You Are Enough!

When the Universe provides a message, YOU should listen! When the message is not subtle there is no guess-work, you should pay attention. When you ask a question and the Divine Spirit answers in an unambiguous way, you know this message applies to you. And, when you receive an obvious answer which may apply to many other people, it would be wise to share this information. So, the Universe has asked me to tell YOU, You Are Enough! No one can do YOU better than you and you are essential!

Many of us, lack self-acceptance or self-confidence. We try to be something “more” or “different” than who we really are. We may think that more people will like us if we look or behave a certain way, even if the “Way” is unnatural or uncomfortable for who we really are… We may push ourselves to be successful in our work even if this is not healthy. The perceived attention seems worthwhile even if it triggers conflict and additional separation from co-workers and our own spiritual beliefs. This is not a plea to be unchanged and avoid growth. You do grow but do not change from external, cultural expectations if this is not who you are… “Know Thyself!” (From the Wisdom of the Ancient Greeks.)

On a recent walk in nature with my partner, we were enjoying being outdoors in nature. As we strolled along the path, we were looking for the “perfect” rock which might serve as a canvas for artwork and, once painted, this rock was destined to be of service through aesthetic appreciation. Painting rocks is a new hobby for my partner. On our conscious minds were the travails which our culture is currently attempting to resolve. Then, out of the blue, the Universe sends a direct and unsubtle message. We stumbled upon a painted rock which clearly and unmistakenly says in hand scripted words, “You Are Enough!” When a bolt of lightening from the Universal Consciousness reminds you that you are perfect just the way you are, you listen. Then, you want to share the message.

Now, many people walk around thinking that they are not “Good Enough” or rich enough or smart enough or whatever enough… This holds us back. This is an important lesson for us to learn in our human lives. When more fully enlightened, we realize that we are who we are to have the “lessons” in our specific human drama. These tests raise our consciousness and move us on to other challenges. Along the way we can be of service to other humans and share wisdom which we discover even in difficult situations which we may view as “failures.” It is what we are here to learn…

So, whether your mind allows you to believe it or not, I tell you, and the Universe backs me up on this, You are a perfect soul having a human experience. Your human experience may seem to you to be “human” however, you are here for a reason in this specific “drama” for specific lessons which are here to serve you and the people who cross your path. There are reasons these lessons are necessary for you and the fellow pilgrims you touch. You may not fully understand and your full understanding is not more important than your life’s attempts to push forward into higher consciousness.

No matter where you find yourself walking, look around, look down, and when the message presents itself, stop and honor the gift and your answered request. When possible, share your found wisdom and so spread the gift from the Divine Spirit!

No matter where you are on your human journey, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Creating Miracles

It may be easier than you THINK! You are already a Master creator even if you do not always “know” or “understand” this with your 3 dimensional, ego driven mind. Your human limitations do not make this an untruth, regarding your Miracle maker status. OK, what am I speaking about? It is my “Knowing” (and belief) that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our souls/spirits are much greater than our limited human bodies and mental consciousness. We come into our human lives to have human “dramas” and our human lives are filled with lessons. We are testing out what our souls are learning in the higher realms of spiritual consciousness. With that said, we are “living” in our human dramas in a “created” environment which would look like a movie set to our souls as seen from the view point of the higher realms. We are limited by our human belief in linear time and three dimensional space which exist so our human minds can “understand” the Earthly human world we are living within (in our human incarnations.)

Wow, that is a lot to try to take in… OR, perhaps this is a concept that you already “Know” or have “Remembered.” Our human minds have difficulty finding words to describe the higher realms which are far beyond our human thinking… And, this is where our creation of miracles comes in. Our Universe is a miracle born out of Divine Spirit. But, our human lives are filled with 3 dimensional forms and concepts which come from “Our” consciousness. We are the master creators who construct our lives, our world, and unconsciously (to our human minds,) our lessons. Our souls in the higher realms have agreed to the lessons before we incarnate but our birthing into human form has created a veil of amnesia so we can bump into our lessons and test ourselves and our “learnings.”

You are a Miracle! You are Loved and Supported by the Divine Spirit! You are having a human experience which, at a much higher level, you have agreed to have. AND, you have created the life and the world which you have chosen to engage… Your lessons and your life are PERFECT! You may want to judge these as difficult but you were supposed to live your human life and figure your way through this experience. Yes, even if it is brutal and seemingly, unfair. No one ever said life was supposed to be easy or even “nice.” Our human minds want our lives to be easy, or positive, or filled with joy and happiness. You have a choice. You can find “Joy” even within the most challenging experiences. Humans do this all the time. For me, my arm breaking, my wife dying, and my struggles with aging can ALL be known and remembered with the Joy of the spectacular lessons survived.

If you are like me, you learn from the difficult life tests more than the easy experiences which went as “expected.” My stories and my shared learnings are so much more of service when these are attached to the difficult life experiences which I have survived, and learned from. AND, asking for your lessons and then listening (or feeling) for the response from your higher self can open doors when you may only be viewing the pain from a human experience. The death of a loved one fits this well. When my wife transitioned, I knew she was “in a better place” however, I was left in my human life with a vacuum of grief to deal with. Now, I can assist other men who have become widowers to better know or understand the lessons in these difficult human experiences. Everyone of us is unique. Our experiences are unique. However, the support from another person who has learning to share after surviving a similar life experience can help each and everyone involved in this supportive sharing…

Miracles can be born from your conscious expression and then your positive intention. Often it helps to let go of expectations or the “strings attached” to an outcome. If your requests are to be of positive service and for the raising of consciousness of all mankind (and then Universal consciousness,) you will be loved and supported in this requested miracle. Being joyful and unattached to human expectations helps, but can be challenging to find.

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you. AND, thank you for the service YOU provide. Even the simple act of listening to another soul’s story telling can be of service, both to them and to you. You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

In the Afternoon of My Life

Maybe it is the Late Afternoon of my life. Soon I will be entering the Eighth decade of my life. Quite frankly, I never thought I’d be around this long. It never occurred to me to consider this aging process and what my role as an elder is all about. For me, on the inside, I still consider myself to be young. At least younger than that stranger looking back at me in the mirror.

My friend, in his 50’s, Rodger, told me that “we are in the “afternoon” of our lives,” it caused me to pause and consider these words. Then, as if to correct himself he added, “Or, perhaps, we are are in the “late afternoon” of our lives…” to better include my current level of ancientness. And Yes, this did add entertainment to my consideration of this dilemma. Ok, when do you hit “evening” or late night TV of your life?

Question: Do I want to be old? NO! Do I want to act my age? NO! Do I want to even consider decrepitude? NO, NO, NO! Do I accept myself and the process of aging? With a struggle, Yes and, not really…

AND, what’s my role in this drama? I am a father. I am a grandfather. I am a brother, a lover, a friend, a mensch, a clown, a writer, a teacher, and a healer. And, I am so much more. None of these labels are adequate to define my role. I am a human living in privilege living in North America who occasionally struggles with cultural expectation of who I am and where I am “supposed” to be at this later stage of this life… (Societal expectations based on what culture suggests has never been my strong suit. I have always felt like I am “outsider” looking in and, with pride, in my oppositional opinions and actions…)

Do I care about the future? Well, yes, but differently than I expected. My youthful optimism is reduced, mostly due to waning energy levels. I have always been impatient with life, and still am… From my current perspective, I appreciate the miracles and blessings of life much differently, and with more reverence, than I did in earlier decades. Most of the time I view people, and our shared encounters, looking for the beauties and the good things rather than in negative judgement of an insecure younger me looking to pretend that I am better than… Translation: now, I look more often for a beauty or acknowledge a skill rather than looking to find a weakness or flaw in the people I interact with.

So what does it mean to be in the “late afternoon” of my current incarnation. The days seem to be getting a bit shorter. My energy is drawing inward. I am not cut off from my world but my view is less unbridled than in earlier times. Taking on larger, time and energy, consuming projects seems to be lowered in priority for me. I may not get to learning those new languages or learning to play new musical instruments, which I have put off for many decades. I may even shelve going to medical school which was a very high priority for me when I was 15 years old. Though, I will make time to view more Sunsets and perhaps to taste some good wines.

My life has been filled with Guidance and protection. There are still important challenges and missions for me. There are times when I feel like I am “winding down” and there are times when I rationalize that I am actually using my energies more efficiently. Either way, I proceed through this life with Wonderment and Beginner’s Mind when I choose to be most present. My request to you, as you have read this far, is find Joy and laughter every day of your life. Add the perspective that your life, all life, is a Miracle and you are blessed when you can share your experience with other pilgrims you meet along your way.

If circumstance appears and asks you if YOU want to return for another lifetime in a human form, you may say “No, I do not want to return.” For life is “hard” and full of drama and you may consider that “you” deserve a “rest.” I have considered this option and heard other people’s answers. The Dalai Lama when asked this question responded by saying that he “hopes” he can return and continue to be of service. He is highly evolved and perhaps he is “done” with human incarnations. If you do NOT want to return for more lives and experiences of service, then, almost certainly you WILL have to return for the challenges of additional incarnations… Worry not, for all incarnations are simultaneous and there is no linear time in the higher dimensions (from where we have come.) Just keep breathing and being present. Allow your meditations to offer you guidance…

AND, every day consider your purpose in your current incarnation. Looking deep into this circumstance, I feel certain that you will “know” that you are here to serve! Share your stories and the wisdom you have gained, or are struggling to gain. The people you bump into are both your students and your teachers. We all share life experience to support each other in developing our consciousness. and, we are all in this (life) together…

Dance like no one is watching! Live like this will be your very last day… No regrets, you are perfect and so accept those flaws and imperfections which make you unique…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Connected to the Divine Spirit, Now What?

Many of us are striving to “wake up” from our 3 dimensional lives and to be most fully conscious. Some of us have found a way to “awaken” and are striving to integrate this perspective and to determine what we are now supposed to do with this information/perspective. And, there are a few of us who float through our Earthly incarnations with some overt mastery of how to be “Enlightened Beings” while traveling the Earthly plane. This blog addresses the first two groups because “Enlightened Beings” are enlightened and require less instruction and support.

“Waking Up” into a state of higher consciousness is not uncommon and appears to be the desired goal of people who do not seem to fit in with the every day life expectations which our culture places upon us from early in our Earth born lives. We were born with a limited 3 dimensional “mind” and social pressures to conform to traditional social behaviors and thinking. The limits of the rational thought process creates a rational perspective which limits our lives to the confines of Time and Space. We seem to desire a rational understanding which is limited by language and judgments. For example, in the language called English, which I was raised with, descriptions in words, and thoughts, are limited because you are defining the things and experiences presented to you by comparing what they are like or not like. Greater than, less than, etc. But, you lose the essence of what things or experiences are really about when a feeling or an emotion are mentioned.

Example, how do you share what the taste or smell of fresh baked bread is? How do you adequately share what the Love you find in relationship feels like in your heart? From personal experience, I know you can NOT adequately describe or explain Divine Unconditional Love to a 3 dimensional brain for this is totally unavailable for a rational understanding. (The rational brain can not comprehend a 5th dimensional “Knowing” or feeling of a non-judgement, unconditional Divine Love.) It is a pleasurable “feeling” which can not be fully “Known” by a rational thought process. Just the comparison method of using the word “like” diminishes the full essence of the feeling and true Knowing of the phrase “Unconditional Love.” And, “Unconditional Love” does NOT exist on the Earthly plane between two Earth bound beings because there are always conditions attached. Always! The Divine Spirit’s or Source’s Unconditional Love of you is well beyond a full rational understanding or a language limiting description.

As you awaken, and you probably would not have read this far in this blog without a conscious or unconscious desire for your own awakening, You are freed from human constraints and now struggle with integrating this wisdom into your life. What do you do with this wisdom? How do you share it? How does this change the way you live and the way you interact with other souls? How does this change your priorities in living and your Purpose in living this life? Well, that IS the lesson you came here to learn! People who have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) must find how to integrate this new knowledge into their lives and NDE researchers claim that this can take 7-15 years. (Read more NDE descriptions or chat with NDE survivors to speed up your awakening process… plenty of YouTube videos to wade through as well. (You may have to visit several videos to find the stories you most resonate with and offers the tools specifically for you.))

