No Stress in the World

Wait a minute… The world seems full of stress. Why would anyone say there is NO stress in the world? In 1981 I wrote the book, Guide to Stress Reduction, which is still a download from Amazon in its latest edited version… It was written to serve. It was written to offer many stress management techniques you can learn/experience to manage your body’s response to life. Obviously, I am going to get wealthy from this advertisement BUT I will NOT hold my breath on this expectation. BUT, this is NOT what this blog post is about. As you look around, do you see any stress? Or, do you feel any stress? You are certainly free to see and feel all the world stress you want…

This sounds like gibberish and if you do not have any spiritual consciousness IT IS! First fact, the things in life you care the most about but you can not control, can cause you to experience the most stress. From a human perspective this is true. From a spiritual perspective where you remember that your soul is perfect and a part of the Divine Spirit, you can “care” about “things” but not necessarily get caught in the human emotional dilemma of stress. Why you may ask? Because everything is “Perfect” in the Higher Realms. You are perfect. Every human event is “perfect” as a challenge you can learn from even if your human body experiences human emotional or physical pain. In a higher spiritual perspective, human lives are filled with awesome experiences for testing your learned wisdoms. In reading Viktor Frankl’s famous book, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Dr. Frankl explores the traumatic human life experience of a World War II Nazi prison camp and reflects on a “learning” which came to him from this experience to become a learning moment for all humanity. By human definition, his experience was terrible! From a higher spiritual perspective it was perfect and a learning which has raised the consciousness of millions of other humans.


The opposite of Love is Fear. You can choose Love or learn your human lessons living with Fear. Humans often, maybe usually, choose Fear because this is the “Drama” we have chosen to live within as humans on our Earth plane. We love drama. Our media plays off our Fears to hold our attention. Our politicians plays off our Fears to hold our attention to get us to vote for these power seekers. Our advertising of products and services plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to sell us stuff. Our religions plays off our Fears to hold our attention and to keep us donating to their cultish religious institutions. This list goes on… FEAR generates our emotional response called stress… With less power given to fear, we can change perspective on what many humans consider to be stressful. Heck, death is not even the enemy from the higher spiritual perspective and THAT is what humans find, at the core, as the most fearful (and stressful) of concepts. Why, because the human mind and ego die and do not go to the higher realms as easily as our perfect souls…

Being most “Present,” or said differently, “in the moment,” can help you manage your stress. If you can have the perspective of not being stuck in past traumas or dramas, life will be more a positive adventure. If past fears stick with you like PTSD, you may hold past emotional and maybe physical pain which will skew you enjoyment of the perfect moment you are living. Easier said than done. And, many of us love to play the “victim” to the past so we can have excuses or share our past pain with other people we bump into. This a great way to teach others what not to do in moving forward with life. Also, if we get caught up in the anxiety of not knowing what will happen in the future, we stress in this fear. Human three dimensional thinking forces us into linear thinking where we believe that past and future exist… Higher consciousness tells us that only the “present moment” exists but our primitive human minds can not be as expansive to know the fun as we can do in the Higher Realms. This makes adventure travel in human incarnations most interesting. (And, finding “Joy” in each moment, each experience, is a goal when seeking Spiritual Consciousness…)

This brings us to the next tip… Do not take life and stress too seriously. Again the fear of death plays into our human consciousness when we consider our human lives are actually serious… Our souls are enjoying all the human dramas we create and uses these to learn and grow. Or, we are here to assist other souls in their pilgrimage of spiritual growth. Every interaction we have is designed to be a “learning” experience for all the souls involved. So, treat every interaction as if you were interacting with God, because you are. Yes, even the soul you see in the mirror. Also, remember that we are all in this together. An example from my life, when my wife passed away from Ovarian cancer in 2012 it was a very difficult experience for me and my family. AND, I learned so much and have shared the story many times for the perspective and enhancements other souls can have from our shared experience. (My experience of loss and grief has been a helpful, and common, thread for all of us to share.)

This leads to the final tip for this blog… Look for the Joy and the Wisdom to share from every human life experience. Yes, even from the dark and difficult experiences. Perhaps, even the most from the dark times. Yes, find the Joy and the Wisdom from human painful times and assists others who can raise their consciousness by hearing about your perspective in traveling through the darker times… Be the Light in the darkness of human despair as you serve by guiding others from your sharing your wisdoms.

Death and stress are NOT the enemy. These are things to consider and to move through in your human lives. Do not miss any opportunity to learn and to grow in consciousness. Avoid falling into the trap of avoiding the special moments because you have created fear. What is the worst that can happen???

