Forgiveness Sets Us Free

Why be a “Victim?” Forget Blaming and appreciate the experiences which life can bring to you! Then, consider whether you could take this awareness one step further. Challenging events happen in your life. “It” happened for a reason. Can you appreciate the learning created by the event and then Forgive the “difficult” scenario you have survived? You do not have to be a victim to your personal opinion of taking a life event as an emotional personal attack. You found YOUR way into the situation, so take some responsibility and find the best learning from a painful experience. Look for the wisdom to be gained. Share your found wisdom. And, live in a state of forgiveness if you have “enjoyed” carrying around a grudge.

Besides, it takes a huge amount of energy to hold a grudge and to live as a victim. Sure you get attention from sympathetic souls, right up until you project the secondary benefit of living as a victim and your witness decides to bail out on your drama. The emotional capital of demonstrating victimhood can only go so far and is not really sustainable for healthy relationships. (It sounds like I have NO sympathy for the hard times people experience. I do have sympathy AND there is another way to look at the difficult challenges we find ourselves within.) Our lives are filled with Joy if you choose to live in the perspective of finding the miracles from even the hardest of times. That is what we are here, in this life, to experience and to learn from. Yes, test your Divine Innate Wisdom by finding the Joy and the “Best.” When life serves you Lemons, make Lemonade…

From my personal experiences, I KNOW that this is easier said than done. But, when the Sh’t has hit the fan for me, it is very expensive in time, energy, and emotional response to continue to dwell in the anger, anxiety, and the possible negativity. In my life, I have lost sources of love to death and human transitions. The void which was created felt like an impossible hole to dig myself out of AND, with perspective, there has always been a huge lesson to test my innate wisdom. Life often comes full circle and my wisdom can be tested yet again or my new found wisdom can be shared as a service to someone in a similar situation. Example, after my wife of 28 years died from cancer, I was guided to mentor another wonderful man through the death/loss of his bride. Boy, I learned a lot from the new perspective and we both benefited from the mutual support of these difficult life experiences. (BTW: I never “blamed God” for my wife’s transition. I “knew” at some level that this was a time for “brutal” learning.) Of this loss in my life I have often said that I would NOT wish this on anyone else but I would not trade this experience away, there was so much to learn from this difficult test…

The act of Forgiveness is not easy. It requires consciousness and an open, Loving Heart which can accept the situations which to the mind/ego seem most unacceptable. You do not have to leap into painful relationships just to test this concept because your life will stumble into these relationships if you are “supposed” to have them. (You do Not deserve these difficult relationships.) You do not have a “debt to pay.” You simply have another opportunity to test your innate or learned wisdoms. Mindfulness suggests that “Equanimity” is a goal. This does not mean that you can not feel the pain but perhaps find a balance and possibly reduce an overreaction. FEEL it and find a way to know that there is a reason (not always a rational reason) why your life found its way into an awkward situation.

Perhaps, one day, you will not doubt that every rock you turn over in your incarnation was meant to be turned over even if the “darkness” and the “test” seemed most difficult. AND the result of this experience was a “positive” experience to encounter. Take responsibility for each life experience. Then, find forgiveness (and acceptance) if your knee jerk reaction tested you emotionally and spiritually. YOU are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! YOU are Loved!

Consider your life’s lessons (experiences) and possibly find forgiveness within your heart as you feel your way into the Light. AND, look for Joy in each moment you are blessed to know. (Again, easier said than done, for me, and perhaps you…) Feeling Gratitude, even for difficult situations, is an act of Spiritual and Emotional maturity. It is easier said than done. And, finding a heartfelt thank you for the learning which comes your way is important for your growth. And, then share your learned wisdom. Serve others by offering your honest perspective, hopefully, without drama… You are a Master of your Journey with much to offer… Thank You!