Your challenge is to continue your awakening and your consciousness development AND to find ways of sharing it or being of service to assist in the awakening of other people whom you bump into. There are no road maps or written directions. Just like when you became a parent and had to figure this out as you went along. Most commonly, this is what happens when you entered this life with the amnesia which happens to most of us and we attempt to find ways to “remember” where we came from and to where we return between our Earthly incarnations. Not easily said let alone done…

If you feel you DO NOT FIT IN, you don’t. YOU are Perfect and in the process of expanding your consciousness and your role in this drama called life as a human. If you do not know how to integrate the wisdom of your opening consciousness then welcome to the club. If you have empathy for other souls, you have opened the channel of your highest consciousness and can begin to realize that we are all in this together and by raising your consciousness you serve to raise ALL consciousness. By sharing Love, no strings attached – Unconditionally, YOU are healing this Earthly plane of existence…

YOU are a Miracle! YOU are Perfect the way you are! (AND, do not be lazy! Keep enhancing your awareness.) YOU are NOT alone! YOU are so much Greater than You allow yourself to Know or Believe! AND, if you resonate with this message but still struggle to fully understand and to integrate this into your life, you are exactly where you need to be. Get some support and perspective and gradually you can find the best ways to be in this world. You are Loved!

Now, meditate, be most Present, walk in Nature, connect with “Guidance” and your higher self, practice less Judgement and more Equanimity, and attempt to find Joy in every challenge Life presents.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Quest to Remember

Maybe, you know your Divine Purpose in traveling through this life. If you are uncertain then be aware that your quest, in this incarnation, is to seek your Enlightenment by working to Remember, who you are and where you have come from. This may sound difficult or confusing. This may sound easy with your path most clearly marked out for you. There will be distractions and for every answer ten new questions may pop up for you but… You are here to Remember that you have come from the Divine Spirit and there you will return after you have the adventures of this lifetime. Your adventures are the lessons and challenges you have to experience to continue your evolution in consciousness AND to serve the other souls you meet to move them further along their path.

Some not so random questions: What do you like best about your work? What do you like best about the positive relationships you have in this life? Chances are you like being of service and finding the positive and supportive experiences you find along your way. Connecting and supporting others is a reward and assists you in accomplishing your “purpose” of serving other pilgrims.

If you are not finding these positive relationships, then let’s ask another question. Do you feel like you “do not fit in?” Perhaps superficial conversations regarding: the weather, or sports scores, or fashion do little to “float your boat.” You feel like something is missing in your life. Perhaps you know that there is something else you could be doing which is more important or significant you would like to commit yourself to. I ask you to search your own soul as you attempt to remember “where you have come from,” where you will return to, and why have you come here NOW to this life at this time?

If you have read this far into this blog, YOU are on a quest to Remember and then to apply the core wisdom you find within your heart and soul. You must find the courage to follow the path less traveled by many others in our culture. Following your heart into service of the Divine is never the easy path but it is the most satisfying in the long run. You are not asked to proselytize a religion or some mind made philosophical belief. You are asked to live as a positive role model, from your heart, and share love and wisdom you remember from your connection as an essential piece of the Universal Divine.

Maybe you are blessed to be conscious of an “awakening experience” (an STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience.)) A momement or an experience where you felt your deep connection with the Divine Spirit and it has moved you to expand your perception on what is possible and how YOU fit into the Divine Spirit’s plan. It may have been subtle and you may not believe it really happened. Or, it may have been a massive shift where it is not questioned but makes you feel like you have been hit with a “crazy stick!” You are not weird or crazy. You are here to answer the “call.” Your perception of your reality is changed forever. (Like a Near Death Experience survivor lives with no fear of death. And, this changes the way life will be lived…)

Do not think you have not had these experiences of awakening. Perhaps you did not trust them. You may have doubted yourself or the experience, BUT, it does not mean you have not been given the gift, and challenge, of seeing a broader consciousness. Everyone has had these moments of connection with the Divine. Your ego and past religious or cultural training has created denial or the barrier for your growth. At some “right time,” you will be ready to accept your “calling.” Then, your new wisdom will become part of the “message” you are asked to share. Tell your story. The “right” people will be blessed to hear your account of this awakening and this will serve their expanded perception. You are a “GIFT!” You are a Blessing! You are a “Master of Your Journey” and a beacon of light in our world! Shine bright! Light up the path for others to follow!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Surrender Experiment

Michael Singer has written a book entitled: “The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life’s Perfection.” Michael Singer is also the author of the best selling, “Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself.” Interesting that both are his personal story about his “Journey” and I have recently written about the process of living, “the Journey,” as more important than the outcome. But that is not what this blog is about.