There is No Stress in our world but the stress you want to perceive for your own challenges. It is a matter of perspective.

You are a Miracle!
You are the Perfect Soul standing before me radiating Divine Unconditional Love like the Sun sharing its light and energy in its life giving way.

PS… If you want debate the fear of dying with me, then do your homework and read the accounts from Near Death Experience survivors. You may resonate with their change of attitudes regarding death and of living after their NDE’s. Perspective of this message will change your life, if you allow yourself to release the drama of this fear…

What Would You Tell a Third Grader?

This month, September, 2022, is also “Senior Month,” I am told. We just celebrated “GrandParents Day” this past Sunday, which was wildly ignored by my children and their children. It is not a big commercial event so our culture seems to downplay its importance and celebration. So what? This year “GrandParents Day” came out on the second Sunday of September and coincided with the celebration (???) or recognition of 9-11… Anyhow, our local Senior Center wants to begin a “Wisdom Sharing” between Seniors and elementary school aged kids. The director has found a third grade class to participate. The Senior Center will videotape Seniors offering a message in the form of answering a simple question to be recorded and played for this third grade class. The young students will then be video recorded offering their response to be played for the Seniors. A cross-generational wisdom sharing experience. I LOVE this idea.

But, if I were to consider what message I would want to record for a third grade class my thoughts run far afield. My first consideration is to what a third grader would benefit from hearing and what level can these wisdoms should/could take… Next, I question how serious or how fun I should make my presentation as a senior in my 8th decade for students in their first decade of existence.
What would YOU like to convey???

1. Be Present…
2. “Know thyself”
3. Be of service or at least a Blessing in every interaction
4. Travel more so to expand your perspective on Life and to visit other cultures
5. Stay connected to the Divine and Remember where you have come from and to where you will return (Maybe a bit much)
6. You are a “Miracle” and “Perfect” just the way you are…
7. And, YOU are Loved…
8. Find “Joy” in Every experience and then share your wisdom freely
9. Follow your path and not the path others have suggested for you…
10. Never Miss an opportunity to share your Love and hug your family and friends…
11. Love Mother Earth and All Life on Our Planet… Enjoy Nature and visit natural settings regularly
12. Turn off your media… Learn to Meditate… Learn to Really Listen… Respect other people’s attempts at communication without interrupting…
13. Respect Knowledge and Wisdoms by being “open” and available to new perspectives. Question your Sources of Information!!!
14. Laugh Freely… Smile at the people you meet along your path. And, Say Thank You!

There are so many thoughts which flood my consciousness. I am just getting started. BUT, which of these thoughts would YOU find in agreement or what might you add to this list???

YOUR story and YOUR Wisdom are important and should be shared… This is a service YOU can provide. Especially, if you keep your witness’s learning in mind and not using this interaction to just spew your ego driven thoughts…

And, if you think this has value, where will you find the audience to share your wisdom with???

YOU are Amazing!

Weddings Make Me Wonder

This month, August, 2022, there is a wedding in my family to attend and to wonder about… I do not wonder about the relationship between my older son and his fiancé. They are a decent match and both will benefit from getting married and having each other in their lives. What makes me wonder is before and during weddings is there any real consideration of the future for these relationships. Now, do not get me wrong, marriage is a good and necessary thing for couples in our culture. There is the legal bonding. There are financial benefits. There is the official acknowledgement of their loving relationship. There is the focused celebration with family and friends. There are the wedding gifts and the thank you notes. There is the planning and expense which some people enjoy… There are plenty of good reasons in the present moment to join in a documented relationship…

My wondering comes from my personal experience of marriage. I married my Bride, Barbara, in August of 1984 in Santa Rosa California. We were married in the backyard of a person I knew who offered a beautiful setting for us and the family and friends who could attend. It was hot. It was a lovely memory filled event with interesting and weird stories. We were committed to each other and remained committed until my Bride left her human form in January of 2012. We shared love, parenting, travel, financial challenges, lifestyle changes, health challenges, all in ways I would not trade. But, I never stopped to consider the end game. No consideration before or during our wedding. No real consideration for many years during our marriage. In the last 8 years of our marriage, after we received a “terminal cancer” diagnosis did the “end game” face any scrutiny.

Now, after my Bride left our relationship and I was left alone to consider our marriage, I was confronted by some clear and undeniable facts. No regrets for me, for the record… There are only two ways out of a marriage and these are often not well considered except by the super rich who sign pre-marital agreements to protect their money. AND, this is NOT what I am speaking about… I am considering the natural facts that marriages end in only one of two ways and neither are the enjoyable ways that people look forward to experiencing. There is divorce and there is death. In my opinion, these both seem grim. The death of my wife was a unique experience for me. I had never lost a marriage partner of 28 years and of a relationship of nearly 35 years. It has been my only marriage so I am not really familiar with what divorce offers as a personal learning experience but it has been reported by many people I know to be difficult and often necessary.

Which is why I wonder… should people about to be married consider the “end game?” Probably not! Going in to this relationship fully committed, “for better or worse, until death do they part…” My experience is NOT unique. Every married person lives, or dies, with some level of understanding as they move through the “end game.” Being naive has always seemed to help me, right up until I am confronted by the wisdom I must consider on the back end of my life’s experiences. That is what living our human lives is all about…

And, thank you for baring with me as I vent from my personal, experience driven, wonderment. Life is NOT meant to be a walk in the park or a “they lived happily ever after” reality. The discomfort in losing a person you have loved is an amazing opportunity to discover an empathy to the human condition which can give you wisdom to share. (In many cases this appears as bitterness, anger, or in negative terms, but it really is a unique learning opportunity.) My perspective on marriage and losing my Bride has been shared many times and has offered many people a chance to have a perspective which is often left unspoken in our culture. Do NOT miss any opportunity to share your love with the people you encounter, especially the people most dear… You never know what path your futures will take AND sharing Love is one of the most important things we have come to our human lives to do…

Also, these thoughts are NOT unique to marriage but that is on a front burner for me in these August days of 2022. My Bride will find a way to attend the wedding of her eldest, dear son. And, her loving memory will burn bright in the hearts and minds of her sons, her family, and all who have loved Barbara. Bless YOU on your travels through this human life. YOU are a miracle who has come to mix it up in the drama called human life. In my consideration, do not miss your opportunities to live most fully and to increase your consciousness regarding “Life” with every opportunity you stumble upon or choose to pursue.

Share your Love and your Light as much as you can…

Music for the Soul

The things which sooth us, excite us, heal us, and challenge us are all unique to the person/soul we are. Each of us “marches to the beat of a different drummer.” Though these differences may be slight, none the less, these are different. You are unique as a human and as a soul/spirit. Some people go to a symphony to awaken their Spirit. Some of us go to the gun range for the focus and stimulation we all seem to need in our unique lives. Knowing your unique requirements and how to “appropriately,” find these is an essential step for our adventure through our human incarnations. Hopefully, we find ways to feel satisfaction without impinging on other people. (Sadly, Not always the case…)

What is the music for your soul? Is it loud or soft? Is it available or challenging to find? How much and how often do you require this to be healthy, or even to survive? For me, a walk in the woods is great music for my soul. I can also benefit from a walk on the beach or a hike in the mountains (or hills.) It benefits me greatly to be in the arms of the people I love. Some music sooth me. And, some music does not sooth me. When I find art or creativity to admire, my focused attention can bring joy to my heart. There are times when reading can be stimulating and sometimes healing. Conversation with non-hostile people is a wonderful experience in sharing for me, with or without common interest. Just watching and listening to someone share their deep passion is a blessing for me when I want to interact. Quiet, alone, times of peace and natural calmness can also be times which can help sustain me. There are even times when I am focused on a form of creativity which feel like a healthy journey for me in those moments. And, being “Present” is rewarding and can be healing especially when I have been mentally or emotionally stuck in past thoughts/experiences or future fears…

Each of us can benefit from finding and achieving those moments when our soul is vibrating in the music of life. “Know ThySelf” is attributed to Socrates with the full quote being, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” Some interpret this to mean it is important to know your limitations and possibly what you have YET to learn. And, many of us are lazy and allow other people to tell you what to know, feel, think, and to do. It benefits you, and your soul, to “Know” your own unique needs and requirements and to then find appropriate ways to fulfill yourself.

Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. Support other people in their pursuit to find and fulfill their soul’s need to bask in the music of life… Remember, each one us must walk our own path. Our journey is unique so do not expect to drag another person on all your travels through your human lifetime. When you are acting in the genuine moments of your life, “Dance Like No One is Watching…” Be willing to “let go” and not to attached to the moment or the outcome. Delight in that special, unique moment and then move on… Along the way, take full responsibility for what you have created, be it most positive or what is judged as challenging, painful, or difficult. These are YOUR lessons. Keep your eyes open and focus upon the horizon as you look to expand your wisdom and awareness. And, “Know Thyself…”

When those special moments come and you resonate with the Music of Your Life float with the current in this moment in the River of Life. (Yup, be buoyant and float with reckless abandon!)

