Let’s Get Started!
Do You have a story to tell? More importantly, do YOU have Wisdom to share?
Of course you do…
We all have a story. We were born. We grew and lived our lives. AND, we survived until Now!
95% of us do NOT think we are amazing and special or that we have lived the “Heroes Journey.” But, we have! If anyone heard your full story the witness would ask, “How did YOU survive all those challenges?” Most people would NOT want to have gone through what YOU had to go through to get here… The fun exciting things and your successes would be fun to try on… The painful challenges, failures, difficult lessons, and the dramas you have survived would be too difficult for most mortals. Now, you learned more from your failures and painful experiences than you did from being successful, IF you are honest and like most other people. Even if you would not wish these difficult experiences on anyone you loved, and most other people who may mean less to you, YOU survived and there is knowledge and some Wisdom to share.
For me it was the ending of my marriage. My wife and I were 19+ years into our marriage when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was given less than 5 years to live with stage 3 C ovarian cancer. The surgeries and chemotherapies were horrible. We worked together and with her resolve, and all the alternative therapies she could find, my bride lived 8 and 1/2 more years. This experience made us closer! We shared love and experiences that each became an adventure. I would NOT wish this on anyone! But, I would not trade this experience, if I could. I learned so much! And, the great vacuum in my life when she finally “transitioned” was so much greater than I could have imagined. Even though I had 8.5 years to prepare, I was not prepared for the hole in my life AND this was one of the greatest learnings from my grief that I hold so dear. I do NOT want sympathy! I am not a victim! I was blessed with a love and a learning that taught me so much. AND, this learning is supposed to be shared!
Your wisdom born out of the difficult challenges has happened for a reason. You learned some important lessons. You are now here to share your wisdom AND somewhere there is a person who NEEDS to hear your story. You may not know that person or why they need to hear your story but they do need to witness you as a survivor and fellow pilgrim on the path through this life.
We want to overlook ourselves as the Miracles we are! We are a composite that is unique, born out of the challenges which no one else has lived through. No one else can do YOU like you do YOU! Your life adds to all consciousness as a unique contribution. If you can take responsibility for your Greatness, drop the role of “victim,” and find the importance and the Joy in the lessons you have learned, YOU can be the Beacon of Light to people you bump into in this life!
It would help greatly for you to start telling your stories. Practice telling these stories. AND, then find the people who would learn best by witnessing your stories. You can be a hero! You can lead the way! You can be of service to humanities’ consciousness by sharing of yourself! You may never know how impactful you have been or be able to take credit for a life changed by hearing your story. But, if you do not tell your story it will die with you and your full legacy may not be fully fulfilled.
Live fully and Serve by sharing of yourself. YOU benefit from retelling your “story” from the new perspective of who you are Now! You are a Miracle and Your story has value! Please share your wisdom!
Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog