When I meet you for the first time, I am excited! You are a Wonder and a mystery ready to unfold. My “Beginners Mind” sees the “Perfection” in you and knows your soul. I feel your excitement when you share your passions and this feeds my expanding perspective on what is possible. Namaste.
Then something happens. We develop a history and experience each other’s behaviors. Then, and only then, does my mind seek to “JUDGE” you and your behaviors, AND your human imperfections. Then, the lessons begin…
I am tested in an attempt to be an enlightened being in my limited three dimensional human life. Unconditional Love and Unconditional Wonderment give way to human interactions and the judgements that can accompany human relations. My weaknesses are exposed and then require that I defend them. Your Perfect Soul is hidden and partially distorted by your imperfect human body armor and my opaque or the blurred lens through which I view you. We begin the dance of struggling incarnations seeking to find equanimity and then acceptance of each others foibles. But, the only thing I CAN control is the way I react and, possibly on a “good” day, my behaviors…
Thank you for being my mentor. Thank you for being my teacher in my humanness. You are a beacon for me, showing me my lesson. You remind me that we are all “One” but we exist in human lives with a perception of separation which I am striving to overcome. Wow, your behavior pushed my buttons and triggered a very human imperfect reaction. I Love You for triggering me!
I know Love.
I am Love.
But, I am in a human incarnation and find I have not fully learned how to
“Live Love!”
A goal is to “BE Love!”
YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! I encourage you to share your wisdom freely as a great service to the fellow pilgrims you encounter on your path through this life. Yes, share your wisdom even if your experience and wisdom recommends what NOT to do. Never stop the pursuit to raise your consciousness and assisting others in raising their’s. Be the Beacon of Love and Light!