PS: In life, I have come across relationships and experiences that I did not fully understand and which felt, to me, that I was betrayed. On these occasions, I do not understand and felt like I did NOT Deserve this kind of treatment. Yet, after my upset, I find the “value” of this experience, even if this is labelled “What Not to Do Ever Again.” A broken heart, hurt feelings, and an emotional beat down are very unpleasant and yet, with perspective, great to learn from… I do not wish these to befall you. Often these seem unavoidable. And, it is said, “What does not kill you, makes you stronger!” At least, wiser. Yes, at the top of my gratitude and forgiveness list are some people who have confused or hurt me with their behaviors toward me and this has been a difficult “work around” when my emotional self was beaten up… YOU are Loved by the Divine Spirit and the perfect souls who show up to support you. Make every attempt to live in their love and light! Life is a Miracle even when times are difficult tests. The light of living in Forgiveness is easier said than done AND this positive attitude leads you toward a higher consciousness which is good for our Universe (and beyond.)

When Someone Dies Do You Bless Them

When someone close to you transitions out of their current Earth born lives do you bless them? Can you find Joy in their release from their Earthly Lives? This can be a very different way to celebrate in the “passing” of someone who you have cared about. So let me ask you again, can you find happiness for the soul who has headed into the Divine? We, who are “left” behind, have our grief and our loss to deal with. We have our mortality and our fears to consider. We have to find a way to the fill the void of our significant relationship’s absence. The unknown of life beyond our human existence can be a scary consideration unless you have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) or some form of an “Awakening” which allows you to know the undefinable freedom and unconditional love available in the Divine.

There have been moments since my wife transitioned (died, past away… from Ovarian Cancer) when I have even felt some envy because she is free and “in a better place” and I am still “stuck” in my earthly life. Stuck is not the correct word but I have had feelings of the possible relief one may feel when the limitations of the body and three dimensional living are “left behind.” When I was 19 years old, young, naive, and innocent, I was guided to have an experience of life beyond our normal human lives. Let’s call it Death. It was beautiful. I felt Unconditional Love, Acceptance, Freedom (no limitations of “time” and 3 dimensional space,) Access to Universal Wisdom, and Connection/Oneness. For me, at the time, I did not want to return to my body. I wanted to stay and to be enveloped in the Divine Spirit’s love and consciousness BUT (I was told) “it was NOT your Time” to know death for “there is still much for you to do.” So I grudgingly returned to my body and my life. That experience from long ago has not diminished in my awareness for the beauty and freedom so briefly “known.” Or, was it a knowledge or wisdom simply “remembered?…”

A part of me celebrates for the person’s soul/spirit when they “transition.” I know the pain and the vacuum created by the “loss” of a loved one or dear friend. But, these human sadnesses are born out of my selfish need for that lost source of love, friendship, or support. I must fill that void and move on with my loving memories of the departed relationship. (Easier said than done…) Normally, I do not chase envy or my own selfishness, so my seemingly inappropriate celebration for the transitioned spirit may seem less than the “normal” response. I do not want to take away from someone else emotional pain or to diminish their human need to feel their own sadness. We all must learn from our losses and the challenges these present mentally and emotionally. My hope is that we can move beyond our fear of death so we may live more consciously in the joy of life.

Sadness and grief are important learning experiences which humans are born to have. We can become more empathetic. Our consciousness grows from our humanness. We learn more about human Love when a source of human love is taken from us. And, the death of a “loved one” is one of the most important experiences we can have. Our sadness and grief are ours to create and to learn from. Appreciate all life and recognize the fragile miracle of life on our planet.

Everyone of us is unique and necessary. The birth of a new soul into our human life is a joy. The struggles in our lives is where we learn and test our divine learnings. Our final transitions from our human lives are a piece of the cycle of life and can be celebrated for the amazing experience which leads to higher consciousness and to our connection, without human limitations, to the Divine.

Different cultures are also unique and have different/unique traditions to honoring the final transition we all face. In my opinion, when we transition we all find our way to the Divine Spirit. And, if you have anxiety about this unknown which prevents you from most fully living, consider doing your research. Speak to a NDE survivor. Read or watch YouTube presentations from a variety of NDE survivors. If you find some resonance with these shared experiences it may lead you to remembering what this experience of transitioning from a human life is or what it can be…

(Note: I was questioned about the “why” and the “fairness” when a younger person or a child dies. I am not certain of all the specific reasons or value for this specific difficult situation, however, some wise, older souls may choose to “reincarnate” for a shorter lifetimes for the intense lessons of the people whom they come into contact with in their Earth born lives. They provide a “service” to those people who are left behind to deal with this challenging loss… Consider this and perhaps this may open doors for your consideration. I hope this does not create new painful emotional responses for you in your loss…)

Finally, when you are not too emotionally triggered by a loss of a loved one, consider the perspective that they are free and in the protection of the Divine Spirit. Perhaps, you can even celebrate and not be consumed by the fear or anxiety of the mortality we all face.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Whose Lesson are YOU Learning From?

Recently, I chose to join a team supporting a friend who is battling with cancer. Have you ever participated in a community of support persons for a family member or friend dealing with a difficult disease? Chances are you have or have become familiar with such a support community. My question to you asks, was there an important lesson for you in your desire to serve as a supporter? In every interaction we share, there is much to learn especially if you are conscious and viewing these interactions with awareness.

So, I discovered, upon my reflecting upon my recent involvement, that my desire to support my friend is more complicated than I care or that I want to send some positive energy. My lesson is a multi-dimensional learning. It does feel good to participate in sending Love or possibly healing energy to my friend but I have had to stop and ask myself why. Why am I involved? Why is my friend sick? What is her lesson in this disease process? What is my lesson in participating in her disease challenge? What lessons, experiences, or information will present themselves so I can increase in value toward the people I bump into in my future? So, how does this expand me with a story to share? I “know” that every person touched by this health event has some purpose and some important lesson to take away.

Caring about my friend is the simple reason and a small part of the answer. My history includes a battle that my wife and I “fought” with cancer over 8 1/2 years and there are many important lessons learned from this past experience that now resurface and contribute to my purpose in involvement in this present supportive community. The “first” time through (with my wife’s illness,) fear and anxiety of the situation and the unknown were on the front burner for me. Now, I can serve as a more experienced supporter or even an elder in the current “fight.” This is NOT about my friends health challenge, it is a test for me born out my past traumatic experience and for the lessons learned. At a level of spiritually, one of my purposes is to see a bigger picture and ask questions which are bigger than simply dealing with symptoms, healing my friend, and the current disease.

Whose lesson is it, really? How is my friend’s condition serving as an important learning process for every one of us who have chosen to be involved? And, with this perspective in mind, how is my friend, consciously or unconsciously, in a broad way of huge service to this extended community of supporters and caregivers. I ask this because I wonder if we all are more consciously aware of the broader lessons, we can ALL find more Joy in the amazing gift of learning we are all participating within!!!???…

Can this drama in life be viewed with less anger, anxiety, depression, fear, and concern for the unknown future if we bear this positive learning in our awareness? Can this positive awareness then bear a positive impact upon the results of this health challenge? This may be too complicated to fully determine in these few thoughts and words. You are participating with your concern and YOU are Loved for your positive intentions and attention.

Finally, no matter the outcome, can we find Joy in the challenge we see unfolding? Are we free to celebrate the Divine Wisdom which is being gifted to us as we plod along in our human drama?

By the way, in my opinion, one of the greatest gifts you can “Give” to another person is the “Gift” of allowing them to give to you… (Not manipulating another person but requesting a sincere assistance.) This can warm the heart of both sides of this request and can create a bond for two pilgrims walking the path through life’s dramas. Create a healing story by giving and by receiving a gift…
Thank you to all the souls who have allowed me to be of service.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

When Wisdom is Wise

I love speaking with people especially when these people have a passion for what they are sharing. I bask in the glow of their excitement and passion even if it is not a good fit for me. Passion is different than Wisdom much of the time. Speaking with people and hearing their stories or listening to memories does not always lead to discovering new Wisdom. There is a skill, born from empathy, which leads one person to share their story where it matches their listening partner’s needs. Your Wisdom may not be wise for another person. And, your interesting story or message may not be as interesting to a distracted communication partner.

I was asked to speak with a man whose younger wife had passed away leaving him to raise a young daughter. Why was this request made of me? Because my life partner, and wife, of nearly 28 years transitioned in early 2012. My struggling friend was attempting to make sense of his family’s loss. We spoke of the vacuum left behind, of which I was very familiar. We spoke about the Spiritual lessons that were available for he and his daughter to learn. My “Wisdom” was to share with him that I had gone through my loss and the grieving process so I could be of service to other people who needed love and support from a “survivor.” I told him to pay attention because he and his daughter would have important lessons, Wisdom, to share at some point in their future.

This example fit for my friend. It offered little in the way of immediate answers but did offer a broader perspective he benefitted from being exposed to. It matched some of his needs. It would have been less effective if my story told him the best way to change a spark plug or how to order online. Yes, Wisdom is in the “eye of the beholder.” No way can I know his pain or his grief or his confusion, but I could support him with my experience of survival and the perspective which I have discovered in this similar type life experience. AND, I learned so much by retelling my story from the perspective of these years since the transition of my bride.

You have value and purpose! You are supposed to offer your support and service to the pilgrims you bump into on your path through this life. When possible, share your knowledge and especially your Wisdom, when your communication partner matches up with your past experience. Your perspective, and this support, is so greatly needed AND you will learn more as you retell your valuable story. Remember, it helps to be empathetic and offer your story if it matches well your partner’s need and if your partner is ready, and willing, to hear it…

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

There Are Times In Your Life

There are times in your life when you need to pay attention! There are times in your life when you can easily find happiness and joy. And, there are times in your life when you have to look very deeply to find the “Joy” when you can easily judge this life event as challenging and even painful.

When you were young, you would look at certain events and embrace the expectation of impending happiness. You might look forward to your birthday or to Christmas or to Summer vacation expecting the fun and the happiness of what would come. Perhaps there was a graduation or a certain trip which would trigger expectations of happiness. Perhaps, a “knowing” that a certain gift was coming and your joyful anticipation left you excited and full of happiness. Certainly, there have been major transitions on your calendar which created assumptions of joyful happiness like: family gatherings, weddings, births of your children, and anniversaries of your treasured relationships.

Happiness is different than Joy! Happiness is an emotional response. What triggers happiness is often superficial compared to what might trigger Joy. Joy is the deepest level of celebration in the soul.

There is always a flip side. Not to be viewed or assumed to be dark or negative but major events that challenge you. These events challenge you to find the “Joy,” though maybe bittersweet, in the transition you find yourself. Highly conscious people will search for, and find, the “Joy” in even the most difficult life situation. Consideration of the Joy in the unfortunate times is more than a simple art form, it is critical in learning from the arduous life experiences we survive.

Yes, there is a flip side to most every life experience. Lonely Birthday’s or Birthday’s celebrated late in life can be bittersweet. Reflecting back on the more innocent early times can be a reflection of what constantly changes in our lives. Christmas or holiday times when missing a loved one can be filled with pressured expectations of the happiness which may be more difficult to achieve. As we age, Summer vacations may be more a test for us as we control our anxiety and work to control some of the negative expectations which may haunt us. Even weddings and anniversaries can cause us to pause and reflect on what has changed in our innocence and the way we view our past youthful naivety.

However, even the most difficult life experiences can be viewed with the discovery of “Joy.” Even in the vacuum created by the loss of relationships or even the death of a life partner or friend, you can find the life message that grows out of these challenges and celebrate this difficult lesson for the “Joy” that can come. The appreciation of life and the memories of past experiences are given perspective which can become “teaching moments” and so wisdom to share. Your purpose in coming to this life is to learn and to grow and to serve other souls you meet along the way. If you have survived a challenging time, even of great loss of relationship, there is a message to share. AND, you are here, in this life, to share your wisdom born out the drama you have survived. Find the “Joy” in every moment, even the seemingly “darker” moments and you walk the path of consciousness and “Enlightenment.”

An example from my life… After marriage of nearly 28 years, my life partner transitioned after living with her terminal Ovarian cancer diagnosis for 8+ years. Difficult times for us, our families, our children, and our friends. I would NOT wish this experience on anyone. I would not trade this experience, in retrospect, for some other possible fantasy ending. My wife and I became so much closer. Our love was tested and not only survived, but grew. My lessons as the “survivor” have changed my life and my appreciation of living, and dying. The wisdoms I was forced to learn have been shared with many people AND these acts of service have created a burning light which leads the way for many other souls who have been touched by our story. This is the JOY which is born from life’s challenges. This is the Joy you must seek from the difficult experiences you are surviving.

These challenges are the times in Your life that are there to teach you. By expanding your consciousness and learning, you can find your Joy in sharing your hard earned wisdom…

Do not get me wrong, every moment, yes, every moment is Joyful! You have to sometimes work a bit harder to find the meaning and the Joy in the lesson you are learning. Finding the Joy in the more difficult dramas is the act of Enlightened Living. It is time to “Wake UP!”

May the Blessings of Insights in Consciousness blossom most freely for you and find ways of manifesting in your sweet lives! (A message from Guidance.)

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Wisdom Sharing: Let’s Get Started!

Let’s Get Started!

Do You have a story to tell? More importantly, do YOU have Wisdom to share?
Of course you do…

We all have a story. We were born. We grew and lived our lives. AND, we survived until Now!
95% of us do NOT think we are amazing and special or that we have lived the “Heroes Journey.” But, we have! If anyone heard your full story the witness would ask, “How did YOU survive all those challenges?” Most people would NOT want to have gone through what YOU had to go through to get here… The fun exciting things and your successes would be fun to try on… The painful challenges, failures, difficult lessons, and the dramas you have survived would be too difficult for most mortals. Now, you learned more from your failures and painful experiences than you did from being successful, IF you are honest and like most other people. Even if you would not wish these difficult experiences on anyone you loved, and most other people who may mean less to you, YOU survived and there is knowledge and some Wisdom to share.

For me it was the ending of my marriage. My wife and I were 19+ years into our marriage when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was given less than 5 years to live with stage 3 C ovarian cancer. The surgeries and chemotherapies were horrible. We worked together and with her resolve, and all the alternative therapies she could find, my bride lived 8 and 1/2 more years. This experience made us closer! We shared love and experiences that each became an adventure. I would NOT wish this on anyone! But, I would not trade this experience, if I could. I learned so much! And, the great vacuum in my life when she finally “transitioned” was so much greater than I could have imagined. Even though I had 8.5 years to prepare, I was not prepared for the hole in my life AND this was one of the greatest learnings from my grief that I hold so dear. I do NOT want sympathy! I am not a victim! I was blessed with a love and a learning that taught me so much. AND, this learning is supposed to be shared!

Your wisdom born out of the difficult challenges has happened for a reason. You learned some important lessons. You are now here to share your wisdom AND somewhere there is a person who NEEDS to hear your story. You may not know that person or why they need to hear your story but they do need to witness you as a survivor and fellow pilgrim on the path through this life.

We want to overlook ourselves as the Miracles we are! We are a composite that is unique, born out of the challenges which no one else has lived through. No one else can do YOU like you do YOU! Your life adds to all consciousness as a unique contribution. If you can take responsibility for your Greatness, drop the role of “victim,” and find the importance and the Joy in the lessons you have learned, YOU can be the Beacon of Light to people you bump into in this life!

It would help greatly for you to start telling your stories. Practice telling these stories. AND, then find the people who would learn best by witnessing your stories. You can be a hero! You can lead the way! You can be of service to humanities’ consciousness by sharing of yourself! You may never know how impactful you have been or be able to take credit for a life changed by hearing your story. But, if you do not tell your story it will die with you and your full legacy may not be fully fulfilled.

Live fully and Serve by sharing of yourself. YOU benefit from retelling your “story” from the new perspective of who you are Now! You are a Miracle and Your story has value! Please share your wisdom!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Remembering the Blessings!

I am posting this blog on January 16th, 2020. This is a message for me, from me, AND for YOU. Eight years ago today, at 8:20 AM, my Bride, Barbara, transitioned from this life. I am Blessed for all of the lessons she has taught me. In fact, I would not be writing this blog or working to create the Masters of the Journey community without this direct influence. Please, DO NOT think or Feel, “Poor John”. I am not a victim! I am a soul, just like you, struggling with life’s amazing challenges. Most of us have experienced the loss of the loved one, a friend, or a relationship. If you have walked this Earth in this life, for any amount of human time, you know how life can change. Times of change are often the most important times of growth and learning.

My Bride transitioned 8 years ago after our 30 years of relationship and after 8 1/2 years of living with Ovarian Cancer. The brutal struggle was filled with Joy and Growth. We grew closer. Our Love seemed to delve into the darkest places of anger, pain, and frustration, yet, it found ways to glow with warmth. For me, the lessons of empathy and the meaning of living while struggling with our human mortality was led by my wife. She demonstrated focus and stubbornness to live as long as she possibly could so her passing-over actually came as a shock to me. Two months before she died from our life together, she asked me to “not forget her” which with a knee-jerk reaction I complied. Not really knowing or understanding this promise which I had made. This is not unusual for me because I am naive about many of the things in this life that I have signed on for.

The void in my life when she moved on was a huge surprise. Though I had 8 1/2 years to prepare, I was taken by surprise. The vacuum in my life was much larger than I could have imagined. This is part of my lesson, my learning, and the message I am here to share. Sure you know that Life is precious. You assume the obvious that my wife of 28 years+ and the mother of my children would be “missed,” but that is not the story. Barbara, in spirit, has guided and protected me since January 16th of 2012. Her “presence” has given me stories to share. She has helped create every act of service I have engaged within. Our shared story lives to be a beacon for others to follow and to learn from.

Never consider any personal loss without reflecting on what you have been asked by the Divine Spirit to gain from a difficult life experience. Find a way to celebrate the Joy of life as you dance through the “mine-field” of life’s challenges. You came here to learn, and even enjoy, the bruises and bumps you find along the way. You chose to create the life you lead with your successes and with your awkward mis-steps… Any losses create the opportunity to appreciate your Blessings and your connections. AND, every person you bump into along the way offers you an opportunity to exchange love and wisdom from experience, even if born out of the pains which accompany you through your mortal life. You are made stronger as you are swept along in the rapids of the River of Life.

Also, find your way to remember the perfection and the Divinity within you. You are a Miracle! Look within to feel, and accept, the guidance of the Divine. It bubbles up, often in a subtle feeling, when you are at the crossroads of your life. You have read this far into this blog post for a reason… You were meant to find this consciousness and to go out and to celebrate the incredible experiences of your life, even with the bumps and bruises. Please share your story and serve by witnessing the story-telling of the souls you meet along the way! Your “Hero’s Journey” continues and your experiences can be of service to the community you live within, if you share YOUR story. By the way, YOU are loved and connected to all the wisdom of the Divine Spirit, just “remember” it and feel it within…

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Love You! I will always Love my Bride, Barbara!!!

Attract Positive: Be Happy!

Be Happy! Easier said than done, BUT…. Your positivity and Happiness will attract positive energy and loving support from the Divine Spirit. No matter what you choose to do or to be, the Divine Spirit will still Love and Support You AND it is an easier task to feel this Love and Support if you are positive and happy. “Like attracts like…” How you choose to be “Happy” in difficult times dealing with difficult challenges is up to you! You choose how YOU respond. You need to take responsibility for your actions, reactions, and the way you perceive your situation. Some people have chosen to respond to difficulties by finding the good, even the Joy, in the lesson they are confronted by. You CAN choose Joy and Happiness.

When you “Ruminate” in a negative or depressed state, you may tend to see life through this filter. You may then find the energy that you are emanating as “Like attracts like…” When you are angry and frustrated, it is difficult to find Joy. It is easier to find more anger and frustration. There is a person who sometimes floats into my activities who rants anger and frustration every chance possible. This attracts more anger and hostile responses which tends to prove this person’s belief. AND, there is no personal responsibility by this individual for their own angry presentation…

There is the distinction in living in higher consciousness. Seeing the positive in a difficult lesson can be very challenging. Taking responsibility for what is happening and how you respond is demanding. This, however, is a test which leads to higher consciousness and moves you toward your “Enlightenment.” What is the direction you choose to take?

Living in Joy is a goal of the Enlightened spirit. We come into our Earthly incarnation to be tested, challenged, and to face the pain of being a human. We come to experience the “Drama” of our role in Earthly life. We learn from these challenges. We grow when tested. Life was not meant to be 24/7 fun. However, for those of us who live in Joy and Happiness a “fun” life can be more consistently lived. When you meditate and begin to remember where you have come from, you can be guided in the most positive direction to accomplish your “learnings.” Sharing your wisdom, experiences, and Joy is a step toward offering the positive support which attracts positivity to you. If you can share with humility, you may prove to be the guiding light for your witnesses.

Hint which may assist you: the practice of Smiling will engage a happier mindset. Just Smile! Smile when you are alone. Smile when you interact with other people in the world. Smile as you look for the Joy or Positive lesson you can learn even in challenging situations. Smiling will trigger a physical response in your brain and stimulate some unconscious responses in your central nervous system. Practice this. Smile when you meditate. My friend Robert discovered how well this has worked for him and I know this is true for me as well. What have you got to lose? So spend some time and energy with extra smiling.

Live in the “Light.” Radiate and reflect the Joy you experience. Expect the positive even in the dark times. (Again, easier said than done.) Example, when grief seemed to limit my expression of joy after the passing of my wife, I was still celebrating her freedom from the traumas of cancer. I was still able to know that our story would serve others. I still found appreciation for all the learning I had been forced to experience as a partner in this difficult shared experience. I experienced the love and support of many friends. Today, even with grief and my pain not far from the surface, I know that I would not wish this on anyone else but I would not trade this experience for a different path.

You are a Miracle! You are a beacon of Love and Light! Whenever possible, bask in the Joy and the Happiness which the lessons of life can offer to you. AND, allow your growth in consciousness to be a bright guiding force you can share with the pilgrims you meet on your path!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Joy in Life’s Challenges

Have you ever set a difficult challenge for yourself and celebrated when you accomplished your goal? Perhaps you wanted to run a 10K footrace. Or, you wanted to lose 20 lbs. Or, you want to master a piece of music and perform it for an audience. What if you set a very difficult challenge and you did NOT succeed or meet your goal? Was the effort and attempting to push your limits worthwhile and a “stretch” which made this effort worth your time and energy? Testing yourself and attempting to “stretch” your limitations is often the most important learning you can have. Life, yes your life, is full of challenges which can ask you to “stretch” and can feel difficult, even painful. The most painful challenges are often the most satisfying when you can achieve your goal. Even when you fail, you can learn, and grow, a lot.

Living can have its painful lessons. We can find the lessons useful and these can broaden our confidence or experience, at the very least. The challenge is to find “Joy” in each experience, even the most difficult. Life is about taking risks and “Stretching” ourselves. Safely sitting on the couch doing familiar activities does not create the learning experiences which can move us forward. When we learn and “grow” we have more to share and stories which, when shared, makes our lives more interesting. Sure, the successes may be more fun to retell but the difficult experiences can have great, if not greater, value to our witnesses. (Perhaps of what NOT to do…)

Everyday is a miracle! You can wake up in a mundane life and have the possibility of stretching yourself and having a most unusual experience or learning opportunity. Look for the Joy in each day, each moment, each interaction so you can celebrate at the end of your day and bask in these treasures at the end of this life. No regrets, live each day…

Pain is something that happens in living. Your “suffering” is optional and your creation. You CAN make the best of any, and every, difficult situation. You can find the Joy in each experience and celebrate the learning and growth you can find in life’s experiences, particularly in life’s challenges. One personal example, after 19 years of marriage, my wife, and my life’s partner, was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. Though I would NOT wish this on anyone, our experience for 8.5 years made us closer and taught me so many important lessons that I cherish these days. It had traumatic moments and incredibly loving moments. The experience made us closer. When my wife finally transitioned from our life together, I discovered a void that I could not have ever known before and learned valuable information which I share when the situation presents itself. My ability to serve has increased tremendously.

I challenge YOU to find the Joy in each experience you are lucky enough to experience. Ask each experience and each interaction, what have I come here to learn and how can I be of service to others from the message I have received?

You are a Miracle! You are a Unique Blessing! Thank you for being you and traveling this path to higher consciousness!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Relationship Commitment: Till Death Due You Part

Relationship commitment, especially marriage, may not be fully understood when people enter into this commitment. I was married at 33 years of age, for the first and only time, and I had NO idea what being married for “Life” could possibly mean. I never really considered the “end game” of marriage…

“Till death do us part” is a part of some traditional wedding vows. This signifies that the married couple intend to spend the remainder of their lives together – They will be parted only by death. “Part” – note that it is used as a verb in this instance. S: (v) separate, part, split (go one’s own way; move apart) ”

My marriage lasted almost 28 years and this “commitment” ended when my wife “transitioned” from this life. It was a transition I thought I was prepared for because we were given her “Terminal diagnosis” 8 and 1/2 years prior to her passing over. One of my challenges after her death, was to understand the “Void” that was created when my life partner of 30 years was not physically in my world. This is not a unique experience. Many people have learned the lessons from “losing” a close friend, or a spouse, or a family member where there had been an official or unofficial commitment. How DO You prepare for this situation? Personally, I admit that when we got married in the Summer of 1984, I had never a remote thought about the “end game.” There are only two ways out of a real marriage which include death or divorce. The two difficult “D’s.” This is not meant to prevent people from considering the commitment of marriage or deep relationships. It IS meant to create awareness and higher consciousness regarding the bonding process and the lessons we all learn from these.

The illness which afflicted my wife (ovarian cancer) and our relationship gave us a chance to grow closer. We weathered many challenging “storms” together and learned much from this experience. This is NOT always the case. For some, leaving a difficult situation with a partner seems like a useful strategy but this never crossed my mind. But remember, the most stressful things in life come when you deeply care or love another person, friend, child, relative, or spouse, AND you have NO control over what happens to this person. Parents know the anxiety, and the rewards, of sending their child out into the world.

You were guided into a relationship with another human partner with no guarantees that you or they or the relationship would last forever. “Forever” is a long time and is too linear. (And, time is a whole other topic for spiritual conversation and belief.) You love, or deeply care, for a person and in being “Human,” there are NO guarantees… They might leave you or get sick and need caring for, or they might need to die. The BEAUTY in all this remains in the fact that you took a risk and were meant to have a relationship with another pilgrim (person) so you both, and all people in your greater community, can learn from this life experience. Not like in the movies where “they live happily ever-after” but in the REAL challenges in living in human form. A range of strong emotions happen. Compromises happen. Communication happens and when this is good communication we learn and refine our perspectives on life. You must be ready and aware of the relationships and the commitment you have been guided to have. This is a huge part of why you are here, in this life, and the lessons you have “agreed” to have…

Love Deeply! Follow your passion! Take a risk! Dance like no one is watching! If you ever meet my beautiful bride in this life as a spirit or in the higher realms, bask in the light of an angel. Death is NOT the enemy, it seems to happen to everyone at some point. Soak in all the unconditional love you find in every “perfect soul” you bump into as you tumble in the warm dryer called life.

AND, if you are challenged by the difficult lessons of relationships in this life, be willing to share your story and the wisdom you have experienced. You are a Master with wisdom from your life’s experience to share.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at