The Maelstrom of Our Lives

We are living in early parts of 2020. Our world is changed forever. There will be a new normal but we first will have to learn our lessons as we survive, in some form or another, the Maelstrom created by our world’s response to Covid-19. You can ask, Are we victims of this virus or just actors in the play which has lessons for our planet Earth and the humanity who appears to be the main characters in this Reality Show? Brutal like the “reality” TV show “Naked and Afraid.”

Many of us are in fear or controlled by our anxiety. Some of us pretend to be in control and oppositional to this world-wide crisis. Some of us are looking for the right prayers or meditations to neutralize this virus and its rampage on our “regular” lives. Some of us are oblivious or under the influence of our medications of choice. Some of us stare death defiantly in the eyes. We have heroes. We have victims. We have heroes who are victims. We have drama and a set of circumstances never before seen in the age of instantaneous world-wide communications.

Perhaps there are even a few people of consciousness who maintain equanimity in the face of raging media, stupidity in leadership, and personal concerns to their lives, their health, their wealth, their lifestyles, their communities, and their belief systems. Some day in the future, all this may be explained or understood better than it is today in the midst of this craziness. BUT, do not miss the opportunity to view these travails through the filter of “what can we learn from this situation and how can we serve by sharing any wisdom which comes our way.”

Trust me (but why would you trust me???…) things will get worse for our world before they get better. (Written on April 5th, 2020.) Health will be jeopardized. Finances will be crushed for most of us. Lifestyles will be forced into unfamiliar territory. Our emotions, our thoughts and our spirits will be tested because this is Big, as big as a world-wide transition can be, for our modern world. And, my hope is that humanity will learn new lessons of interdependence and support for humanity which will go far beyond our national borders. We are all in this together. We are in this for the long haul. And, we will need each other as never before. Even our Earth will be healed or it will take out the human civilizations as we have known these to be.

I am trying to think beyond a “Doomsday” scenario. We have an opportunity to expand our consciousness and take steps closer to an enlightenment on this Earthly plane. But, much testing and difficult challenges will be experienced. Political and economic structures will be altered or we will be headed for extinction. And, I do not say this to be an alarmist or as a negative prognosticator. We have an opportunity to learn in consciousness and to grow. There will be desperate, angry, fearful and anxious people who will fight to maintain our old institutions even if this means “mutual assured destruction.” (MAD)

This will be GREAT! Be aware. Be “Present!” Meditate and listen to the deeper wisdom of “Guidance.” Be willing to serve. And, do not fear death because this can get in your way and make the Joys of life more difficult to find. May you find the Divine Spirit within you to give you confidence and solace. Face and love the maelstrom. It can be the miracle we are looking for. (Where possible resist the fear mongering of the media and crazy self-serving leadership…)

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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