people on the call also contributed from their wisdom and life experience. The callers were from around the country and their sharing made this a perfect example of what Masters of the Journey can be, a leader-less community of “seekers” who are willing to share their stories.

We will be adding this video to our expanding library others who were not able to get on this call, “live.” In the future, we have many topics of spiritual development with contributions from members and experts in the field. The support and excitement for this consciousness raising process is growing with contributions of many people who are traveling through on their path and willing to reach around to support fellow pilgrims.

Consider joining our membership by visiting our website at or by visiting our Facebook page at Our members will benefit from the resources and trainings that we offer and by participating in our interactive sessions.

Please continue to learn and grow. If appropriate please share this information.