In his recent book, Michael writes about “Surrender” to what life and Guidance throws at you. He describes many acts of Surrender as he moves through his life to become a multi-millionaire, meditating hippy. It is a true story and I loved reading it. BUT, some people are willing to actually take the next step and to clear their mind of Judgements and surrender to what Guidance throws at them. My friend and mentor, Rodger Ruge, and I engaged in this experiment. In our own way, we are taking what presents itself (from “Guidance”) and then agreeing to work on these projects to the best we can do. Rodger has taken on healing our first responders, law enforcement personnel, emergency services, and military to assist our “Heroes” to maintain health and wellness and to minimize the impact o PTSD on their lives. His project, “HeroTalk,” offers great service for our Vets and law enforcement Heroes. I have taken on this project called Masters of the Journey (there is that word again) to build a supportive community around consciousness development. Recently, I seem to be taking on another Guidance driven role of “Healer.”

Rodger and I both agree that the surrender to these projects is amazing, nurturing for our souls, and a challenge which we do not understand where this will lead us in our lives. This commitment feels great and, of course, challenging. Are you open and available to act on guidance? Are you willing to find life satisfaction even if you are moving into a very different life focus and direction? Read Michael Singer’s book and consider releasing judgement so you can surrender to your adventure of the lifetime. Perhaps, you think that this is not possible for you RIGHT NOW. But, this will open doors for you to consider how to be happier in your life!

If you think that this does not apply to you or that you would never follow a path less travelled, then you missed your adolescence, romance, adventure travel, and many things which create the “stories” which give your life depth and substance. If so, I am wishing that some day you live your life instead of watching from the couch or the sidelines! YES, that is a Judgement, but I hope it gets you motivated to jump in and swim with more of the beauties life has to offer. YOU deserve it. WE need YOU!

Secret, but not a spoiler, Michael Singer pushes meditation to quiet the mind and to reduce the strength of “Judgement.” You can “Say Yes” to life and find satisfaction in completely life course changing ways. This perspective is wonderful.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Struggles of Life: Coming Into This World

Being born and thriving in the world is full of struggles and challenges. It is this challenge that is our purpose for incarnating. Struggles come with the territory of manifesting in Human Form. We have enough consciousness to make physical and emotional survival an interesting process. Born helpless, we rely on parents or adults to feed us and to teach us how to survive. As babies, we offer these caretakers the opportunity to give unconditionally to a tiny human with the hope that this child will survive long enough to enter their own period of adulthood. (Though, sadly the unconditional love piece is often missing… And, surviving to adulthood is NOT guaranteed.) This set of struggles to be born, to be raised, and to participate in our life’s lessons is what life, as a human incarnation, is about. We are often conscious enough to know the challenges and lessons as we are caught up in them. Young parents adapt their lives to accommodate their babies (hopefully.) The parents are tired and emotionally tested. Sometimes they wonder why they chose to have children enter their lives and to distract them from other life issues. Most parents will eventually love and appreciate the struggles of their babies and perhaps all of the other souls who participate in this challenge called life (on Earth.) It is never without drama. It is never done error free. It is a learning and balancing act. The bond of the relationships in families is often forged as one of the strongest emotional bonds we humans can experience and we can pay the emotional price when a family member transitions from life (dies.) Coming into the world always ends with a transition out of the current worldly existence. This is a certainty we can not elude or change…
Love and appreciate all days and moments, and the souls you bump into.

The miracle of birth and of the growth of the physical and emotional being is always surprising. The joyful good times are fun and the pain of life traumas are scars which all concerned bear and must learn from. We all have our scars and life’s travails are so very important. We are all born unique and as our lives develop we have our individualized lessons. The goal is to be as conscious as possible and to share the wisdom we develop from life’s experiences. We are here to learn and to share. We are here to Love and to support the fellow pilgrims we meet. If you “circle the wagons” and keep from sharing your story, you may miss some golden opportunities to grow by teaching what you have learned from your struggles.

Life as a human is not supposed to be easy as in a fairy tale. Yet, when we come closer to enlightenment, we might find joy in even the most difficult challenges we confront. A wise friend of mine reminds me often of the great honor it is to live and to work through the struggles we negotiate along the way. Every moment is a blessing, if we allow ourselves to view the event from a spiritual perspective… AND, that is a Big If…

Find Joy! Live in Joy! You are a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit! YOU, like all life on this Earth, are a MIRACLE!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What Good Comes from Tragedy? Your Perspective and Experience

Have you ever experienced a Tragedy? Of course you have. Whether a personal tragedy or one you were challenged by as a person in our culture, you have. It is common to be sad, upset, angry, frustrated, emotional, confused, or in denial AND you have been emotionally impacted. A terminal illness and death of a younger friend has triggered the memory for me of the terminal diagnosis given to my wife 15 years ago. We were confused, upset, angry because it was not fair! My wife did not deserve this diagnosis. She had so much to live for. She had lived a “healthy” lifestyle. She was a “good person” dealt a “BAD” hand… She tried everything to alter the outcome and was able to out live the prognosis by a lot however, she did not survive. This difficult challenge brought my wife and I closer together as a team. She learn to trust me in ways impossible prior to this illness. We shared experiences that no couple should have to experience. AND, we learned so much. 6 plus years since her transition from this life, I am left to reflect on what has happened to my wife and to our lives and how I can use this difficult learning.

For a moment, resist the welling emotion you are feeling. Perhaps the feeling of sadness or your fear generated upset. Though I would NOT wish this situation on anyone, or any couple, or any family, or any community of friends, I will say that this was such an important learning challenge for ALL of us that I would find it difficult to wish life had turned out different. I miss my life partner and lover of 28 years… There has been a huge void in my being but I have also known the great gift learned from this tragedy.

I am not alone in having a tragic event in my life. We have all lost friends or family members or relationships or careers or homes… We have all faced these tragedies with a range of emotions AND we have all learned from these experiences. Now realize, that from these tragedies you are a changed person AND you have to now share the knowledge or wisdom you have gained from these difficult events. You can wallow in your grief. You are entitled to a period of adjustment. You must tend to your emotional scars. BUT, you must learn, adjust, and move on into the next phase of your life. Perhaps, you will need to be a mentor or a guide to someone else who is experiencing a similar tragedy or loss. By telling your “story” you offer perspective, information, and support for the witness and YOU benefit from getting greater clarity in the act of sharing this experience. You can be a beacon of light guiding others through a dark time. Remember, we learn more from the “dark” times than we do basking in the light of happiness. This is sad but true. Your perspective and experience can be of service to the community and to the world. Consider this a value for the price you have paid by surviving and learning from your tragedy.

YOU are a Master who has been forged out of the depths difficulties to serve other pilgrims you meet along your path through life… You are a Blessing! Your Gift to the World is YOU!

Are you ready to step up and be the beacon? You can do this in a silent vigil or shouting out to the crowd. As a survivor of a tragedy, you must tell your story. Just as NDE (Near Death Experience) survivors return to re-integrate back into their bodies and their lives with the Purpose to share their experience of the overwhelming Grace from the other side of the “veil,” YOU are returned from the depths to share your story and guide others through their challenging experience.

Thank you in advance for your sharing your story. Consider, if appropriate, sharing this blog with people who are struggling with tragedy.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Stranger in a Strange Land: The Value of the Stranger

Have you ever felt like you were a Stranger in a Strange land? I knew I did NOT fit in… Not with my family. Not with my classmates. Not with my culture. I was an outsider in search of my home, My place in the Universe. This feeling was there, though in the background. This feeling did not make my life “bad” but it lead me to engage in a quest for where I “belonged” and what I was “supposed” to do with my life. I doubt that feeling like a stranger is uncommon. In fact, it is very common as we feel our way through our teenage years searching for direction.

Guidance led me to choices in my life which were my special challenges and unique experiences. I am not alone in this, but I have learned to trust my gut feelings and followed interesting adventures, guided by my gut. Guidance has protected me for unknown reasons and my gratitude for this support pervades my consciousness. This drives me to learn from my life experiences to be of even greater service. I have learned that I am here to share love by connecting to other souls and for listening to their passions and stories.

Being a Stranger in a Strange Land forces me to move forward to learn and to know more about this strange land and culture. Then my goal is to learn how best to serve by being of help to increase consciousness. This leads to increase the fabric of connection and shared unconditional love… As an outsider, a stranger, I can observe, hopefully without judgement, and then I can learn and develop better strategies for the information and wisdom to be shared through teaching by sharing stories. The world needs more wisdom shared by outsiders with the gently shared perspective which gradually alters the consciousness of those souls touched by these sharings. Humor often helps make the “medicine” go down more easily. Offering the perspective of a respectful observer is not always easily accepted but can be most useful for the best outcome. (That is why companies pay big money to outside consultants to assist in finding the best strategies for developing or producing the company’s product or service.) Yes, “fresh eyes” can offer a new way of thinking.

Not fitting in is a good thing though not always the easiest path to follow. It can be lonely. You can feel unsupported. I would rather be an outsider than caught in the trap of participation and acceptance in limited or superficial behaviors which can block the focus and acuity to find, and know, the necessary path for positive change and growth into higher consciousness. Though this may sound like a judgement, impatience to enhance conscious living demands a somewhat critical perspective…

Be not attached to the outcome… There is no way to control how the other soul will react. There is no way to force consciousness.

The paradox in this belief regarding being an outsider is that we are actually all intimately involved. We are connected and not alone. As we are all interwoven, the stranger may appear to be an outsider but at the same time completely connected and “One” with every soul. Also, Everybody is special but not everybody knows it it, yet…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Spirit Which Burns Within

Whether you know it, or not, embers of the “Holy Spirit” smolder within you.

Breathe in and fan these embers until they begin to glow and then burns more brightly until they finally burst into the flame of unconditional love.

They burn with a light whose brilliance brightens the darkest corners of the Universe.

They can burn white hot with the wisdom, acceptance, gratitude, freedom, and connection to all the Divine Spirit includes… They can heal with the Golden White light of the Love they were born within. The core of the Divine is Love! Look to find this light of Love burning within each, and every, person you encounter. We are all on the path together and will benefit from supporting each soul’s journey. Dwell in the “Present” and shed the sadness from the past and the Fear/Anxiety of living in the (Unknown) Future… When you can appreciate every moment in the “Present” you will find loving acceptance and gratitude of the challenging lessons in which you are engaged.

You are a Master and will find a way to Remember the “Perfection” which dwells within your soul. As Don Ley says, know that your life in the current incarnation is “Petty” compared to whom you really are. You are SO MUCH GREATER than your mind can imagine! You are a blessing and an Essential piece of all of Consciousness. You have made an agreement to come back to your current manifestation (incarnation) to learn from your challenges and, as importantly, to assist the other pilgrims you touch along your path through this life.

This message was channelled from guidance and may be valuable to consider. Support for you on your personal pilgrimage may be found by connecting with Masters of the Journey. Please remember to celebrate in joy each lesson you confront and all the souls you bump up against as you tumble around in this warm dryer called life.

Clarity and poetry in comment by Don Ley:
Hi John.

I just read this over and I think it’s great. As for quoting me… now you’re running a big risk, because I’m liable to say most anything at any time. I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth. And it gets me in trouble sometimes.

As for this particular quote, I think I was probably referring to how we relate to life, how we see life and how seriously we take everything. It has to do with how much we get caught up in things that don’t make a damn bit of difference in the larger scheme of things, how we think we need to get everything right all the time, and then, perhaps the biggest one of all, how we judge everybody (including ourselves) and everything, as well as the criteria we use to make those judgements (how much education do they have, how much money do they earn, what kind of clothes are they wearing, how do they wear their hair, how fat or skinny are they, and on and on and on endlessly). These things, for me, are some of what created the giggle from the NDE. It’s about how petty we make life. How petty are the concepts through which we are seeing life. And how getting caught up in that pettiness makes us completely lose track of who we are and what we came here for.

Does all of that make this particular life petty in the context of who you really are? Probably. Especially in the way that you used it.