You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle! And, whether your mind knows it or not, YOU are Perfect!

What is “Really” Going On?

Once upon a time… I imagined that I had “It” figured out… But, now, I am not so sure.

I wonder what is really going on…
There was once a time when it used to seem like I knew what was going on and now the more I know, the more I realize how little I understand what is really going on. Life spins and this roller coaster ride, though entertaining, does not seem to be as clear as my brain can handle. It takes living and experiencing many things to learn how little you know.

It is not that life is a mystery. (Which it is…) It is that our human minds cannot fully comprehend the full magnitude of what life is beyond the three dimensions. Yes, there is more than we can figure out with our linear minds when caught up in the limitations of space and time.

Sometimes I have a sense of peace when I can accept being “present” and not attempting to be “in control” of the uncontrollable life I am living in my human drama. For me, I simply observe in a nonjudgemental way. (Very occasionally.) I can attempt to remain in a state of Equanimity regarding the crisis’ and upheavals which human drama manifests. I look for a more simple pattern of appreciation and Gratitude for the “Miracles” which cross my vision (or other human senses…) BUT, (Big But,) most of the time I want to “understand” what I can not understand.

My mind and ego want to most fully understand and control every situation because these parts of me feel safer when I come up with an “understanding” and can pretend to be in control of the difficult life situations and interactions which I stumble into.

The “bottom line” is that every situation, every interaction, and every human drama is a perfect moment to test out my consciousness and my developing wisdom on the human plane of existence. When I can find amazement and joy with a “Beginners Mind” in these experiences, as a baby/toddler does when they begin to explore their world, then I might temper my fear and anxiety. Perhaps, I can even surrender into the moment to most fully appreciate how weird and wonderful being a human can be.

When I can elevate my perspective to a more broad view, I can find and then celebrate the human drama which I find myself within.

Beyond this incomprehensible conundrum, as we play our roles in our human dramas, PLEASE know that you are Loved. You are Perfect! YOU are a Miracle! Though other humans we bump into may not say it, YOU are NOT alone. YOU are an important piece of the Divine Spirit. Thank you for being you.

Reflections from Christmas 2021

For My Grandsons – Christmas Day, 2021
For Milo (Age 3) and Max (age 7 months)

AND, for everyone encountering these thoughts…

Today, my Christmas thoughts for you include sending my Love and the gift from 36 years ago of welcoming your loving Father into this world. At the time, those years ago, I did not begin to consider that your dad would be a father someday or the awesome father he has turned out to be. His Mother raised him “right.”

The world you are growing up in has huge challenges that you can not conceive of as I write these words. Today, you are sweet and innocent with lots of growing and learning to do. Time, life experience, and your parents will take care of your learnings. You are perfect! You are Miracles! And, You are the Blessings of your ancestors who walked this world before you. Your linage is one of teachers, guides, and souls who have come to serve… Within you is a radiant and unique soul which will find a path for you to be the loving lights to guide the others you encounter. In fact, we are ALL here for this same reason, though some of us are more consciously aware of this and wear it closer to the surface.

You are cast in the roles of boys who will grow up to be active and probably leaders in your community, maybe, even the world. We are proud to be a part of your human experience and support you as best we can. You will find and follow the path which guidance steers you toward. You may even think, early in your lives, that you are making independent decisions regarding the life direction you choose. But, if your experience is similar to mine, you will discover that unexpected, unforeseen outcomes will direct you and determine the great value you will have in our world. There is no way to shirk your purpose… (And, there is no way for your mind/ego to take full responsibility (or credit) for every direction your life will pursue… Divine Guidance happens!)

You are Loved! You are protected! You are Blessed! Perhaps, when the time is right, you will meet, and know, the spirits and higher souls which surround you and who offer you their support & guidance. You are an essential piece of the Divine Spirit and have come into this life to be a part of a larger human drama. Find Joy in every life experience. Yes, even the dark or difficult times. You have come to test the Divine Wisdom, and the “Knowing,” which lives within you. When and where possible, share your stories and your learned wisdom freely (and without expectations or “strings attached.”) Embrace your fellow travelers whom you meet along your pilgrimage through this life. And, at the end of your human life, you will be able to release your human limitations and your Spirit will rejoin the Divine Spirit. (Actually, you have never really left or lost connection to the higher realms.) We, your ancestors, will be awaiting you with our loving arms open wide to embrace you. We are all connected and serving the Divine in our original, unique ways. Go towards the light. Remember the unconditional love which is always there for you.

If, and when, you discover these words, these thoughts will work their way within you. Your consciousness will continue to grow until you “remember” the perfection of the soul within you and your connection to all of the Divine. When possible, walk and meditate in a natural setting and be open to receiving the loving support from your guidance. It helps to find your way into the miracle of the present moment, and so, release the limitation of living in the “past” or with the anxiety of an unknowable “future.”

I will say again, I Love You! Be the Light You are meant to be…
And, look for, and find the perfection in every soul you meet. Milo & Max, You both have much wisdom and love to share, if you can allow your humanness to know this…

And, if you have read is posting this far and are not Mr Milo or Mr Max then know that these loving reminders are here and available for you as well. YOU are a Blessing! YOU are Perfect! And… You are a Miracle!

That Time of the Year

It is Mid-December, 2021, as I write. Yes, It is That Time of the Year! In fact, every year about this time is a time of reflection, Gratitude, Giving, and Time with your Community. In the Northern Hemisphere and the PNW, it has short, cool/cold, and damp days. The Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years approach. I am working on my Year-End-Review to reflect upon my past year and for consideration of what might be possible for my future. For me, continuing to get outside and into nature, as weather and my temperament allow, is important for my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. (The shorter, cooler, damper days become considerations for this time spent outside re-connecting with my natural world… Extra layers can be required.)

In reflection of not only my past year but what I can give thanks for in my life is a careful consideration for me. On this list, in no particular order, are: my friends, my family, my health, my freedom, my security (and lack there of), my world, and my Universe, which includes, especially, my connection with the Divine Spirit and all its guidance and protections. Yes, I am blessed! I can easily find the Joy of living with all the dramas of my current life. This reminds me, I spend time and energy each day Laughing, even if what I am laughing at are my own flaws and the awkward relationships I bump into. (Yes, after fear, anger, and my frustrations, I find the humor to laugh at myself and my situations. I do this because I am a imperfect Human with 3 dimensional limitations and taking myself too seriously can get in my way of enjoying the life I am living.)

So, consider gathering your thoughts and feelings to reflect on these past days, and commit to your new year and new directions. Who knows where you will actually end up? The return of the light, after the Winter Solstice, and the dawning of a new calendar year offer you a time of rebirth or renewal. “A New Start,” a “Fresh Start,” and possible new directions to get excited about and to move toward. When and where possible, share your story and your love with your community, no matter where you find it.

Do Not Forget to find Gratitude for what you have! Give thanks AND Share Your Wisdom and Love most Freely. Yes, give it away, unconditionally. The world needs more Wisdom sharing and Love! The Universe appreciates every gift you offer, unconditionally for our greater good!

With the shorter, darker and cooler days of this season, put some energy into these personal reflections. You may be surprise, as you consider your past year, how much has happened and how many lessons you have learned. Cherish these remembrances but do not get too stuck in the “what if’s.” Gather friends and family and share your stories and your love. You can never go wrong when you consider, and then act, upon your desire to serve our Universe. When you give your time and resources, give freely with no strings attached (no expectations of return…) Sorry to repeat myself but in the “Season of Giving,” checking your motivations is often important. Your heart may warm in the thoughts and actions of service…

Come to think of it, if you have read this far, consider that this series of words and thoughts which are strung together in this posting have value for consideration early in every day you are blessed to experience…

Know that YOU are Loved! In fact, You are Cherished by the Divine! You are a Miracle! Thank you for Being You!

Joy & Happiness

Are Joy and Happiness the same or are these experiences different? Recently, I was asked to offer a training session with the focus on bringing more Joy into the workplace. After doing some research “Joy vs Happiness,” I came to some personal conclusions that Joy and Happiness are not the same, in my opinion. The group presentation began with this discussion in small groups and then the groups shared their conversation. It reflected my feelings and was similar to the research which I had uncovered. So, here is what we came up with…

Happiness is often coming as a reaction/response to an external interaction or experience. We see something (or hear something) and we react with a thought of happiness. We smile or laugh and our reaction can come, or go, as our mood in that moment allows. Happiness, or being happy, is GREAT! And, there is the opposite reaction/response where we can think and express “UnHappiness.” We can get “triggered” from interactions which create a feeling of unhappiness.

Joy seems to come from another, perhaps deeper, place. When our heart lights up with a “feeling” or a passion for an experience or perception, we may feel Joy. It comes from a deeper emotional feeling. Let me offer some examples which came to mind. Are You a fisherman, an artist or craftsperson, or perhaps a musician? When a fisherperson catches a fish, they experience happiness. When a fisherman walks to a lake or stream in a beautiful natural setting, they feel the Joy. When an artist or craftsperson receives new brushes or pencils or art supplies, they feel happy. When their creativity is triggered by work on their project, they feel Joy. When a musician walks into a music store filled with instruments, they feel happy. When the musician’s passion is expressed in performance, they feel Joy.

The group I was speaking with were managers in the helping profession. Caregivers by choice. When someone calls them and says, “Thank You for the work performed,” they feel Happy. When they go inside and react to the passion they have to provide this service, they know they are using their creativity and expertise to solve problems and serve their clients, they feel the Joy! For my clients who are “First Responders,” their DNA has a genetic code for rushing in to Save people, even through the fears or the dangers. This passion for service gives them a sense of purpose that when considered creates Joy.

As I stated before, there are situations you experience which create a reaction of Happiness. There are times when the situation creates UnHappiness. However, the internal, deep heartfelt feeling of Joy are unique to each individual. And, there is no such thing as UnJoyful. You either feel the passion, the creativity, and the connections through service and the Joy this creates or you do not…

Each one of us, in our own different and unique way, seek to express our passions. We create connections with people or our world and find a celebration which can reach deeply into the world of Joy. When we do what we have come here, to this life, to do and provide our service to all consciousness, we can feel/experience our Bliss, our unique Joy! Nothing external can create Un-Joy for you. So, find your Bliss. Find your passion and share it in whatever form your creativity selects… And, then feel your Joy!

When you wake up in the morning, start by offering Gratitude for what you do have and then look for the Joy which comes from every experience, every interaction, you have. Then, when possible, share your wisdom even if this is a reflection of some difficult challenge. Yes, even the dark places can create the Joy of learning from the challenge and celebration of new found wisdoms which serve you and the people you interact with.

YOU are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! Your soul guards and protects your deepest passions and Joys. Shine light upon these and find the way to communicate and to celebrate your Bliss!

Thank you for being You!


Life’s lessons are created by “contrast.”
Often we might expect our lives to move easily or freely through life experiences and then we hit a glitch. Perhaps a small obstacle or sometimes a great mountain which creates a major recalculation in your life’s path. The contrast from easy, quiet, and meditative to a chasm which must be carefully or forcefully overcome becomes some of the most important learning opportunities. You are tested by these obstacles. The wisdom you gain from your moving through or around this barrier thrown onto your life’s path is a lesson you have come into this life to learn.

In American culture, the English language looks to compare and contrast the objects and activities we experience. Better than, less than, larger, smaller, costlier, cheaper, more solid, more soft, the list goes on with defining things by comparing what they are similar to or dis-similar to. This limited and linear way of defining objects and activities seem easier for the limited 3 dimensional human mind to comprehend. We run into problems when we allow ourselves to be “present” and make attempts to explain emotions, feelings, flavors, or spiritual experiences. For example, how do you explain or define the smell of fresh baking bread? Or, really and fully put words to emotions like love? Sometimes we describe what something is NOT, but this rings hollow. Complicated or complex thoughts or feelings do not lend themselves well to English language definitions.

And, using contrast to define experiences often comes down to saying what something is not or something which seems similar, but is difficult to gracefully define. There is our struggle. Feel things, experience things, appreciate things and then attempt to integrate the full emotion or feelings of these experiences. Do not be lazy! It is work to be present and to sort out a complicated emotion. When we must communicate these feelings, we often turn to psychic expression of emotions which can be transmitted unconsciously. Our communication partner must “resonate” with the vibration you are attempting to communicate. If successful, they will “feel” what you are sending even if the words lack the depth of what you attempt to convey.

And, how do you know where you are on your path through this life without contrast with remembering from where you have started? Whether you know it and appreciate most fully, YOU are moving along your path and expanding your consciousness. By sharing your stories, you can clarify your learnings. You offer yourself and your listener a gift by attempting to share your discovered, or remembered, wisdoms.

Personally, I have learned and developed myself more when I have been confronted by the seemingly negative contrast of a major turn in my life. Upon survival, you can reflect on the situation and grow from the experience. There is much to learn when our “normal and expected path” through life is altered or blocked by a significant contrast. These contrasts are not always negative or seemingly painful, like when you suddenly, unexpectedly, “Fall in Love.” These can be dramatic changes in our “normal” path.

An example which occurred for me 50 years ago when I was barely 19 years of age may symbolize several of the concepts we have just discussed. There are no words which do this experience full justice.
The story: I attended a retreat with some students from UCLA where I was attending college. After “partying” on Friday night, we decided to get serious and do some “work” on Saturday morning. There were 5 or 6 group discussions organized and I “was drawn” (or guided) to attend a discussion on Death and Dying. I am not sure why. At the time, I had not done any research or reading or even much thinking about this topic but I was curious about this one choice in topics. The guy in the front of the room was learning about Kubler-Ross’s work “On Death and Dying.” His leadership technique was to lead a “guided meditation” to find out about Death. This seemed OK. I had NO expectations and I had no resistance. I was very naive about all of this, at that time. So, I followed his guidance and instructions which was to get comfortable, relax, breathe slowly, settle in, and then gently and slowly lift myself out of my body. “No problem” and I went along with these instructions thinking that everyone in the room was able to do this easily. He asked that we drift up and away from our bodies, watching as the image of our bodies got smaller and smaller. So, up into space I went. No problem. At some point, looking down at the speck of my body was not interesting so I turn 180 degrees and headed into the blackness of space. No problem and no fear. I traveled out toward what I considered the direction of death. When I got to what I believed to be half way, I paused. Before me in the blackness was a dark horizon. Emanating from over the horizon was the most beautiful warmth. A glowing warm I “knew” to be “Unconditional Love” and acceptance. In that fraction of a second, I “knew,” or “remembered,” what Divine Love was/is. A feeling of Joy, Freedom, Acceptance, no limitations of space or time, no limitations of consciousness, no limits on communication because everyone already knew everything about me and fully accepted me as a connected part of the the Universal Wholeness. (Notice that all of these words can have an infinite amount of personal interpretations…) It was an instant in my life where these feelings were so strong and clear that I will never forget them, though I am limited in going back and feeling these as if I was fully there. (The clear “thought” of this experience I remember, vividly.) I wanted to stay. I wanted to complete the travel over this dark horizon. It was too wonderful to turn away from. And then, the unheard voice telepathetically said that I had to “go back” for it “was not my time.” I argued. And, I was told “you have things to do and you will be able to return when it was appropriate.” I did not know what that meant or what I was “supposed” to do with my life but grudgingly I turned around and headed back to my body. No big deal. Everyone in the room had done the same. No fear. In fact, with this new consciousness, there was not fear of death or dying. No big deal, I assumed everyone had experienced this. When the exercise was over the guy in the front of the room asked if anyone could share their experience. Since I was one of the youngest, perhaps the youngest, person in the room, I waited and looked around. No one raised their hand. Finally, my impatience lead me to raise my hand and I told my story. The guy in the front of the room started bouncing up and down and looked very excited with my telling of my story. It dawned on me, THEN, that I had been “Gifted” with an amazing experience and my excitement kicked in. I did not know what to do with this experience which was an unexpected contrast to my “normal” life and consciousness. I may never fully integrate this experience into my human life. And, I said previously, this is not something I can pop into any time I want. I have tried. But, the feelings which are not well described, have not been diluted by time. That instant is indelibly etched deep into my life’s memory and life’s experience.

In the years since that out-of-the-body experience (or STE: Spiritual Transformative Experience,) I have retold that story. And, every time it brings up the same wonderful and profound feelings. Though my life’s perspective has changed from experience, I know that my life has been changed from this contrast and expanded awareness. My story resonated with me when I read many accounts of NDE’s (Near Death Experiences.) These “felt” familiar and similar. I have come to feel that these other documented stories somehow validate my out-of-the-body experience from when I was 19 years of age. There are times when I am telling my story or listening to someone’s NDE that we get locked in to the same vibrational resonance. I “KNOW” that when I transition from this Human lifetime, I will get to return to the higher realms and re-experience my Divine unconditional love, acceptance, and connectedness with all in the Universe (and beyond.) This is a huge contrast to what I was taught regarding end of life transitions as a child (younger person.)

Of course there have been difficult contrasts which have added to my consciousness like the death of my wife after 30 years together. Or, the struggle after having my out of the body experience which lead me to leave Los Angeles, UCLA, my home, and all my Southern California lifestyle which lead me to turning 20 in Strasbourg, France and never returning to live in Southern California. The “unknowns” we step into after “contrasts” present themselves almost always require a “stretch” to fit into the changed perspective and lifestyle which is created. Amazing stories to share are created.

You can fit your own life and details into a telling of the major contrasts in your life. Every time you tell or retell these stories you gain in perspective and learn. Your witness is blessed with the possible wisdoms, from experience, you are willingly sharing. A win-win for every participant, if all are open and available for wisdom sharing…

Contrasts can be sharp as in Black and white. They can also be more subtle as in shades of gray. A life of consciousness raising has both. Paying close attention is the sign of one who is moving toward an “Enlightened” state. When possible, do not avoid the contrasts. Learn from new perspectives and adjust your travels accordingly. You have choice and an unconscious need to continue to move forward in these adventures into consciousness. AND, when you are presented with an obstacle on your path through life allow this contrast to offer most fully the learning from this diversion. Sure it feels odd, maybe uncomfortable, but it offers new perspective and possible new wisdoms to live by. The concept “that you can not get the Genie back in the bottle” becomes the twist in your road of life which leads you on an amazing adventure… Along the way, share your stories and your wisdoms…

You are a Blessing! YOU are Loved!

Sharing Your Love

Today, I am considering two friends who are facing life threatening health challenges. As I get older, this seems to happen more often in the world of people I know. My consideration goes to, have I done enough? Have I shared my love? Will there be a feeling of guilt or unfinished business if I should not get another opportunity to speak with these friends ever again, in this lifetime? How should I handle leaving every interaction so no unfinished business is left unsaid? (Should I drop “should” from my considerations?) Perhaps, I am suppose to learn something from having unfinished business. (Should I drop “supposed” from by consciousness and just “Do?”) This makes me laugh but there is “a lot to unpack” in these considerations and I have never used the expression “unpack” before in my postings.

Relationships and interactions can be very complicated. If you are not “sleep walking” through your life, you can become aware of the major reactions and the minor subtleties which occur during and after each encounter. For me, being consciously aware of the learnings possible from each interaction is a great opportunity to learn and to develop. So, I ask again, what could I have learned from my time with my friends which may be the “last” time I interact with them? A simple answer is Do Not Leave My Love Unexpressed… And, how do I deal with my lesson regarding the vacuum created by the loss, or possible loss, of my friend? In my past postings, you may have found that my attitude regarding death and dying is different from the standard cultural response. Death is inevitable. Death is NOT the enemy. No escaping it. And, I can cheer for the soul who is letting go of their human existence even if this creates a huge hole in my life. My sadness and grief is for MY LOSS. They are in a “better place.” I am left behind to deal with the hole in my life.

What is MY lesson from considering the loss of a friend? How can this change the way I look at my life and, possibly, my behaviors? There are no coincidences. There are no accidents. Things happen for a reason though these “reasons” may not be fully, consciously, understood. Life is a series of experiences that you can learn from and build upon, if you even believe in sequential time… (Being “fully present” is a whole other blog posting…) Living is complicated and multi-dimensional. There are so many dimensions your human mind can not be fully conscious of all of these “happenings.” I have been told that the human conscious brain realizes, consciously, only a small fraction of what is going through your brain. Maybe less than 5% of what the brain is dealing with… And, the human brain, in its limitations of 3 dimensions, is only dealing with a very small percentage of what is occurring in our immediate Universe. Wow, so my thoughts and my feelings of each human interaction is only registering in my limited consciousness to only a small fraction of what is actually, “fully,” happening. (I am getting confused even as I attempt to write and convey the thoughts/feelings I am having.)

Time, if you even believe in time, is limited. Our shared time with the people we interact with and care about is limited. It is a part of the challenge we have living as human beings. Below the surface of Universal interactions, there lies a sophisticated and complicated series of wisdom testing experiences we have chosen (at some deeper, soul level) to participate within. Every interaction and every moment is precious. It is better to Bless each Soul we meet for the perfection WE are. (Because they are we…) Perhaps, when we reach an enlightened state, we can “Accept” and even find Joy in each experience we find along our path through our human lives. Easier said than done, for me. And, something to strive to accomplish…

My two friends who are in a fragile state of physical well being are such lovely souls that my human self honors the value they have as they walk this Earth. They are bastions of Love and Wisdom. To me, they seem to serve with every breath they take. Our world is a better place with these souls walking amongst us. The world, even our Universe, is a better place with YOU walking amongst us. Thank you for being YOU! And, in case I forget to say this, I Love You!

Be vigilant in every interaction that, where possible, you leave no unfinished business. This awareness identifies you as developing a higher consciousness, acceptance, and moves you closer to a level of human enlightenment, which we have all come here, to this life, to strive to accomplish…